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DEVS: plz give us KDF escort carrier

z0graz0gra Member Posts: 113 Arc User
edited August 2012 in Klingon Discussion
Srsly now i am to old to write on forums :P

But look into fed escort carrier

It got 3x tac 1 enginer 1 sci

The problem is that it got both lt commander tac and enginner making the ship cookie cutter dps and heavyweight tank at the same time

On top of that it got the annoying tractor pets CCing the **** out of us!!!!!

Now if this isnt OVERPOWER then what is it?

Srsly now that ship in federation side is the MOST OP ship into game

Call me lier?

Pen and papper plz write down fed escort stats including its boffs weapons and hangar bay then try to find another ship in the game that got simillar stats boffs weapons and hangar

YOU wont find.

So i kindly ask Devs not to nerf the federation escort ship but to give us (KDF) a same or a simillar ship that got both lt comm tac and enginner and got 7 weapons and hangar bay also and those tractor pets also plz.

Srsly i cant stand up against those fed escort carrier no matter how good i play if the fed pilot is experienced as me.

Before tell me l2p come challenge me in a private challenge if you win then i go to l2p.

So when i tell you that federation ship is OP it means its very very very OP in the right hands.

Plz give us KDF a simillar escort carrier

You dont have to create a new ship model just look into lower tier BOP's and use what looks best.....

If you plan to make it weaker than fed escort carrier cause of non combat cloack?

Skip the cloack we dont need cloack we got BOP's for that

Post edited by z0gra on


  • z0graz0gra Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    is anybody reading this **** or all devs are into federation forums?

    Hello we exist also here?

    We got money also?

    Ok like i said first of all i dont lie here

    Federation escort carrier got 2 much of dmg 2 much of survival and 2 much of CC cause of tractor boat pets...

    Those 3 make a deadly combination that the result is overpowering pawnage .

    Plz stop this or even better let the feds have fun but give us the SAME SHIP so we can have some fun also?

    Give us that damn ship we gone pay for it!
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    The Armitage is highly annoying thanks to those Danube TB pets and it is a better firepower vessel with its 15 turnrate and (3) Tac/ (1) LTC engineer and (1) LT science BOffs, its 4/3/2 consoles and its 32khull and 4703 shields.
    It literally is the best of both the escort and the carrier in all respects, but it can be overcome.
    You must specifically design a vessel to fight against it and its spam. Iether an escort designed to burst AoE to keep its pets down or a Battle Cruiser designed to slug it out AoE style with the Armitage directly and somewhat ignore the TB spamming pets.

    How ever one overcomes the Armitage, there is no denying that it was designed to be a "little OP" to sell better given its fantastic stats and I would not be upset to see the KDf design something to offset its advantages, as befits and arms race.

    You would think that since by Dev design the KDF brought Carriers and pet spam to the game, we would better know how to fight against such a tactic and have the counter measures to do so.

    Like possibly a better forward weapon slotted Raptor class/ Battle Cruiser class the same BOff set up, standard battle cruiser or raptor turn rate and a 5/2 forward focused weapons arraingment.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • z0graz0gra Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    The Armitage is highly annoying thanks to those Danube TB pets and it is a better firepower vessel with its 15 turnrate and (3) Tac/ (1) LTC engineer and (1) LT science BOffs, its 4/3/2 consoles and its 32khull and 4703 shields.
    It literally is the best of both the escort and the carrier in all respects, but it can be overcome.
    You must specifically design a vessel to fight against it and its spam. Iether an escort designed to burst AoE to keep its pets down or a Battle Cruiser designed to slug it out AoE style with the Armitage directly and somewhat ignore the TB spamming pets.

    How ever one overcomes the Armitage, there is no denying that it was designed to be a "little OP" to sell better given its fantastic stats and I would not be upset to see the KDf design something to offset its advantages, as befits and arms race.

    You would think that since by Dev design the KDF brought Carriers and pet spam to the game, we would better know how to fight against such a tactic and have the counter measures to do so.

    Hi roach (if you are) you have been a great help to me when i was trying to learn things about the game/skills etc etc TYVM for the information you provided into these forums you have helped both kdf and fed community very much i believe and personally me without you i wouldnt be here atm.

    Now to our point the only countermeasure against those damn tractor boats is AP omega and it got 1 min CD if i recall correctly. Also it shares somehow CD with AP beta and delta.

    Not sure if the Polarize Hull works against tractor boats cause if i break 1 tractor then another boat will tractor me and the Polarize Hull will be on CD but even it works u gotta sucrifice a lot of survival just for to be able to break one tractor effect.

    I still strongly persist that fed escort carrier is way to much OP ship and either nerf it or because i dont like to nerf things especially KDF things Just give us the same ship with different look


    Sry for my bad english
  • ariseaboveariseabove Member Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    z0gra wrote: »
    So i kindly ask Devs not to nerf the federation escort ship but to give us (KDF) a same or a simillar ship that got both lt comm tac and enginner and got 7 weapons and hangar bay also and those tractor pets also plz.

    The Mighty KDF already have a beast of a carrier "Kar Fi" now if you can't beat an Armatage in that theres something wrong with you.

    I have them both I wouldn't call my self either a Fed or Klingon sided player as I tend to play both sides equally as much.

    While the Kar fi isn't an "Escort" it can certainly hold its own against one with a whole bunch of ways to get loose of those horrible tractor beams (if its any consolation I don't use those pets on my Armatage nor do I use it in pvp).

    And another KDF ship that can wrip those Armatages a new one is the Siege destroyer, that thing just owns especially with quad cannons on it. With an engineer or Science officer covering you while you unload a massive amount of dps you shouldn't have any problems unless of course some one gets your cover.

    If the KDF need a new ship its a Science one as other than the Carrier there are no Sci ships unless you pay for them from the c-store and that is totally unfair.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    z0gra wrote: »
    Hi roach (if you are)
    I better be becuase otherwise I'm wearing his underwear. :P
    you have been a great help to me when i was trying to learn things about the game/skills etc etc TYVM for the information you provided into these forums you have helped both kdf and fed community very much i believe and personally me without you i wouldnt be here atm.
    I try. Sometimes I succeed.
    Now to our point the only countermeasure against those damn tractor boats is AP omega and it got 1 min CD if i recall correctly. Also it shares somehow CD with AP beta and delta.

    Not sure if the Polarize Hull works against tractor boats cause if i break 1 tractor then another boat will tractor me and the Polarize Hull will be on CD but even it works u gotta sucrifice a lot of survival just for to be able to break one tractor effect.

    I still strongly persist that fed escort carrier is way to much OP ship and either nerf it or because i dont like to nerf things especially KDF things Just give us the same ship with different look
    Its the combination of the great Escort stats of the Armitage and those TB happy Danubes that makes the vessel so deadly becuase while it moves around to postion for the burst attack the danubes are holding you in place and dismissing any movement defense you may have.

    In a one to one it can not be beat easily or without great skill or unless on has a slightly more OP vessel (say bug ship), the advantages are stacked too much in its favor (that little bit OP again). It must be overcome by teamwork. Someone must attack its pets and render them useless while another attacks the Armitage itself.

    EWP, Gwell, Theta Vent, possibly SS, even a Cannon/Beam array + DEM set up is effective against the pets.

    Unfortunately against the TB pets Polarize Hull is easily overcome due to multiple TBs and even ApO is little efective for the same reason and its long Cool Down.
    Frankly it is OP but I doubt the Devs will ever change it, as they have already stated that Cstore ships must be a little OP to sell better (by thier reckoning). I would prefer we KDF players learn the tactics to overcome it until the Devs see fit to design us an Anti-Carrier vessel to compensate.
    Something like an anti-CnC vessel;
    Escort Hull:32,000
    Standard Shields:4,703
    (Mk X)Weapons: 3 3
    Can equip dual cannons.
    Bridge Officers:
    (1) LTC/Tactical
    (1) LT/tactical
    (1) Commander/Science
    (1) Ensign/Engineer
    (1) LT/ Engineer

    Device Slots:2
    Consoles: 4T 2E 3S
    Turn Rate:12
    Impulse Modifier:0.20
    Bonus Power:
    +10 weapons power
    +5 Auxillary power

    Anti-Support Craft Modules:
    (2) Designated Consoles - Anti-support craft modules
    Rare locked Console (can be used or removed from ship only- non universal)
    Bind On Pickup

    Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers

    Automatically Attacks Nearby pets

    195 Disruptor Damage x4 per sec for 15 sec (divided among all available pet only targets)
    (3x damage to Frigates
    (10x damage to small crafts)
    10% proc chance Jams Sensors (against pets only)

    Buffable by CRF/CSV abilities.

    If such is not too much. (though a little OP will make it sell better, or so the theory goes.)
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • lostmoonylostmoony Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    the same threat was running some days ago now again the flaming and the point in the other threat ends with:

    kdf have still the karfi lower turn rate right but in all other points for me the much better ship so stop crying for a crapy escort, use the epicness of the karfi.;)
  • trueprom3theustrueprom3theus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I wish cryptic never invented this carrier bs... And it all started with the neglected kdf faction from the beginning of the game 2+ yrs ago. Rather than create more ships for kdf, make bop w universals and add a carrier. And with carrier the whole fun went away (no offense to you carrier aficionados, lol).

    To the op, I would rather see a better bop designed than another carrier. Lol. I hate them. But to be fair, in 1-1, the only annoyance to fight armitage is its tractor pets. If you fly cruiser, put at least a faw, if it happen to be buffed, you clean those poor shuttles in few seconds. Also have a ph handy. As an escort, is even easier. Chain 2 apo and a ph and get the armitage. Sad thing is that now, other than guramba and craptor, kdf doesn't have a faction specific escort... Oh, bop, but vs an armitage, I think we all know the result. Guramba and captor are both on the verge to became obsolete also. So the only solution kdf has is to unlock the damn boxes to get a bug when they start offering it again. Bug on the other hand (w 2 apo and ph) will slice through an armitage (considering 2 equally skilled players). A properly set tac bortie (faw, Bo, ph, maybe a torp spread) is just laughing at it.

    Edit: Even in a non 1-1 scenario, with relatively balanced teams, I don't see armitage as a threat, at least not more than a bug or even a defiant.

    But please, guys, don't ask for more carriers. Lol.
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  • capcushcapcush Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I would have to say getting a KDF escort carrier would not be as useful as yall think. its true it can launch ships but even though it can do that they are like paper plains and are easily destroyed by Klingon carriers and any other Klingon ship out there. in survivability we have beter ships and because of the ability to load out cannons on most all of the ships we have even the low level ships have strong power. over all we don't need new ships. what we need is more unique items that we can use on our side only. the federation has so many items they can only have where the Klingon's have only one unique item. and its a ground gun. but thats in the weeds.

    my point is we have amazing ships right now both normal and carriers and we really don't need a federation hammy down because its "unfair that they get it"
  • thibashthibash Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    z0gra wrote: »
    It got 3x tac 1 enginer 1 sci

    The problem is that it got both lt commander tac and enginner making the ship cookie cutter dps and heavyweight tank at the same time

    It's second tactical slot is lt , not lt commander. So you were wrong, sorry. It hasn't got the best tactical slot setup and the best engineering slot setup. It just has the best engineering slot setup.

    Learn what you want to complain about before you actually complain.
  • trueprom3theustrueprom3theus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    capcush wrote: »
    my point is we have amazing ships right now both normal and carriers and we really don't need a federation hammy down because its "unfair that they get it"

    No offense, but i disagree. We have good cruisers and that's about it. Escorts kdf has are junk, or soon to be junk, considering the new mvam w 4 sci console and escorts w 5 tac consoles Feds have. Bop is still trash. And sci ships, other that being pretty useless right now on both factions, situation is not better either.
    Hear! Sons of Kahless
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  • cmdrskyfallercmdrskyfaller Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Equip tractor beam repulsors and you never have to fear the armitage pets.

    Even better, you can do very heavy damage to the armitage hull with it if you push it with evasive maneuvers. Its got an escort hull..its squishy.
  • trueprom3theustrueprom3theus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    thibash wrote: »
    It's second tactical slot is lt , not lt commander. So you were wrong, sorry. It hasn't got the best tactical slot setup and the best engineering slot setup. It just has the best engineering slot setup.

    Learn what you want to complain about before you actually complain.

    I think what you say makes the ship even better, lol. I have it on my fed tac, if memory serves me right, you are correct with layout. I would always trade the Lc tac for an engi or sci in an escort (edit: you loose an apo but there are work arounds). You can put in that Lc engi slot either aux to struct, either aux to id and add lots of survivability to it.
    Hear! Sons of Kahless
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    The blood of battle washes clean.
    The Warrior brave and true.
    We fight, we love, and then we kill...
  • aarons8aarons8 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    we kinda already have one.. just the turn rate is too low..
    just bump up the turn rate on the Orion Corsair Flight Deck Cruiser Retrofit to like 12 or so, and switch the commander and ensign to universal stations, and move one of the sci or eng consoles to a tactical.. make it a Tactical Corsair Flight Deck Cruiser Retrofit and put it in the c-store.

    it has 1 hanger, light hull and low shield modifier.
  • crusty8maccrusty8mac Member Posts: 1,381 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Don't need any more carriers, just need the tractor pets, or something equally annoying.
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  • f8explorer#7814 f8explorer Member Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    crusty8mac wrote: »
    Don't need any more carriers, just need the tractor pets, or something equally annoying.

    Agree with you on this.
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  • cmdrskyfallercmdrskyfaller Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
  • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    crusty8mac wrote: »
    Don't need any more carriers, just need the tractor pets, or something equally annoying.

    You have bops, the kar'fi's frigates, and (especially) siphon pods. There are arguments to be made for a kdf escort carrier (though you get a flight deck cruiser in exchange, plus the only free carrier), but the 'our pets aren't as good' is too easy to shoot down.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Which is why I advocate not another carrier or the copying of fed pets but a Battle Cruiser/Raptor hybrid designed to counter pets more and be a regular battle cruiser second through a special console locked to the vessel much like the BortasQu consoles are locked.
    An Anti-support ship. Seems only sensible since the feds have had several ideas created to help them fight pet spam over the years that the KDF would have come up with their own designs to do the same.

    The feds have the Thunderchild and the Point Defense System and the Armitage with its Photon Torpedo PDS.
    SO why not a KDF vessel with its on version of a PDS, one designed not to even fight anything larger than a frigate?

    Anti-Support Craft Modules:
    (2) Designated Consoles - Anti-support craft modules
    Rare locked Console (can be used or removed from ship only- non universal)
    Bind On Pickup

    Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers

    Automatically Attacks Nearby pets

    195 Disruptor Damage x4 per sec for 15 sec (divided among all available pet only targets)
    (3x damage to Frigates
    (10x damage to small crafts)
    10% proc chance Jams Sensors (against pets only)

    and slap it on a new vessel all together that can be sold from the Cstore.

    Type: Anti-support and skirmish craft
    Escort Hull:32,000
    Standard Shields:4,703
    (Mk X)Weapons: 3 3
    Can equip dual cannons.
    Bridge Officers:
    (1) LTC/Tactical
    (1) LT/tactical
    (1) Commander/Science
    (1) Ensign/Engineer
    (1) LT/ Engineer

    Device Slots:2
    Consoles: 4T 2E 3S
    Turn Rate:12
    Impulse Modifier:0.20
    Bonus Power:
    +10 weapons power
    +5 Auxillary power
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    bitemepwe wrote: »

    That sort of thing would be a lot more interesting, since sci is good for CC and the Gorn science ships are just dull copies of the Fed counterparts (and I doubt sell very well because of it; i've never seen one in a couple hundred STFs). Sides that are actually different but balanced (ala Terran/Zerg/Protoss) is a lot more interesting than 'same stuff, different skins.'
  • thibashthibash Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I think what you say makes the ship even better, lol.
    The original poster claimed the Armitage has BOTH an Lt commander tactical and engineering slot. I don't see how replacing a Lt commander slot with a Lt and an Ensign slot makes the ship even better. Especially considering the many players who complain that 'the third ensign slot is useless on a cannon boat'.
  • z0graz0gra Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Whatever still the ship is OP with or without lt com tactical. It got 3 tac it wont miss the lt commander it already got plenty of tac slots and lt commander egninner. I am telling you the ship is op but i dont ask to nerf it cause fed kids will cry out i just ask to give us kdf excactly the same ship so we can stand up somehow in fight and when it tractor us we can tracor back.

    I dont rly want an anti carrier vessel i just want the same escort carrier with the same bloody pet just with the different cool KDF look.

    Thats all plz give and take my money or keep ignoring klingon demands and loose a lot of customers over time. If klingon dies then federation wont have an decent enemy to pvp with.
    Yeah we are here to entertain ur precious federation kids and we are doing more with less.

    Last time i say this:

    We need a GOOD raptor/destoryer carrier that got 1 hangar bay and we need also those tractor pets nothing else can make this up for that ship federation got.

    I dont believe it that all the KDF havent notice how much powerfull the federation escort carrier is

    Also i dont believe how greedy is PWE for letting so much powerfull ship to hit the holodeck.

    Dont be greedy cause eventually u will loose all.

    Either nerf the bloody pets or the ship or both or give us the same ship with same pets

    Listen to me and win dont listen to me and destroy balance between 2 factions and eventually destroy this fine game cause of greed!
  • trueprom3theustrueprom3theus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    thibash wrote: »
    The original poster claimed the Armitage has BOTH an Lt commander tactical and engineering slot. I don't see how replacing a Lt commander slot with a Lt and an Ensign slot makes the ship even better. Especially considering the many players who complain that 'the third ensign slot is useless on a cannon boat'.

    I know what the original post said, however, think how much tankier the armitage gets with a Lc engi. You can swap an eps3 in it, aux to id if you want faster turns or aux to struct if you want hull heal and damage resistance. Agree, this comes at the expense of either dps (if you want 2 omegas then you need to use 2 crf 1) either mobility (using crf 3 will leave you with an omega or if you want crf 2 and 3 no omega at all, but other than being tractored, aux to id is also great for mobility and Anti-move debuff).

    So, it may change the play style for some people, but there are work arounds, and definitely the Lc engi makes the ship tougher. I would not say the Lc engi is useless, whoever says that should either get another ship, either adapt to the bo layout armitage has. You can also slot some turn consoles in it, since there is plenty space (engi console slots), lol, and you also turn like a king, lol. Armitage is a pretty tough ship in the right hands.

    Edit: or, you can also put a dem2 in the Lc engi slot, and as a tac cpt, that's pretty good hull damage bonus increase when you buff it with apa and/or gdf and/or attack patterns.
    Hear! Sons of Kahless
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  • edited August 2012
    This content has been removed.
  • trueprom3theustrueprom3theus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    What sucks is not that kdf doesn't have an escort carrier, is the fact it doesn't have a proper escort on pair to new fed escorts. I think this should be addressed first.
    Hear! Sons of Kahless
    Hear! Daughters too.
    The blood of battle washes clean.
    The Warrior brave and true.
    We fight, we love, and then we kill...
  • z0graz0gra Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    What sucks is not that kdf doesn't have an escort carrier, is the fact it doesn't have a proper escort on pair to new fed escorts. I think this should be addressed first.

    This ^


    Devs you there?

    I want to pay RL money to buy kdf escort carrier NOW PLZ!

    We dont have a decent KDF escort class ship! Raptors are a joke with that TRIBBLE turnrate and TRIBBLE shields

    The new ''destroyer'' fleet scourge ship is also TRIBBLE if u ask me.

    This is ur best chance to fix things finally

    Give us a decent escort ship with a hangar bay give us tractor pets also and give federation our unique pets to compensate things

    I dont ask something unreal give us the bloody escort carrier that we kdf so badly need and give federation 1 of our unique pet if you give us their unique tractor pets.

    All will be happy and company will make some more money

    That is ur goal right? i dont see any reason why u shouldnt make it happend

    Even for ship model you dont have to make a new model just used the low tier bird of prays or raptors

    So nice models are wasted put them into some good use and get rich

    Do i have to moan more to give us kdf a decent escort so we can have some fun all 2gether?

    I got rly bored flying my bortasq and my karfi and my BOP nowdays feels very weak with all the OP escorts and tractors you gave to federation

    I got big patience but at somepoint it will run out and i go back to EvE.....


    Yeah we got no content but we where supposed to be pvp faction and now you give OP escort ships to federation so what is exactly our role into the game? Entertain the feds and no fun for us?

    I bet we will entertain them better if you give us some decent escorts we only got decent cruisers and kar fi carrier only and thats all.
  • z0graz0gra Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Ok sorry to post again but i want to know if the company that takes the decisions is planing to give us a decent escort class ship.

    Not nessecarily carrier escort but something with decent turn rate decent survival good dmg and good burst and somehow immunity to tractor pets!!!!

    Or hangar bay and tractor pets or just the hangar bay

    Before i spent more time into the game because i play lots of hrs per day this game cause i rly like it i MUST know if PWE is taking consideration federation only and dont care about KDF anymore

    I must know because i am an kdf fanatic yeah i play KDF ONLY because i like their lore and their ship design

    But after the ship u gave to federation i start to believe you dont care for us
    Its so much OVERPOWER i fight it every day and i either flee to survive the beating or i die and if i win it was prolly a noob pilot with vii green gear and guns :P

    With a decent pilot/build federation escort is so much OVERPOWER and whoever say otherwise is a CENSORED

    We want also something as much OVERPOWER as the fed escort OR ''fix''(nerf) the fed escort.

    Srsly now how did you let that ship come into live?

    with 3x tac and a lt commander and a sci officer and 7 weapon slots 4x tac slots and on top of all that 17 turn rate when our raptors got only 15 turn rate and on top of that they gave it a HANGAR BAY and on top of that they gave those damn TRACTOR pets.

    some said it got weak shield and hull? I think it got better shield and hull than raptor or destroyer i think. Even it got weak on stats with a lt commander engineer and commander science it just doesnt die!!!!

    Srsly now facts speak from themselfs that ship is OP either fix it or give us something to compensate we are customers also we pay also with RL money and we pay lots of money(at least me)

    Now dont take this as whining or moaning take it as a petition from an unsatisfied customer.

    Dont make OP ship just to take money u destroy the game

    Or if you are so much greedy give both sides OP ships so we can compensate.

    Yeah i am very mad that ship is extremely annoying OP ownage we need a fleet to take it down it does a lot of dmg its turn rate its as good as our best destroyer turn rate and it got a hangar bay and lt commander engineer!!!!

    I am getting pissed when i see so much OPness coming into the game in the name of greed so either NERF! or give us the same ship pretty much just with different skin!

    Will you give us a decent small size ship or you will let us with the silly raptors , destoryers?

    And the most weak stats ship in the game the little BOP's.....but at least i like them more cause of decent turnrate thats why i own a BOP but none raptor/destroyer.

    I mean i can make my vorcha turn as good as a raptor/destroyer with 2x RCS consoles......

    Not that 30 turnrate is good enough for pvp but just saying...........


    If you care about KDF reply me and tell me when and what ship you will give to us so i know if i will stay into game or just say goodbay once and for all.

    Companies that care only for a portion of their customers soon or later are getting hated from their customers even the ones that was favoured due to lack of competition.

    Not saying that i hate you i rly like STO its a very good game and it got much more potential to expand but if commanding company is greedy you will eventually fail the game and shut it down without even reaching its true potential.

    If you keep ignoring KDF demands yes me and a LOT of kdf players will learn about this and WILL hate you.

    just saying...... 15 and 17 turn rate is not good for a small dps craft

    especially for crafts that DOESNT have hangar bay and tractor pets!

    We want to be viable also and with out current raptors/destroyers we are NOT!!!!
    Since those ships doesnt have tractor pets and hangar bays and lack survival also they gotta have at least a decent turn rate so we can keep out guns pointing at enemy instead of empty space and enemy is riping our side or rear shields or keeping us tractored all the time and have fun with our rear shields and we just sit around and watch them eat us!!!!!

    I got fed of that ENOUGH!!!!

    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
  • tajrektajrek Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I think this would be a cool idea i'd buy it. Personally i think it would be neat to make it a Gorn ship ... you could even reuse the gorn escourt skin and make the stats the same as the Armatige . I'd be all over that thing like flies on Targ.
  • crusty8maccrusty8mac Member Posts: 1,381 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    You have bops, the kar'fi's frigates, and (especially) siphon pods. There are arguments to be made for a kdf escort carrier (though you get a flight deck cruiser in exchange, plus the only free carrier), but the 'our pets aren't as good' is too easy to shoot down.

    Not really. You can run away from the drones. No matter how many hold resists I have, I can't avoid the tractor chains. I'd be happy to swap with you. Deal?
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  • jafobss1701jafobss1701 Member Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Have to agree with Most in here. I have the Arm on my Fed And play KDF aswell. I can say the Escrt Carrier isnt all that with a skilled player on them.

    And i have Killed ALOT of Arm aswell. And im not Skilled!
  • keppabar42keppabar42 Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    One funny quirk I noticed for killing Armitage classes is that as far as the point defense turret is concerned, an armitage is a Frigate! It takes the 3X damage penalty whenever I use my cross faction PD console near it. All I have to do is cloak in behind it, decloak within 5km and hit PD as I open up, and it'll get shredded.
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