But note how the patch said "We are making the Cure space borg klingon ships MATCH enemies in OTHER stfs."
It wasn't a "Nerf just cause." it was a "well, this stf has borg ships that aren't like the other borg ships... they need tweaking."
Sure, I wouldn't mind a harder setting (IMO, it should be the original STF versions. Maybe slightly tweaked, but still mostly the same). IF it was more likely to drop protos. As it is, I run CGE as I would a chore. "Sigh, time to do it again despite mastering it. Oh look, **** LOOT to hand off to a friend to sell to fund his 'buy a Jem'hadar ship' stockpile."
I truly hope not. At nearly 200 space STFs I have twice as many proto drops than I do rare techs on elites. They're great for giving you the virtual middle finger when they drop.
Ive run 1250 STFs, i have 4 protos and over 50 Rares. Plz... the 4 Protos are 2 shield techs 2 weapon techs. I dont even have a full set. Ran more stfs then everyone on this thread combined.
And what im saying is the borg i put are for a newer Elite mode and have elite downgraded to Advanced. Have u ever tried pugging an elite? Really? Did you fail? GOOD, its elite! If i can join a team of ******* and do an STF in 10 minutes, its not elite its Derp mode. If cryptic keeps nerfing, I want normal renamed to Lol and Elite renamed to derp. I have beaten every elite with a pug. My ship is so powerful, i can solo the raptors in CSE. if atleast 2 members in my team will just kill the cubes. Ill finish!
2 of my ship would take any STF. 3 of me would get the Optional, 4 of me is a faceroll. 5? Yeesh, ever heard of overkill?
STFs are a joke. My proposal adds a new dificulty that will make players think! The borg will heal, they will counter you. It brings need for SNB and CPB. The borg are laughing at you because They have adapted. 5 Escorts can no longer do an STF!!!! U bring 5 tact escorts, ull get obliterated! My proposal makes the need for healers and Debuffers. 5 escorts wouldnt be able to do it cause the borg have resistance and DPS now. Old borg die in seconds, these new borg will take ur fire. Ull need a healer cause the new borg, dont crit 70k However that cube is doing 6k DPS (a good Escort is 3k). A healer can heal 6k DPS they cant heal 70k crits. The borg wont 1 shot, but rather DPS you. They will act like borg. They will call reinforcements, and they will assimilate you!
The instant-remod of any 3-piece STF set makes this a non-issue. And as long as you carry two weapons of different types, normal mode is easy enough that you usually can remod between fights.
You can use rapid-fire weapons. The adaptation mechanic was tweaked a little bit a few months back to give these weapons a better chance to score more hits before triggering the debuff.
The instant-remod of any 3-piece STF set makes this a non-issue.
Required Remodulation itself is okay (canonwise) ... but after 100 Ground-STFs it's a "boring" mechanic. Having 3-piece being automatic, would fit better (just see Elite Force).
ATM it's just pushing a button every 10 seconds just for the sake of pushing it ...
I actually really like the OP's ideas. Probes are particularly annoying because they have literally nothing in the way of offense, they're just sad, dejected cyber-turds placidly floating on to the Great Wherever. Even the ****ing freighter packs more mad deeps.
Stop nerfing the STFs and make them better and harder. Right now they DO NOT REQUIRE SKILL. Team content should use skill not Pew pew pew pew pew etc cause its all u do! As a sugjestion, if you insist to keep making stfs a faceroll, add another dificulty. STfs should be... Normal (as it is now) Advanced (Currently Elite) and Elite, Elite would drop Protos like current elites drop rare techs. But in Elites, borg have crits and Accuricy, they should never miss and they should heal eachother. So, Take current Elite Borg, give them a CritH of 2% and Give them...
Probes: 35,000 HP 3,900 shields (40% all hull resist, 50% all shield resist)
Emergency to Shields 1 (+10% shield resist) (30 second cooldown, 30 sec duration)
Auxillary to Dampeners 1 (30 Second Cooldown, 10 Second DUration)
Nanite Probe Emmiter (CD, 1 Min, Heals 15000 HP over 5 seconds)
Abandon Ship (when a borg ship gets to low HP, it should destroy itself and all its technology, this explosion should do 3x a normal explosion.)
Spheres: 54,000 HP 7,900 Shields (50% Hull resist, 55% shield resist)
Emergency Power to shields 2 (+10% shield resist) (30 sec CD 30 Sec Duration)
Extend Shields 2 (10 second cooldown, 10 second Duration, this way they can switch targets quickly, Heals 250 shields every 1 second)
Nanite Probe Emmiter 2 (30 Sec CD heals 35000 HP over 10 sec)
Abandon Ship (3x explosion power)
Attack Pattern Omega 1 (1 Minute cooldown, 10 Second DUration)
Cube: 120,500 HP 23,000 shields (40% hull resist, shield resist from reactive shielding, cap at 50%)
Emergency Power to shields 3 (+10% shiedl resist) (20 Sec CD, 25 sec duration, 5 seconds of stacking powah)
Extend SHields 3 (10 sec Duration 10 Sec CD)
Nanite Emmiter 3 (1 min CD, heals 45,000 HP over 10 seconds)
Transfer Shield Strength 1 (30 Sec CD, Heals 10,000 Shields over 10 Seconds, +5% resist for 10 sec)
Attack Pattern Delta 2 (same as APD 2)
FAW 1 (Reduce from FAW 3, but, 20 sec CD 10 Duration)
Beam Overload 1 (1 Min CD)
Reactive Shielding (Aeigus 3 Pc)
Torpedo High Yield 3 (1 Minute DUration)
Tactical Cube: 500,000 HP, 75,000 shields (70% hull resist, 20% shield resist, reactive shielding brings to 85%)
Emergency to shields 3 (+10% shield resist) (20 Sec CD 30 Sec duration, 10 Sec of stacking powah)
Nanite Emmiter 3 (30 sec CD, heals 25000 HP over 20 seconds)
Transfer shield strength 3 (1 Min CD, heals30,000 shields over 1 Minute)
Attack Pattern Beta 1 (always up)
Attack Pattern Delta 3 (up for 10 sec every 1 minute)
Eject Nanite Probe (Ejects 2 Nanite Probes to heal it when at 20% HP)
Reactive SHielding (Stacks twice as much resist opposed to normal)
FAW 1 (20 sec CD 12 Sec Duration)
Torpedo Spread 1 (no Spike!)
Torpedo High Yield 3 (45 sec CD)
Cutting Beam Spread (the cutting beam hits all targets withen 10km, and reduces their resist by 50% for 5 seconds, Cooldown 2 minutes)
Call Reinforcements 75% (at 75% HP 3 Nanite Probes warp in to help)
Call Reinforcements 50% (at 50% HP 2 Nanite Probes and 1 Nanite SPhere Warp in)
Call Reinforcements 35% (At 35% HP 3 Nanite Spheres warp in)
Call Reinforcements 20% (At 20% HP 1 Borg Cube and 1 Nanite Sphere warp in)
Call Reinforcements 5% (at 5% 10 Nanite Probes, Shieldless probes with 2000 HP each, warp in)
Nanite Probes heal 0.5% HP every 1 Seconds (when Called by tact cube)
Nanite Spheres heal 0.25% HP every 1 Seconds (when Called By tact Cube)
Nanite Probes will have Extend shields 2, 100% uptime
Nanite Spheres will have Extend shields 3 100% Uptime
Assimilated Bird of Prey: 13,000 HP 5,000 shields 10% hull resist, 20% shield resistr
EPTS 1 (+10% shield resist) (always up)
Cannon Rapid Fire 1 (30 Sec CD 15 sec duration)
Cannon Scatter Volly 1 (30 Sec CD 15 Duration)
Assimilated Raptor: 40,000 HP 8,900 shields (40% hull resist)
EPTS 3 (+30% Shield resist) (45 sec CD 30 Sec duration)
Emergency to Engines 1 (30 Sec CD 20 Sec duration)
Nanite Emmiter 1 (1 min CD, 10 Sec duration, heals 20,000 HP over 10 sec)
Cannon Rapid Fire 2 (20 Sec CD 15 sec duration)
Gateway: 1.2mil HP
Attack Pattern Delta 3 (+50% resist for 15 sec, 30 sec CD)
Target Weapons 3 (-80 Weapon Power to target for 30 seconds, 1 Min Cooldown)
FAW Overload 1 (Fire at will+beam overload 1 for 5 seconds, randomly selects targets to hit with beam overload 1)
Call Reinforcements 100% (While between 75% and 100% every 1 minute calls 1 Sphere, and 2 probes)
Call reinforcements 75% (While between 75% and 50% every 1 minute calls 1 sphere and 4 probes)
Call Reinforcements 50% (While between 25% and 50% Every 2 minutes calls 1 Cube)
Call reinforcements 25% (while between 25% and 0% every 2 minutes call 1 cube and 3 spheres)
Plz atleast try my idea, this could introduce strtagy Pve, these NPCs resemble how players play.
At the end Loot bags will always contain:
3 EDCs (10% chance for 6 EDCs) (During STF event, +2 EDCs)
20% chance for a rare Tech
(Whatever % for rare tech in elite currently) for proto tech
50% chance for 1 Proto Salvage
(Always give ONE of the next)
25% chance for Mk XI Very rare
50% chance for Mk XII rare
25% chance for Mk XII very rare
2 EDCs (10% chance for 4 EDCs) (5% for 10 EDCs) (And they drop in stacks of 2, if 10 EDCs drop, thats 5 Stacks of EDCs to roll for)
85% chance for 1 Proto Salvage (10% for 2 proto salvage) (Drop Sepratly, so 2 chances if 2 drop)
90% chance for Mk XI very rare
10% chance for Mk XII very rare
25% chance for Rare tech
5% chance for Prototype Tech
(Always give 1)
70% chance for 2 Mk XI very rares
10% chance for 1 Mk XII rare
20% chance for 1 Mk XII very rare
Give STF bosses EPTS 3 with a 20 sec CD and 30 sec duration, yes stacking again!
And give STF bosses Transfer shield str 3 (the 1 tact cube has)
Well said.
And add to this; A restriction to queue up for elite STF's ---> UNTIL YOU'VE COMPLETED AT LEAST 20 TIMES NORMAL MODE <---- THANKS.
Reason why most STF's fail? Because noobs want to take advantage of better players to finish their Elite STF's. Or just dumb people who do not even know they queue up for ELITE.
Well said.
And add to this; A restriction to queue up for elite STF's ---> UNTIL YOU'VE COMPLETED AT LEAST 20 TIMES NORMAL MODE <---- THANKS.
I've seen that suggested a lot, and I'm not sure it'd be effective since Normals (particularly space ones) are so much easier than Elites and can be brute forced with pure DPS and absolutely no tactics whatsoever. 10% on the gens in Infected? Only the most disorganised teams (ie. people attacking different transformers) and poorest DPS teams around actually need to do that on Normal to get the optional. You could do Infected 20 times on Normal and not have a notion of how to do it on Elite. About all you can be sure someone will learn is what the maps look like.
There's also the possibiliy that a really poor player could complete 20 normals because they've been carried, been lucky, or just been so doggedly persistent that they slug out the 20 completions even if they have to fail or quit a load of STFs to get there.
There really is no way to quantify how good a player is at STFs until you see them play one. That's a problem that I don't see a way around, beyond only playing with people you know, atm.
You guys never actualy read my idea. It proposes a 3rd dificulty to repalce elite, and downgrade elite to advanced. It would be more fun to fight an enemy i cant predict or kill with pure brute force. Sure i have 5.6k DPS... But if the borg are cross healing, i wont be able to lolfaceroll that cube in 5 seconds.
Elite should be for elites. If a pug can beat an elite, then there is something wrong. Ever queued for an heroic in WoW? Doesnt end well if its 100% Pug. Same thing should apply here. If i join a queue for 4 idiots, they should fail withen 5 minutes.
First: Would need to be account wide. I'd flat out quit if I had to do 20 STFs on each new toon I did on easy mode.
Second: What if someone just did 20 ISNs? Or do you expect them to do 120 normal STFs to unlock elites?
This. The problem can be solved by joining non pug groups. I have no problems joining groups when i want to do STFs and I almost always complete the optionals.
brokenmirror my friend, you are 100% correct. We need a third setting for the STFs, this new UI is horrible, and we need our avatars back. I need to see Spaceman Spiff next to my name. :biggrin:
Inigo Montoya: Who are you?
Westley: No one of consequence.
Inigo Montoya: I must know.
Westley: Get used to disappointment.
Inigo Montoya: 'kay
But note how the patch said "We are making the Cure space borg klingon ships MATCH enemies in OTHER stfs."
It wasn't a "Nerf just cause." it was a "well, this stf has borg ships that aren't like the other borg ships... they need tweaking."
Sure, I wouldn't mind a harder setting (IMO, it should be the original STF versions. Maybe slightly tweaked, but still mostly the same). IF it was more likely to drop protos. As it is, I run CGE as I would a chore. "Sigh, time to do it again despite mastering it. Oh look, **** LOOT to hand off to a friend to sell to fund his 'buy a Jem'hadar ship' stockpile."
Ive run 1250 STFs, i have 4 protos and over 50 Rares. Plz... the 4 Protos are 2 shield techs 2 weapon techs. I dont even have a full set. Ran more stfs then everyone on this thread combined.
And what im saying is the borg i put are for a newer Elite mode and have elite downgraded to Advanced. Have u ever tried pugging an elite? Really? Did you fail? GOOD, its elite! If i can join a team of ******* and do an STF in 10 minutes, its not elite its Derp mode. If cryptic keeps nerfing, I want normal renamed to Lol and Elite renamed to derp. I have beaten every elite with a pug. My ship is so powerful, i can solo the raptors in CSE. if atleast 2 members in my team will just kill the cubes. Ill finish!
2 of my ship would take any STF. 3 of me would get the Optional, 4 of me is a faceroll. 5? Yeesh, ever heard of overkill?
STFs are a joke. My proposal adds a new dificulty that will make players think! The borg will heal, they will counter you. It brings need for SNB and CPB. The borg are laughing at you because They have adapted. 5 Escorts can no longer do an STF!!!! U bring 5 tact escorts, ull get obliterated! My proposal makes the need for healers and Debuffers. 5 escorts wouldnt be able to do it cause the borg have resistance and DPS now. Old borg die in seconds, these new borg will take ur fire. Ull need a healer cause the new borg, dont crit 70k However that cube is doing 6k DPS (a good Escort is 3k). A healer can heal 6k DPS they cant heal 70k crits. The borg wont 1 shot, but rather DPS you. They will act like borg. They will call reinforcements, and they will assimilate you!
The instant-remod of any 3-piece STF set makes this a non-issue. And as long as you carry two weapons of different types, normal mode is easy enough that you usually can remod between fights.
You can use rapid-fire weapons. The adaptation mechanic was tweaked a little bit a few months back to give these weapons a better chance to score more hits before triggering the debuff.
equal parts cynical and helpful
Required Remodulation itself is okay (canonwise) ... but after 100 Ground-STFs it's a "boring" mechanic. Having 3-piece being automatic, would fit better (just see Elite Force).
ATM it's just pushing a button every 10 seconds just for the sake of pushing it ...
vids and guides and stuff
[9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
Well said.
And add to this; A restriction to queue up for elite STF's ---> UNTIL YOU'VE COMPLETED AT LEAST 20 TIMES NORMAL MODE <---- THANKS.
Reason why most STF's fail? Because noobs want to take advantage of better players to finish their Elite STF's. Or just dumb people who do not even know they queue up for ELITE.
I've seen that suggested a lot, and I'm not sure it'd be effective since Normals (particularly space ones) are so much easier than Elites and can be brute forced with pure DPS and absolutely no tactics whatsoever. 10% on the gens in Infected? Only the most disorganised teams (ie. people attacking different transformers) and poorest DPS teams around actually need to do that on Normal to get the optional. You could do Infected 20 times on Normal and not have a notion of how to do it on Elite. About all you can be sure someone will learn is what the maps look like.
There's also the possibiliy that a really poor player could complete 20 normals because they've been carried, been lucky, or just been so doggedly persistent that they slug out the 20 completions even if they have to fail or quit a load of STFs to get there.
There really is no way to quantify how good a player is at STFs until you see them play one. That's a problem that I don't see a way around, beyond only playing with people you know, atm.
First: Would need to be account wide. I'd flat out quit if I had to do 20 STFs on each new toon I did on easy mode.
Second: What if someone just did 20 ISNs? Or do you expect them to do 120 normal STFs to unlock elites?
Elite should be for elites. If a pug can beat an elite, then there is something wrong. Ever queued for an heroic in WoW? Doesnt end well if its 100% Pug. Same thing should apply here. If i join a queue for 4 idiots, they should fail withen 5 minutes.
I'll add that the only space STF I've seen given up on was once in an infected that was shorthanded.
Join the STFHelp channel
This. The problem can be solved by joining non pug groups. I have no problems joining groups when i want to do STFs and I almost always complete the optionals.
Technically you can also fail KA space. Technically.
The amount of incompetence required to fail it, however, is pretty high. I've never seen it failed.
Join the STFHelp channel
Inigo Montoya: Who are you?
Westley: No one of consequence.
Inigo Montoya: I must know.
Westley: Get used to disappointment.
Inigo Montoya: 'kay