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Can someone tell me why there is a ingame support if

cptviper78cptviper78 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
edited September 2012 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
this support cant do anything to help people?

I reportet a Problem with the "History and Movement" Limited Time Starbase Project.

I payed the 200.000 Dilitium the Project was startet and 1 day later i see its back at 0 not finished nothing but the dilitium is also not back at my account.

So i wrote a ticket and the last answer is, that they cannot finish the project for me, also they cannot pay back the dilitium , they simply can do nothing. Also no information what exactly has gone wrong.

If this was only a Energy Credit loss i would be angry but nothing else, but this is a dilitium lost, dilitium i got for ZEN, so for me its a lost in Real Money, and thats something i cannot accept.

And a support that need around 3 days only to tell me they cannot do anything is a little bit strange. And no its hard to believe for me that the supportet dont have any GM Tools to finish a bugged project or to pay back lost dilitium.

So can someone explain me for what exactly we have a Ingame Support?
Also some explanation would be nice what exactly has gone wrong and why the project was resettet.
Post edited by cptviper78 on


  • aelrhianaaelrhiana Member Posts: 285 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I am in agreement with you. I have been away from the game for about a year and have come back to find it buggier than it was when I left. Not only is the teaming mechanic severely broken, but there seems to be no GM's. I filed a ticket almost 14 hours ago, I haven't even gotten a generic e-mail responde, which in itself is weird.

    I'm currently sitting on a bugged mission that I cannot complete. Let me rephrase...I *can* complete it, but the game thinks I haven't. I have the accolade that you receive at the end of the mission chain, time stamps in the log feature, and screen shots that prove I did in fact complete the entire thing. If they take days to get back to me and say tough luck... I'll be leaving again.

    How this game is currently surviving is beyond me. No GM's, bugged missions that have been bugged for more than 2 years, severely broken teaming mechanic...

    I guess my other MMO's spoilt me... The ones where a GM is generally in game with you and HELPS you with your issue once a ticket has been sent in. I'm used to helparriving within 10 minutes to 1 hour max...none of this 14+ hour TRIBBLE without even an e-mail to show for it.

    Oh, and a friend of mine has sent in two tickets in a year. Neither have ever been responded to.
  • starfleetfcstarfleetfc Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    aelrhiana wrote: »
    I am in agreement with you. I have been away from the game for about a year and have come back to find it buggier than it was when I left. Not only is the teaming mechanic severely broken, but there seems to be no GM's. I filed a ticket almost 14 hours ago, I haven't even gotten a generic e-mail responde, which in itself is weird.

    I'm currently sitting on a bugged mission that I cannot complete. Let me rephrase...I *can* complete it, but the game thinks I haven't. I have the accolade that you receive at the end of the mission chain, time stamps in the log feature, and screen shots that prove I did in fact complete the entire thing. If they take days to get back to me and say tough luck... I'll be leaving again.

    How this game is currently surviving is beyond me. No GM's, bugged missions that have been bugged for more than 2 years, severely broken teaming mechanic...

    I guess my other MMO's spoilt me... The ones where a GM is generally in game with you and HELPS you with your issue once a ticket has been sent in. I'm used to helparriving within 10 minutes to 1 hour max...none of this 14+ hour TRIBBLE without even an e-mail to show for it.

    Oh, and a friend of mine has sent in two tickets in a year. Neither have ever been responded to.
    You complain, but what mission is this? I've had no problems with 90 percent of the missions.
  • aelrhianaaelrhiana Member Posts: 285 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    You complain, but what mission is this? I've had no problems with 90 percent of the missions.

    I'm glad for you. That isn't the case for everyone, nor does it excuse the fact that this game has NO GM support of any sort. Cryptic keeps this up and this game will die within another year or two tops.

    It's the first Romulan arc mission, here is an excerpt of what I posted elsewhere:

    So I started the Romulan missions last night (YAY!) and...the first one is bugged. I can't complete it. And, looking through the forums it seems that I am not the only person with the problem. It took me an hour to complete last night solo, mainly because I still have some difficulties with space combat, but I was happy when I finished and felt accomplished! And then I exited to sector map because it said Hey, you're all done here! I exit and then a pop up hits me, telling me that I haven't finished. I'm like...wha...? I click it and suddenly I am thrust into the halfway point of the mission arc, back to finding T'Par on that desert-ish planet.

    I guess many are having this issue if the whole "argument" between T'Par and the commander doesn't finish properly. When I finished that bit yesterday she was still on the ground and arguing with no one when I beamed back up. Apparently this tells the game that you never finished the mission, and so it gets stuck in a loop or something. But I can't get the stupid thing to work as it is supposed to! Doesn't matter what I do or how many times I run it, it will NOT complete, even if I finish the remaining missions. I wish the GM's would respond to my ticket...I have both accolades to prove I finished as well as time stamps in logs and screenshots. But apparently the GM's (when they bother to respond) just say tough TRIBBLE, and leave it at that.

    I was so excited to do these missions and now I'm just frustrated and wondering why I came back to the game at all. I know I haven't been around in a year or two, but it's way buggier than I remember, way too buggy for an MMO as old as it is. They at least need to fix the teaming mechanic. And the mission I commented on above has been buggy and hit or miss for the last 2 years (going by forum posts)...that should have been fixed ages ago.

    Seriously...this is bad form for the company. You think people are going to PAY for this sort of nonsense? Not even a playable Romulan faction would likely keep me around at this point, and that is something that I have been clamoring for since beta.

    PWE and Cryptic are showing that they don't give two flying...you-know-whats about their customers.
  • drazursouthclawdrazursouthclaw Member Posts: 223 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I can't offer an answer, but I might be able to offer a type of solution:

    If Cryptic won't impress you enough to make you stay, then give the playerbase a chance to! You sound like a reasonable person, and any community can always use more reasonable people.

    I would be happy to play through the mission with you, if you just want to get through it. Maybe having another player can make a difference to it (it might trigger properly because SPACE MAGIC), and it's got to be quicker than if you did it solo. Hell, you can just stand there and I'll do the whole thing if you like! Only on this mission though (because you already finished it and that's just not fair), but the offer stands.

    Mail or PM me ingame on @drazur_southclaw if you would like some help with this, otherwise good luck and I hope you get it sorted. :)

    (If the toon/character I'm playing has the word 'Foundry' in the name, I'm not ignoring you - I just can't reply via chat because I'm not ingame.)
  • cptviper78cptviper78 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Wow really fantastic, got a new answer to my ticket, but not really something helpful.

    Only the typical message, that they could not pay back the lost dilitium or finish the project cause they dont have any "data" that this project was startet or was reset.

    So hey great, we ccan change real money to dilitium using ZEN but if this exchanged real money is lost cause a bug occured, we cant get this lost "money" back cause the support dont have any options to check if the reportet problem is true or not.

    Hard to believe for me, normally every MMO has some sort of admin or GM interface, logfiles for interactions and much more, if STO has nothing of this things, then ok i believe that the support cant do anything.

    But for me then its also something thats 100% that i will never ever buy any ZEN for Dilitium exchange or for something from the Store, cause if there are no logfiles to check if a problem is true or not, then i think its also possible that if a Zen STore purchase is bugged that the zen are also gone forever.
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