The Tholian Set (especially with the Lobi upgrade to the full set) outperforms this in everyway.
There is zero need for these suits. You do not need them to finish any content. They do not give you any bonuses over content that you can obtain in the game for free (the basic set is just as good).
If someone wants to waste $7, more power to them. I can see people complaining about fleet modules, because the fleet ships offer a real advantage. This doesn't.
Also, couldn't your clothing and stuff get destroyed in EVE? Comparing this to the thing with a monocle is apt, however.
If people are willing to spend money on cosmetic items, who cares what they are priced at?
This ends up sounding like people are upset that Cryptic / PWE are trying to make money at their business. Complaints about lockboxes are valid. Complaints about too much new usable content going to the c-store are valid. Complaints about crappy EVA suits being a character unlock when the things are worse than what's in game don't hold water.
The Tholian Set (especially with the Lobi upgrade to the full set) outperforms this in everyway.
There is zero need for these suits. You do not need them to finish any content. They do not give you any bonuses over content that you can obtain in the game for free (the basic set is just as good).
If someone wants to waste $7, more power to them. I can see people complaining about fleet modules, because the fleet ships offer a real advantage. This doesn't.
Also, couldn't your clothing and stuff get destroyed in EVE? Comparing this to the thing with a monocle is apt, however.
If people are willing to spend money on cosmetic items, who cares what they are priced at?
This ends up sounding like people are upset that Cryptic / PWE are trying to make money at their business. Complaints about lockboxes are valid. Complaints about too much new usable content going to the c-store are valid. Complaints about crappy EVA suits being a character unlock when the things are worse than what's in game don't hold water.
The thing I hate about this is actually the way its splintering the community. I hate the whole F2P vs P2P conflict, but what I see happening is more and more people defending Cryptic because 'they need to make money', it's hard to see now since they reset the forums, but I remember on the old forums most people in that camp were newer players. It feels like people have forgetton that many of the veterans in this game, that have been her for the beginning, spent insane ammunts of money on pre-order boxes, I spent easliy over $200 on multiple boxes for exclusive pre-order bonus (which all ended up on the!), We also bought LTS or even subscribed for almost 2 years and on top of that, we even had the C-store which many of us did use. So when Cryptic release new items and we are told 'but thye need to make money', its a complete slap in the face to all the veteran players that have actually invested huge ammounts on money into this game.
To all those newer players out there that feel like some of us veterans are now freeloading and never used the C-store, or don't think we understand they need to make money, most of us have spent insane ammounts of money on this game, all we've seen that money used for though is to make more C-store content, not actual game content (we went thoguh the year of hell). There comes a point where a games company is no longer raising money to help run the game and make it better (which is how most P2P models work), but are simply running a virtual online item shop, which is eactly where STO is heading right now, hell, the content in season 6 is actually a grind to unlock items you need to spend money in the C-store on? I mean really, how messed up is that?
You know, maybe we don't need all these items in the C-store, maybe we don't need the Fleet ships, but when all the games content revolves around those things, or anything new added to the game 'is' c-store content, there comes a point when you have to ask yourself "Why am I playing?". I genuinely believe these decisions of per charactor unlocks and the increasing prices are going to cause the death of this game, because this game needs the fans of the franchise, and these kind of decisions are driving them away :-(
I've only read the first few replies to the OP so sorry if this has been said already.
(Thought I would reply as the servers are offline for patch/maintenance)
I'm a lifetime subby, I really thought if I paid my lifetime sub, I would't have to pay another penny to this game. I feel cheated and scammed out of my money now.
I really don't have a problem with what cryptic or PW do. It's their business aslong as they aren't doing anything illegal.
I think the problems with STO are more community related. 1 million for 1 heavy phaser satellite on the AH... We need 40 just to get 1000 military xp for our starbases. 40 millon for 1000xp, that's 160 million just to lvl ur starbase up to lvl 1 lol (not including all the other resources you'll need for that same level)
100s of millions for ships on the AH... Such greedy people.
I laugh at those I see in these uber expensive ships.
You can't complain about game developers being greedy when the community is way more greedy.
Same goes for eve online.
I've played eve since 2003, I still have a character with 2003 in their emplyoment history as she never had a job lol.
Wasn't there a big do dar with CCP related to giving uber rare blueprints to a select few corporations who's members were friendly with CCP?
You see this is corruption, when this happend I stopped playing eve.
Eve can also be played free, you don't really need a subscription, if you can make enough in game money per month you can buy 30 month sub tokens in game.
If you don't like what cryptic or PW are oing with this game stop supporting it financially... that means not flying around in an uber expensive ship or opening 40 lock boxes a day just to scam other players out of hundreds of millions.
The thing I hate about this is actually the way its splintering the community. I hate the whole F2P vs P2P conflict, but what I see happening is more and more people defending Cryptic because 'they need to make money', it's hard to see now since they reset the forums, but I remember on the old forums most people in that camp were newer players. It feels like people have forgetton that many of the veterans in this game, that have been her for the beginning, spent insane ammunts of money on pre-order boxes, I spent easliy over $200 on multiple boxes for exclusive pre-order bonus (which all ended up on the!), We also bought LTS or even subscribed for almost 2 years and on top of that, we even had the C-store which many of us did use. So when Cryptic release new items and we are told 'but thye need to make money', its a complete slap in the face to all the veteran players that have actually invested huge ammounts on money into this game.
To all those newer players out there that feel like some of us veterans are now freeloading and never used the C-store, or don't think we understand they need to make money, most of us have spent insane ammounts of money on this game, all we've seen that money used for though is to make more C-store content, not actual game content (we went thoguh the year of hell). There comes a point where a games company is no longer raising money to help run the game and make it better (which is how most P2P models work), but are simply running a virtual online item shop, which is eactly where STO is heading right now, hell, the content in season 6 is actually a grind to unlock items you need to spend money in the C-store on? I mean really, how messed up is that?
You know, maybe we don't need all these items in the C-store, maybe we don't need the Fleet ships, but when all the games content revolves around those things, or anything new added to the game 'is' c-store content, there comes a point when you have to ask yourself "Why am I playing?". I genuinely believe these decisions of per charactor unlocks and the increasing prices are going to cause the death of this game, because this game needs the fans of the franchise, and these kind of decisions are driving them away :-(
I see the same people complaining about game balance and pay-to-win issues complaining about the average stats of a cosmetic suit. You guys should start to choose between pay to win and balance.
Anyway, it's just a cosmetic costume and I don't need it. Such a price doesn't seem reasonable for me, even if I'm a huge Star Trek fan. But I don't see the point of complaining about the price, because this means PWE has won. You want it so badly that you find a way to complain about it.
It's just a game. And it's just a costume in a game. If you don't want to spend money on it, don't spend money on it, I'm sure you can live with it. I might have bought it if it were cheaper, but I'm not angry at all about it. If some people want to spend 700 zen on a suit, let them spend their money, it won't change your life.
I think the problems with STO are more community related. 1 million for 1 heavy phaser satellite on the AH... We need 40 just to get 1000 military xp for our starbases. 40 millon for 1000xp, that's 160 million just to lvl ur starbase up to lvl 1 lol (not including all the other resources you'll need for that same level)
100s of millions for ships on the AH... Such greedy people.
No it's not. You should read the theads about the exchange workarounds. And it's something you can craft for a very low amount of credits. Don't blame the devs because you don't really want to know how the game works. Blame them for not making fixing and improving the exchange a very high priority instead, this would be legitimate.
While I think the prices are high for the EVA suits.. to compare it to the monocle problem in eve is not fair. Here is why
1. eve is a subscription
2. the monocle was 70 dollars.
3. CCP knows when to listen to their fans, and what to do to keep them happy.
Just look at where EVE has gone, and is going in the future after that. we didn't like the monocle, and our out rage has caused them to release good looking lower priced items. Added to that they have added HUGE expansions that really added a lot to EVE, and is about to launch a free to play FPS that ties into EVE where FPS players and EVE players work together to make money, take over planets, and expand their empires. ( I can't wait to bombard them from space. )
So I don't think it is a fair comparison, unless cryptic starts acting like CCP and starts doing some great things. Yeah star bases are great and all, but compared to what has been released in EVE. in my opinion. it doesn't hold a candle.
You forget one thing....
Star Trek Barbie dress up/casino/them park Online was a subscription game too in the past and had a WTF 25$ ship!!!
I see the same people complaining about game balance and pay-to-win issues complaining about the average stats of a cosmetic suit. You guys should start to choose between pay to win and balance.
Anyway, it's just a cosmetic costume and I don't need it. Such a price doesn't seem reasonable for me, even if I'm a huge Star Trek fan. But I don't see the point of complaining about the price, because this means PWE has won. You want it so badly that you find a way to complain about it.
It's just a game. And it's just a costume in a game. If you don't want to spend money on it, don't spend money on it, I'm sure you can live with it. I might have bought it if it were cheaper, but I'm not angry at all about it. If some people want to spend 700 zen on a suit, let them spend their money, it won't change your life.
Quick edit :
No it's not. You should read the theads about the exchange workarounds. And it's something you can craft for a very low amount of credits. Don't blame the devs because you don't really want to know how the game works. Blame them for not making fixing and improving the exchange a very high priority instead, this would be legitimate.
Hmm I somewhat agree with you.
I have a few accounts, been playing since beta. I have max crafting on many characters. I stopped crafting when the dilithum tax was introduced.
Exchange work arounds? the only problem I have with the exchange is the price others ask for things.
Not sure this is a dev problem, but what workarounds are you speaking of?
Perhaps this is overly simplistic, but no one is making anyone buy the suits. It's fluff like the EVA suits that pays for the game. I don't want them, they're too expensive in my opinion, but that doesn't mean that I'm being screwed by PWE. I'd love to have a new car, but I don't want to pay for one. That doesn't mean I'm being screwed by the car manufacturer. If you think the EVA suits are too expensive, or the use of them too limited - don't buy them.
Hmm I somewhat agree with you.
I have a few accounts, been playing since beta. I have max crafting on many characters. I stopped crafting when the dilithum tax was introduced.
Exchange work arounds? the only problem I have with the exchange is the price others ask for things.
Not sure this is a dev problem, but what workarounds are you speaking of?
Search for specific items under categories. That's not exacly the right thread to discuss about that, but :
- phaser turrets costs 40k EC each under "ship device" category.
- It can be crafted with your doffs, just check your engineer on your ship (you have to visit the bridge). It's very cheap and takes only a few commodities. It can also be obtained with a klingon char, with marauding doffs assignments (50k EC for 10 or 20 turrets).
The exchange is just horribly broken, but the dev team doesn't care much about it, it has been reported for a long time since it's a very old issue.
Perhaps this is overly simplistic, but no one is making anyone buy the suits. It's fluff like the EVA suits that pays for the game. I don't want them, they're too expensive in my opinion, but that doesn't mean that I'm being screwed by PWE. I'd love to have a new car, but I don't want to pay for one. That doesn't mean I'm being screwed by the car manufacturer. If you think the EVA suits are too expensive, or the use of them too limited - don't buy them.
^ Or you could use your other consumer right and let them know that it is to expensive in your opinion. If there is enough of you who agree that it is to expensive then the company has a right to listen. Both parties win. The consumer who wanted it but it cost to much now gets it, and the company gets money from those who were not going to buy it at the last price. If the group is large enough and sells are down. getting less money from many is better then getting slightly better money from a few.
Also to nynik.. I love how you try to sweep everyone under the rug because you feel if they don't spend money they don't matter. Let me tell you something. you don't know who I am, and you don't know who they are. you have no clue what any of us have spent. I had to laugh at what you said because
1. It doesn't apply to me. I dropped close to 70 dollars at the start of this month,
2. your wrong on so many levels. Even the 100% free players have value. they are potential customers, and they are walking advertisements.
The best form of advertisement is word of mouth. You can play as many TV commercials as you want. you can put up bill boards, and ads on the internet, but none of that is as powerful as a friend saying " hey come check out this game. it is really good"
So yes. the free players do matter because they are living advertisements. the way cryptic treats them is important because they can be a negative promoter too, and sometimes that is the most harmful. Even as a free player you keep the prices down, and keep it a good value because they will reflect that when they do talk about the game.
So to all free players out there. Don't listen to anyone saying that you don't matter and your opinion doesn't matter, but let me tell you something. Your opinion matters just as much as any sub, anyone who drops money on the C-store, or even any Life time Subscriber. Because you are the larger side of the word of mouth about this game, and you are a potential customer to spend money too. Cryptic just hasn't earned it yet.
Why would anyone pay for this anyways, what you going to do with it?
You ca solo most of the Tholian stuff in a few hours, plus you get the Tholian set thats better, dont feed greedy IP hating cryptic.
1. EVE Online is not STO. It seems that this community seems to think so. I've never played it as I don't care for subscription based games.
2. You don't have to pay any "money" to unlock EV Suits / FSMs / Whatever the hell is in the C-Store. You can actually buy those two items on the exchange. Fleet Ships don't cost $20 per character per account, they cost ~25m per character per account.
3. Gold Members get your Zen stipend if I recall. Me being a silver member, I pug stfs on my accounts to get my 50-ish Zen a day.
4. Why do I keep on seeing topics comparing this game to EVE Online. That game's like 10 years old, is subscription based AND has a cash shop. Nobody but the most hard core must play that game because it sounds like the most hard core gaming experience I have ever encountered. $70 is nothing for a "hardcore game".
STO ain't hardcore. The few people who talk in Zone at DS9 / Drozana will tell you as much.
100% agree with you OP. Just watch out for the STO fanboys who'll most likely attack you for saying something negative about their game. :rolleyes:
Dec '07 Account I EARNED 1000 days...I didn't BUY it! New LTS=Death to Vet.System: 10/10/12 Never Forget Something should be done for those who cared enough to have a 1000+ day sub.
So, like many people, I was... unenthusiastic when I saw the plans for the release of the Starfleet and KDF EVA suits. Don't get me wrong; this is something I've been wanting for a while. But not paying $7 per character, per suit. I'd be much more likely to get it if it were a one-time unlock, and I suspect most people would.
But that's not really what I'm sitting here to talk about.
Off and on over the last five years, I've been playing this little sci-fi MMO some of you might have heard of called EVE Online. I know, it's one of those games that people either love or hate, and to be honest, I've loved it more than I've hated it. And I've seen a lot of things happen while I've played EVE. And as I read the dev blog regarding the new EVA suits, it felt really familiar. I couldn't pin it down until I remembered what happened when CCP, the developers of EVE, came out with their "Incarna" expansion.
For those of you unaware, a bit of explanation. For literally years, players in EVE Online were never able to leave their ships. You created a face at character creation, but it was never seen other than a tiny little version of it that got used in the chat window. Giving players the ability to leave their ships was something that had been coming Soon(TM) for years. And, finally, about a year ago, Incarna hit and we finally could leave our ships and CCP introduced a new currency and a store for it, where people would buy new clothes for their characters.
The problems a lot of people had were that these clothes could be lost in combat, and the prices were pretty high. While CCP did say that they had plans to release both cheaper and more expensive clothes, they led with stuff anywhere from $10-$25, topped off by what has to be the most expensive "micro" transaction I have ever seen: a monocle for a single EVE Online character, priced at the equivalent of $65. People protested the price point - paying that much for a purely cosmetic item seemed pointless to many, and still does. In fact, this whole incident, dubbed "Monoclegate" by the EVE community, was to be the tip of the iceberg, with many other incidents and factors culminating in hundreds if not thousands of players converging on the two top trade hubs in the game in protest, as well as many players deciding to cancel their accounts.
From where I sit, I'm seeing some significant parallels from Monoclegate to this whole thing with the EVA suits. Perhaps even more disturbingly, I'm also seeing the potential for this to become the future of STO; a future I am in no way supportive of, one where players are squeezed for every last penny they'll give.
For myself, I tend to give Cryptic the benefit of the doubt here and lay what blame there is on Perfect World's doorstep. Many things I've seen happen since PWE bought Cryptic I personally suspect have more to do with PWE being, however innocently, at least somewhat tone-deaf to the differences between Asian gamers and Western gamers. Western gamers are, in general, much less tolerant of grind and blatant pay-to-win setups than Asian players are, as evidenced by how none of PWE's games have ever really hit it big in Western markets. And for whatever reason, it seems that PWE doesn't want to learn this, so they're working things like the EVA suit into STO, and I'd be surprised if something like this doesn't make it into Champions in the future.
I tweeted this to BranFlakes, but I'll say it again; in the spirit of trying to help Cryptic and PWE, and perhaps even doing something to keep this game viable, I highly suggest that the lessons of Monoclegate be learned by Cryptic and - perhaps especially - PWE. It may not happen now, but if the EVA suits are a taste of what is to come, then that's the direction I see this game going, and I'd even go so far as to suggest that if it does, then that will perhaps be one of, if not the, final things that will drag this game into oblivion.
What i find more disturbing than the complaint about the suits is the fact that this individual has categorized western gamers and eastern gamers as a certain quality of gamer without knowing us individually. Let me make this quite clear.....this western gamer doesn't pay to win. Then again, i don't find myself generalizing eastern and western gamers to prove a point or insult said gamers.
That being said, it's not my place to care what others do or don't do with their money. Tolerances should also be kept to a personal level. From where i sit it's PW/Cryptic's decision sell stuff and the individual has the choice on whether to purchase anything or not.
If anything i get from your topic it's that you might be caring too much about what's going on in game with what you might need to purchase in order to get ahead. There's nothing wrong with that, but blaming people when you don't know all the details kinda sounds like you are making assumptions you shouldn't be making.
Maybe you need to step back and get a more objective view of the situation.
Funny I dont see many people if any in the real world wear monocles, must be all the rage of the inner psyche and I missed that fashion gem. :rolleyes:
Vote with your wallet. If you dont buy it, they either will make it cheaper or stop wasting Dev time on whatever the market chose to say thanks but no thanks to.
I hate to think how many Devs are slaving away making stuff to sell to STO players versus the one working on new story content and bug fixing etc.
I don't mind Cryptic selling things as per character. Costumes for instance could be acceptable. These EV suits are more than cosmetics as they have defensive stats. These are glorified armors. Pehaps that warants a higher price, 700 zen fair? Perhaps not. I will not buy them as I don't need them. I understand the company needs to make money. I have paid them quite a bit, though not as much as others. I will comtinue to buy items where I see a value to it. To me, the price of the EV suits exceeds it's value. This is my own personal opinion and I will not discourage anyone else from buying them if they wish. Now we just need some 2409 variants to go to the Dilithium or some other in game store.
700 Zen for an EV suit? No thanks if it was for one character or all of them.
Although I applaud Cryptic for making zen store items that are not superior to the items you get by grinding missions. Feel free to make money on the impatient, in the mean while I'm debating what to buy with my 4,000 zen I got solely from grinding dilithium in the run up to season 6, and when Cryptic puts something useful and interesting in the C-Store then I'll consider giving them some money.
My main problem is Klingons get this completely awesome EV suit and Feds get the EV suit from the First Contact movie. It has been over 30 years from First Contact so Feds deserve a more advanced EV suit not a model that is over 30 years old.
Why does everyone assume that something that is 30 years old is old?
If you went in to space today you would wear a suit designed in the 1970s.
Yes the Defiant and Intrepid are 30 years old in 2409. That means they are a mature vehicle, they have all their bugs worked out.
Sure everyone wants the cutting edge ship but remember those are the ships that can fly apart or suffer a complete system failure due to some unforeseen design error.
My Romulan Liberated Borg character made it to Level 30 and beat the (old) Defense of New Romulus with the skill point bug.
1st Nanopulse blades, now we are fighting bugs while wearing space suits... what IP shall we rip off next?.
Just FYI - Tholians aren't a 'ripoff' from any other IP. They first appeared in TOS on The Tholian Web on November 15, 1968. (Just saying.)
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
That's funny, I also remember all the anger about the MU costume.
Considering how some folks claimed to pay 300 bucks for the MU costume before the Beta, 7 bucks for these suits should be chump change.
If they could display as costumes, maybe. They don't. You have to wear the suit which makes it gear and gear is less valuable than vanity and better gear can be had in-game cheaper.
Just FYI - Tholians aren't a 'ripoff' from any other IP. They first appeared in TOS on The Tholian Web on Apriil 13, 1967. (Just saying.)
I suppose conceptually, the Tholians could be seen as a rip off of Starship Troopers... If the Tholians were really bugs, and if hardsuits were some concept limited to science fiction and if the EVA suits in Trek (or STO) were anywhere near as capable as those in Starship Troopers..... But since they are none of those....
And that is setting aside the fact Tholians and EVA suits are Trek canon as you say....
To clarify a recurring point I've been seeing crop up: I'm not thinking so much in terms of the EVA suits themselves, so much as the trend they represent.
Personally, I'd love to get the look of the Federation EVA suit in-game. I do a lot of RP, and so that's something that appeals to me. In strict gameplay terms, you're right, I don't need it, and would be better off using one of the ones from a Tholian reward box. But that's not the point.
The point I'm trying to make is that I'm seeing a disturbing trend in this game where Perfect World is putting things in game that are useless - or at least less useful than other options in game - and then charging what I consider to be outrageous amounts of money for them. The comparison to Monoclegate was an example of where I see things potentially going for STO; I wasn't trying to compare the two games because comparing STO and EVE is like comparing apples and... Blu Ray disks. They're two completely different things with only very minor similarities.
Trust me, nobody would be happier than I if my concerns turn out to be groundless. But I simply felt that the points I came up with while turning this whole thing over in my head needed to be raised, maybe not even so much for the community but also - hopefully - for someone like BranFlakes to bring up to his fellow staff members.
What i find more disturbing than the complaint about the suits is the fact that this individual has categorized western gamers and eastern gamers as a certain quality of gamer without knowing us individually. Let me make this quite clear.....this western gamer doesn't pay to win. Then again, i don't find myself generalizing eastern and western gamers to prove a point or insult said gamers.
That being said, it's not my place to care what others do or don't do with their money. Tolerances should also be kept to a personal level. From where i sit it's PW/Cryptic's decision sell stuff and the individual has the choice on whether to purchase anything or not.
If anything i get from your topic it's that you might be caring too much about what's going on in game with what you might need to purchase in order to get ahead. There's nothing wrong with that, but blaming people when you don't know all the details kinda sounds like you are making assumptions you shouldn't be making.
Maybe you need to step back and get a more objective view of the situation.
I didn't mean to insult anyone, and I truly do apologize if I did. The point I was trying to make was that eastern and western gamers both tend to have different... expectations? tolerances?... for things in MMOs, and that everything that I've seen from Perfect World seems to indicate that they don't quite understand that.
My concerns aren't with anything more than trying to keep an enjoyable game going as long as it can, because I do enjoy STO. I enjoy the community, I enjoy hanging out with other Star Trek fans, I enjoy roleplaying as a starship captain, I enjoy people's creativity in the Foundry... I will be disappointed when this game eventually closes its doors. All I'm trying to do here is hold up a proverbial caution sign for what I honestly believe would be a bad choice for Perfect World and/or Cryptic to make in regards to monetizing this game.
The Tholian Set (especially with the Lobi upgrade to the full set) outperforms this in everyway.
There is zero need for these suits. You do not need them to finish any content. They do not give you any bonuses over content that you can obtain in the game for free (the basic set is just as good).
If someone wants to waste $7, more power to them. I can see people complaining about fleet modules, because the fleet ships offer a real advantage. This doesn't.
Also, couldn't your clothing and stuff get destroyed in EVE? Comparing this to the thing with a monocle is apt, however.
If people are willing to spend money on cosmetic items, who cares what they are priced at?
This ends up sounding like people are upset that Cryptic / PWE are trying to make money at their business. Complaints about lockboxes are valid. Complaints about too much new usable content going to the c-store are valid. Complaints about crappy EVA suits being a character unlock when the things are worse than what's in game don't hold water.
I agree
To all those newer players out there that feel like some of us veterans are now freeloading and never used the C-store, or don't think we understand they need to make money, most of us have spent insane ammounts of money on this game, all we've seen that money used for though is to make more C-store content, not actual game content (we went thoguh the year of hell). There comes a point where a games company is no longer raising money to help run the game and make it better (which is how most P2P models work), but are simply running a virtual online item shop, which is eactly where STO is heading right now, hell, the content in season 6 is actually a grind to unlock items you need to spend money in the C-store on? I mean really, how messed up is that?
You know, maybe we don't need all these items in the C-store, maybe we don't need the Fleet ships, but when all the games content revolves around those things, or anything new added to the game 'is' c-store content, there comes a point when you have to ask yourself "Why am I playing?". I genuinely believe these decisions of per charactor unlocks and the increasing prices are going to cause the death of this game, because this game needs the fans of the franchise, and these kind of decisions are driving them away :-(
(Thought I would reply as the servers are offline for patch/maintenance)
I'm a lifetime subby, I really thought if I paid my lifetime sub, I would't have to pay another penny to this game. I feel cheated and scammed out of my money now.
I really don't have a problem with what cryptic or PW do. It's their business aslong as they aren't doing anything illegal.
I think the problems with STO are more community related. 1 million for 1 heavy phaser satellite on the AH... We need 40 just to get 1000 military xp for our starbases. 40 millon for 1000xp, that's 160 million just to lvl ur starbase up to lvl 1 lol (not including all the other resources you'll need for that same level)
100s of millions for ships on the AH... Such greedy people.
I laugh at those I see in these uber expensive ships.
You can't complain about game developers being greedy when the community is way more greedy.
Same goes for eve online.
I've played eve since 2003, I still have a character with 2003 in their emplyoment history as she never had a job lol.
Wasn't there a big do dar with CCP related to giving uber rare blueprints to a select few corporations who's members were friendly with CCP?
You see this is corruption, when this happend I stopped playing eve.
Eve can also be played free, you don't really need a subscription, if you can make enough in game money per month you can buy 30 month sub tokens in game.
If you don't like what cryptic or PW are oing with this game stop supporting it financially... that means not flying around in an uber expensive ship or opening 40 lock boxes a day just to scam other players out of hundreds of millions.
i agree with everything said here
Anyway, it's just a cosmetic costume and I don't need it. Such a price doesn't seem reasonable for me, even if I'm a huge Star Trek fan. But I don't see the point of complaining about the price, because this means PWE has won. You want it so badly that you find a way to complain about it.
It's just a game. And it's just a costume in a game. If you don't want to spend money on it, don't spend money on it, I'm sure you can live with it. I might have bought it if it were cheaper, but I'm not angry at all about it. If some people want to spend 700 zen on a suit, let them spend their money, it won't change your life.
Quick edit :
No it's not. You should read the theads about the exchange workarounds. And it's something you can craft for a very low amount of credits. Don't blame the devs because you don't really want to know how the game works. Blame them for not making fixing and improving the exchange a very high priority instead, this would be legitimate.
God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
i agree this per charater only TRIBBLE makes me sick.
You forget one thing....
Star Trek Barbie dress up/casino/them park Online was a subscription game too in the past and had a WTF 25$ ship!!!
noug said...
ps: not a fanboi either!
Hmm I somewhat agree with you.
I have a few accounts, been playing since beta. I have max crafting on many characters. I stopped crafting when the dilithum tax was introduced.
Exchange work arounds? the only problem I have with the exchange is the price others ask for things.
Not sure this is a dev problem, but what workarounds are you speaking of?
Search for specific items under categories. That's not exacly the right thread to discuss about that, but :
- phaser turrets costs 40k EC each under "ship device" category.
- It can be crafted with your doffs, just check your engineer on your ship (you have to visit the bridge). It's very cheap and takes only a few commodities. It can also be obtained with a klingon char, with marauding doffs assignments (50k EC for 10 or 20 turrets).
The exchange is just horribly broken, but the dev team doesn't care much about it, it has been reported for a long time since it's a very old issue.
God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
^ Or you could use your other consumer right and let them know that it is to expensive in your opinion. If there is enough of you who agree that it is to expensive then the company has a right to listen. Both parties win. The consumer who wanted it but it cost to much now gets it, and the company gets money from those who were not going to buy it at the last price. If the group is large enough and sells are down. getting less money from many is better then getting slightly better money from a few.
Also to nynik.. I love how you try to sweep everyone under the rug because you feel if they don't spend money they don't matter. Let me tell you something. you don't know who I am, and you don't know who they are. you have no clue what any of us have spent. I had to laugh at what you said because
1. It doesn't apply to me. I dropped close to 70 dollars at the start of this month,
2. your wrong on so many levels. Even the 100% free players have value. they are potential customers, and they are walking advertisements.
The best form of advertisement is word of mouth. You can play as many TV commercials as you want. you can put up bill boards, and ads on the internet, but none of that is as powerful as a friend saying " hey come check out this game. it is really good"
So yes. the free players do matter because they are living advertisements. the way cryptic treats them is important because they can be a negative promoter too, and sometimes that is the most harmful. Even as a free player you keep the prices down, and keep it a good value because they will reflect that when they do talk about the game.
So to all free players out there. Don't listen to anyone saying that you don't matter and your opinion doesn't matter, but let me tell you something. Your opinion matters just as much as any sub, anyone who drops money on the C-store, or even any Life time Subscriber. Because you are the larger side of the word of mouth about this game, and you are a potential customer to spend money too. Cryptic just hasn't earned it yet.
You ca solo most of the Tholian stuff in a few hours, plus you get the Tholian set thats better, dont feed greedy IP hating cryptic.
1. EVE Online is not STO. It seems that this community seems to think so. I've never played it as I don't care for subscription based games.
2. You don't have to pay any "money" to unlock EV Suits / FSMs / Whatever the hell is in the C-Store. You can actually buy those two items on the exchange. Fleet Ships don't cost $20 per character per account, they cost ~25m per character per account.
3. Gold Members get your Zen stipend if I recall. Me being a silver member, I pug stfs on my accounts to get my 50-ish Zen a day.
4. Why do I keep on seeing topics comparing this game to EVE Online. That game's like 10 years old, is subscription based AND has a cash shop. Nobody but the most hard core must play that game because it sounds like the most hard core gaming experience I have ever encountered. $70 is nothing for a "hardcore game".
STO ain't hardcore. The few people who talk in Zone at DS9 / Drozana will tell you as much.
Dec '07 Account
I EARNED 1000 days...I didn't BUY it! New LTS=Death to Vet.System: 10/10/12 Never Forget
Something should be done for those who cared enough to have a 1000+ day sub.
What i find more disturbing than the complaint about the suits is the fact that this individual has categorized western gamers and eastern gamers as a certain quality of gamer without knowing us individually. Let me make this quite clear.....this western gamer doesn't pay to win. Then again, i don't find myself generalizing eastern and western gamers to prove a point or insult said gamers.
That being said, it's not my place to care what others do or don't do with their money. Tolerances should also be kept to a personal level. From where i sit it's PW/Cryptic's decision sell stuff and the individual has the choice on whether to purchase anything or not.
If anything i get from your topic it's that you might be caring too much about what's going on in game with what you might need to purchase in order to get ahead. There's nothing wrong with that, but blaming people when you don't know all the details kinda sounds like you are making assumptions you shouldn't be making.
Maybe you need to step back and get a more objective view of the situation.
Funny I dont see many people if any in the real world wear monocles, must be all the rage of the inner psyche and I missed that fashion gem. :rolleyes:
Vote with your wallet. If you dont buy it, they either will make it cheaper or stop wasting Dev time on whatever the market chose to say thanks but no thanks to.
I hate to think how many Devs are slaving away making stuff to sell to STO players versus the one working on new story content and bug fixing etc.
I wonder when the next sale is too...:D
Although I applaud Cryptic for making zen store items that are not superior to the items you get by grinding missions. Feel free to make money on the impatient, in the mean while I'm debating what to buy with my 4,000 zen I got solely from grinding dilithium in the run up to season 6, and when Cryptic puts something useful and interesting in the C-Store then I'll consider giving them some money.
Why does everyone assume that something that is 30 years old is old?
If you went in to space today you would wear a suit designed in the 1970s.
Yes the Defiant and Intrepid are 30 years old in 2409. That means they are a mature vehicle, they have all their bugs worked out.
Sure everyone wants the cutting edge ship but remember those are the ships that can fly apart or suffer a complete system failure due to some unforeseen design error.
That's funny, I also remember all the anger about the MU costume.
Considering how some folks claimed to pay 300 bucks for the MU costume before the Beta, 7 bucks for these suits should be chump change.
Just FYI - Tholians aren't a 'ripoff' from any other IP. They first appeared in TOS on The Tholian Web on November 15, 1968. (Just saying.)
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
If they could display as costumes, maybe. They don't. You have to wear the suit which makes it gear and gear is less valuable than vanity and better gear can be had in-game cheaper.
I suppose conceptually, the Tholians could be seen as a rip off of Starship Troopers... If the Tholians were really bugs, and if hardsuits were some concept limited to science fiction and if the EVA suits in Trek (or STO) were anywhere near as capable as those in Starship Troopers..... But since they are none of those....
And that is setting aside the fact Tholians and EVA suits are Trek canon as you say....
Personally, I'd love to get the look of the Federation EVA suit in-game. I do a lot of RP, and so that's something that appeals to me. In strict gameplay terms, you're right, I don't need it, and would be better off using one of the ones from a Tholian reward box. But that's not the point.
The point I'm trying to make is that I'm seeing a disturbing trend in this game where Perfect World is putting things in game that are useless - or at least less useful than other options in game - and then charging what I consider to be outrageous amounts of money for them. The comparison to Monoclegate was an example of where I see things potentially going for STO; I wasn't trying to compare the two games because comparing STO and EVE is like comparing apples and... Blu Ray disks. They're two completely different things with only very minor similarities.
Trust me, nobody would be happier than I if my concerns turn out to be groundless. But I simply felt that the points I came up with while turning this whole thing over in my head needed to be raised, maybe not even so much for the community but also - hopefully - for someone like BranFlakes to bring up to his fellow staff members.
I didn't mean to insult anyone, and I truly do apologize if I did. The point I was trying to make was that eastern and western gamers both tend to have different... expectations? tolerances?... for things in MMOs, and that everything that I've seen from Perfect World seems to indicate that they don't quite understand that.
My concerns aren't with anything more than trying to keep an enjoyable game going as long as it can, because I do enjoy STO. I enjoy the community, I enjoy hanging out with other Star Trek fans, I enjoy roleplaying as a starship captain, I enjoy people's creativity in the Foundry... I will be disappointed when this game eventually closes its doors. All I'm trying to do here is hold up a proverbial caution sign for what I honestly believe would be a bad choice for Perfect World and/or Cryptic to make in regards to monetizing this game.
This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines
This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines