Yesterday, I came out of the Shield lowering and extending room and the camera started to spin around my toon and would not stop, usually I can get it to stop eventually by click the mouse buttons in the opposite direction the camera was rotating, but could not last night. I eventually I had to just beam out and the team had to go on without me.
This isn't a bug that always happens and I would say every 5 to 6 times I go on that run it happens. I am not the only one this is happening to few other friends and fleet mates have had it happen to them. I love doing that room, but the random possibility of getting this bug has scared me from doing the room.
I have tried multiple ways to figure out what causes it to happen. I cannot figure out what causes it or how to stop everytime when it does happen. I have tried selecting transport into or out of room and then not selecting anything else until the transfer is complete, but as soon as I touch my mouse to move it starts to spin. I have tried unplugging my mouse and nothing happens. I have tried spinning the camera in the opposite and same direction and get nothing. I have tried beaming into or out of the room and moving my toon with the keyboard first, but no matter how I change it up every 5 to 6 times I do the room I getting the spinning error.
Also the other day this happened to me when I beamed down to Nukara.
I've seen it happen most often in the Defera invasion zone. But... it's popped up in a variety of other locations. I've been able to make it stop by dragging the background with the mouse while moving.
I've seen it happen most often in the Defera invasion zone. But... it's popped up in a variety of other locations. I've been able to make it stop by dragging the background with the mouse while moving.
I don't think I haven't tried that, I'll give it a shot hopefully it will work for me. Thanks
I wonder if this is related to the situation I get sometimes where the camera get stuck in a cycle of zooming in and out? I've had that before, both on ground and in space.
I wonder if this is related to the situation I get sometimes where the camera get stuck in a cycle of zooming in and out? I've had that before, both on ground and in space.
Haven't had that problem, hopefully someone finds a work around for that problem. I wish Cryptic would fix a lot of the problems in STO, because having to find work arounds is starting to bug me.
Even though the jumping bug (STO acknowledges I have a spacebar, but when I try to assign it to jump it doesn't acknowledge it.) got me to buy the Nostromo N52 which I love. So bugs cause users to find work arounds, which causes them to find new gear (N52) which helps me enjoy the MMO more.
So bugs I can deal with if there is a work around.
Yeah I've had something like this happen (it hilarious when you use an emote like sleeping and hold the right mouse button)
You spin round like a windmill in a gale
I've also had a slightly more troublesome bug, you leave the shield room and the camera breaks at a fixed point, you can move.. but you cant see where your going as the camera is staring in a disjointed location, it fixes itself after a few seconds, but those seconds could be crucial to the optional
[Combat (Self)] Your Bite deals 2378 (1475) Physical Damage(Critical) to Spawnmother.
I've also had a slightly more troublesome bug, you leave the shield room and the camera breaks at a fixed point, you can move.. but you cant see where your going as the camera is staring in a disjointed location, it fixes itself after a few seconds, but those seconds could be crucial to the optional
Yeah that bug usually fixes its stuff usually with in a few seconds, but like you said some users my need those few seconds to get the optional.
I've also had a slightly more troublesome bug, you leave the shield room and the camera breaks at a fixed point, you can move.. but you cant see where your going as the camera is staring in a disjointed location, it fixes itself after a few seconds, but those seconds could be crucial to the optional
Had that happen to a friend of mine last night and I yell "Oh, toggle shooter mode" fixed the problem.
With all these problems being fixed by toggling shooter mode, I hope shooter mode doesn't break.
My character Tsin'xing
I don't think I haven't tried that, I'll give it a shot hopefully it will work for me. Thanks
Cool, thanks I'll give that a try as well.
Haven't had that problem, hopefully someone finds a work around for that problem. I wish Cryptic would fix a lot of the problems in STO, because having to find work arounds is starting to bug me.
Even though the jumping bug (STO acknowledges I have a spacebar, but when I try to assign it to jump it doesn't acknowledge it.) got me to buy the Nostromo N52 which I love. So bugs cause users to find work arounds, which causes them to find new gear (N52) which helps me enjoy the MMO more.
So bugs I can deal with if there is a work around.
You spin round like a windmill in a gale
I've also had a slightly more troublesome bug, you leave the shield room and the camera breaks at a fixed point, you can move.. but you cant see where your going as the camera is staring in a disjointed location, it fixes itself after a few seconds, but those seconds could be crucial to the optional
Yeah that bug usually fixes its stuff usually with in a few seconds, but like you said some users my need those few seconds to get the optional.
The spinning happened to me again last night and it is confirmed toggling shooter mode fixes the problems.
Thanks, one bug work around down several more to go :P
Had that happen to a friend of mine last night and I yell "Oh, toggle shooter mode" fixed the problem.
With all these problems being fixed by toggling shooter mode, I hope shooter mode doesn't break.