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  • edited August 2012
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  • husanakxhusanakx Member Posts: 1,642 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    ...and, judging from the matches, 99.9 of the playerbase, Hussi... so you are advocating in favor of maybe a hundred people in total...

    That said, a map that was entirely full of terrrain would be very goofy for a space game. Because, you know, in space there is a lot of... space.

    Capture and Hold, however, has terrain that actually makes sense, because it is part of the objective to be where the terrain is.

    99.9% of the matches Sophie (who I see PvPing 1-3 times a week for 20 min) has seen. Sure.

    The Terrain gets used... and regardless its not only about function... sometimes its honestly just about aesthetics. The same backgrounds get boring.... yes I am saying they can take the same maps we have changes some back grounds move some stuff around and call it new... people would appreciate that. Even the guys that you are not including in that 100 number would appreciate it.

    Honestly what annoys people Sophie is something like that... adding a handful of new maps for aesthetics change only should really NOT take much dev time. It would do a lot to start re building the devs some good will.

    Anyway don't you have an advice thread to go and espouse some of your hard wrought game knowledge. I need a really good laugh today.
  • aetam1aetam1 Member Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Well if you want recognition you need forum/chat presence. People will remember you far more likely if they talked to you.

    Also CNH is a bad place to try to make a name of yourself. Its hard to actually judge a players skill in that environment because there are few fair fights and people might be more interested in capturing than killing. Also you are probably going to split your team so there is less teamwork. Still CNH can be a good place to try a build and its fun to play from time to time.

    Now my fleet has 5 members. We play on KDF and Fed side, mostly KDF lately. I am the only member who has experience and while I think I am decent there are enough out there who are better. So if I queue with my fleetmates and we meet a true pvp fleet we get whacked. But in one such game you can learn far more than a dozen CNH. Also if they see you with a premade in the arena and you are polite you might get a little recognition and some helpful pointers to improve yourself.

    My stomach is clear and my mind is full of bacon!
  • darkemisary420darkemisary420 Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I entered the OPvP channel, waited to see if anyone was online and active, noticed people talking, said Hi, got ignored and then said bye and left, I'm sorry i do not handle rudeness well, it just wasn't meant to be lmao
  • edited August 2012
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  • husanakxhusanakx Member Posts: 1,642 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    Rarely. Most games spiral up to the upper edge of the map over time.

    Okay, that is a valid point. This is an untertaking of entertainment, and it should thus, of course, be aesthetically pleasing.

    However, Arena is already blessed with 3 maps, while C&H in Salvage Operation (which, in contrast to Arena, requires real strategic thinking and not just tactics on how to blow stuff up) is the only map of its kind.

    What annoys people like Hussi is that their very narrow idea of PvP might actually be seen as that. :rolleyes:

    In Capture an Hold, there are several very different strategies: For example, doing the "1 ship per capture point" tatics works well against opposing teams who all hang around together (5-10 ships in a cloud). The will easily blow up any single ship, but between doing that and travelling to the next capture point, they unwillingly allow your team to capture 3-4 if everbody returns to their capture point after having been teleported back to the spawn.

    Does not work so well if they split up into sub-teams of 2 or 3, though. What works particularily well againat the "Arena is the only real PvP" crowd is all but one ship deliver them an Arena fight, engaging them again and again, while 1 ship flies around capturing capture points.

    A couple points... Sophie... who has been pvping for 4 or 5 months tops now.

    1) I have spent more time in kerrat since launch then almost anyone in this game... Perhaps The Dagger himself has spent more time there then I... but its close.

    2) I never said I only wanted Arena maps... A couple new cap and hold maps would be fine... what I said is I don't need them to spend a crazy amount of time designing NEW game types... sure 1-3 new cap and hold maps may even make me run some cap and holds again.

    3) I did at one time run cap and holds... hell I even remember calling cap and holds on vent... quite honestly... breaking the 8-10 from my fleet that got in, into small groups and calling targets and objectives... CAP AND SLAP baby. The fact that we are all board of the ONE cap and hold map is the point. The game type is fine if you get 2 organized teams trying to win... fact is that DOES NOT HAPPEN anymore... frankly no one cares. Yes a refreshed cap and hold map would be a good thing.

    4) Don't assume I have a narrow view of PvP... Frankly I... and many of the Vet PvPers in this game are simply board of what it has to offer. Kerrat yes I understand its new and flashy for you still at this point.... I still head there on occasion. Frankly I am sick of flying around there and after an hour or more of slapping around noobs realizing I have still not had to count down a respawn timer... I get board and leave.

    Really our dev overlords have on multiple occasions claimed to be working on Open PvP... New PvP tech... New Maps... New Que Systems.... New Game Types... EVERY SINGLE one of those "hey guys hold on we got something cool in the pipe" have turned to ash.

    So yes I openly challenge the STO devs.... HOW Fd UP IS YOUR CODE... that you can not figure out how to insert new maps. Frankly it has to be the code... really how can a company be so lazy as to not insert ONE new map into any of the pvp game types in over 2 years...... I don't want grandiose new features, or new ques, or game types... I'll even wait till season 17 for Real Open PvP... At this point I don't think the code is noted well enough for them to even insert one map they create themselves with the foundry tools... I HONESTLY believe the code is just that screwed up.
  • husanakxhusanakx Member Posts: 1,642 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I entered the OPvP channel, waited to see if anyone was online and active, noticed people talking, said Hi, got ignored and then said bye and left, I'm sorry i do not handle rudeness well, it just wasn't meant to be lmao

    To be honest if there isn't a lot of conversation going on why would you expect a personalized Hi in a channel with like 3000 subs ?

    Next time join in on the conversation.... frankly so much Opvp stuff scrolls on my screen that I ignore it half the time... unless an interesting conversation catches my eye.

    If your that impatient then your likely right I guess the games pvp community isn't a place for you ?
  • edited August 2012
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  • edited August 2012
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  • aquitaine985aquitaine985 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Sophie. nobody can turn a thread on it's head and make it even more pointless/argument wridden then you...
    Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
    A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
    2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
  • edited August 2012
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  • husanakxhusanakx Member Posts: 1,642 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    Aqui, don't.

    OK this isn't on topic at all.

    Why is it exactly that Sophie bothers you so much. lol

    You Sir may call me....

    Husanak, The Husanak, Hussi, Hussy, Da Hussy, The Hussy, The Hus-anak, Hus Norris, Huckanak, Husanator, Husogenic, The Hus Chuck... Hus Canuk

    OR just Sir will do fine if your feeling lazy.

    Damn man you call yourself Sophlogimo... is my shortening of it to a girls name really so annoying ? haha I mean if I call you Soph its still a chicks name. Wait I know you want me to use the full version right....

    Sophie Logimo... haha I think I dated a little Italian girl with that name in high school... you didn't attend high school in Canada did ya ?
  • corsair114corsair114 Member Posts: 276
    edited August 2012
    husanakx wrote: »
    OK this isn't on topic at all.

    Why is it exactly that Sophie bothers you so much. lol

    You Sir may call me....

    Husanak, The Husanak, Hussi, Hussy, Da Hussy, The Hussy, The Hus-anak, Hus Norris, Huckanak, Husanator, Husogenic, The Hus Chuck... Hus Canuk

    OR just Sir will do fine if your feeling lazy.

    Damn man you call yourself Sophlogimo... is my shortening of it to a girls name really so annoying ? haha I mean if I call you Soph its still a chicks name. Wait I know you want me to use the full version right....

    Sophie Logimo... haha I think I dated a little Italian girl with that name in high school... you didn't attend high school in Canada did ya ?

    I'll take Hussy for a thousand, Alex.
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