Same here. The HUD settings act like crazy since S6 launch. I can't select or save anything the way I want it, and everything sometimes resets to the point that is neither Default, nor anything I've ever picked (like player/npc life bar set on Always). These issues are related to all the settings, not only fighter and mines. I'm especially having problems setting (or rather saving) anything to "Mouse Over" - mostly HP bars.
Anything I try changing to use the Mouse Over setting never works and is reset if I close/open the options window.
Saving the UI options from one of my other chars that I haven't edited recently and loading it into one I have has got some Mouse Over options working, but if I edit them again manually they stop working.
Not being able to make the Mouse Over setting stick is impacting our ability to assess targets in PVE and PVP pretty bad. Could we get some kind of fix for this?
You have to go in and manually edit the ui_setting txt file. First, from in game, under the HUD options, save the file. Next open Star Trek Online/Live/ui_settings. Save the original file as ui_settings_orig or something similar in case you accidentally alter something. Go to the very bottom of the text, you will see "HUDOptions". Simply copy "OVERHEAD_ENTITY_FLAG_MOUSE_OVER_NAME" from one of the lines of text there and paste behind the line "ShowPlayer". Save file as ui_settings and load from you HUD options window in game. This will work for show enemy npcs "Always" also, just c/p the proper text.
You have to go in and manually edit the ui_setting txt file. First, from in game, under the HUD options, save the file. Next open Star Trek Online/Live/ui_settings. Save the original file as ui_settings_orig or something similar in case you accidentally alter something. Go to the very bottom of the text, you will see "HUDOptions". Simply copy "OVERHEAD_ENTITY_FLAG_MOUSE_OVER_NAME" from one of the lines of text there and paste behind the line "ShowPlayer". Save file as ui_settings and load from you HUD options window in game. This will work for show enemy npcs "Always" also, just c/p the proper text.
This does not solve the problem, it just bypass. :mad:
I'm still unable to save my settings for camera shake. I'd really like to turn it back on, but no matter what I do, the game/UI doesn't seem able to remember that I've turned it on.
This is really annoying to say the least...
Anything I try changing to use the Mouse Over setting never works and is reset if I close/open the options window.
Saving the UI options from one of my other chars that I haven't edited recently and loading it into one I have has got some Mouse Over options working, but if I edit them again manually they stop working.
Not being able to make the Mouse Over setting stick is impacting our ability to assess targets in PVE and PVP pretty bad. Could we get some kind of fix for this?
This does not solve the problem, it just bypass. :mad:
The same issue is