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Expansion or die! (new faction discussion)



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    The Logical Idea for a new fation IMO would be the Dominion .. they are Fedderation like (made up of different species) The Jem Bug Ship is already in game (so some of the work is done) you could have when you start a choice of Vorta, Jem'hadar, Founder, Breen, another Dominion Alien (The hunters from the DS9 episode Captive Pursuite http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Hunter and the Alien option.

    The ships would be interesting to (Jem ships, Breen Ships)

    You could also do a Romulan faction but beyond Romulans and Remans I cant think what other Species would be a part of there empire ? (Possibly Cardassion ?)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I feel that the game is already in its declining phase.

    The failure to launch the game with two complete factions and then the decision to NOT complete the Klingon Faction in a two faction game should be an indicator that we probably will not see any new factions added to the game as the player base moves on and the community dies out.

    I think that this scenario is a shame, but likely to happen. :(
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I find myself compelled to post, despite the fact I was actually planning to take a substantial break from STO.

    So heres my tuppence:

    Cryp/PWE you misanthropic, moronic, microcephalic fools!

    You are missing opportunities to make money! New faction! New money...new trekkies! Stop driving people away from the game and scoop em in with factional pretty things.

    Feds can tick over for a while on the current planned output....round out the KDF and then more people will play...with a rounded KDF you can then sell stuff to the same person on -both- sides of the fence.

    Then add in a new faction (Watch people Squeeee as they see Romulans available...then watch em buy every damn item available to make they're shiny green Rommies shinier!)

    With so much stuff Fed side theres less motivation to buy all of it. SO .....give us more on the other factions and reap the cash back in.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    you know, if they eliminated the KDF, and rolled us under Starfleet, then everyone would be under one c-store, everyone could buy everything for the one faction (more money for the same dev work), and they could do away with the farce that is 2 factions in STO.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    You know that every Klingon player has at least one Fed toon.
    Any items targeted at Fed players will be of "value" to All players of the game.
    When choosing a project on which to expend man hours, the most sensible option is to start a project with the largest potential return.... ie the largest demographic which is .... Fed.

    Creating a new faction would require many man hours of work from various specialists and if it ever happened I will bet my left pointy ear that someone would come and complain on the forums about how it's not what they meant and they demand a dominion faction or a tribble faction because THEY ARE ENTITLED.

    Offering 10k Cpoints. Well, that would be about £80 of really real world money. Enough for approximately 5 to 10 hours of specialist time. Cheap specialist. Also that time would have to be removed from other projects which are almost certain to provide a better return.

    If you want Romulan academy or Dominion academy, the tools are available for you to make missions and all you have to do is use your imagination. It's free and using it makes it stronger and more capable.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    but they could make again peace between Klingon and Fed like it should be and then give the fed players BoPs and Battle Cloak

    and make a new enemy for PVP a PVP only race or 2 maybe Ferengi or Cards or Rom
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Raudl wrote: »
    as it stand right now...i only see additional factions implemented as micro factions, lvl 40 to 50. Romulans, Remans Hirogen as the races to choose from.
    In case of the romulans a valdore warbird for sci and tactical maybe the little BoP as the escort variant)...universal slots like BoP and a D'deridex warbird as a cruiser. Rator 3, as the homeworld... Future developement: hirogen ships + a scimitar cruiser.
    the 10 level cover the story leading to the iconian missions on the fed side. Maybe resulting in a civil war which devides the empire and the player gets to choose between fed and Kdf, so that no third faction is added.

    i don't see any future for the cardassians a s a faction...since the ship is already implemented. That train has gone.

    Keep in mind that the NPC ships in this game all follow the same mechanics. Federation, Klingon, Breen, Jem'hadar, Hirogen, Borg, etc. All of them.

    When you encounter escort vessels in combat, you will always fight a group of three of them. All the factions have a designated escort, science vessel, and cruiser vessel. For some factions, they may even have a battleship (a boss type) and a couple have fighter squads.

    So the basic ship requirements are already thete, but players will demand more variety anyway.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Well, one player advocated this race for the Romulan faction:
    They have ties to the Romulan Empire, most likely serving as a race of Assassins.
    And Custom Alien is always an option for factions.
    As well as Liberated Borg for those fortunate enough to be Lifetimer Subscribers.
    And it was confirmed that Hirogen will be a playable Race.
    Reman would also be a logical option,

    If they're really that hard up for content makers, why not just get the most talented Foundry authors and have them to do the work?
    I bet they'd love to get their hands on the full Mission tool and make actual episodes!

    One Galor class ship does not equal a full Cardassian Faction.
    Personally, I was hoping to use a Keldon, as it's use of photonic fleet would imply that it is a science based vessel.
  • duaths1duaths1 Member Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    i would like to add my voice to this thread and am calling for a


    i am also NOT buying ANYTHING from the C-store FED stuff, only KDF shinies, till the KDF is completed and RSE is announced.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    the largest demographic which is .... Fed.


    I summed your post up for you.:tongue:
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    You know what would make the game stand out?

    Ferengi that rank with profit.

    Any other class will level the same way that Fed or KDF will. Ferengi are the exception.

    Plus you could add a bit of humour to the game. Dome groundwork has been done (D'Kora, Na'Far, costumes), so why not add a whole lot of dimension to the game?
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