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Could Sci Kits get a nerf?

baelogventurebaelogventure Member Posts: 1,002 Arc User
I just saw a Sci Officer solo Armek on Elite.

Now come on, why are the Sci Kits so overpowered that a single person can solo an endgame ground boss by spamming their healing?

I think a nerf is in order.
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    sardociansardocian Member Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I just saw a Sci Officer solo Armek on Elite.

    Now come on, why are the Sci Kits so overpowered that a single person can solo an endgame ground boss by spamming their healing?

    I think a nerf is in order.

    No /10char
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    icegavelicegavel Member Posts: 991 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I just saw a Sci Officer solo Armek on Elite.

    Now come on, why are the Sci Kits so overpowered that a single person can solo an endgame ground boss by spamming their healing?

    I think a nerf is in order.

    Science officers are SUPPOSED to be healers. The kit was working as intended, it's just called being a good player. How would you like it if that guy were on your team when YOU tried to take Armek on Elite?

    Personally, though, I tend to think that Sci Kits are a little underpowered. Tacs get grenades, weapon buffs, stealth... Engineers get turrets, drones, bombs, mines... Science kits get some roots, a little AoE, and heals that I personally think are a little underpowered a bit.
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
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    dood98998dood98998 Member Posts: 389
    edited September 2012
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
    When in doubt, (hehe) c4!
    This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines :D
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    tmunetmune Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Nerf a sci kit because it can be used to solo Armek? Does that not suggest that the boss is too easy?

    Armek has a routine and a set of attacks that are easy to learn, when someone engages him at close range he won't use his powerful range attacks and when more than one get too close he spams a hard-hitting AoE attack and now that melee weapons got a buff soloing Armek can be done a little quicker.

    If an STF boss room/area can be taken solo, does that not suggest that something needs a buff or change and not something needs a nerf?
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    mashaniemashanie Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    As said above, the sci is the healer, shame on the player that it dares using the kit powers. You know what OP? How about they also take away the turrets and mortars? Because you can solo Armek with that too. Just get the mortar duplicating doff and drop them before engaging Armek until you get lucky and spawn in 3, outside the shield the game puts up. Then go in and dance around Armek until the mortars finish him off, since those can fire inside the shield. Or wait, let's take away Ambush, Stealth, the Grenades too. Everyone should use guns/melee only, right? Sheesh. It is the bets tactic to have a sci with medic or borg analyzer be in Melee with Armek, so everyone else can take shots at it without invoking the AoE spam or the ranged rage.
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    wyrinwyrin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I just saw a Sci Officer solo Armek on Elite.

    Now come on, why are the Sci Kits so overpowered that a single person can solo an endgame ground boss by spamming their healing?

    I think a nerf is in order.

    ^ This is why we can't have nice things.
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    elandarkskyelandarksky Member Posts: 1,013 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I just saw a Sci Officer solo Armek on Elite.

    Now come on, why are the Sci Kits so overpowered that a single person can solo an endgame ground boss by spamming their healing?

    I think a nerf is in order.


    The kit you saw was likely Medic. A healing kit. Sci gets nerfed enough.. No.

    If you want sci nerfed, then why not nerf tactical's operative kit, so no more 1hit kos, and fire team, so there is no stacking damage bonuses, remove the heal from 'rally cry'
    While we are at it, nerf engineering kits, bombs should hit nothing. mines should have to be bought in the shops and explode on the user, drones should all malfunction and attack the player who used them.

    Each type of captain has a kit which is particularly useful, crying NERF! should be applied to all not one if you so wish to cry.

    Not everything in the game needs nerfing :). Besides, Sci trades damage output for control/healing that tacticals dont have in lieu of massive dps.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Bite deals 2378 (1475) Physical Damage(Critical) to Spawnmother.
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    blunted74blunted74 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I just saw a Sci Officer solo Armek on Elite.

    Now come on, why are the Sci Kits so overpowered that a single person can solo an endgame ground boss by spamming their healing?

    I think a nerf is in order.

    No Way Jose!
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    lostmoonylostmoony Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    tmune wrote: »
    Nerf a sci kit because it can be used to solo Armek? Does that not suggest that the boss is too easy?


    for a scie player the boss is easy and can be dones solo that not says the boss is easy in groups with no scie it can end in a neverr ending fight what players leave finally.

    i dont think scie is overpower only he can heal others are dead about no heal abillity.

    the basic prob is in ground you have much to low skills if you compare it to space.
    a tak have 4 dmg buffs what runs some sec, a eng can craft 3 turrets and scie have 3 heals, thats all what exist.

    to remove heal skill from scie? what give him then turrets or a small dmg buff?
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    dassemstodassemsto Member Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I just saw a Sci Officer solo Armek on Elite.

    Now come on, why are the Sci Kits so overpowered that a single person can solo an endgame ground boss by spamming their healing?

    I think a nerf is in order.


    That's what sci's are for :D

    Armek was specifically created with the intention that a sci should tank/solo him! For the first year of the Cure, that was the only way it could be done. Later, he was modified a bit, so he can be beaten without a sci.

    Btw: Sci has the weakest of all ground kits. Sure, medic is usefull, but not much since HP was nerfed. Tacyon Harmonic is sorta useful.. but really... sci has nothing on the level of Fire Team Kit or Enemy Neutralization Kit...
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
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    bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012

    While I would also disagree with the OP and think it's very hypocritical to suggest nerfs for other people, please refrain from insults and name-calling.

    It does not help and may get you a warning or infraction.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
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    dassemstodassemsto Member Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    dassemsto wrote: »

    That's what sci's are for :D

    I apologize for the word I used here, that was removed. English is not my first language, and I did not realize is was an offensive term.
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    pug02pug02 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I can solo Armek Elite with my Engineer, while standing right next to him. Maybe the solution is to increase Armek's difficulty rather.

    I think my Tac might also be able to do it. I haven't tried it yet.
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    diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    The problem is the stupid buff melee weapons got. You can do crit flanks over 1000. I did it with my eng. That's stupid.

    I solo-ed armek many times with my science main, but if Armek is easy, it's not the sci's fault. Blame the devs for a poorly balanced boss. :P
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
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    adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I just saw a Sci Officer solo Armek on Elite.

    Now come on, why are the Sci Kits so overpowered that a single person can solo an endgame ground boss by spamming their healing?

    I think a nerf is in order.

    (Tad extreme reaction here so brace your self)



    (sorry to those supporting science...)
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    vengefuldjinnvengefuldjinn Member Posts: 1,520 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I just saw a Sci Officer solo Armek on Elite.

    Now come on, why are the Sci Kits so overpowered that a single person can solo an endgame ground boss by spamming their healing?

    I think a nerf is in order.

    If only I got an lump of dilithium every time someone calls for an unnecessary Science nerf around here...

    Jeez, I'm startin to wonder what some people think Science's roll is supposed to be in this game.
    Perhaps I should just run around scanning everything then? Sit back and cheer everyone else on?

    Better yet, let's just ditch Science altogether then shall we? Tacs and Tanks, that's all we really need.

    I tell you what, Instead of asking for yet another Science nerf, let's give me a C store option that will allow me to retrain my captain into either a tac or an engineer career instead and you can have one less Science Captain to worry about.

    I just don't know......:confused:

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    baelogventurebaelogventure Member Posts: 1,002 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    The fact is, Science is the Healer part of the Holy Trinity in this game...Tank, DPS, Healer.

    They also cross over into the Support/Debuff category of class.

    But, as being the Healer/Support role on the ground, I really don't think they, nor any other class, should be able to solo an Elite Boss like Armek, or Manus, or anyone else really.

    There's a reason there's 5 people, it should require a combined effort of 5 people to slug through the instance and drop the boss, not the Healer spamming the bejeezus out of self-heals at the end and soloing the boss.

    I mean really, what's the point of the other two classes then, if a Science Officer can solo a boss?

    I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I do feel like it should be a group effort to take out a boss, and not just a Sci going "I got this, I guess the rest of you can shoot it if you want"
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    adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    not just a Sci going "I got this, I guess the rest of you can shoot it if you want"

    Wait a sec, let's beam up for a few moments, and look at say... anything in any space fleet action you can think of, escorts can (read "have to") turn round and say "hey, i got this, just sit back and relax" I say have to because even a T5 cruiser built for shield stripping can't dent the shields on anything in there even with 10 minutes of trying... by which time an escort has already killed several things... now think of our poor science peeps... if cruisers can't kill anything, what hope do they have?

    Basically, science have been nerfed to the point where they only have this left, don't give PWE the excuse to kill science completely, engineers will be next and then we really will be having words...
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    baelogventurebaelogventure Member Posts: 1,002 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    adamkafei wrote: »
    Wait a sec, let's beam up for a few moments, and look at say... anything in any space fleet action you can think of, escorts can (read "have to") turn round and say "hey, i got this, just sit back and relax" I say have to because even a T5 cruiser built for shield stripping can't dent the shields on anything in there even with 10 minutes of trying... by which time an escort has already killed several things... now think of our poor science peeps... if cruisers can't kill anything, what hope do they have?

    Basically, science have been nerfed to the point where they only have this left, don't give PWE the excuse to kill science completely, engineers will be next and then we really will be having words...

    I'm sorry that your Engineer in a Cruiser can't dent shields in Space Fleet Actions.

    My Engineer in his Cruiser seems to be able to strip shields and hull decently, and it's built for tanking with no real frills (IE runs Phasers, not Tetryon, no Flow Caps, etc) but I've never had any real problems with killing things. Maybe it's your build, or your ship?

    Naturally, my Tac Escort does it better, but then again, my Tac Escort can't take nearly the same amount of damage my Engi Cruiser can...not even in the same ballpark.

    Now, you want to talk about Sci Vessels stripping Shields? Charged Particle Burst + Tachyon Beam + Tractor Beam w/ Tractor DOff, maxed Flow Caps and constant Tetryon weapon fire. That's how I'm looking at it, and I'm surprised I haven't seen any Sci Officer try that combination to drop somethings shields quickly.

    But I really don't see much of a problem with Sci Officers in space, beyond someone playing them wrong, and every class can be easily played wrong. It's why I don't feel they should be so extremely overpowered on the ground that they can solo bosses.
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    zarathos1978zarathos1978 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Sci heals are maybe a little OP on the ground, but then Sci-ANYTHING is really, really underpowered in space. Currently the only place in PvE (and PvP too, sadly) playing sci has sense is in ground missions. Because of it's heals. And then I doubt you say that heals are OP when sci uses them to help you.

    Leave sci alone, they are already almost unplayable and nerfing their ground heals will erase them as a viable choice for anything in this game.
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    ariseaboveariseabove Member Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I just saw a Sci Officer solo Armek on Elite.

    Now come on, why are the Sci Kits so overpowered that a single person can solo an endgame ground boss by spamming their healing?

    I think a nerf is in order.

    No go away!

    I hate ground combat in this game prob cause I'm so nooby at it lol but I can't take that dude solo on elite with any of my sci officers so if they nerfed the sci kits it would make it unfair for players such as my self.

    Why should we get punished because a pro player can do better?
    but then Sci-ANYTHING is really, really underpowered in space.

    Sorry what, no its not it just depends how you build your toon. My fed Sci officer dps is rather crappy but its built for team support not dps however my Klingon Sci officer is more of an all rounder and can do some pretty dam big dps at times, check out the combat report in this screenie,


    Do you still think sci officers in space are underpowered with a 51k crit on a boss?
    Leave sci alone

    Yep agree with you on that one.
    they are already almost unplayable and nerfing their ground heals will erase them as a viable choice for anything in this game.

    As for that statment you have some learning to do.
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    solarstreaksolarstreak Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    In stfs I'd much rather have a few well played tactical officers with me then science officers with the medic kit. Reason? I like to blow through stfs, not heal through them :) Soloing Armek is a pretty nice feat, but honestly a coordinated team can drop end bosses like that in SECONDS. That's right. And they don't need a medic to do it. They need tactical officers for they're amazing tactical initiative power combined with multiple ambushes. Also engineers can do pretty great damage in stfs as well.

    In pvp their is this new weapon called the Compressed Cryo Launcher. Basically it's a pulsewave rifle(shotgun) that deals cold damage instead of energy damage like pretty much everything else. Why is that significant? Armor has ZERO cold resist built in. So sci medics, which tank using their health bar(armor) instead of shield bar like engineers, can get straight up one shotted by a well placed cryo ambush shot from a tactical officer. I actually switched to playing my engineer for a little while after that gun was introduced and i felt a lot safer, even though my tanking abilities aren't quite up to a sci's.
    Selun'x Alien Sci - Zarza Reman Tac
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    darkemisary420darkemisary420 Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    sardocian wrote: »
    I just saw a Sci Officer solo Armek on Elite.

    Now come on, why are the Sci Kits so overpowered that a single person can solo an endgame ground boss by spamming their healing?

    I think a nerf is in order. /10char

    stop hatin'! you should be glad there was a good player on your team to solo ermak.....otherwise the rest of you scrubs laying down would spend the rest of your natural lives trying....

    SO MUCH Qq'in and Hatin....if ya don't understand the games skill tree perhaps its best if you don't make ridiculous threads like this

    ALSO...if you need help with your ground setup there is always someone willing to help
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    vinru821vinru821 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I just saw a Sci Officer solo Armek on Elite.

    Now come on, why are the Sci Kits so overpowered that a single person can solo an endgame ground boss by spamming their healing?

    I think a nerf is in order.

    Please nerf the person that heals me!

    I do not agree. Like others said. that is their point.

    Please nerf Tac attack abilities! they always hurt me so much :D
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    ardhen1ardhen1 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I play all 3 careers on my fed (my klinks for now only play one.. they were more useful that way before.. now not).. I find it odd you saw someone solo the boss and that calls for a nerf on their career. Is that because you can not perform the same with your toon's career? Or do you really feal that after all the horror of doing Cure Ground elite (which is a sight less horror than Infected ground elite.. ICK!) it should be prolonged by another half hour or hour of respawns and resets.

    It's true a healer can "solo" that boss.. however it's not just "spamming heals" that kills him, the sci to solo has to also cause damage to the boss.. most times the sci is not "soloing" but holding aggro so that the insane boss don't wipe everyone, since the sci is the only one has any hope of surviving multiple attacks with a healer kit, it's a sci's job to put his body in harms way.

    I agree with many posters that sci has taken enough nerfs and what they have should be kept if not imporved.. but look at it from the point others have put out.

    Would it be ok if they nerfed medic but also nerfed operative, or enemy neutralization?

    I think honestly there have been too many "player requested" nerfs, and some player caused ones.

    BTW, this Thread is mis-titled.

    "Could Sci Kits get a nerf?"

    Should be "will you ruin everything in the game for everyone else so I can be coolest?"

    Last note: I rarely use healing kit.. and it's the exact situation that you wish them destroyed for that I use them for.. otherwise it's Physicist... which I guess will be the next you'd like nerfed.
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    zarathos1978zarathos1978 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    ariseabove wrote: »
    Sorry what, no its not it just depends how you build your toon. My fed Sci officer dps is rather crappy but its built for team support not dps however my Klingon Sci officer is more of an all rounder and can do some pretty dam big dps at times, check out the combat report in this screenie.

    Do you still think sci officers in space are underpowered with a 51k crit on a boss?

    I rarely play STFs as I do not like the inherent grind so I do not know if 51k on the boss is a lot damage or not. But from regular PvE content (and PvP) I can say one: whatever sci can do in space tac and eng can do better. Perhaps Klingon side it looks different, but for me since season 5 sci in space become more and more useless.
    As for that statment you have some learning to do.

    Anyone have. And perhaps "unplayable" was too much, cause you can play them and be successful. I should say - outside of personal preference of science officer and blue color there is no real reason to play sci officer.
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    kamiyama317kamiyama317 Member Posts: 1,295 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I use the Medic Kit exclusively on my main character, and I never seem to be able to heal my team-mates fast enough.
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    blunted74blunted74 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I usually rock either the analyst or physicist kit at the beginning of an STF and try to gauge the group's ability. If the players are self sufficient keeping themselves alive(hypos, etc..) then I keep going, but if I notice people are having a hard time, I switch over to the medic kit.

    Question: Is it true that the borg medical analyzer kit drops in Terradome? I heard it does, but havent been able to find any confirmation.

    As per nerfing Science, don't think it's needed, considering how impotent we are in space.
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    ariseaboveariseabove Member Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I can say one: whatever sci can do in space tac and eng can do better.

    Lol no they can't, just because you can't play a Sci officer does not mean they are bad.

    Sci Officers have a pacific set of ability's for a reason as do Tacs and Engys, to say that any one of the other classes can do the same as another in there own class but better is ridiculous.

    And just as an example which is pretty much common sense is an Engy or especially a Tac can not match a Sci de buffs on enemy's the type that makes those other classes seem like heroes when it was the Sci who lowered the defenses of the attacking enemy to allow such dps.

    The best teams on any mission are made up by mixed classes not just all of one or two types.

    But if you want to believe a Tac can out heal a Sci who am I to argue....
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    vengefuldjinnvengefuldjinn Member Posts: 1,520 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I think a nerf is in order.

    Science's role is to tank Armek.

    It takes a combination of the other two careers to get you through the mobs and other challenges so you can even face Armek.

    Working as intended.

    MAYBE you just saw a really skilled player who's been playing this particular mission oh, I don't know.....FOREVER.... and has gotten really skilled at it.

    He/she may have even been thrown a heal or two from a teammate, we have only your observation, in one particular incident.

    You know, the sad thing is, a while ago, people were complaining because Armek was too tough. So he got nerfed.

    Now here we are again, discussing more nerfs.
    Why is the answer to everything a nerf?

    In all the time the revamped STFs have been live, I have never. until now, heard that SUPER Science was dominating anything.

    You want more of a challenge? Keep pugging, you'll get all the challenge you can handle I guarantee it. :P

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