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PW Ruining STO?

pubpennypubpenny Member Posts: 3 Arc User
What do you think? In my opinion they are. They've made everything more expensive, they've completely changed the way you log in and do stuff, they've- well there's too many things that they've done to say.

Share me your opinions. I'm a life time subscriber, I have been for some time now, and right now I feel I'm getting ripped off by PW.
Post edited by pubpenny on


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    thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,109 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    there is no difference between the way you log in.

    prices... give me the I.S.S. Prefix or Typhoon and i'll look the other way.
    Typhoon Class please!
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    pubpennypubpenny Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    You now have to have a PW account aswell. I mena it gets confusing. I don't know what account it mean when it says log in. Do I use my PW accoutn? Or my Cryptic account? Do I use the Display name? Or the Account name? I'ts confusing. :P

    Also, I feel lifetime subscribers don't get enough. I mean they're paying over ?100. Just below ?200. And what do they get? A lifetime combadge, 500 Zen a month, a Career Officer title on the forums and that's about it. :P
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    thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,109 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    What do you think?

    your posting on the fourms.. so you have your account name and password.
    Typhoon Class please!
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    dbrytestardbrytestar Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    How are you being ripped off?

    I don't understand.
    Did they take something away from you from the time that you signed up for the lifetime plan? I'm on the fence right now regarding picking up lifetime or not. I like to support games I enjoy, and this one has been enjoyable so far.
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    pubpennypubpenny Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I wouldn't get it atm if I were you. When I got it it was better. To be fair, it's not just that but I know where STO is heading. PW is gonig to make it crsh and burn to the ground. :P They're just making it worse all the time. They're not making it reasonable or anything.
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    bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I do think that they ought to relax some of the pricing for certain things and make certain other things more available to get. I believe that, over time, they will have no choice than to make playing and paying for the game more attractive or close it down completely.

    But lest we forget, Atari was the company responsible for running STO into the ground. PW saved Cryptic, and incidentally this game. But there's always a cost, and we're seeing it now.

    For now, I still like Star Trek Online enough that I'm happy it's still running and I'll put up with the stuff PW imposes as long as I manage to get any fun at all out of the game. How much of my money they actually get depends entirely on whether I feel I'm getting any entertainment value out of my purchases.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
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    fallenhawkfallenhawk Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Just so you know you blaming a game,you want to blame it on PWE.

    PW is a game,PWE is the company that make/runs the game(If I remember right) .

    PWI=Perfect World International

    PW= Perfect World(and is the chines version)

    PWE= Perfect World Entertainment
    I can still move.
    I can still fight.
    I will never give up!
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    omegasprimeomegasprime Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I just uninstalled the game because I am tired of the TRIBBLE with the lock boxes and no content. Season 6 does not offer much to those who are not in a fleet and I do not have time for a fleet.
    AKA Primus01, Lifetime member since January 16, 2010
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    boglejam73boglejam73 Member Posts: 890 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    pubpenny wrote: »
    ...but I know where STO is heading...

    No, you don't. I'm not sure the guys who actually run this thing know where it is heading. 100% positive you don't know.
    pubpenny wrote: »
    ...They're not making it reasonable or anything.

    Not making what reasonable? I don't like some of the things that have happened since F2P, but I don't begrudge a company trying to make money on a product they sell.

    Since you don't have to spend any money at all to play this game, how is it unreasonable to charge players for the items that you don't have to have?

    Not a big fan of lockboxes? Throw them away and don't buy keys.
    Want that shiny new T5 ship but don't want to pay? Grind for the dilithium.

    Again, not a huge fan of F2P, but I'm not seeing a whole lot of unreasonableness on their end. I don't like the forum switch, the PWE account, or the lockboxes....but it would be unreasonable of me to expect a game that I pay nothing to play is going to do everything the way I think it should be done all of the time.
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    zebularzebular Member Posts: 729 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    pubpenny wrote: »
    You now have to have a PW account aswell. I mena it gets confusing. I don't know what account it mean when it says log in. Do I use my PW accoutn? Or my Cryptic account? Do I use the Display name? Or the Account name? I'ts confusing.
    Don't be confused! Be informed!

    To break it down really simple, once you've made a PWE account and linked your Crytpic account to it, you simply tick the option to log in with your PWE username and password then input that and ta-da!

    The only issue I have is that if I check to remember my username, when I log out to switch characters, the client switches my username to my old cryptic username. This is highly annoying and has been reported in the past. My login on the launcher remains correct however. It is only the client that does this and it IS NOT something on my computer for I have re-partitioned and re-formatted and re-installed my os and everything from scratch since and it still reverts back to my Cryptic username in the client login field, when ticked to remember.

    Devs, if you need me to explain this better, please contact me. I'll even go so far as to make a video showing you what is happening, if I am confusing in my description. I just won't post it publicly as it will reveal my username(s).

    Also, this happens on BOTH of my PWE accounts that I merged both of my Cryptic accounts to, respectively.
    Full Name: Zeryn Zebulon Zebular 
    Short Name: Zebular ( @zebular )
    Starfleet Rank / Serial: Vice Admiral, Field Captain / SZ-872-112
    Fleet Registry / Command Ship: Fleet Admiral of the Betazed Patrol / U.S.S. Zebulon, NX-91333-C
    Diplomatic Registry: Starfleet Ambassador, Betazed Ambassador, Son of the Thirteenth House of Betazed
    Species / Birth Date / Birth Place: Half-Betazoid, Half-Human / Stardate 27481.22 / Rixx City, Betazed

    Handles: @zebular (PC)@MtnDewFreak (XBOX)@Terraseer (PS4)
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    kyeto13kyeto13 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    pubpenny wrote: »
    What do you think? In my opinion they are. They've made everything more expensive, they've completely changed the way you log in and do stuff, they've- well there's too many things that they've done to say.

    Share me your opinions. I'm a life time subscriber, I have been for some time now, and right now I feel I'm getting ripped off by PW.

    Yet another "REPENT! The end of STO is nigh!" Thread :rolleyes:

    Prefect World Entertainment saved Cryptic and STO from going under into the footnotes of "poorly executed ideas". They provided the financial backing to the studio as well as lower a barrier that prevented honest players from entering the game (the monthly fee that not everyone can afford).

    Say what you will, doomsayer, but that devil-be-damned evil corporation saved the game that you care enough about to write a thread about it.

    They haven't made the prices more expensive. They just cut out a middle step in between paying for Zen, and getting a ship. They also made the cost intuitive by making $1=100 Zen. Easy conversions there. How much does a 2000 Zen Ship cost me? $20 bucks. No need for a calculator or exchange rate charts.

    As for the oft quoted Odyssey three pack that cost $60... It worked. People bought it and people still use that ship. The same with lockboxes. People vote with their wallets, not their voices, and alot of peoples wallets are saying that what PWE is doing is viable. As long as it keeps the game going, I'll deal with the Lockbox spam.

    The Log in??? Seriously? You type in a your username and password, just like before. They simply streamlined the system so that you log into the same account to play as you do to buy zen. Again, TRYING TO MAKE YOUR LIFE EASIER! The transfer happened a month ago. That is more then enough time to write down a new sticky note with your new log in information and memorize it. Or, tell your computer to remember your username for you.

    And finally, If you are leaving this game. Feel free to mail all your in game items to @kyeto13. I'll make sure that it finds a good home :D
    Live on Earth. Work in Space. Play with Dragons. Join the best add on to STO, the Neverwinter holodeck program! Only 14 GPL a month.
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    xorrlanxorrlan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    What bothers me is that everything useful and new/desirable is in lockboxes.The droprates are horrible(this is coming from some1 who farmed up countless very rare mounts in another mmo),I NEVER got a useful item out of lockboxes and I opened around 40-50(usually the item I got sold on the exchange for like 1/20 of the price of a master key).These new and desirable items seem to be endless(all in lockboxes ofc),I dont even know what is what anymore,I am to busy IRL to spend a half day on comparing so many new ships and consoles,meanwhile character progression without lockboxes doesnt exist anymore(my characters use the same ships they used 1,5-2 years ago just because I wasnt lucky in the casino,I bet that I am not the only 1).

    I dont have piles of money to shovel into the game(and what if I get nothing after opening 200 lockboxes :X),sure,I could play the exchange but that requires to big effort,once or twice it would be doable(as economist I have better than average understanding about how the market works in online games) but with every new update comes a new lock box and I just lose all the willpower to play when I read about it(doesnt matter that I got nothing useful so far,here comes a new round of unobtainable cool items).I found the old c-store intrusive too but it was nothing compared to lock boxes,I would gladly pay the price for a new cool ship every half year,problem is that the c-store is a barren wasteland and I can see nothing useful in there(c-store ships are worse than the free ones I already own lol).

    Another problem is pricing,I dont know who buys online pixels for those amounts but for some1 who lives in middle europe the prices are at least tripple of what I would find reasonable.As I see it raising a kid would be lot cheaper than staying up to date in STO from month to month(I could buy all new games every month from the money required to get the lock box goodies for sure every time).

    I am a trekkie and I used to enjoy this game,I understand that now that the game is F2P the company needs to make profit,but I am not sure that the best way to achieve this is alienating a good portion of the fanbase,at least put something useful in the c-store(like a bird of prey which isnt worse than the free 1 I use since what seems to be the beginning of time),we are not all gamblers you know(actually I believe they are the minority,as I remember it is some kind of illness which is very hard to cure,not talking about the fact that they are usually the poorest of the poor IRL so I dont know how you expect to live from them long term when they are happy if they have money to eat something at all...just talking about my own experience,I have a few "gambler" friends myself too)

    oh and while we are at it they are immersion breaking:
    -How can you store SPACE SHIPS in lock boxes?
    -Why cant I transport out whats inside?
    -In real trek just 1 or 2 of such ships would cause diplomatic disaster,Starfleet would never allow the usage of galors etc.
    -Where they come from?Dont tell me that all cardassian war factories are working day and night just to supply the federation players with galors
    etc. I could write at least 100 more

    /some1 who was bored and was thinking about playing STO again after a month or 2 long break but changed his mind thanks to the awesome new lock box announcement(oh the sweet memories of opening tons of lockboxes for nothing,I wasted all my EC and dilithium reserves what I accumulated in weeks/months time to get nothing in return)

    edit:for the record I dont care who owns STO(PW or Atari doesnt matter),I care about just whats going on in the game and I am talking about that.I didnt play this game because it was Cryptic or Atari,Star Trek is what im interested in
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    azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Honestly, right now I think PW is not leading STO in that positive direction we hoped.

    Sure, they increased Cryptic's budget and they hired new people. But with all these lockbox schemes and the Lobi cons, it really makes me feel more like they value my wallet than me as a customer / player.

    As for content, since PW took over, all the content was either STFs and now Starbases, both grinds with no real reward for your effort. Many of us are still struggling for those MK12 Sets from the STFs, and game masters hardly lifted a finger to help us out. Instead we get the "oh well" response. Then there is new Starbases that peer pressure players to join fleets and grind for Fleet Marks so you can buy stuff from those stores. And Dilithum soaking while nerfing out methods of earning Dilithum.

    All of this has really left me with a sour taste in my mouth. I want to log into STO and have fun, not having to do a job.
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    boglejam73boglejam73 Member Posts: 890 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    xorrlan wrote: »
    I dont have piles of money to shovel into the game(and what if I get nothing after opening 200 lockboxes :X)

    xorrlan wrote: »
    sure,I could play the exchange but that requires to big effort,once or twice it would be doable(as economist I have better than average understanding about how the market works in online games)

    So what kind of economist doesn't understand that if you want something it will either cost you money or time? Lock box keys can be bought on the exchange as well as with zen. You can buy zen with dilithium, which costs you no real money. If you don't want to spend money or time, what do you think should occur?
    xorrlan wrote: »
    oh and while we are at it they are immersion breaking:

    -How can you store SPACE SHIPS in lock boxes?
    -Why cant I transport out whats inside?
    -In real trek just 1 or 2 of such ships would cause diplomatic disaster,Starfleet would never allow the usage of galors etc.
    -Where they come from?Dont tell me that all cardassian war factories are working day and night just to supply the federation players with galors
    etc. I could write at least 100 more

    - You do know this is a video game, right? You said you are familiar with MMO's - so you should realize that every MMO has an inventory storage system that defies the laws of physics. Its a video game, not a simulation of what living in the Trek universe would be like.

    - Because then PWE couldn't make money on keys and Devs like things like being employed and eating. Again, you sure you are an economist? :D

    - There is no real Trek. Its a tv show. Games make money by making wanted things available to customers. Company figured out people would spend money for ultra rare ships so now they are available in game.

    Supply, meet Demand.
    Demand, allow me to introduce you to Supply.

    - They provided (kinda weak) in-game explanations for the bug ship and Galors. Frankly, they didn't really need to do that. The fact that people wanted them was really the only justification PWE needed to make them available.

    So, what I got from all of this is you want the latest and greatest stuff but don't want to pay for it with either money or time? Good luck with that.
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    drachenhaut#3266 drachenhaut Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    dbrytestar wrote: »
    How are you being ripped off?
    I don't understand.
    Did they take something away from you from the time that you signed up for the lifetime plan? I'm on the fence right now regarding picking up 4102561 or not. I like to support games I enjoy, and this one has been enjoyable so far.

    Yes, yes they did.
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    boglejam73boglejam73 Member Posts: 890 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Yes, yes they did.

    Really? What?

    I've been a lifetime subscriber since launch and I can't think of anything I have lost.

    I gained a monthly 500 zen stipend.
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    fallenhawkfallenhawk Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    It can be a lot worst then a few Lockboxes and some over price items .;)
    I can still move.
    I can still fight.
    I will never give up!
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    drachenhaut#3266 drachenhaut Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    boglejam73 wrote: »
    Really? What?

    I've been a lifetime subscriber since launch and I can't think of anything I have lost.

    I gained a monthly 500 zen stipend.

    How about those marks they took away and never replaced, or wheres my va ship token, oh that's right I already got one you know before that reward existed, biggest con ever that one, how about those ships they took out of the ship store and put them soly on the cstore. I'm sure there's a lot more, but that's a start
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    crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Sure, they increased Cryptic's budget and they hired new people. But with all these lockbox schemes and the Lobi cons, it really makes me feel more like they value my wallet than me as a customer / player.

    My advice to y9ou aty this point: Just stopm playing/paying for any MMO on the market, because what youy describe is how ANY MMO developer and company with inverstors who want a large ROI view you. It's been that way siince Meridian 59; Ultima Online, and EverQuest. The bottom line is return on all the money spent on initial and continued development plus a profit. <--- If they can't do that, there's no point to maintaining the operation. In the end, if you get some enjoyment from the game (whether you spend money or not); that's the best you can hope for. But, in the end, any cpompany who provides a product or service is ONLY interested in getting some money from your wallet. Period.
    Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
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    sovereignmansovereignman Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Yes PW is ruining STO. It's getting so bad when I played the Nukara medium maps for an hour. I ONLY got 3 Tholian lockboxes. What the hell? Can't I got more than an hour without getting 3 lockboxes?

    But it wasn't enough to ruin Star Trek for me, now PWE is out to ruin my life.

    This morning when I woke up, PWE managed to replace my bed with a lockbox. Then when I went to wash up, my washroom was replaced with a lockbox.

    I wanted some coffee but my kitchen was replaced with a lockbox. They even turned my dog into a lockbox, all he does is go "Box box! Buy key stupid customer human!"

    Then when I stepped outside, they patched my house into a lockbox. Even my car was nerfed into a lockbox. Even my neighbors were zenned into lockboxes.

    You're going to hear from my lawyer PWE, to hell with you! He's even going to bill me in lockboxes now?

    The eastern lockbox horde is out to lockbox us poor defenseless western mmo fans, lockbox yourself before you lockbox lockbox lockbox, lockbox!


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMm_VoKkuco - Needs more female relief ops ensign.
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    kimmerakimmera Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    xorrlan wrote: »
    oh and while we are at it they are immersion breaking:
    -How can you store SPACE SHIPS in lock boxes?

    You don't. However you can store the right to fly one in a lock box.
    -Why cant I transport out whats inside?

    Because transporters only work where they advance the plot. It is well established in canon that there are various substances that will block a scan or a transporter beam. This is to allow the writers to answer the very question you are asking.
    -In real trek just 1 or 2 of such ships would cause diplomatic disaster,Starfleet would never allow the usage of galors etc.

    Klingons and Romulans used exactly the same hulls for quite a while without their civilizations breaking down. There is an ongoing extended war with the Borg, there is war with the Klingons, with the Romulans (via the Iconians), with the Undine, and True Way.

    Captured or salvaged equipment does get adapted and used in wartime as does purchased equipment. You know how many nations were using American or Canadian built Sherman Tanks by the end of WWII? Rather a lot.
    -Where they come from?Dont tell me that all cardassian war factories are working day and night just to supply the federation players with galors
    etc. I could write at least 100 more

    See my immediate prior point. At the start of the Devidian story arc, you capture a Galor. The ship is completely intact.

    Which brings me back to this point:
    (as economist I have better than average understanding about how the market works in online games)

    There are a lot of economists in the world. Being an economist should give you a better understanding, but that only works if you put in the extra time to study the situation in detail. It sounds from your other comments than you have not.
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    beezle23beezle23 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    fallenhawk wrote: »
    Just so you know you blaming a game,you want to blame it on PWE.

    PW is a game,PWE is the company that make/runs the game(If I remember right) .

    Cryptic makes/runs the game, except for the account/billing aspects.

    PWE is the North American subsidiary of PWC that owns Cryptic. (And also Runic).

    PWC = Perfect Word Co, Ltd.
    PWE = Perfect World Enertainment
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "I weary of the chase. Wait for me. I shall be merciful and quick."
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    vincirevincire Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    This lockbox insanity has ruined STO for me. My opinion on that practice is that it's extremely underhanded and a cheap way of expoiting your customers. I've stopped playing STO now completely as i refuse to continue to support a company that employs this practice.
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    hawks3052hawks3052 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    PWE has implemented an eastern business model into a westen game which meets with denial and scepticism. I hate that, too, but it is here to stay.

    When I'm online I see all the headers who just a ship and paid Cryptic. Then I try to think where all this money is going. From the lag, server issues, broken ques, missions and bugs the money goes directly to PWE, not into STO anymore.
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    thepleasuredomethepleasuredome Member Posts: 308
    edited July 2012
    <some stuff>

    I wanted some coffee but my kitchen was replaced with a lockbox. They even turned my dog into a lockbox, all he does is go "Box box! Buy key stupid customer human!"

    The eastern lockbox horde is out to lockbox us poor defenseless western mmo fans, lockbox yourself before you lockbox lockbox lockbox, lockbox!


    This made me lol. Thanks I needed a good laugh.

    Arawn - SOB
    Op *is* the new balance whether you know it or not! Gecko says so.
    Season 6: Wallets Under Siege online now!
    Arawn & Ihasa
    OP *is* the new balance, whether you know it or not! Gecko says so.
    Season 7 - Exodus, available online. U buy nao!
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    mandrake45mandrake45 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    All these PWE is evil type threads make me laugh. Lets face, none of us, outside of Cryptic/PWE know who's making what decisions regarding the financial aspects of the game.

    Secondly, in order to get *any* content, Cryptic needs to make money on STO. If lockboxes/masterkeys make money and keep development active to some degree or other, than I can live with them. Further to that, the Tholian boxes are much less intrusive, dropping far less often and judging by the key prices, more popular. In this case, it seems that someone has indeed taken our feedback on board and listened, as they said they would.
    Having trouble with ground STFs? Looking for help?

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    nyniknynik Member Posts: 1,626 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    How about those marks they took away and never replaced (1), or wheres my va ship token (2), oh that's right I already got one you know before that reward existed, biggest con ever that one, how about those ships they took out of the ship store and put them soly on the cstore (3). I'm sure there's a lot more, but that's a start

    (1) Check your unrefined dilithium balance. Protest about the conversion rate if you will, but if you had currency over the cap then you got further compensation.
    (2) 600 day veteran reward. If you already got one on a character, you expect a free handout for that same character?
    (3) And? How is this a relevant point. They need to sell things to keep the game going you know - people who already bought them are unaffected. People who wanted to get them before they went cstore - were informed in advance.
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    boglejam73boglejam73 Member Posts: 890 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    How about those marks they took away and never replaced, or wheres my va ship token, oh that's right I already got one you know before that reward existed, biggest con ever that one, how about those ships they took out of the ship store and put them soly on the cstore. I'm sure there's a lot more, but that's a start

    1.) They converted the marks to dilithium. If you were over the threshold, they gave you some very unique BOs to compensate. Instead of marks that had to be used for certain level gear, you could buy non-level gated merchandise with dilithium. This is called an improvement.

    2.) VA ship token - as a LTS subscriber you still get a VA ship token for every toon you level to VA as part of the 600 day bonus. Again, as a LTS, you haven't lost anything.

    3.) They took them out of the ship store (EC) and put them in the C-store (Now Zen). You can convert dilithium you earn in game to zen and buy C-store ships. You still haven't lost anything.

    Try again.
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    leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Regarding the idea that 1 or 2 such ships would cause a diplomatic disaster...

    So far the ships have been:

    Jem'Hadar Attack Ship
    Cardassian Galor
    Ferengi D'Kora

    These factions are all composed of warring groups with loyalties to both the Feds and KDF. In each case, an explanation was concocted.

    The Jem'Hadar ship was one of the 2800 that the Prophets made disappear.

    The Galor was awarded to the Feds and KDF by the Cardassian government.

    Quark is selling D'Koras to both sides.

    The Tholian and Mirror ships are different but there is no diplomatic contact or intent of diplomacy there. The Tholian ships are captured warships and the Mirror ships are ships that were retrieved from Tholian capture, much like the Terran Empire took command of a lost Federation Constitution Class in the 22nd century.

    Moreover, there are plenty of examples in the shows of captured ships being used for special operations (in particular, a Jem'Hadar ship).

    In the books, it's even looser and the Federation has been known to trade or gift decommissioned ships to third parties for use as cargo ships or private security, including the Enterprise-A. There's some evidence of this onscreen in the form of heavily reused models like the Peregrine fighter.

    By and large, the big reasons we didn't see more of this on the shows was not because it went against the IP but because:

    - Uniform ships make for a nice visual shorthand for who's fighting on what side
    - Almost all of the existing models were Fed ships
    - The cost of using a variety of models was prohibitive

    Now... I said this back when lockboxes came out and I still think it would be a good option but I'd imagine Starfleet would tend to recommission any such ships into Duranium-colored grey designs with blue deflectors and blue and red nacelles, for visual ID purposes. Here, you have a big blue name and name over everyone's head so it isn't essential...

    ... But in a perfect world, I'd at least like to see Lockbox ships get a texture added in with faction appropriate colors.
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    vesphavespha Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Yeah I am also close to uninstalling STO as well...spent about $600 on this game ...and for what....nothing
    "We all change, when you think about it, we're all different people; all through our lives, and that's okay, that's good, you've gotta keep moving, so long as you remember all the people that you used to be."
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