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The same ship names can be used by anyone?



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    voporak wrote:
    I have had several mateches in kerrat that were nothing more than crew depleting. But the names people come up with... there is creativty and picking good or historical names, but some names are just plain wierd. BTW, get ready for people to start copying your ship names now :)

    I dont mind if they copy them. They wont be able to reproduce the NCC number nor will they be able to reproduce the ships unless they are willing to spend EC to buy the NX class and the Odyssey class. Even then wont be the same seeing as my odyssey class is the free one lol.

    On the crew depleting, my crew never really went much below 50%. I had one match where my Galaxy class starship didnt even go below 90% crew cause I was spamming brace for impact every time it was cooled down.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    We decided back when we were working on Marvel, that we didn't want names to be unique. This was a conscious decision and is a principle of all Cryptic games made since then. The point was that we all hate joining a new game, and finding that not only is your usual name taken, but so is every other variant of it, and you end up with X_Tumerboy20139_X or something equally ridiculous.

    Instead, we decided it was better to have them not be unique, and thus, yes, you could technically end up with multiple Tumerboys, but chances are few and far between that less common names will be duplicated, and even less likely that you'll run into them regularly.

    @handles are still unique for the purposes of finding an individual player.

    ETA: So you may be stuck with a crappy @ handle, but at least your in game, character's name can be what you want.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Tumerboy wrote: »
    We decided back when we were working on Marvel, that we didn't want names to be unique. This was a conscious decision and is a principle of all Cryptic games made since then. The point was that we all hate joining a new game, and finding that not only is your usual name taken, but so is every other variant of it, and you end up with X_Tumerboy20139_X or something equally ridiculous.

    Instead, we decided it was better to have them not be unique, and thus, yes, you could technically end up with multiple Tumerboys, but chances are few and far between that less common names will be duplicated, and even less likely that you'll run into them regularly.

    @handles are still unique for the purposes of finding an individual player.

    You have no idea how happy this made me. I've played plenty of MMOs where the name I want was taken. Even lost some names when DCUO did their server merger. Funny thing is when DCUO was merging servers people actually requested @ handles so they could keep their names.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    We decided back when we were working on Marvel, that we didn't want names to be unique. This was a conscious decision and is a principle of all Cryptic games made since then. The point was that we all hate joining a new game, and finding that not only is your usual name taken, but so is every other variant of it, and you end up with X_Tumerboy20139_X or something equally ridiculous.

    Instead, we decided it was better to have them not be unique, and thus, yes, you could technically end up with multiple Tumerboys, but chances are few and far between that less common names will be duplicated, and even less likely that you'll run into them regularly.

    @handles are still unique for the purposes of finding an individual player.
    It's definitely one of my favorite aspects of Cryptic. The name@handle thingy is brilliant.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Tumerboy wrote: »
    We decided back when we were working on Marvel, that we didn't want names to be unique. This was a conscious decision and is a principle of all Cryptic games made since then. The point was that we all hate joining a new game, and finding that not only is your usual name taken, but so is every other variant of it, and you end up with X_Tumerboy20139_X or something equally ridiculous.

    Instead, we decided it was better to have them not be unique, and thus, yes, you could technically end up with multiple Tumerboys, but chances are few and far between that less common names will be duplicated, and even less likely that you'll run into them regularly.

    @handles are still unique for the purposes of finding an individual player.

    ETA: So you may be stuck with a crappy @ handle, but at least your in game, character's name can be what you want.

    Yes, the OP has a good point, but overall I completely agree with the way Cryptic handled ship/character naming. It would absolutely make me twist inside to have to rename "Indefatigable" or "Warspite" or "Repulse" to a L33T version or add numbers or letters to the names. I am glad that only principle/starring ship names are blocked...as a lot of historic naval ship names ARE found in canon Trek already (well, starting with Enterprise of course!). Glad we can use them too, for the most part.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Tumerboy wrote: »
    ETA: So you may be stuck with a crappy @ handle, but at least your in game, character's name can be what you want.

    If the tech was available to do this I would be willing to pay as much as 2500 CP for a one time chance to change my handle. When I first made it I didn't realize what it was nor did I know it would be visible to other players all the time
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    My MVAM is the USS Mjolnir (Thor's Hammer) and with the exception of that one STF where 3 of us had the same name, I really haven't had an issue with seeing ships with names similar to mine, and I tend to use ship names based on US Navy ships (Mjolnir being the obvious exception)

    I've seen you around.

    All my ship and character names are from Norse Mythology.

    For example:
    My Defiant-R is the USS Bifrost
    My Sovereign is the USS Ragnarok
    My Oddy is the USS Jormungandr
    My Dreadnaught is the USS Mjolnirs Fury
    My Galaxy-R is the USS Muspelheim
    My Miranda (yes, still have it just cause) is the USS Midgard

    My captains and boffs are named similarly:

    and so on.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    ryeknow wrote:
    I've seen you around.

    All my ship and character names are from Norse Mythology.

    For example:
    My Defiant-R is the USS Bifrost
    My Sovereign is the USS Ragnarok
    My Oddy is the USS Jormungandr
    My Dreadnaught is the USS Mjolnirs Fury
    My Galaxy-R is the USS Muspelheim
    My Miranda (yes, still have it just cause) is the USS Midgard

    My captains and boffs are named similarly:

    and so on.

    Psst, you really should Get rid of Loki.... he's going to try and kill you and take over at Captain :p hit him with a few phaser blasts from Mjolnir's fury and you wont have to worry about it anymore.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    My old character had a galaxy class called the crusader. I saw on just the other day. If you were the first, you should be honored that some one likes the name enough to copy it.

    I had the U.S.S Omega from the second the server went live, (also had it in Beta)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I've transwarped to earth and found myself right next to another USS Courageous. It was another Odyssey.

    Previously, in my Sovereign, I'd been in one of those GO sector block battles against the Borg with another Sovereign-class USS Courageous.

    I do wish, however, that we could have multiple ships with the same name, as long as the registry number was different; even if by only a letter. For instance, I'd have my old Excalibur class as USS Courageous, NCC-92976-A, and the Sovereign as USS Courageous NCC-92976-B. Heck, my freebie Odyssey could be NX-92976. :D
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Now that I think about it, I've seen at least 3 different U.S.S. Wisconsin's running around. At first I thought maybe those players live in and/or like the state, then considered that it's also probably among the random names that are suggested when you buy new ships. Either possibility really. I did find it a little unusual the 2nd time I saw one, because I couldn't remember for certain if it was the same player.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    MightionNY wrote: »
    I've transwarped to earth and found myself right next to another USS Courageous. It was another Odyssey.

    Previously, in my Sovereign, I'd been in one of those GO sector block battles against the Borg with another Sovereign-class USS Courageous.

    I do wish, however, that we could have multiple ships with the same name, as long as the registry number was different; even if by only a letter. For instance, I'd have my old Excalibur class as USS Courageous, NCC-92976-A, and the Sovereign as USS Courageous NCC-92976-B. Heck, my freebie Odyssey could be NX-92976. :D

    What a coincidence! My free odyssey has the NCC 92974. Maybe you can rename your ships to all Courageous if you make them USS Courageous-A (or B, etc.) in the actual name, except for the current one of course. That's what I plan on doing if I ever get a C-store odyssey.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Cusashorn wrote:
    Now that I think about it, I've seen at least 3 different U.S.S. Wisconsin's running around. At first I thought maybe those players live in and/or like the state, then considered that it's also probably among the random names that are suggested when you buy new ships. Either possibility really. I did find it a little unusual the 2nd time I saw one, because I couldn't remember for certain if it was the same player.

    Guilty as charged. I name all my ships U.S.S. Wisconsin, it's whare I live. And I have many alts.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    milner62 wrote:
    Hell 1 month in the game for me since joining at f2p I saw one, USS Obama.

    Somehow Idon't think they'll be naming ships after him in 400 years.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Cusashorn wrote:
    Now that I think about it, I've seen at least 3 different U.S.S. Wisconsin's running around. At first I thought maybe those players live in and/or like the state, then considered that it's also probably among the random names that are suggested when you buy new ships. Either possibility really. I did find it a little unusual the 2nd time I saw one, because I couldn't remember for certain if it was the same player.

    Also likely a nod to the Iowa class battleship USS Wisconsin BB-64 as well.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    If the tech was available to do this I would be willing to pay as much as 2500 CP for a one time chance to change my handle. When I first made it I didn't realize what it was nor did I know it would be visible to other players all the time

    If it's the same as your log-in name you can file a ticket and get it changed.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    MightionNY wrote: »
    I've transwarped to earth and found myself right next to another USS Courageous. It was another Odyssey.

    Previously, in my Sovereign, I'd been in one of those GO sector block battles against the Borg with another Sovereign-class USS Courageous.

    I do wish, however, that we could have multiple ships with the same name, as long as the registry number was different; even if by only a letter. For instance, I'd have my old Excalibur class as USS Courageous, NCC-92976-A, and the Sovereign as USS Courageous NCC-92976-B. Heck, my freebie Odyssey could be NX-92976. :D

    I did this with my USS Trafalgars. The first ship of that name was my Constitution class cruiser, when that retired I changed its name to USS Trafalgar 1, and then named the new ship USS Trafalgar, with the existing registry number and an A added. Same for the next one, the Trafalgar A became USS Trafalgar 2, and went into the retired ship club, and my new ship was renamed USS Trafalgar (NCC 211005 - B), and so on and so forth, through to the USS Trafalgar D, my current VA Excelsior. The energy credit cost for renaming is pretty negligible, compared to the benefit of keeping your favourite ship name.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    MightionNY wrote: »
    I do wish, however, that we could have multiple ships with the same name, as long as the registry number was different; even if by only a letter. For instance, I'd have my old Excalibur class as USS Courageous, NCC-92976-A, and the Sovereign as USS Courageous NCC-92976-B. Heck, my freebie Odyssey could be NX-92976. :D

    I really wish they would do this. I have three USS Texas`s and the first one was just as it is seen there, second one I had to do all caps, third one I did first and last letter capital. It just looks weird when your reading it. Yea sure I could take and add B and C after the name but the real starships didnt do that, they had the letter suffix on the registry number not the name.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    GUL_EVEK wrote:
    Somehow Idon't think they'll be naming ships after him in 400 years.

    I dont think they would either. Not unless its an ISS Obama lol.

    Aside from that I didnt even say anything to the guy I could have sent him a message asking him why he choosed that for his starship. In any case if he wants to support that pollitical figure I wont stand in the way of it. I might not agree with how hes running things but no point in starting a flame war online over something so trivial. Not only that but if I start doing that I just know karma`s gonna be a real ***** and I will have to deal with flak over the name of my Akira and Galaxy class starships, USS Robert E Lee and USS Thomas J Jackson.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Tumerboy wrote: »
    We decided back when we were working on Marvel, that we didn't want names to be unique. This was a conscious decision and is a principle of all Cryptic games made since then. The point was that we all hate joining a new game, and finding that not only is your usual name taken, but so is every other variant of it, and you end up with X_Tumerboy20139_X or something equally ridiculous.

    Instead, we decided it was better to have them not be unique, and thus, yes, you could technically end up with multiple Tumerboys, but chances are few and far between that less common names will be duplicated, and even less likely that you'll run into them regularly.

    @handles are still unique for the purposes of finding an individual player.

    ETA: So you may be stuck with a crappy @ handle, but at least your in game, character's name can be what you want.

    And I thank you for this decision. I'm very pleased with the way Cryptic handles naming, especially after facing my share of appellative agony in those games that feature unique naming.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I think Cryptic got it right on this front. When I had the "USS Warpsite" and bumped into another one, it actually sparked off a cool conversation about the HMS Warspite and we did an STF.

    Another cool perc, is that I've got the same "ship" on more than one toon. Either my Fed Tac or Eng can take the USS Crazyhorse or USS Triumph out for a spin.
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