Stage 1) Kill Saboteurs
Photobucket - Stage 1
- It's easier for everyone involved if the team splits in to five areas.
* NW quadrant
* NE quadrant
* SW quadrant
* SE quadrant
* Center
- The Saboteurs have fixed spawn points on the map, but spawn in random sequence.
Total Saboteur Team Kills Rating
<15 You are doing it wrong
~20 You are doing ok
30< You are doing well
Stage 2) Kill 4 specific Saboteurs
Photobucket, Stage 2
Stage 2 needs to be completed fast in order to make it to the Captain on time during Stage 3. It's best to duo or solo the four Saboteurs to give the team enough time for the third stage.
Stage 3) Kill Captain + Guards + Boss
Photobucket, Stage 3
The Captain is inside the force field in the center of the room, the Captain starts his Progress Bar for beaming out after the team triggers the proximity radius OR if the Mission Timer passes a specific threshold.
The faster you clear stage 2 the more time you have for the Captain.
The two guard clusters spawns infront and behind the center.
The boss and Captain are inside the force field, but are easily dealt with.
That said i think phase 2 is really overtuned. there are a couple of groups that are quiet capable of 1 shotting somone when first aggro'd due to the focus fire effect. If it didn't have the respawn penalty it wouldn;t be so bad. Still nice to see a mode where Quantum Mortars are REALLY good though. But would rather phae 2 had a few less NPC's, but tougher ones.
I also think the gorn are overtuned in phase 3. here's a couple of super tough gorn in there, they're vastly tougher than their orion and klink counterparts and it makes burning through them painfully difficult inside the limit. Not that klinks and orions are auto win, but it's a vast difficulty hike. Same on soem of the sabotour choices TBH.
phase 1 saboteurs - 33
phase 2 saboteurs - 4
captain - yes
was wondering how other groups are doing. screenshot or it didn't happen!
Screenshot: Starbase Incursion 07-19
The darkness down here seems to have debuffed the NPC's perception. So much so, that with a Stealth Module activated you have to practically hug the enemy for them to see you.
This means that you can actually sneak past the mobs on phase 2, and ambush the saboteur. And if you buff properly, you will 2-3 shot him with a Pulsewave before his mates can kill you (if you don't get away that is). At least using a Vice Admiral you will anyway. A lower level character might not have the buff quality from the lower level kit. Even if I make a mess of it and die after killing him each time, I can pretty much always take care of at least 3 sabotuers myself.
Of course the disadvantage is that if you're doing that, you're not helping your team deal with the mobs. And since you don't kill the mobs, you can't tell where you've been and respawn randomly. So you might have trouble finding the last one. Because of that, I probably wouldn't use it in a properly organised team-run, but I haven't done a properly organised team-run of this yet.
It's not worth using the Stealth Mod in Phase 1 because it slows you down.
Nailed the captain for the first time earlier today. Rather shocked that I did it. Just to mention, the captain is the NPC right behind the "lower the field" interaction object. The one with the progress bar over them.
Got five marks for doing it.
For the first portion, the others traveled in a group and I gather got maybe 2 since I got the other 7.
Why are folks so deadset against using stealth in the second portion? As soon as I turned mine on, I started getting comments. They went short left and couldn't get it done while I did the other three with one death.
On the third portion, what triggers the force field to drop? There's another thread where the field drops just as soon at the captain is about 80-90% done so it makes it very hard to kill the captain. I;m wondering if I'm missing a trigger or something.
The group I played with pulled up short and dealt with all of the guards in front while I ran around the center taking care of those folks. The captain was already gone by the time the field dropped.
I had a 41 4 yes earlier today. Loved it.
edit: Oh and I see the lock box now as well. Not a clue as to how to get up there.
The shield drops when a player uses the forcefield control. The control panel decloaks after the captain's guards are dead (the ones outside the shield). The console itself is right behind the captain.
Phase 1
Major problems
1 people who can not or will not communicate this leads to everyone running about like headless ferengi
2 DRONES , Drones reduce a sab to "I surrender" then glide away he then resets and the count is lost
3 security escorts , as above only theres usually at leasty three of them
4 people putting a cover shield in the doorway so others can't get out
Hints and tips
highest rank (most powerful) should take centre area
least powerful or newest left
and clock round by rank and experience
Phase 2
Major problems
1 Stealthers they sneak past the main body of the enemy who then remain after the sab is terminated , this leads to the NON STEALTHED people getting swarmed.
2 people trying to fortess the start area (this NEVER helps)
3 failure to comm in a kill
4 calling for help without giving LOCATION
Hints and tips
Go clockwise
Phase 3
Major problems
1 failure to wait for team
2 people using area effect weapons in concentration messes up the frame rate
3 people trying to fortress again
4 no one wants to drop the shield
Hint (only one)
shoot the captain FIRST
Don't follow the stealth person then. I always announce which one I;m going after. If it;s a decent group, they go after a different one. If it;s a normal group, they always go left front anyway.
And should you really be doing that without stealth?
edit: And I beg people to tell me when they drop one of them. I usually get "huh?" back....
when two people stealth and set off there is no known way to hold the line
so if you go down you stay down
and stealth tacs leave THREE dead team mates for the start of phase 3 and then FAIL the mission (worst offenders are VA ranked tacs)
They may be the most common trigger; but the problem is the AI behaviour. Pretty sure they aren't supposed to be clogging up the hallways like that.
Happily, that is something that can be fixed (though, whether it ever actually will be is another matter).
Actually if anyone does die, waiting for the respawn before leaving and triggering the timer on the third part means no failure. And for those of us that see STO as a game and not a simulation, letting others be fodder/bait means the stealth tacs can get the job done.
Don't need stealth at all if you're going to do that; the mobs are pretty single minded. As an engineer, I usually just run right past them; either by laying down some turrets to distract them, or just by letting someone else go in first.
What's particularly satisfying is laying down a nice big bomb, right where they can see it; preferably in the middle of a mine field. They all rush over, wanting to attack it at point blank range; with predictable results.
I dont mind stealth or the security teams or the orb, or combat pets, these are made to be used in the game and if they actually help, then good, if not, well....... at least they will have caused some damage, hopefully.:rolleyes:
they will NOT tag for transport and do not finish them off
Phase2: the only way I've seen for taking out the guards is to have people do it in a group. Even then it's common to have a group wiped out....
Phase3: This frusterates me to no end..... the captain usually BEAMS OUT before the guards get dealt with at all.... Some games I noticed the captain started with a progress bar at at least 75% and the bar ran out in around 15 seconds. I've NEVER been in a group that got the captain. I've never even been in a group where we dropped the shield before the captain beamed out....
I kinda wonder if the length of the progress bar in phase3 has something to do with how many sab you got earlier.
My character Tsin'xing
Part one -
Team should split up to take all four corners and the centre (yes, you get saboteurs there as well)
Part two -
Bottom left - I know of no quick method of dealing with this one, your team will just have to clear out the mob and take out the saboteur the slow way.
Bottom right - Almost directly right from the spawn point, there are some boxes you can jump on. After jumping for some distance you will be able to snipe at the saboteur. Note it's very likely you'll get attacked, so spawn something to distract their attention (tactical team, medical generator which seems to have a high threat level, support drones, pets, shard of possibilities, whatever). This can be done by one person.
Top right - Similar to the bottom right but with less jumping. You most likely won't get attacked at this snipe point. This can be done by one person.
Top left - If you run into this section from it's right opening, there's a gap in the boxes which you should walk through and turn right. Keep on going until you reach a computer terminal. Jump onto it and use it to jump on the side of the wall. Follow the wall around and you'll eventually reach the saboteur. Use the shard of possibilities to distract the NPC mob there and snipe at the saboteur. This can be done by one person.
Part three -
Nothing really thought provoking here. Hit all your buffs, spawn all your pets and hope your team has the DPS. I do advise though that you have someone ready to use the decloaked console.
Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
So when Im on either of my tactical officers, and I kill all four saboteurs in the second phase by myself or, and more typically, the four useless people I was teamed with manage to kill one together while I take out the other three, whats really going on is, Im being evil and detrimental and Im hampering the group?
I see.
Oh yeah, I've seen a few times where the Orions "guarding" the field generator wander off and you have to hunt them down. Needless to say that means you have no chance at the captain.
My character Tsin'xing
Lol, i hope i will pug with you sometime. You will scream your head down . I usually use stealth with my tac and go clockwise. With two tacs teaming up together it is no bis deal to take out all of the sabs. And I never heard somebody complaining that I did the job, especially after seeing groups fighting enemies without even getting close to the sab.
And the Boff-thing: How often did you played that mission? Can you tell me how NOT to bring Boffs with you sometimes? I don't do anything and sometimes two of my guys are standing there. I don't like that, because the AI is not designed for that mission. They get killed and never attack an enemy. The biggest problem is that usually my Jem is coming to that mission, using his ketracel. So I beg you: TELL ME HOW TO STOP IT!!!!!
"What are his rights in this century? Will there be a trial or shall I execute him?" - Worf
After running the mission some more, I'm pretty certain the timer and the captain are tied together.
The Captain starts his Progress Bar at a set Timer interval, so the faster you finish stage 2 the more time you have to clear the two guard spawns allowing you to drop the force field and subsequently kill the captain.