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Is PVP the only factor you judge "Balance" by?

cusashorncusashorn Member Posts: 461
I don't PVP. I hate doing it and just enjoy playing against the NPCs in this game.

But something has me curious. I don't know if that's actually the case, but I tend to notice here on the forums that whenever anyone is discussing gameplay balance whenever a skill gets nerfed or a new ship is introduced, I get the feeling that they're only specifically talking about how those changes stack up to other skills and other ships in PVP only.

Am I kind of in the ballpark here? I dont' really see why there would be any need to discuss how well the Regeant class Assault Cruiser holds up to other vessels in the game if that wasn't the case, because all ships are suppose to have a defining trait, no matter how offset the gameplay might be because of it.
"My frozen dairy-based confectionery attracts all the males of the species to the facilities. They all agree on it's superiority. Indeed, it is superior to yours. I could teach you the finer details but that would require monetary recompense on your part."
-The Milkshake Song: Vulcan Edition
Post edited by cusashorn on


  • kylesal24kylesal24 Member Posts: 312
    edited August 2012
    Seems that way. I still get made fun of my build because it would so called stick in PVP. I don't do PVP so I set up my ship for what I want which is PVE.

    If someone asks a question about a set for PVE. Please don't answer telling them they should only set it up for PVP.

    Delta Fleet Command
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Golden rule


    Silver Rule

    PVP is less than 5% of the game

    Bronze Rule

    A ship speced perfectly for PVP will SUCK in some missions
    Live long and Prosper
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    When it comes to PvP and balance, for years I've advocated that Cryptic adopt a 2-value system (one for PvP and one for PvE), just like Everquest had for it's PvP. That way you can adjust PvE, but not affect PvP, and vice versa. And I honestly would like them to reconsider this, because as it is now, it's going to be a major difficult task in finding that sweet spot where it's okay for both sides.

    Though many people whom I knew that were hardcore PvPers are stopping not solely because of the no new maps, but because STO's PvP has gotten to ridiculous levels with ability spam or fancy weapons like these Phased Tetryon or Spiral Disruptors. It really shows that the game is becoming "Pay to Win" (when it comes to PVP that is).

    Now when it comes to ship balance, well its up to us to determine that. But the way the game's changing, it looks like every slot is going to be filled up. Though it's up to us to really question imbalances as soon as we can. Though I honestly think Cryptic's at their limit with balanced configurations that we likely will start seeing imbalanced configurations. Hopefully not, but you never know.
  • qjuniorqjunior Member Posts: 2,023 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    When it comes to PvP and balance, for years I've advocated that Cryptic adopt a 2-value system (one for PvP and one for PvE), just like Everquest had for it's PvP. That way you can adjust PvE, but not affect PvP, and vice versa. And I honestly would like them to reconsider this, because as it is now, it's going to be a major difficult task in finding that sweet spot where it's okay for both sides.

    Though many people whom I knew that were hardcore PvPers are stopping not solely because of the no new maps, but because STO's PvP has gotten to ridiculous levels with ability spam or like these Phased Tetryon or Spiral Disruptor weapons that the games just no longer fun. Because it really is Pay to Win, when it comes to PVP.

    Now when it comes to ship balance, well its up to us to determine that. But the way the game's changing, it looks like every slot is going to be filled up. Though it's up to us to really question imbalances as soon as we can. Though I honestly think Cryptic's at their limit and we likely will start seeing imbalanced configurations. Hopefully not, but you never know these days.

    I`d like a two-value system as well. Guild Wars had that too. Some skills would even work differently when used in PvP. :)
  • cusashorncusashorn Member Posts: 461
    edited August 2012
    When it comes to PvP and balance, for years I've advocated that Cryptic adopt a 2-value system (one for PvP and one for PvE), just like Everquest had for it's PvP. That way you can adjust PvE, but not affect PvP, and vice versa. And I honestly would like them to reconsider this, because as it is now, it's going to be a major difficult task in finding that sweet spot where it's okay for both sides.

    I remember what the devs did to PVP in EQ2. They actually managed to make things a bit more balanced by scaling back all damage by 33% when PVPing, as well as introduced a mitigation system that ONLY worked in PVP. I thought that was a pretty good change.
    "My frozen dairy-based confectionery attracts all the males of the species to the facilities. They all agree on it's superiority. Indeed, it is superior to yours. I could teach you the finer details but that would require monetary recompense on your part."
    -The Milkshake Song: Vulcan Edition
  • aveldraaveldra Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    When it comes to PvP and balance, for years I've advocated that Cryptic adopt a 2-value system (one for PvP and one for PvE), just like Everquest had for it's PvP. That way you can adjust PvE, but not affect PvP, and vice versa.

    I've seen this done in many MMOs with great success, from Dragon Nest and Guild Wars 1 being the two most prominent which run it.

    It's the least drama inducing, as we've seen in WoW when arenas came into the game raiders and pvpers were really at each other's throats when "balancing" occurred after patches. Because of such a system, the environment between the two sides stops becoming fluid and becomes more divided and hostile. In the end it just becomes us vs them mentality and that poisons the community. People that would otherwise try to raid or pvp would be less inclined to try.
  • thepleasuredomethepleasuredome Member Posts: 308
    edited August 2012
    Considering NPC's don't use a skill tree or custom power levels (they run 50/50/50/50), balancing a power against nothingness wouldn't work either. They have to (at least try) balance to pvp. Cryptic's been so bad at it lately though, even the pvp'ers who think that separating pvp and pve skills would create an even steeper learning curve and make pvp even more inhospitable to newbies are beginning to support a differentiated system.

    It doesn't stop them from attempting to make balance via pvp though. It would help if the devs pvp'd regularly in their own game, and they stopped releasing new skills/powers untested.
    Arawn & Ihasa
    OP *is* the new balance, whether you know it or not! Gecko says so.
    Season 7 - Exodus, available online. U buy nao!
  • loganwilliams1loganwilliams1 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    It would help if the devs pvp'd regularly in their own game, and they stopped releasing new skills/powers untested.

    The devs do test powers and abilities. They go to Kerrat on their Federation carebear and then suggest removing pvp from the game after they get beat with the whumpin' stick.

    The only way to really balance everything is to adopt standard console/boff layouts and then make different skins for the standard ships that result. As of this moment I'd suggest that Feds have better ships, period.
  • kazapskykazapsky Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I don't factor PVP into balance consideration at all, because there's no such thing as balance in PVP unless both sides are literally identical.

    Attempting to balance for PVP only succeeds in botching up PVE - ie the actual game. This has been clearly demonstrated by pretty much every game that's ever tried it.
    Arc is garbage. End of discussion.
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I believe it has to start at PvP, and work down to PvE. The AI is so stupid it has to use buffed systems and weapons, and when those items are taken to PvP the balance goes out the window.

    Another thing- weapon mounts need to be an assigned type (i.e. energy, torpedo, etc) and kept non-interchanagable. NO race would build a torpedo only ship, or a beam only ship so why should the players be allowed. This 1:1 weapon interchanagability thows balancing ability off. Anyone ever see a torpedo only AI ship ? Not me.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,985 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    You can't have "Balanced" PvP unless everyone is flying a Science ship with a Science Captain.

    Science ships are basically Cruiser/ Escorts that give you 4 free BOff skills just for owning the ship. They automatically receive the 4 Beam Target Subsystem skills.

    For this to be balanced all cruisers would get all of the Emergency Power to Subsystem skills and all Escorts would get all of the Attack Pattern skills.

    Don't even get me started on the magic that lets a Science Captain summon a Gravity Well or Rift several times per session just because it appeared in 1 episode of 1 series.
  • tobar26thtobar26th Member Posts: 799 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    cusashorn wrote: »
    I don't PVP. I hate doing it and just enjoy playing against the NPCs in this game.

    But something has me curious. I don't know if that's actually the case, but I tend to notice here on the forums that whenever anyone is discussing gameplay balance whenever a skill gets nerfed or a new ship is introduced, I get the feeling that they're only specifically talking about how those changes stack up to other skills and other ships in PVP only.

    Am I kind of in the ballpark here? I dont' really see why there would be any need to discuss how well the Regeant class Assault Cruiser holds up to other vessels in the game if that wasn't the case, because all ships are suppose to have a defining trait, no matter how offset the gameplay might be because of it.

    I think to some extent yeah, I'm not a PVPer but I do acknowledge that some of Cryptic's NPC critters cheat. Literally, when you look at their powers they might be able to throw out let's say...GW3, and PSW3 - two commander science powers. It's impossible to balance against that sort of thing really.

    Now PVP's skewed by player ability, but its fair to say if you're looking at a similar player you get a better idea.
  • danielpenfolddanielpenfold Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    What you siad was right and it is right what you siad;)
    I'm so happy :D
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I'd go for more than a two value system. I'd go for a two ship system.

    That way people start off in standard PvE ships but earn these PvP ships, which are innately better than even C-Store or Fleet ships for PvP because they're targeted at PvP stats. That reintroduces possibility of eSport.

    Now, beyond that, to keep dilithium/fleet demand high and avoid an extra currency...

    I'd have dilithium or fleet credits be used to buy PvP ships.

    However, access to the PvP ship store would be tiered based on commendation category (reputation) progress.

    Everyone's PvP rep is reset quarterly and new weapons and ships and cool stuff would also be added quarterly to the PvP ship store.

    You get, say, 500 PvP CXP per match for a win, 50 for a lose. And players who have higher tiers (Ie. say I'm Tier 3 in PvP) award a bonus bounty of CXP every time you kill them. The better you are, the bigger the target on you.

    If you max out the commendation category at 100k PvP CXP, you get to reap rewards like dilithium turn-ins or fleet marks or maybe even Lobi hand-ins or Fleet Base extras until the seasonal reset.

    Then everybody starts at 0 PvP XP and the rivalry starts up again. The old gear is discounted. New gear is introduced. There's a perk for hitting the top tier each PvP season.
  • lpthomasmariklpthomasmarik Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    Golden rule


    Silver Rule

    PVP is less than 5% of the game

    Bronze Rule

    A ship speced perfectly for PVP will SUCK in some missions

    That Bronze rule applies to most MMOs but not to STO. a PvP specwill wreck PvE content in this game.
  • quiscustodietquiscustodiet Member Posts: 350
    edited August 2012
    When it comes to PvP and balance, for years I've advocated that Cryptic adopt a 2-value system (one for PvP and one for PvE), just like Everquest had for it's PvP. That way you can adjust PvE, but not affect PvP, and vice versa. And I honestly would like them to reconsider this, because as it is now, it's going to be a major difficult task in finding that sweet spot where it's okay for both sides.

    As have I. It's only way things can be balanced in both PvE and PvP.

    As for Ship balance: no, PvP isn't my only yardstick.
    If X Ship > Y Ship in every non-trivial way for instance, it's unbalanced and it'll cause issues in PvE and PvP alike.

    Just because in PvE Ships don't face off with each other doesn't mean balance is any less relevant than in PvP.
  • skurfskurf Member Posts: 1,071 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    That Bronze rule applies to most MMOs but not to STO. a PvP specwill wreck PvE content in this game.

    I'd say it's somewhere in between sucking and wrecking. A PvP build will be sufficient for PvE, but it definitely is not ideal. I've recently changed from a PvE setup to a PvP setup and had to change many things, including weapons, Boff abilities, and even active space Doffs.
  • nyniknynik Member Posts: 1,628 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Its a bit of a ludic fallacy. PVP can not be balanced. By its nature there are infinite unknowns that can not be reduced to pure statistical analysis in determining the probability of an event taking place - and thus assuring it can occur in a balanced way all the time. Trying to balance PVE through PVP is just as bizarre.
  • piwright42piwright42 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    skurf wrote: »
    I'd say it's somewhere in between sucking and wrecking. A PvP build will be sufficient for PvE, but it definitely is not ideal. I've recently changed from a PvE setup to a PvP setup and had to change many things, including weapons, Boff abilities, and even active space Doffs.

    Dunno I main a pure PvP built tac/Garumba tourney, (as in no +1 consoles at all, though I do run a Red Matter Capasitor), set up right now right now and I've been face melting PvE. Considering how the game is built around DPS and heals it is not a surprise to me that a tac/escort has a high degree of mission flexibility.

    Earlier today I PuGged a Starbase Defense. Two warped out right at the beginning one was an AKF hero that left a Bortasqu and myself. We were stubborn and managed to get to wave four before we lost the base. That Bortasqu was good. Kept the base healed at the expense of their self more than once.

    Still I was thinking about setting up a slightly more PvE build with a swappable BO set up for one more CSV and no CRF...

    Edited to get a touch more on topic:

    I made a post in another thread that pointed out one of the reasons that under the current mechanics PvP is the best tool to judge balance by. It was in a thread about how the new Metreon Gas dispenser is underwhelming.

    The reality is that to give a degree of challenge to PvE the NPC's hit points and damage has to be super charged as the AI that controls them does not chose or time buffs and heals all that well. So you get NPCs with ludicrous hit point values and very high damage output values.

    In the case of the metreon gas trick the new console fails to look all that impressive in PvE because the NPC hull goes down just a tiny fraction. Yet when you see a Regent with full hull and a down shield facing drop to 30% hull due to that console when it gets stuck in it's own metreon TRIBBLE it is very effective against ships like BoPs, Science vessels, and even escorts that are piloted by players. Very effective as in coup de gr?ce effective.
    If you are a pickle in a pickle jar you know every pickle's different, sort of, but really they're all just pickles...
    They taste the same.
  • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    To the OP, I get the impression that a lot of that perception is because the PVP crowd seems a lot louder about it (by proportion) than the PVE crowd. Yeah there are PVE guys who bring it up, but so many of them are asking for absurd new powers or ships without giving any thought to how their idea would change the relative effectiveness of everyone else in the game, or guys screaming in all caps cause their crazy-quilt BOFF layout is totally ineffective. (I'm all for versatility, but there comes a point where you have to accept some things works better than others) Disregard those two kinds of silly threads and you've dropped 2/3 of the PVE 'balance' discussion. The PVPers on the other hand seem to have a larger number of much more heated but much more serious discussions, as well as bringing their opinions into so many other threads (such as this one). Enthusiasm and volume, and a smaller proportion of the discussions being so readily dismissable, sure makes it seem like they're the reigning balance majority, despite their numbers actually being much smaller.
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I'd go for more than a two value system. I'd go for a two ship system.

    That way people start off in standard PvE ships but earn these PvP ships, which are innately better than even C-Store or Fleet ships for PvP because they're targeted at PvP stats. That reintroduces possibility of eSport.

    Sorry, but I greatly disagree. PvP Ships, PvP specific gear, and PvP stats is the worst thing that can happen. (Just look how it ruined TOR's PvP and other MMOs that used similar PvP systems.)

    Right now, the major factors that seperates people is experience and teamwork. You start throwing around ships or gear with PvP bonuses, or PvP stat bonuses, it will just increase the divide between the experienced and inexperienced. Thus making there fewer people to brave STO PvP.

    Sure you want somekind of incentive, but not like this.

    If you want more people to play STO PvP, you need to lower the bar to where medocre players can stand a chance and not get blown away within seconds.

    For example, the revamped Ground PvP rather focused on this nicely. Where inexperienced players pretty much can challenge even the most experienced PvPers. But at the same time, experience can still plays a major factor. So in space, a system revamp has to be similar.

    Everyone's PvP rep is reset quarterly and new weapons and ships and cool stuff would also be added quarterly to the PvP ship store.

    Don't think that would be a good idea. It's a good way to anger someone. :rolleyes:
    You get, say, 500 PvP CXP per match for a win, 50 for a lose. And players who have higher tiers (Ie. say I'm Tier 3 in PvP) award a bonus bounty of CXP every time you kill them. The better you are, the bigger the target on you.

    If you max out the commendation category at 100k PvP CXP, you get to reap rewards like dilithium turn-ins or fleet marks or maybe even Lobi hand-ins or Fleet Base extras until the seasonal reset.

    Then everybody starts at 0 PvP XP and the rivalry starts up again. The old gear is discounted. New gear is introduced. There's a perk for hitting the top tier each PvP season.

    As I said above, widening the gap is a seriously bad idea. Again, look at TOR with the difference between their Level 50s with no PvP "Expertise" and those Level 50s with their "Expertise" in the Level 70s. It was essentially like those Level 50s were fighting people who were Level 100. In other words, impossible.

    So if you had a similar system in STO, nobody is going to enjoy constantly losing for months until you gained enough CXP to take on the hardcores. STO's PvP designers need to essentially follow the K.I.S.S. principal.
  • cusashorncusashorn Member Posts: 461
    edited August 2012
    To the OP, I get the impression that a lot of that perception is because the PVP crowd seems a lot louder about it (by proportion) than the PVE crowd. Yeah there are PVE guys who bring it up, but so many of them are asking for absurd new powers or ships without giving any thought to how their idea would change the relative effectiveness of everyone else in the game, or guys screaming in all caps cause their crazy-quilt BOFF layout is totally ineffective. (I'm all for versatility, but there comes a point where you have to accept some things works better than others) Disregard those two kinds of silly threads and you've dropped 2/3 of the PVE 'balance' discussion. The PVPers on the other hand seem to have a larger number of much more heated but much more serious discussions, as well as bringing their opinions into so many other threads (such as this one). Enthusiasm and volume, and a smaller proportion of the discussions being so readily dismissable, sure makes it seem like they're the reigning balance majority, despite their numbers actually being much smaller.

    Yes! This is it exactly. I knew there was something I couldn't quite put my finger on that lead me to make this topic. I forgot that the people who are usually more vocal about balance are the PVPers. Thanks!
    "My frozen dairy-based confectionery attracts all the males of the species to the facilities. They all agree on it's superiority. Indeed, it is superior to yours. I could teach you the finer details but that would require monetary recompense on your part."
    -The Milkshake Song: Vulcan Edition
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    piwright42 wrote: »
    Dunno I main a pure PvP built tac/Garumba tourney, (as in no +1 consoles at all, though I do run a Red Matter Capasitor), set up right now right now and I've been face melting PvE. Considering how the game is built around DPS and heals it is not a surprise to me that a tac/escort has a high degree of mission flexibility.

    Earlier today I PuGged a Starbase Defense. Two warped out right at the beginning one was an AKF hero that left a Bortasqu and myself. We were stubborn and managed to get to wave four before we lost the base. That Bortasqu was good. Kept the base healed at the expense of their self more than once.

    Still I was thinking about setting up a slightly more PvE build with a swappable BO set up for one more CSV and no CRF...

    Edited to get a touch more on topic:

    I made a post in another thread that pointed out one of the reasons that under the current mechanics PvP is the best tool to judge balance by. It was in a thread about how the new Metreon Gas dispenser is underwhelming.

    The reality is that to give a degree of challenge to PvE the NPC's hit points and damage has to be super charged as the AI that controls them does not chose or time buffs and heals all that well. So you get NPCs with ludicrous hit point values and very high damage output values.

    In the case of the metreon gas trick the new console fails to look all that impressive in PvE because the NPC hull goes down just a tiny fraction. Yet when you see a Regent with full hull and a down shield facing drop to 30% hull due to that console when it gets stuck in it's own metreon TRIBBLE it is very effective against ships like BoPs, Science vessels, and even escorts that are piloted by players. Very effective as in coup de gr?ce effective.

    Whatever anyone thinks of my other opinions, I agree here.

    I've said before, PvP is hardmode PvE. And that ghettoizes PvP because hardmode PvE is always unpopular. Good PvE relies on non-twitch based strategy... ie. puzzles. Good PvP relies on good twitch. Lumping the two together does neither any favors.
  • travelingmastertravelingmaster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    The way I figure it. . .in most PvE (on normal, at least), you can get by with a lot of sloppy mistakes in the build. You won't be spectacular, but you'll pull your weight. This is especially true outside of STFs.

    PvP? You'll get slaughtered if you don't have a decent build that enables you do fulfill the specific task your ship is intended to do (and if you don't know what you're doing). Any changes made in the game affect PvP extensively, because players are smart. . .they will take any advantageous changes and use the heck out of them. That's why PvP is considered when they talk about 'balance'. It matters more in the PvP part of the game.

    That's my interpretation of it, anyhow.
    My PvP toon is Krov, of The House of Snoo. Beware of my Hegh'ta of doom.
  • shimmerlessshimmerless Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Not enjoying PvP is one thing but saying the game should be balanced around PvE is mind-boggling. You can complete almost all of STO's hardest endgame content in shuttles and Mirandas. The notion of "balance" has no real meaning here.

    I mean, PvE and PvP are just two completely different games at this point... and it's a shame, and STO really suffers for it... I've been powerlevelling some alts lately and I've noticed with mild shock that some of the NPCs (Romulan I think?) actually heal themselves and use buffs, they turn to get a firing arc/hide weaker facings... why can't all of the PvE stuff be like this? You'd train players to think (as someone else put it) of the game as more of a puzzle than just the DPS snoozefest it is right now, there'd be more use for teamwork and you'd get a much higher quality PvP community as a result. People wouldn't be scared off by the qualitative skill gulf between the two worlds.
    vids and guides and stuff

    [9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
  • piwright42piwright42 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Not enjoying PvP is one thing but saying the game should be balanced around PvE is mind-boggling. You can complete almost all of STO's hardest endgame content in shuttles and Mirandas. The notion of "balance" has no real meaning here.

    I mean, PvE and PvP are just two completely different games at this point... and it's a shame, and STO really suffers for it... I've been powerlevelling some alts lately and I've noticed with mild shock that some of the NPCs (Romulan I think?) actually heal themselves and use buffs, they turn to get a firing arc/hide weaker facings... why can't all of the PvE stuff be like this? You'd train players to think (as someone else put it) of the game as more of a puzzle than just the DPS snoozefest it is right now, there'd be more use for teamwork and you'd get a much higher quality PvP community as a result. People wouldn't be scared off by the qualitative skill gulf between the two worlds.

    Agreed and agreed.

    As long as the AI is poor and the game mechanics for PvE and PvP are identical balance is more difficult to achieve.

    Then again we have been asking for a smarter AI for a while now. Looks like we are starting to get it too. I saw an enemy Miranda flash an Engineering Team in a fleet event not too long ago. Actually saw it quite a bit.

    I wonder what it would take to get the AI to turn away from damage received and turn into damage dealt? This way when you pound it it is more inclined to turn a fresh shield face yet when it's damage output exceeds yours in turns in to increase the chance of staying on your weakened shield face?

    Probably easier just to get them to redistribute shields.
    If you are a pickle in a pickle jar you know every pickle's different, sort of, but really they're all just pickles...
    They taste the same.
  • cusashorncusashorn Member Posts: 461
    edited August 2012
    piwright42 wrote: »
    Agreed and agreed.

    As long as the AI is poor and the game mechanics for PvE and PvP are identical balance is more difficult to achieve.

    Then again we have been asking for a smarter AI for a while now. Looks like we are starting to get it too. I saw an enemy Miranda flash an Engineering Team in a fleet event not too long ago. Actually saw it quite a bit.

    I wonder what it would take to get the AI to turn away from damage received and turn into damage dealt? This way when you pound it it is more inclined to turn a fresh shield face yet when it's damage output exceeds yours in turns in to increase the chance of staying on your weakened shield face?

    Probably easier just to get them to redistribute shields.

    Season 6 changed the AI to use level appropriate skills tbat players normally use. Engineering Team, Science Team, Gravity Well, Eject Warp Plasma, etc.
    "My frozen dairy-based confectionery attracts all the males of the species to the facilities. They all agree on it's superiority. Indeed, it is superior to yours. I could teach you the finer details but that would require monetary recompense on your part."
    -The Milkshake Song: Vulcan Edition
  • lostusthornlostusthorn Member Posts: 844
    edited August 2012
    What you do is balance the game around PvP, once that has a satisfactory state, then you create and balance your PvE content against that what the player ships can do. no need to have different items or sets or skills. Just do it right.
  • lpthomasmariklpthomasmarik Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Quick and easy way to balance PvP.

    Make PvP ships and characters that have gear, stats, and skills predefined by Cryptic. These ships could be individually balanced against other predefined Crytpic ships and given strengths and weaknesses.

    Allow PvP only with these predefined ships and character loadouts. Everyone would then be on equal footing and personal player skill would be the only factor in PvP.
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