This post is to find out what others have been able to accomplish in
ELITE STF runs. Please post your time remaining for the optional when you completed the optional successfully. No Failures!
Let us
not get into how it is done in this thread but rather get to share what is possible. When making your post list whether it is Space or Ground and which one of the three it is. Such as KA for Khitomer Accord, Cure, and Infected.
No Normal Records!!! NOTE: Let us get numbers for the New Khitomer Accord not the old version, where you could run past everything!
Try to provide some screen capture (that accurately can verify the result) or preferably a video.
Cure Ground Elite: Russian Fleet - 6:01
Infected Ground Elite: FES 6:47
KA Ground Elite: Russian Fleet 7.35
Infected Space Elite: Russian Fleet 9:28
Cure Space Elite: House of Skeeter 9:25
KA Space Elite: No solid times yet.
Some Other Videos worth watching:
Infected Ground Elite by Russian Fleet (Click Here) Cure Space Elite by Russian Fleet (Click Here)
Video Link
I kept the video quality low to avoid some issues.
Infected Ground Elite: 6:05
I saw it on this Video (Click Here)
With premade team of at least 4 ppl we normally get:
ISE - record run 9.10 off optional. normal runs around 8.30.
CSE - record around 8.30. normal runs 7.30
KASE - record run 9 off optional, normal runs around 7m off.
I may just post my advanced strategies at some point. since I already written it.
I've been with abc on several of these runs...
screenshot or lies.
Congrats on the fast times, folks...HF comparing.
Of course, all such claims should have submittable proof to be believed.
Lol, this is not constructive
on top of it any emo with a photoshop can edit a screenshot nowadays
constructive question I would expect is "how do you do it".
Getting a screenshot in a middle of a battle so that I can post it on forums? there's no glory in it
and I seriously can't be bothered with recrording a video, mainly because of a presentation effects
strags posted here
I agree (at least on the ground times). Closest I've gotten to these records (that I remember) are
CGE - 4:15ish
IGE - 4:40
KAGE - 5:50
Usually when I get close to these times it's because the team is made up of 4 or 5 tacs and tac initiative is spammed back to back.
Also, all of my times have been from eliteSTF made teams, so I'm sure a team that is on TS3/Vent/Mumble and knows how to work together could easily do better.
I would prefer the mission actually take an hour and recieve a better reward then being able to complete it in minutes.
Finishing the STF quickly is nothing to be proud of you should actually feel sad like I do; that the supposably toughest missions in STO have been reduced to a cake walk.
Been in a few of those myself
Great runs all the time!
IGE 6.05
Yes you guys have the record as far as I know. Once I can get a team together I have an idea of setting IGE record quite a bit higher. Our 5:51 record of IGE was done with 1 PuG being dragged along.
My hope is to give people an idea that poor gameplay might be the fault, of failing STFs and not impossible borg.
If it is possible to get some more Video's (which I will also work on), not so much for the records, but for the purpose of demonstrating the synergy effect of good teamwork.
Yes, to make a new record not difficult. At us was about 6.30, but in that raid one of players was lost and we decided to repeat. But to achieve old result unfortunately it was not possible. We will try to improve time.
I absolutely agree with you! You speak about important things. RF completely supports this idea.
Players should understand, STO becomes interesting only with help of teamplay. Poor gameplay a problem which we can solve.
Cure Ground Elite
6.01 - optional time (remained)
12.48 - general time
9.17 - optional time (remained)
7.37 - general time
This was a lot of fun to watch.
Even though it's from one player's perspective, it's easy to tell your team has great coordination and experience. It was nice to see things like dampening fields on the turrets, tacs moving to flank, using cooldowns to buff the team, etc. I PuG so much that these are rare...
Kudos to you, though. Good stuff.
All team tried to make it not only fast, but beautiful and interesting.
KASE and ISE coming soon!:)
7.35 - optional time (remained)
8.48 - general time
9.28 - optional time (remained)
6.30 - general time
My congratulations!
All records need the proof.
It will be a great competition!.
I believe 10m is doable with enuff pressure
CSE with 9.30 is doable with a good dps team more or less easy enuff. I think our record is somewhere around 9.40.