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SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
F2P Announcements

The big news is that we have set a launch date for Star Trek Online to become Free-to-Play (F2P), and that date is Tuesday January 17, 2012.

With the date now being public knowledge, I can share two other announcements.

First, we will be starting the Gold member stipend benefit on December 1st. This benefit grants 400 free Cryptic Points each month to each subscriber to STO.

The stipend is granted on the “anniversary day” for your account. This is the day in the month which corresponds to when your account was first activated for Star Trek Online. This means that you won’t necessarily get your stipend right at the beginning of the month, but it will be coming for you at the appropriate time during December and each following month. Stipend points from STO can only be spent in STO.

We are starting the Gold member stipend early as a way to thank our loyal customers during this transition period prior to the launch of Free-to-Play.

Second, we will be bringing the new build from Tribble to Holodeck somewhere in the range of December 1 to December 8.

Testing with the new game changes has been going really well on the Tribble server. The development team has been pleased with the results and feedback, and we think we only have a few more weeks of iteration and testing before the game changes will be ready for the mainstream players.

We’re excited to bring all the great content and game play improvements from the test server to the majority of the player base during the first week of December.

Mark your calendars. Star Trek Online F2P is coming your way!

Stephen D’Angelo
Executive Producer
Star Trek Online

Testing has been going really well
I am so happy for you you do realize things could be going a whole lot better do you?

development team has been pleased with the results and feedback
i have never seen this much complaining on the forums. how could you possibly be pleased whit such feedback?! HOW CAN YOU ****-OFF MOST OF YOUR CLIENT-BASE AND BE HAPPY ABOUT IT?!

only a few more weeks before the game will be ready for mainstream
  • you are launching whit the KDF as a skeletal factions again instead of doing it right this time.
  • you kill crafting by adding dilithium to the costs...
  • you still haven't split ground from space skills.
  • you still haven't revamped ground skill nor tested them...
  • other than the doff system the F2P build has a complete content drought
  • the doff system has gotten worse whit each update. (only graphically it has become more appealing)
  • are there any plans for the borg set? or was deciding to complete it (on holodeck) this week the best thing i did in STO this year?
  • you haven't revamped exploration yet!
  • sector space is still fragmented! wern't you going to make sector space into one big map?

thank you for telling me i have only 20 days left to farm for all the particle traces on holodeck so i can craft what i want before i get scrwd whit an additional dilithium cost. ill defiantly make the most of the time i have left.

i have already pre-ordered a collectors edition of star wars: the old republic so ill be playing that game mostly from December 20th. I am a lifer since the launch so thank you for the monthly stipend and ill probably be back to see whats new. I really like STO and i want to keep coming back to play but whit the current tribble build i don't think it will be worth it.
afther this announcement i have to come to the conclusion that what we see on tribble now will not be subject to change and the changes made are set into stone,
what we have now on tribble is just not good enough! you absolutely can't launch whit this!
Post edited by Unknown User on


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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Well i agree this game is not ready and they will make the same mistake they did first off by bringing a game that is not ready onto the live server. The economy is not done as with exploration missions, ground revamp, etc. they need to relax and not TRIBBLE us again with no content as it is so far. Let hope they honestly stand up for themsevles and tell PW to relax and let them make the game better.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    There are still several weeks of new builds on tribble, then another month before it's open to f2p players. A lot of our feedback has been heard and considered, maybe even acted on, but there's a lot that just hasn't made it into the latest build. With all the positive changes lately (gold auto refine, crafting tradeable materials, VA token return), I have faith that they're still taking our feedback seriously and will address further issues as weeks go on.

    I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that it's too early, as there are plenty of things still in the works that we will see in the coming weeks.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I would have liked to see KDF content become a full fledged faction before Re-launch. I have been here since original launch date and must say that throwing a swap meet looking social zone full of klingons and calling it the academy and re-doing the first city was not what I would call a complete faction. Seriously...you claim to listen to our feedback, then here me now...Please, I beg you please! Finish the KDF. Give us more Storyline missions. Instead of "Patrol" missions gives us conquer missions. Something...just something playable.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    yes they have several weeks to make changes. But thats the issue they have set a date that the game MUST go live. Instead of actually putting in the time to ensure the game is set to make a happy new universe for all their new players, cus lets face it thats all they care about, they are setting a date and regardless of the state of the game it is going live. Bad plan plain and simple. They claim everything is going great and that they are happy.......so they are happy with alienating lots of the current player base which just speaks to the fact they really don't give a rats *** about the current player base. Par for the course :(
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Jentai wrote: »
    yes they have several weeks to make changes. But thats the issue they have set a date that the game MUST go live. Instead of actually putting in the time to ensure the game is set to make a happy new universe for all their new players, cus lets face it thats all they care about, they are setting a date and regardless of the state of the game it is going live. Bad plan plain and simple. They claim everything is going great and that they are happy.......so they are happy with alienating lots of the current player base which just speaks to the fact they really don't give a rats *** about the current player base. Par for the course :(

    And the "date that the game MUST go live" is Jan 17, 2012.

    What they're doing Dec 1-8 is pushing testing to the live server instead of just Tribble. Why? Because if testing on Tribble doesn't have enough people now, it's 1) not going to mag-tastically get substantially more people on it any time soon, and 2) it's going to be even less populated after 12/20 for at least a few weeks.

    I see *why* they're doing it - so that they'll have all of Holodeck's population to gather metrics, feedback, or whatnot for a few weeks before 12/20. This does not mean I necessarily agree with the change, as beta testing on a live server is going to cause all manner of consternation for people , especially those who might not frequent the boards and aren't aware of half the things changing.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Well....the statements are true...from a certain point of view.

    They've had no major build failures on a programming level. They are getting some good feedback from those who are legitimately trying to test things.

    Just because a few of us (me included) are not happy about certain aspects...doesn't mean the testing is going badly.....
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Pretty much in agreement with te OP.

    No KDF content..

    NO KDF content..


    The game is now looking like its going to launch F2P with NO KDF CONTENT.

    Do not do this to this game again.. I beg you, I implore you. DO NOT LAUNCH THE F2P BUILD ONTO HOLODECK. WITH OUT THE KDF CONTENT!

    This is a mistake you simply cannot afford to do again. For a bunch od proffessional game designers you folks are showing a real lack of understanding of your potential customers. Your apparently clueless on just how big of an error this is, This is a chance to "reset" the game. The "reset" players impressions. If you wait on KDF content again you might as well just shut the servers down and be done with it.

    Your going to launch Free 2 Play and your revenue and sale are going to be driven by gamers. Not trek fans who stick with the game just because its trek, but gamers. Gamers who go looking for something in a game and if they do not find it, go elsewhere. They are going to expect the same thing they expect in any other multifaction MMO. Without KDF development your going to loose not 18% of your base. Not the 30 that the KDF had at one point. Not 50% which would be the ideal ratio. It's more like 70% and quite possibly more. . The players are going to come, look at the game..fiddle around with it for a month or so.. see that there in no real depth to one of the two factions. And then they will leave. They will tell thier buddies exactly what the game is lacking. They will be contemptuous. It will be the worst possible press thay this game could possibly get.

    You need to get KDF content in the game and get us testing it right now because right now to doing a pretty fair imatation of the Titannic. Its arrogence, hubris, pride, and an utter lack of understanding of the market your climbing into

    At this point I feel I have no further options. We are your customers, and we have been a loyal core of customers, and you have not listened to us time, after time, after time. I have the contact Information I need for your parent company. I will be contacting your parent company tomorrow and I will beg and plead with them not to allow you to make this mistake. I will not just stand by and allow you to TRIBBLE up a Tek title.

    I am a life time member and you told me I have a say.

    You Lied.

    In season 2 you said there would be significant KDF content.

    You Lied.

    Yoour company and your studio has lied and continued to lie about this issue to the point where its been an embarrasment to some of your own emplyess, specificly one of your lead artists who has stated publicly that the KDF faction has gotten the short end of the stick in so many words..

    You cannot, you must put this game in front of the public as a free to play title catering to PvP players which is your primary F2P audience with the adversarial KDF faction having so little content. It simply will not work.

    I'll give it it ONE week If I do not see KDF content within the next SEVEN DAYS I am done with giving you my time to test your F2P builds. I will simply play the game on Holodeck from that point forward. And if asked by someone about this game I will tell them the facts.

    I will tell them that Cryptic studies lies to its customers.
    I will tell them that Cryptic studies hasn't a clue about compurter gamers and what they like and what what they want.
    I will tell them that Cryptic studio products are more hype then substance.

    Cryptic studios parent company made a point of stating FOR THE RECORD that there would be development of the KDF faction. DO you honestly expect a china based corporation to be that tolerent of
    amercans that make THEM look bad? Have you ever in your life bothered to read a history book? I have utter faith that Perfect world will not tolerate Cryptic studio's affecting the public perception of them. I've player perfect world titles. thay do not claim them to be anything more then what they are. There is a strong ephisis on a basic honesty about what they present to the public. They are niether a people, or a culture prone to exeagerated claims. They have a cultural impertive toward a basic blunt honesty.

    If you truely value you jobs that is something you had best consider right now. Sales tactics are one thing..
    lieing to the customer is another thing entirely.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    The game will sorely miss such eloquent contributors.

    Can I have your stuff?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Usarina wrote: »
    The game will sorely miss such eloquent contributors.

    Can I have your stuff?

    Careful. The unemployed teenager with the english skills of a 12 year old will report you for trolling him then ignore you. Followed up by abusive messages in your mailbox.

    At least that is what he did the last time I made a post of similar content in response to one of his.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    DenizenVI wrote:
    There are still several weeks of new builds on tribble, then another month before it's open to f2p players. A lot of our feedback has been heard and considered, maybe even acted on, but there's a lot that just hasn't made it into the latest build. With all the positive changes lately (gold auto refine, crafting tradeable materials, VA token return), I have faith that they're still taking our feedback seriously and will address further issues as weeks go on.

    I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that it's too early, as there are plenty of things still in the works that we will see in the coming weeks.

    The autorefine for gold membres is fine. The VA roken returns as a vet reward so we tot the short end there.

    The tradeble crafting materials are still made from dilitum. Dilitium has no place in crafting. Worse you can get get dilitium from crypic points then craft the mats and sell then for ECs. So real world money can get you any kind of game currency.

    Personally I am not much of a KDF player but I really thing the game needs a full KDF faction. As for crafting id like to say 2 things if you aren't goin to change it to be better than don't change it at all. Don't make half done changes now and really fix it later.

    When I read the f2p blog I was really angry and I vented it of this way. Yet still I stand behind everything i said you can't launch this build.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    We are (emaciated) Klingons!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Lack of KDF Content...Nothing new there guys....Been that way since launch. Not that there's an over abundance of ANYTHING to do when you hit Lt Gen/VADM anyway at this point.......

    We've been promised loads of new content. I wouldn't call that a "Broken Promise"...But a promise not yet fulfilled. The Content crew at Cryptic hasn't forgotten, I don't think...If you can't be patient until all this conversion and the PWI acquisition is done...then I am sorry...If you are full of anger over this game...perhaps it's time to take a step back....Take a breather....Most of us are too young to worry about stress induced heart attacks.....

    I am certain the Devs listen...They can't just use a replicator to create content....

    Now don't get me wrong...I am frustrated too at the lack of content, unanswered glaring issues that have been around for as long as I have....and quite a few other things....But it serves no one to go on rants....
  • Options
    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Pretty much in agreement with te OP.

    No KDF content..

    NO KDF content..


    The game is now looking like its going to launch F2P with NO KDF CONTENT.

    Do not do this to this game again.. I beg you, I implore you. DO NOT LAUNCH THE F2P BUILD ONTO HOLODECK. WITH OUT THE KDF CONTENT!

    Expect it. We will not have a parity until after F2P luanches.
    Usarina wrote: »
    The game will sorely miss such eloquent contributors.
    Not as much as they will miss our wallets ingame.
    The silliness of the statements of the past saying the KDF hasn't gotten attention becuase the KDF does not spend money is phenominal.
    Why would we spend money on a TRIBBLE sandwhich tossed our way as a secondary thought and supported by the same fedfans whom claim to embrace equality & acceptance while helping push us away as contributors to STO?

    The bad state of the KDF and the bitterness of KDF fans is on the hands of Cryptic for thier poor treatment of a potential source of revenue from day one.
    The bitterness was axecerbated by the constant fawning over the feds while we where forced to eat half-truths and poor content.
    From watching the genre for years off and on , seeing the fans at conventions in the USA and abroad and from such interesting movies made about the Star trek fanbase I would have never believed that they are such a bunch of selfish people when it came to sharing a game or the genre.
    Hell, even the Star Wars fans seem nicer and if it wasn't for a few in these forums and ones I've met in RL that are not so self-centered I would've supported nuetering the lot of you to keep the hypocracy from spreading.

    What? Its ok for you all to TRIBBLE about lack of content but if we open our mouths its wrong?
  • Options
    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Lack of KDF Content...Nothing new there guys....Been that way since launch. Not that there's an over abundance of ANYTHING to do when you hit Lt Gen/VADM anyway at this point.......

    We've been promised loads of new content. I wouldn't call that a "Broken Promise"...But a promise not yet fulfilled. The Content crew at Cryptic hasn't forgotten, I don't think...If you can't be patient until all this conversion and the PWI acquisition is done...then I am sorry...If you are full of anger over this game...perhaps it's time to take a step back....Take a breather....Most of us are too young to worry about stress induced heart attacks.....

    I am certain the Devs listen...They can't just use a replicator to create content....

    Now don't get me wrong...I am frustrated too at the lack of content, unanswered glaring issues that have been around for as long as I have....and quite a few other things....But it serves no one to go on rants....

    Maybe not but I felt a whole lot better after writing the first post. They have a chance at a proper launch but they are making the are making the same mistakes all over again. I am not ranting neither are any of the other people that post here. This is a warning to cryptic. We all want way is best for STO. What best for STO is not launching the current tribble build.

    Ps. I'd happely give them loads of suggestions on how to improve their game.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Frankly, content can be added later. Remember that for new players, everything is new.

    But weeding out bugs needs to be a high priority. There are still too many old bugs, as well as new glitches.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Naevius wrote:
    Frankly, content can be added later. Remember that for new players, everything is new.

    But weeding out bugs needs to be a high priority. There are still too many old bugs, as well as new glitches.

    I can agree (though it does feel good to vent instead of remain quiet) with that, fix the problems.
    If the KDF never gets thier day in the sun then its easy to walk away and take the revenue with it.
    If we do get our Revival in a timely manner then I will dance a jig and forget the mistakes of the past on all our parts.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Naevius wrote:
    Frankly, content can be added later. Remember that for new players, everything is new.

    But weeding out bugs needs to be a high priority. There are still too many old bugs, as well as new glitches.

    Totally agree. I'll live for a while longer without content. The new annoyance for me is that d@mn, annoying mail icon in the HUD. I don't have mail....quit blinking and chiming already!!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Lack of KDF Content...Nothing new there guys....Been that way since launch. Not that there's an over abundance of ANYTHING to do when you hit Lt Gen/VADM anyway at this point.......

    We've been promised loads of new content. I wouldn't call that a "Broken Promise"...But a promise not yet fulfilled. The Content crew at Cryptic hasn't forgotten, I don't think...If you can't be patient until all this conversion and the PWI acquisition is done...then I am sorry...If you are full of anger over this game...perhaps it's time to take a step back....Take a breather....Most of us are too young to worry about stress induced heart attacks.....

    I am certain the Devs listen...They can't just use a replicator to create content....

    Now don't get me wrong...I am frustrated too at the lack of content, unanswered glaring issues that have been around for as long as I have....and quite a few other things....But it serves no one to go on rants....

    You cant be serious right?

    Cryptic has promised to FIX this game since early access. They have missed every single dealine/date they set for THEMSELVES. How can you say that isnt the case?

    They are doing what they did originally, blowing smoke up our *** and saying they will fix the problems. What they fail to realize is, they cant fix a game if they dont actually spend some time FIXING the problem. They rushed this game out the door because THEY promised CBS/Atari that they could make a game in a limited time slot. They then couldn't release the game as F2P, which Cryptic has stated time and again was the original intent, and now they are trying to make changes to a game that is barely pieced together.

    Now they have screwed up the one thing that made this game worth playing, Space.

    While i do hope they turn it around, you cant deny that people are tired of waiting almost 2 years.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    TrentTyler wrote: »
    You cant be serious right?

    Cryptic has promised to FIX this game since early access. They have missed every single dealine/date they set for THEMSELVES. How can you say that isnt the case?

    They are doing what they did originally, blowing smoke up our *** and saying they will fix the problems. What they fail to realize is, they cant fix a game if they dont actually spend some time FIXING the problem. They rushed this game out the door because THEY promised CBS/Atari that they could make a game in a limited time slot. They then couldn't release the game as F2P, which Cryptic has stated time and again was the original intent, and now they are trying to make changes to a game that is barely pieced together.

    Now they have screwed up the one thing that made this game worth playing, Space.

    While i do hope they turn it around, you cant deny that people are tired of waiting almost 2 years.

    I am serious. It all depends on how you look like it.

    The promises they made are not technically broken. If they remain unfulfilled when the game shuts down for good...THAT is technically a broken promise. :P
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I am serious. It all depends on how you look like it.

    The promises they made are not technically broken. If they remain unfulfilled when the game shuts down for good...THAT is technically a broken promise. :P


    Love it, +1 to you.

    Frankly, the solution is simple for many people..



    See? that way you wont be frustrated!!!

    I love how people think that testing is going poorly when they see things that they do not like, yet it never occurs to them that maybe, they made things that way for reason. Most game developers play games as well... meaning, they are GAMERS

    They get it, and merely want to see or perhaps PROVE to their bosses that certain ideas are bad. which is why they have things like...

    public test servers...

    it allows us to say NO NO NO.

    and, they listen about 70% of the time.

    as far as KDF content goes,

    well, I agree, its lacking... but, you have to remember, KDF started out as STO's Monster play aspect...

    it is getting better, and will continue to do so.

    but, I have a sinking feeling that it will never satisfy the people that gripe about it all the time.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Roach wrote: »
    Expect it. We will not have a parity until after F2P luanches.

    Not as much as they will miss our wallets ingame.
    The silliness of the statements of the past saying the KDF hasn't gotten attention becuase the KDF does not spend money is phenominal.
    Why would we spend money on a TRIBBLE sandwhich tossed our way as a secondary thought and supported by the same fedfans whom claim to embrace equality & acceptance while helping push us away as contributors to STO?

    The bad state of the KDF and the bitterness of KDF fans is on the hands of Cryptic for thier poor treatment of a potential source of revenue from day one.
    The bitterness was axecerbated by the constant fawning over the feds while we where forced to eat half-truths and poor content.
    From watching the genre for years off and on , seeing the fans at conventions in the USA and abroad and from such interesting movies made about the Star trek fanbase I would have never believed that they are such a bunch of selfish people when it came to sharing a game or the genre.
    Hell, even the Star Wars fans seem nicer and if it wasn't for a few in these forums and ones I've met in RL that are not so self-centered I would've supported nuetering the lot of you to keep the hypocracy from spreading.

    What? Its ok for you all to TRIBBLE about lack of content but if we open our mouths its wrong?

    Roach, Roach, Roach....

    I was going to dissect your post line by line.. but really.. Nobody cares about it since you play KDF..

    *activates Mask Energy Signature III and hides*

    Just kidding, of course! The KDF does need more content. But short of hiring more people to work on just that, I agree there just won't be much more until after F2P launches.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Destinii wrote:
    Roach, Roach, Roach....

    I was going to dissect your post line by line.. but really.. Nobody cares about it since you play KDF..

    *activates Mask Energy Signature III and hides*

    Just kidding, of course! The KDF does need more content. But short of hiring more people to work on just that, I agree there just won't be much more until after F2P launches.

    I'm willing to bet there won't be KDF content long after F2P launches. If there is it will be a c-store purchase to unlock it.

    The same goes for any future faction as well.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I find it interesting that so many people feel that Tribble should have finished product on it.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    CrustyMac wrote: »
    I find it interesting that so many people feel that Tribble should have finished product on it.

    Whatever is on tribble in 3 weeks is the finished product! If you just look at what still needs to be done to have a product of a reasonable quality. You know it can't be done in just 3 weeks time. So if cryptic goes through whit this date we will get a sub par product (again).
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Whatever is on tribble in 3 weeks is the finished product! If you just look at what still needs to be done to have a product of a reasonable quality. You know it can't be done in just 3 weeks time. So if cryptic goes through whit this date we will get a sub par product (again).

    Honestly, no MMO is *ever* a finished product.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Destinii wrote:
    Honestly, no MMO is *ever* a finished product.

    No but if they are any good the are a complete package. Tue current tribble build is far from a complete package. I mean half-@ssed crafting and a skeletal faction don't make a complete package for any mmo.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Destinii wrote:
    Roach, Roach, Roach....
    I was going to dissect your post line by line.. but really.. Nobody cares about it since you play KDF..
    *activates Mask Energy Signature III and hides*
    Just kidding, of course! The KDF does need more content. But short of hiring more people to work on just that, I agree there just won't be much more until after F2P launches.
    No need to disect it. It should be obviuos its a post written from an explosion of repressed anger while it may or may not flitter around the truth, it is a expression of frustration after all.
    DKeith2011 wrote:
    I'm willing to bet there won't be KDF content long after F2P launches. If there is it will be a c-store purchase to unlock it.
    The same goes for any future faction as well.
    While I do believe the KDF-Revival will come delayed in being released, I sincerely hope they don't start selling expansions. That will make the cross-over STFs and the like hard to do if one of your team hasn't bought the new content.
    No but if they are any good the are a complete package. Tue current tribble build is far from a complete package. I mean half-@ssed crafting and a skeletal faction don't make a complete package for any mmo.

    Yes, it is better for them to wait and fine-tune than release before its ready, though I doubt the playerbase can handle anymore waiting.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Roach wrote: »
    No need to disect it. It should be obviuos its a post written from an explosion of repressed anger while it may or may not flitter around the truth, it is a expression of frustration after all.

    Bah, I was too subtle. I didn't have any plans on dissecting your post... I was just implying I was going to ignore it since you play KDF (as a reference to what you said in your post).

    Anyway, nevermind.. u_u
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Destinii wrote:
    Bah, I was too subtle. I didn't have any plans on dissecting your post... I was just implying I was going to ignore it since you play KDF (as a reference to what you said in your post).

    Anyway, nevermind.. u_u

    Its ok. I'm notoriuos for missing subtlely in expression at times.
    Even, my wife at times has to spell-it-out at when she's feeling ........
    I just get tired of the Semaphore flags flapping and the Runway lights in the bed room.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Roach wrote: »
    Its ok. I'm notoriuos for missing subtlely in expression at times.
    Even, my wife at times has to spell-it-out at when she's feeling ........
    I just get tired of the Semaphore flags flapping and the Runway lights in the bed room.

    At least she hasn't resorted to Aldis lamps yet... But then you'd be able to watch Julius Caesar as well as Wuthering Heights.
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