Priority One Supplemental - The Shipyard with Al Rivera
29 June 2012 | Welcome Captains to a very special Supplemental broadcast of Priority One. Our discussion with Star Trek Online Lead Designer Al Rivera, was so full of fascinating STO knowledge that we decided to break it down into its component parts. This supplemental is a one on one interview between James and Al focused entirely on Ships, past present and future.
As usual, Al pulls no punches and delivers some of the most comprehensive answers in the STO Community. He touches on KDF, gets into Fleet Starbases, Tier 5 and beyond, and so much more! Take a seat and listen closely, because this is a veritable goldmine of information about what is to come in our beloved universe.
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Priority One Podcast Production Assistant
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Sympathetic Fermion Transceiver, btw, in the books they never actually say what it is, they just mention it before the Chroniton Integrator (the sesnor that reads a few seconds into the future). Fermions are a by-product of phase shifting right? So maybe its some type of item to phase the ship so it can pass though solid objects? Doesn't need to be a cloak either, might even have something to do with the slipstream drive so the ship can pass for particles without causing damage?
For the Ambassador class console, we saw one in the Battle of Wolf 359 to a pretty high speed turn (DS9 pilot episode), so the console could be something that increases the ships turnrate or something, or maybe an ability that does a rapid 180 begree turn or something :-)
Some insane awesome info in there, 45 new ships! Fleet ships! Extra console slots, weapons with 4 attributes, retrofits of almost all ships in game (bar tier 1,, not T5 Connie)! Really an ace podcast, probably the best one (for me atleast) in a very very very long time, Definatly a must to listen to.
So T4 connie then =P
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Rear Admiral , Engineering Division
U.S.S. Sheffield N.C.C. 92016
With the Sovereign Refit, I don't like having to wait a few more months, but I waited this long. Just hope she looks good.
Thanks for asking both my questions by the by, bit disappointed about the Venture-Nebula but hey ho, maybe the lawyers will stop dragging their heels in order to pad their fees out and we'll see the Vesta ingame soon
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From what I gathered fleets gets their own material and the type 6 stays as c-store exclusive of sort.
Awww dammit, just as I was getting my hopes up for a proper unified 2409 aesthetic for Starfleet
We are PWE. Your forums and game accounts will be added to our own. Your community will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.
Yeah, that'd be kinda cool if anyone could be bothered to.
Uhh.. from what I remember.
They boosted the armi/fleet escort and mvam. Fleet escort is now the patrol escort. Fleet ships will be fleet something. Fleet science, fleet escort, will be the new stuff. But no buff for KDF because they're already beefy.
Minus Tier 1, all ships get a retrofit. So 41 variants are in. There's a normal retrofit and a fleet retrofit. No consoles on these. Normal retrofits are just another boost to hull and stuff. But what will happen if you do the upgrade to a fleet retrofit is that it unlocks another console slot and a new "skin" type variant. And these will also apply to the c-store ships. And there are no fleet versions of c-store ships. No fleet guramba.
And as for starbases, in terms of the rewards. What'll happen is that you will complete a project that will give you ex 10 charges. And those charges mean you can withdraw say 10 weapons or 10 ships and then you have to do another project to refill the stock.
And there's a new ultraviolet quality equipment. I guess these are the advanced fleet equipment. And they might have 4 bonuses. Ex [Dmg] [Dmg] [Random] [Special]. Ex of special is nanite health monitor proc.
And you'll want all this loot to get ready for the next set of content. And it'll take a long time to get to tier 5 shipyard and etc.
And in the future, starbases are just the beginning. Maybe you can make a colony or satellite or whatever using the same type of system.
That one dude who drew up the specs to do upgrade through equipment, its not happening because its easier to make new ships rather than redoing architecture. Something about the boff slots wouldn't carry over and what not.
Vesta is a coming, probably gonna be science. Spec talk about what'll come of it. Fermion generator and the other thing. Might have the oddy quantum slipstream or better.
Talks about the economies and how with the starbases, ECs and commodities will finally be worth something.
1000 day veteran reward will be an exclusive ship.
Talks about the Tuffli freighter and how they'd be a boon to Fleets since they can go gobble up data samples with their fancy transwarp to clusters. Plus their built in skills like exclusive doff missions etc.
And finally, the lockbox talk was, they took something that worked for PWE, but needs to be redone for STO which is what the doff officer pack is about. It's still a WIP but workin on it. Gots to make money, but gotta make it fun and getting value for it.
Yeah this wasn't proofread so hopefully makes sense and if I got anything wrong, send your hatemail to whoever's hating on the forums lately
See ya next time!
Thanks for the summary.
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Thanks a lot for the cliff notes, much appreciated
Perhaps at least make it cross faction then, please.
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Location: NPW Forums
I was kinda thinking that also...
Why wouldn't the Ferasans have their own version of the ship... ? ...
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
I get the impression that given the requisitions come in bulk lots, there will be a surplus of ships in some fleets, particularly smaller ones.
Smaller fleets could perhaps co-ordinate to share requisitions with some temporary fleet hopping, depending on how it works.
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Are there concerns with the lack of upgradeability for the Garumba, Galaxy-X, Excelsior, and lockbox ships, all of which represent significant investment on the part of many owners?
Maybe just having an extra console slot and hull upgrade for these ships for people who own one? Maybe for fleet marks or dilithium, if not an automatic upgrade?
Other point:
Cannons. Al seems very dead set on canon ships with cannons having their canon cannons in game.
The Galor. It used cannons on screen. Spiral wave cannons. Also a pulse weapon that looks like quad cannons. If the D'Kora can use them, why not the Galor?
I would say that is quite likely =P
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Location: NPW Forums
Ok a quick list of other interesting things.
Gray duranium hull. Odyssey-style nacelles. Choice of Fed or KDF vet hulls. Omega Force decals. (Ie. MACO/Klingon Honor Guard insignia.)