I think you are forgetting that from a TT shield distribution nerf, escorts would suffer most.
You should argue with this guy so you know how it feels... honestly though your are exactly right on that one.
Tac team nerf hurts Escorts by far the most... some people are so funny. Honestly though almost thought it was a serious post till I read the part about the Disruptor debuff.
i have a better idea...how about stop nerfing powers that counter a escorts deadly alpha strike,,,or do 1 better and get rid of the alpha strike altogether...maybe make fire on my mark HAlF as effective...attack pattern alpha at a max of 15% extra damage and start there.....you dont fix game imbalance by breaking the balance even more....any defensive power nerfs should come with an onslaught of tactical nerfs....alpha is +50% damage for 30 seconds?....i suggest +10% damage for 10 seconds....how about a big fat disruptor nerf....the way it works its like your target is under a constant beta attack that never goes away....how about fire on my mark...surely that massive buff could use some nerfage.....its practically a hex...anyone who has it is dead within seconds.....and go down fighting can be removed altogether...starships don't get am adrenaline boost.....should i go on?
How about get rid of every single power there is in the game and make it so the ships can stand on their FN own without the need for a subnuke? How about we go back to SFC days when space strategy was not about how many times you can scramble sensor, AMS, etc.. someone and make it so that taking out a system was the result of hull damage and not a magic fairy slipping a disable subsystem strike behind full hull and full shields... Then we'll see how many threads like this exist in the future...
atari made this game so convoluted and much more complex than it needed to be.
Ok so it looks like our friend borticuscryptic... has looked into and hopefully is fixing Chron resistances... and is now willing to do something to correct the phaser issue...
I would say next up is tactical team. (imo anyway)
So what is it that needs to change... imo... 10 seconds is way to long and 5 seconds would be fine outright for the skill... however I doubt people will be happy about the loss of there 10 second shield spinner....
So what I think would be a good solution if borticuscryptic can make it work...
10 Second Shield Distribue 5 Second Debuff Clearance
I think the fact that tac team completely removes tac debuffs including FOMM, and can be chained to be up 66% of the time is silly and very bad for the game. Every other team skill clears debuffs for 5 seconds... tac team is twice as good.
It also makes Boarding Party a joke of a skill for pvp. Which could be a semi good counter to high spam teams as they have as hard a time targeting as there opponents do. However having always on tac teams sort of hinders that idea.
Anyway what are peoples thoughts on Tac Team... am I alone?
Yes nerv all, remove powers, I don't want to learn the game, also remove the ship....
They are to powerfull. {cry....cry...}
How about get rid of every single power there is in the game and make it so the ships can stand on their FN own without the need for a subnuke? How about we go back to SFC days when space strategy was not about how many times you can scramble sensor, AMS, etc.. someone and make it so that taking out a system was the result of hull damage and not a magic fairy slipping a disable subsystem strike behind full hull and full shields... Then we'll see how many threads like this exist in the future...
atari made this game so convoluted and much more complex than it needed to be.
dude, you are awesome, back to the days of klingon academy....omg that game was so ON it was insane....THAT is what space combat should feel like
I agree with Husanak - a 5 second tactical debuff clearance is acceptable, and puts it in line with the other 'team' powers and their respective cleansing effects.
The duration of the shield redistribution also needs to be examined, the 'shield spinner' almost guarantees shield coverage 66.67% of the time on a vessel cycling two tactical teams, as long as there is sufficient shield capacity, and all of this from 2 ensign slot abilities!
Even redistribution coverage 50% of the time would be acceptable, or as Trip suggested, vary with the rank (I, II, III) of tactical team.
To all those making snide comments about us 'qqn' about tac team OP - I put it to you that the the ability has become a crutch to the PVP community (myself included) for the reason above.
I'm quite incensed that people can't see the disproportionate benefits tactical team, at its most basic rank, delivers at this point in time.
I remember the time when tactical team did NOT redistribute shields, and people had to redistribute manually. And I don't mean 'redistribute all facings bound to space bar' redistribution, I mean active maneuvering and selective face distribution. PVP got along fine then, and a even a reduced redistribution timer is still a great aid to survivability compared to the days of no automated shield redistribution.
Zenith Nader - R.R.W. Nader4President - Tactical Rom KDF
Hei Qin - I.K.S. Apex Revenant -Tactical KDF
I agree with Husanak - a 5 second tactical debuff clearance is acceptable, and puts it in line with the other 'team' powers and their respective cleansing effects.
The duration of the shield redistribution also needs to be examined, the 'shield spinner' almost guarantees shield coverage 66.67% of the time on a vessel cycling two tactical teams, as long as there is sufficient shield capacity, and all of this from 2 ensign slot abilities!
Even redistribution coverage 50% of the time would be acceptable, or as Trip suggested, vary with the rank (I, II, III) of tactical team.
To all those making snide comments about us 'qqn' about tac team OP - I put it to you that the the ability has become a crutch to the PVP community (myself included) for the reason above.
I'm quite incensed that people can't see the disproportionate benefits tactical team, at its most basic rank, delivers at this point in time.
I remember the time when tactical team did NOT redistribute shields, and people had to redistribute manually. And I don't mean 'redistribute all facings bound to space bar' redistribution, I mean active maneuvering and selective face distribution. PVP got along fine then, and a even a reduced redistribution timer is still a great aid to survivability compared to the days of no automated shield redistribution.
Weapons also did quite abit less damage back then, and Shield Resistances were quite abit stronger than they are today. We need tac team in modern sto because of those two factors. Shield point totals were also higher.
Or at the very least improved shield distribution.
I believe this is intended, so that things can be killed. TT is far too effective when compared to this, though.
well, if you're taking damage to one facing, it will ofc take longer time to burn through 15k than 7.5k of shield. This allows distribute shields to do twice as much, but 2x very little is still little.
The problem with TT, is that it distributes faster to the receiving facing the more damage it's taking. It would be better if it was just a overpowered distribute shields function.
However, I think that right now the survivability of each ship class is fairly balanced. When I'm out BoPing, I feel each ship class seems to be almost equally hard to pop. Only difference is who's captaining them.
Those are certainly some good points Mav -
I'm not advocating the entire removal of tactical team's redistribution effect (in part because I'm a tac team dependent sissy), but having such an effect active for an entire 2/3s of the time on a cycled ensign level ability seems excessive.
It is so effective that:
1) there is almost no other consideration as to what ability is placed in an ensign tactical slot(s) by sane Captains involved in pvp.
2) said ensign level ability has a sufficient level shield redistribution and coverage duration that other tiers of tactical team (II & III) are almost never considered in ship builds.
I'm sure there is a compromise or alternative solution (such as improved shield redistribution, as you suggested) to be had, but to me it seems that tactical team's attributes at this point are overpowered. E
Zenith Nader - R.R.W. Nader4President - Tactical Rom KDF
Hei Qin - I.K.S. Apex Revenant -Tactical KDF
I think part of the reason tac team got it, was Distribute shields is a built in power on every starship, they would have to recode it for every single ship in the game, knowing how badly designed the Cryptic Engine is.
Which is also probably the reason why cryptic abandoned talks of changing tac team and Distribute shields back in late season 3. "too much work!"
I think part of the reason tac team got it, was Distribute shields is a built in power on every starship, they would have to recode it for every single ship in the game, knowing how badly designed the Cryptic Engine is.
Which is also probably the reason why cryptic abandoned talks of changing tac team and Distribute shields back in late season 3. "too much work!"
Or rolling in Mine Pattern with High Yield Torpedo and Torpedo Spread.
Though I still think they could do that. Just have Mine Pattern be a legacy power that is only kept around because you really can't just change the level.
Maybe the real reason why all those console powers are console powers is because it's much easier to addn and remove them. If you create a new BOFF power, you have create 100 BOFFs with that new power for each of its ranks... Of course, doing that would have lead to better balance. *sigh*
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
I think part of the reason tac team got it, was Distribute shields is a built in power on every starship, they would have to recode it for every single ship in the game, knowing how badly designed the Cryptic Engine is.
Which is also probably the reason why cryptic abandoned talks of changing tac team and Distribute shields back in late season 3. "too much work!"
what is it.. PCI institute, ITT Tech institutue that allows you to become a game developer utilizing a GUI interface? See, and this is why I think modern programmers who depend so much on GUI interfaces get sloppy like this. What should have been done is build a global shield distribution method that accepts two values as a parameters.. those being "how much should I distribute per interval of time". You have a central table in the database that stores base values for all ships and you find the setting value cooresponding to the name "shield distribution" for all ships and set it equal to value = value - 1 (or whatever formula). This is accomplished very easily with set-based operations.
Your post tells me that the design and structure of this game is all over the place.. similar to the interaction window cloaking bug where they would have to change too many map instances and it wasn't worth their time.. so they basically told us to just deal with it. Same principal.
it is no wonder every time they change something that it breaks something else... and you know why they won't fix it? Because by the time they get around to fixing all of the code and design issues, the game will be dead cuz someone has to have their new combadge design first.
Again the shield spinning I don't think is a major issue. Like many have said given the increase in spike dmg potential since launch its almost needed.
My issue with tac team is that the debuff clear is still tied to the skill... I remember one of our former devs saying he couldn't decouple the clear and the shield effect with in the code. (which seemed like a lame excuse to me as many skills have different times on provided buffs such as Omega).
Its that 10 second clear as apposed to 5... in a power that everyone runs one copy of and many have 2 for almost always on debuff clear. In a team situation you will NEVER get high level betas and deltas to work... good teams will keep the focus targets cleared if they can't clear themselves. This was not t he case earlier in the game... those skills where useful when used properly and tactically. Fire on My Mark... yes Tac Team should clear it... but it should NOT make people immune 66% of the time.
In short my IDEAL version of Tac team... would be exactly like it is now... accpet it would only clear debuffs for 5 seconds instead of 10.
If that is really not possible because of crappy cryptic code as former devs have claimed then it should be spun off into a new skill. (thinking about it I don't think this is the best option as most people would dump tac team... and then it would be a beta 3 + 2 + Delta 3 heyday of -300 de buffs again.
With manual shield balancing as FUBAR as it is, and the auto-shield balance as awesome and desirable as it is (to the point most ships save for certain uber-tough cruisers would never want to leave home without it) I'd just as soon move it over to BFI and revamp Tac Team's Tactical Debuff and Damage bonus to scale more aggressively from TT1 to TT3. That is TT3 run for 10 seconds and the lower versions of the Tac debuff run shorter, while the damage buff always runs ten seconds and gets larger as you go up.
This is a request to move the PvP queue to the PvE queue window. Rename the PvE queue window to "Queues". make a PvE tab, a PvP tab, a PvE Join Existing and PvE Create Private so that we do not have to continue pushing the PvP queue further and further away from easy access.
It makes sense, right? All the queues, no matter their nature, should be together
Give me control of my window to put buttons where I choose.
Thank you and have a good day.
I would just scale the debuff clearing duration with rank, with TT1 just clearing current stuff, TT2 clearing it for 7s, TT3 for 15s or so. So there is reason to use higher ranks. :rolleyes: although....
Also the problem with TT is that its bonus is rather small, because crew is always dead (at least on my ship).
"Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
I would just scale the debuff clearing duration with rank, with TT1 just clearing current stuff, TT2 clearing it for 7s, TT3 for 15s or so. So there is reason to use higher ranks. :rolleyes: although....
Also the problem with TT is that its bonus is rather small, because crew is always dead (at least on my ship).
Yes, I love dead crew on my defiant.. Hey devs, have you guys ever got hit with 1 torpedo from the borg in STFs? Full hull, full shields, and.....you are in a defiant????
This is what my defiant crew looks like after 1 torpedo hit (not talking plasma, just regular borg torpedo hit) with full hull and full shields.
And now what you have all been waiting for:
= is alive crew
- is dead crew
So I do not get full benefit of tac team and BFI is not frequent enough to prepare for all torp hits
Any questions?
I did for awhile... and also the the jem'hadar shield that helps keeps crew alive, but found that I need the eng slot for armor. I can try it again now that my skills layout has been altered recently, but in PvP, I need the armor, not the EFF
Honestly crew doesn't have enough of an impact to justify running consoul slots for anything to do with crew... bio funcions force fields all useless on a ship with 50 crew... when one torp removes them all whats the point.
Kinetic needs to be changed to remove crew based on ship size... I understand that larger ships should get some bonus here... but it is silly that one torp kills all your crew on pretty much all the escorts and most of the sci ships. Really doesn't take long even on a ship with crew.. I have a Orion ship that does have a force field bio function and even a medic doff and have still managed to see my crew dip well below the half way mark.
(all they would need to change would be to give each ship a +live crew +live crew resistance bonus on a per ship basis... fleet ships could get a bit higher bonus ect)
Old tac teams crew feature was nice on the smaller ships... it would be nice to see that back.
Yes, I love dead crew on my defiant.. Hey devs, have you guys ever got hit with 1 torpedo from the borg in STFs? Full hull, full shields, and.....you are in a defiant????
This is what my defiant crew looks like after 1 torpedo hit (not talking plasma, just regular borg torpedo hit) with full hull and full shields.
And now what you have all been waiting for:
= is alive crew
- is dead crew
So I do not get full benefit of tac team and BFI is not frequent enough to prepare for all torp hits
Any questions?
yeah and its called a space nurse doff. so yes u can always have 75% of crew in combat. and i believe 75% gives full use of tt
Or just a normal one. TT could just distribute your shields in the same manner and at the same speed that you can do it manually. It has lots of buffs and debuff removals already.
That would be the same as rolling it back to the original version... As I'm constantly distributing my shields anyway.... And it really doesn't do it fast enough to be of any use in combat. It may have been ok back in the day; back then, spike damage potential was lower, and holds were fewer, so "turning the other cheek" was a more viable option. The way it is today, however, the standard distribute just doesn't hold up...
You should argue with this guy so you know how it feels... honestly though your are exactly right on that one.
Tac team nerf hurts Escorts by far the most... some people are so funny. Honestly though almost thought it was a serious post till I read the part about the Disruptor debuff.
How about get rid of every single power there is in the game and make it so the ships can stand on their FN own without the need for a subnuke? How about we go back to SFC days when space strategy was not about how many times you can scramble sensor, AMS, etc.. someone and make it so that taking out a system was the result of hull damage and not a magic fairy slipping a disable subsystem strike behind full hull and full shields... Then we'll see how many threads like this exist in the future...
atari made this game so convoluted and much more complex than it needed to be.
Yes nerv all, remove powers, I don't want to learn the game, also remove the ship....
They are to powerfull. {cry....cry...}
dude, you are awesome, back to the days of klingon academy....omg that game was so ON it was insane....THAT is what space combat should feel like
The duration of the shield redistribution also needs to be examined, the 'shield spinner' almost guarantees shield coverage 66.67% of the time on a vessel cycling two tactical teams, as long as there is sufficient shield capacity, and all of this from 2 ensign slot abilities!
Even redistribution coverage 50% of the time would be acceptable, or as Trip suggested, vary with the rank (I, II, III) of tactical team.
To all those making snide comments about us 'qqn' about tac team OP - I put it to you that the the ability has become a crutch to the PVP community (myself included) for the reason above.
I'm quite incensed that people can't see the disproportionate benefits tactical team, at its most basic rank, delivers at this point in time.
I remember the time when tactical team did NOT redistribute shields, and people had to redistribute manually. And I don't mean 'redistribute all facings bound to space bar' redistribution, I mean active maneuvering and selective face distribution. PVP got along fine then, and a even a reduced redistribution timer is still a great aid to survivability compared to the days of no automated shield redistribution.
Zenith Nader - R.R.W. Nader4President - Tactical Rom KDF
Hei Qin - I.K.S. Apex Revenant -Tactical KDF
Weapons also did quite abit less damage back then, and Shield Resistances were quite abit stronger than they are today. We need tac team in modern sto because of those two factors. Shield point totals were also higher.
Or at the very least improved shield distribution.
well, if you're taking damage to one facing, it will ofc take longer time to burn through 15k than 7.5k of shield. This allows distribute shields to do twice as much, but 2x very little is still little.
The problem with TT, is that it distributes faster to the receiving facing the more damage it's taking. It would be better if it was just a overpowered distribute shields function.
However, I think that right now the survivability of each ship class is fairly balanced. When I'm out BoPing, I feel each ship class seems to be almost equally hard to pop. Only difference is who's captaining them.
I'm not advocating the entire removal of tactical team's redistribution effect (in part because I'm a tac team dependent sissy), but having such an effect active for an entire 2/3s of the time on a cycled ensign level ability seems excessive.
It is so effective that:
1) there is almost no other consideration as to what ability is placed in an ensign tactical slot(s) by sane Captains involved in pvp.
2) said ensign level ability has a sufficient level shield redistribution and coverage duration that other tiers of tactical team (II & III) are almost never considered in ship builds.
I'm sure there is a compromise or alternative solution (such as improved shield redistribution, as you suggested) to be had, but to me it seems that tactical team's attributes at this point are overpowered. E
Zenith Nader - R.R.W. Nader4President - Tactical Rom KDF
Hei Qin - I.K.S. Apex Revenant -Tactical KDF
Which is also probably the reason why cryptic abandoned talks of changing tac team and Distribute shields back in late season 3. "too much work!"
Though I still think they could do that. Just have Mine Pattern be a legacy power that is only kept around because you really can't just change the level.
Maybe the real reason why all those console powers are console powers is because it's much easier to addn and remove them. If you create a new BOFF power, you have create 100 BOFFs with that new power for each of its ranks... Of course, doing that would have lead to better balance. *sigh*
what is it.. PCI institute, ITT Tech institutue that allows you to become a game developer utilizing a GUI interface? See, and this is why I think modern programmers who depend so much on GUI interfaces get sloppy like this. What should have been done is build a global shield distribution method that accepts two values as a parameters.. those being "how much should I distribute per interval of time". You have a central table in the database that stores base values for all ships and you find the setting value cooresponding to the name "shield distribution" for all ships and set it equal to value = value - 1 (or whatever formula). This is accomplished very easily with set-based operations.
Your post tells me that the design and structure of this game is all over the place.. similar to the interaction window cloaking bug where they would have to change too many map instances and it wasn't worth their time.. so they basically told us to just deal with it. Same principal.
it is no wonder every time they change something that it breaks something else... and you know why they won't fix it? Because by the time they get around to fixing all of the code and design issues, the game will be dead cuz someone has to have their new combadge design first.
My issue with tac team is that the debuff clear is still tied to the skill... I remember one of our former devs saying he couldn't decouple the clear and the shield effect with in the code. (which seemed like a lame excuse to me as many skills have different times on provided buffs such as Omega).
Its that 10 second clear as apposed to 5... in a power that everyone runs one copy of and many have 2 for almost always on debuff clear. In a team situation you will NEVER get high level betas and deltas to work... good teams will keep the focus targets cleared if they can't clear themselves. This was not t he case earlier in the game... those skills where useful when used properly and tactically. Fire on My Mark... yes Tac Team should clear it... but it should NOT make people immune 66% of the time.
In short my IDEAL version of Tac team... would be exactly like it is now... accpet it would only clear debuffs for 5 seconds instead of 10.
If that is really not possible because of crappy cryptic code as former devs have claimed then it should be spun off into a new skill. (thinking about it I don't think this is the best option as most people would dump tac team... and then it would be a beta 3 + 2 + Delta 3 heyday of -300 de buffs again.
It makes sense, right? All the queues, no matter their nature, should be together
Give me control of my window to put buttons where I choose.
Thank you and have a good day.
Also the problem with TT is that its bonus is rather small, because crew is always dead (at least on my ship).
Yes, I love dead crew on my defiant.. Hey devs, have you guys ever got hit with 1 torpedo from the borg in STFs? Full hull, full shields, and.....you are in a defiant????
This is what my defiant crew looks like after 1 torpedo hit (not talking plasma, just regular borg torpedo hit) with full hull and full shields.
And now what you have all been waiting for:
= is alive crew
- is dead crew
So I do not get full benefit of tac team and BFI is not frequent enough to prepare for all torp hits
Any questions?
I did for awhile... and also the the jem'hadar shield that helps keeps crew alive, but found that I need the eng slot for armor. I can try it again now that my skills layout has been altered recently, but in PvP, I need the armor, not the EFF
Kinetic needs to be changed to remove crew based on ship size... I understand that larger ships should get some bonus here... but it is silly that one torp kills all your crew on pretty much all the escorts and most of the sci ships. Really doesn't take long even on a ship with crew.. I have a Orion ship that does have a force field bio function and even a medic doff and have still managed to see my crew dip well below the half way mark.
(all they would need to change would be to give each ship a +live crew +live crew resistance bonus on a per ship basis... fleet ships could get a bit higher bonus ect)
Old tac teams crew feature was nice on the smaller ships... it would be nice to see that back.
yeah and its called a space nurse doff. so yes u can always have 75% of crew in combat. and i believe 75% gives full use of tt
heck, anyone two months into the game could have told you THAT!
That would be the same as rolling it back to the original version... As I'm constantly distributing my shields anyway.... And it really doesn't do it fast enough to be of any use in combat. It may have been ok back in the day; back then, spike damage potential was lower, and holds were fewer, so "turning the other cheek" was a more viable option. The way it is today, however, the standard distribute just doesn't hold up...
5 sec debuff clearance and better bonuses and scaling for weapons trainings would probably do the trick.
Having a 10 second window of opportunity to actually use half of the attack patterns is a good first step in tuning tactical team.
Edit: With FoMM, APB and sensor scan you can already kill people with the bleedthrough.
This is such an old topic it's not really worth suggesting anything anymore.