just did a starbase defense from pve queue and got -5 fleet marks?? whats up with that so because half the group drops i stay with it and i get -5 fleet marks? maybe next time i should drop also if things start to go badly.
From what I can tell, it doesn't actually reduce from the fleet marks you have already earned. I think that the formula they use to figure out your marks reward at the end of the mission (transports/damage to structures/starbase damage/seige ship destruction) isn't set to display a zero reward in the end-mission summary when the math comes up as a negative number.
Attention to detail in presentation isn't exactly most programmers strong suit. They were probably just happy that the math works.
Luckily I didn't have any to begin with, but that is not the point.
Attention to detail in presentation isn't exactly most programmers strong suit. They were probably just happy that the math works.
It has been noted by a dev though: