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PvP Weekly Update 06/01/2012



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    hmm... destroying carriers is one of my favourite pasttime. Just takes a cloaked ship and a serious alphastrike. Most of them are to busy hearding their pets to notice the treath I represent before it's too late. :)

    (I'm sure a carrier piloted by a serious player can be almost impossible to kill, but 9 out of 10 carriers fold like a house of cards)

    challenge accepted
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I hope the reworked reward system will implement some serious PVP gear. If it is only to get more credits than the other one in the team, then you can keep it.

    Without a token system (like it allready existed) and high end gear for it, what good are the statistics anyway.
    In other words...i had 15 killing blows in a single game, can i get more than a picture?

    But it definitely is a step forward, and GZ to that!:)

    Hope to see it soon on tribble.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Question… what good are these weekly PVP updates if Gozer is not going to participate in discussion with us here on the PVP sub-forum?

    I mean, it is great and all that he is sort of keeping us in the loop with regard to what is going on or what is not going on… however, how the hell does that help the community or even the Cryptic Team understand what the community really wants or expects out of the PVP overhaul verses what Cryptic Studios is able to do realistically?

    How is he going to address our concerns, aspirations, question et-all when he isn’t to be found in dialog with us here on the PVP sub-forums?

    IDK… I’m just one more disgruntled customer and maybe am out of line in my thinking. Guys… am I wrong here?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Teleon wrote: »
    Question… what good are these weekly PVP updates if Gozer is not going to participate in discussion with us here on the PVP sub-forum?

    I mean, it is great and all that he is sort of keeping us in the loop with regard to what is going on or what is not going on… however, how the hell does that help the community or even the Cryptic Team understand what the community really wants or expects out of the PVP overhaul verses what Cryptic Studios is able to do realistically?

    How is he going to address our concerns, aspirations, question et-all when he isn’t to be found in dialog with us here on the PVP sub-forums?

    IDK… I’m just one more disgruntled customer and maybe am out of line in my thinking. Guys… am I wrong here?

    Just a quick note...

    I'm not sure what you expect here. I've seen a couple of posts like this over the last couple of weeks. I read every post on these weekly threads. I don't have time to reply to every post on the thread.

    For the next few weeks / months I won't be talking about specifics with PvP. It's too early in the process to talk about specific features. When we get to that point I'll be more active in the conversations, but we are not even close to being there yet.

    If you want me to stop doing weekly updates just let me know. You guys have two choices here.

    A. I can continue to post a weekly thread even if there isn't much to really talk about. (What I've been doing the last few weeks)


    B. I can wait until i have several things to discuss and I need feedback from the community. ( This is what I did with STF's and I was much more active in those larger threads.)

    The choice is up to you guys... I can do it either way, so let me know. There is however no Option C, D, E, etc. A and B are your two options. I don't have time for anything else since I have to actually spend the majority of my time actually creating the new features not talking about them. :)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Anyone with half a brain would take option A, with a caveat. The problem with option A is that if you give any detailed information and end up cancelling it, it will come back and bite you in the ***. This always happens, regardless of the company. Cryptic's promises of open beta and scoreboards long ago that weren't delivered really ****ed the community off.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Gozer, I commend your refreshing frankness. I would much rather take Option B because that is a better way for all of us to spend our precious time. If people have enough time to complain, they aint busy enough and should be busier than what they are.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I don't know...
    I find content-less Dev posts irritating. But on the other hand seeing at least some positive PvP related activity by the Devs is good for the PvPer Soul. And at least the initial post spurned some interesting discussions by the community.

    Maybe you should put in some "leading questions" in each weekly. Even if you don't really need the answers yet. (Half of us will assume that anyway. And the other half will assume that half the time ;).)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012

    The choice is up to you guys... I can do it either way, so let me know. There is however no Option C, D, E, etc. A and B are your two options. I don't have time for anything else since I have to actually spend the majority of my time actually creating the new features not talking about them. :)

    I am more than happy to see weekly updates until stuff is nailed down. i look forward to reading the updates even if if they dont always have much info for that week in general. i know you will become more communicative as the system takes shape.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Just a quick note...

    I'm not sure what you expect here. I've seen a couple of posts like this over the last couple of weeks. I read every post on these weekly threads. I don't have time to reply to every post on the thread.

    For the next few weeks / months I won't be talking about specifics with PvP. It's too early in the process to talk about specific features. When we get to that point I'll be more active in the conversations, but we are not even close to being there yet.

    If you want me to stop doing weekly updates just let me know. You guys have two choices here.

    A. I can continue to post a weekly thread even if there isn't much to really talk about. (What I've been doing the last few weeks)


    B. I can wait until i have several things to discuss and I need feedback from the community. ( This is what I did with STF's and I was much more active in those larger threads.)

    The choice is up to you guys... I can do it either way, so let me know. There is however no Option C, D, E, etc. A and B are your two options. I don't have time for anything else since I have to actually spend the majority of my time actually creating the new features not talking about them. :)

    Option A all the way. I'll take knowing what's going on over just sitting and hoping for news any day.

    Thanks for taking the time to do the updates; they are appreciated. :)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Can we atleast know about the exciting inter-cryptic pvp matches fought over who gets the last soda in the fridge? That would be a great pvp update!

    My personal suggestion is go with what you feel most comfortable with, I think the weekly thing would give us more focused threads on the matter at hand, and less likely to have an issue overlooked because its packed with other issues.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Option A for now, and then switch to Option B as soon as the implementation phase begins.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    The choice is up to you guys... I can do it either way, so let me know. There is however no Option C, D, E, etc. A and B are your two options. I don't have time for anything else since I have to actually spend the majority of my time actually creating the new features not talking about them. :)

    Are you going to be taking a poll or what? You are replying to 1 person's post as if that person speaks for the community. They dont.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Are you going to be taking a poll or what? You are replying to 1 person's post as if that person speaks for the community. They dont.

    Always like your assumption posts that point out the obvious. He might have quoted one person, but he said 'you guys' obviously meaning the community.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Are you going to be taking a poll or what? You are replying to 1 person's post as if that person speaks for the community. They dont.

    I'm really sick of this whole mythical "community voice representative" nonsense. It's very dillusional.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Always like your assumption posts that point out the obvious.

    My pleasure :)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Just a quick note...

    I'm not sure what you expect here. I've seen a couple of posts like this over the last couple of weeks. I read every post on these weekly threads. I don't have time to reply to every post on the thread.

    For the next few weeks / months I won't be talking about specifics with PvP. It's too early in the process to talk about specific features. When we get to that point I'll be more active in the conversations, but we are not even close to being there yet.

    If you want me to stop doing weekly updates just let me know. You guys have two choices here.

    A. I can continue to post a weekly thread even if there isn't much to really talk about. (What I've been doing the last few weeks)


    B. I can wait until i have several things to discuss and I need feedback from the community. ( This is what I did with STF's and I was much more active in those larger threads.)

    The choice is up to you guys... I can do it either way, so let me know. There is however no Option C, D, E, etc. A and B are your two options. I don't have time for anything else since I have to actually spend the majority of my time actually creating the new features not talking about them. :)

    I just need to hear the sound of your voice.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012

    I prefer weekly updates even if there is no change in current status.

    Speaking from experience as both a customer and customer service provider (as well as a project manager), I always prefer knowing what is currently going on, on a regular basis, and conveying that to my customers or dependencies, so that everyone knows exactly what to expect and when to expect it. This cuts down on surprises and makes timelines much easier to set, stick to, and modify when needed.

    Remember, it's all about expectation-setting and re-setting. Regular real-time transparency, coupled with blunt honesty, is the best way to achieve that.


    To the others who question Gozer / Cryptic's lack of engagement in discussions,

    I don't think it's reasonable to expect the service providers to be able to read and respond to every single post or thread. I do expect them to create, enforce, and constantly refine a mechanism for gathering, reviewing, and synthesizing the feedback they need in a holistic or 'majority' way, and then present that synthesis to the community for consumption and further feedback.

    In this way, I expect a weekly or monthly synthesis of our feedback stating XYZ, and then I would expect (for example) a poll asking if we (the customers) agree that this is mostly true. Regardless of the poll results -- as the sample size may be too small -- I would expect Cryptic to exercise its judgment and experience to determine whether or not that feedback is accurate, and then revise their synthesis for the next week or month. Repeat.

    I see Gozer's weekly update as one step toward this regular transparency / synthesis report.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Just a quick note...

    I'm not sure what you expect here. I've seen a couple of posts like this over the last couple of weeks. I read every post on these weekly threads. I don't have time to reply to every post on the thread.

    For the next few weeks / months I won't be talking about specifics with PvP. It's too early in the process to talk about specific features. When we get to that point I'll be more active in the conversations, but we are not even close to being there yet.

    If you want me to stop doing weekly updates just let me know. You guys have two choices here.

    A. I can continue to post a weekly thread even if there isn't much to really talk about. (What I've been doing the last few weeks)


    B. I can wait until i have several things to discuss and I need feedback from the community. ( This is what I did with STF's and I was much more active in those larger threads.)

    The choice is up to you guys... I can do it either way, so let me know. There is however no Option C, D, E, etc. A and B are your two options. I don't have time for anything else since I have to actually spend the majority of my time actually creating the new features not talking about them. :)

    First, thank you for being so blunt. It is refreshing! Secondly, I’m not one for ultimatums. So I always choose option C. :p

    I suppose what I expected from these weekly updates was perhaps more than just you dropping a single post detailing what is or what isn’t going on. You know? I mean, if the PVP changes coming are simply going to be whatever you guys at Cryptic dictate to us with regard to features, game modes and etc. Than just go with option A and I’ll sit here on my PC, maybe read it, and probably not be all that interested as the mark is missed.

    Now, if the coming changes are going to be community inspired changes with regard to the limitations of resources and capability of the Cryptic Team. I think both option A and a small amount of option B are in order. But so far, I haven’t seen you post anything indicating that the community’s desires for features in PVP are going to be met whatsoever. Sort of like the account wide bank failure to meet expectations of functionality.

    Anyway, not everyone agrees with my position, which is fine. I just wonder however how many do.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Yes, fairly gauging metrics for crowd control builds can be very difficult. One way to address this may be separating the participation rewards by "typical" ship role - so a Science Vessel doesn't have to compete with an Escort, for example, but only either with other SVs on the team, or with the model expectations.

    Gauging participation is as simple as a count of how many (non-you) targets are affected. If you're firing on someone... you're interacting. If you're healing someone, you're interacting. If you're dragging a ship via Gravity Well you're interacting.

    So crowd control, energy drains, system shutdowns, jammed signals, etc, etc, etc, are all helping to show that a player is actually engaged.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Hey folks unsticking this one since the newest one is out

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