Hey guys. I've been a sometimes casual, sometimes hardcore and sometimes inactive lifetime player since beta. I am interested in joining up with your fleet but there is one issue I may have. I can t use voice chat. My computer is at work and I can play there pretty regularly but I cant be on a mic and headset. Would this prevent me from being eligible?
Sorry for the late response, it seems that our recruiting officer has not been keeping up with this like he should.
One of our members for a long time didn't have a mic, but would still get on vent to listen to us and would respond in fleet chat, so I dont see that being to much of an issue.
Season 6 will be here soon so look to the 7th to be in full swing.
Hey 7th! A while ago (5 months) I expressed interest in joining your fleet as it seems to be the perfect fit for me. I wasn't able to commit cause i new i couldn't fit the requirement to remain active. But I'm happy to say that I can as of now, and would seriously love to join your fleet!
Hey 7th! A while ago (5 months) I expressed interest in joining your fleet as it seems to be the perfect fit for me. I wasn't able to commit cause i new i couldn't fit the requirement to remain active. But I'm happy to say that I can as of now, and would seriously love to join your fleet!
We've received your application and its under review. It can take a few days for approval.
Hey 7th! ... would seriously love to join your fleet!
Your application was approved. You should have been sent a private message on the Fleet website with information on our ventrilo server. Feel free to hop in and someone will be along to invite you in game
It's looking very likely that this open recruiting phase will soon be coming to a close. We will be focusing on developing Fleet starbases once season 6 goes live; integrating our recent recuits, and filling out a few officer roles.
Recruiting is not technically closed yet, so get your applications in while you still can!
At this month's Command Staff meeting, we discussed and decided to keep Open Recruiting. We are looking for folks that will be active and participate; we don't want (and regularly cut) dead weight.
We look forward to Season 6 going live and all of our members contributing to (and enjoying the benefits of) Starbase Solrac Yatug.
The 7th Fleet is well on it's way to achieving Starbase Tier 1 ! If you are looking for an amazing fleet with great people and a devotion to the game, then please check out our fleet website!
Lastnight the 7th Fleet completed the 20 man Starbase Fleet defense mission! I'd like to thank everyone that attended and look forward to doing it again tonight!
One of our members for a long time didn't have a mic, but would still get on vent to listen to us and would respond in fleet chat, so I dont see that being to much of an issue.
Season 6 will be here soon so look to the 7th to be in full swing.
We've received your application and its under review. It can take a few days for approval.
Your application was approved. You should have been sent a private message on the Fleet website with information on our ventrilo server. Feel free to hop in and someone will be along to invite you in game
Recruiting is not technically closed yet, so get your applications in while you still can!
We look forward to Season 6 going live and all of our members contributing to (and enjoying the benefits of) Starbase Solrac Yatug.
fleet website!
Lastnight the 7th Fleet completed the 20 man Starbase Fleet defense mission! I'd like to thank everyone that attended and look forward to doing it again tonight!