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New skill tree.... just what I expectet...

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
.... and that was not much.
It sucks.
It could hardly suck more.

It was exactly what the PW-STO needet:
Its impossible to make a decent build. Absolutley impossible, even just focussed on space. So people keep buying respecs for SEVENHUNDRETANDEIGHTY Cryptic points.

Basicly... you need almost ALL skills. You cant spezialize anymore... you need all... and of course... you cant spec all.

And even when focussing on certain areas(like hull, shields, enegry levels) you are STILL weaker then with the old tree

It was a no brainer to fix what was wrong with the old skill tree. It has been suggestet 1000th of times in these forums. Really really easy.
But they didnt care for 2 years... and now we gat this piece of garbage adding to the other f2p garbage.

There is simply nothing right with that tree. Period.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I thought this was the point of MMOs... for people to branch out and make their own unique characters rather than have everyone follow the same pattern.

    On another note, I think it made things more accessible... Previously if you specced into science vessels, you would need to respec if you wanted to change to escorts or cruisers. I'm happy with the changes.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I agree. Even if this is just the 1st alpha release of the new skills system, it's going to make it REALLY hard to test everything else. Yes, the old skill system was confusing, but people had MORE ability to switch ships than they would with this. As it is right now on Tribble, a cruiser captain has even less leeway on what he/she has to now skill into in order to survive. Same with escorts, who now have to sacrifice what little survivability we had in order to even get remotely close to our old dps levels. Finally, science really gets hurt, since all of their top-tier abilities will be impossible to get...

    Now, not only have you totally redone the skills and weakened us there, you've also nerfed the consoles. Space was enjoyable and had a nice pace to it... now you've slowed it down to be even more painful than the old ground combat was.

    Bring the server down and revert the skills.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Just re-done my VA's skills, I now have 100 skillpoints left over that can't be spent on anything at all. Grand.

    All of my rank-linked abilities have disappeared too.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I'm decidedly meh on the changes:

    You need to spell out exactly what skills are affected for each box I can put skills in- it is still is as clear as mud in most cases.

    My character/ship is significantly less able than before- even after jettisoning almost ALL ground skills my toon had, I still can't build a space spec that is even close to what I had before. Maybe you are looking to crank down the power of builds, but I think the 50% increase in skill costs is too much.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I thought this was the point of MMOs... for people to branch out and make their own unique characters rather than have everyone follow the same pattern.

    On another note, I think it made things more accessible... Previously if you specced into science vessels, you would need to respec if you wanted to change to escorts or cruisers. I'm happy with the changes.

    Well explain to me then exactly how it makes changing from an escort to a cruiser easier?

    Sure I don't need to respec from a ship type to a ship type, but the supporting skills necessary for the various different levels of BOs that all these ships take, and now impossible to specalize in.

    Edit: Also, generally I admit that not everyone should be cookie cutter. Except now, why the hell do I want to take scramble sensors or particle charged burst over gravimetric well and tractor beams? In fact, why should I take jam sensors anymore either?

    And of course its even worse for the Klingons... again... because to make their Cloaks work better, they need to take a tier 4 skill (stealth) and a tier 5 (Auxilliary), which the Federation escorts don't need to take at all.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    rob.rocks wrote:
    Just re-done my VA's skills, I now have 100 skillpoints left over that can't be spent on anything at all. Grand.

    All of my rank-linked abilities have disappeared too.

    Skill cap has been raised by 50 points. Complete an assignment to resolve this issue.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I thought this was the point of MMOs... for people to branch out and make their own unique characters rather than have everyone follow the same pattern.

    On another note, I think it made things more accessible... Previously if you specced into science vessels, you would need to respec if you wanted to change to escorts or cruisers. I'm happy with the changes.

    Think about what you just said... Now that dps, survivability, and sci abilities are tied to skills even more, if you spec into sci, good luck doing any dps in an escort or having any healing abilities in a cruiser.... this makes it so that you HAVE to respec to change ships... Before, you could make do... now... you have to go to the almighty cstore!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Yet another fail change by cryptic in a long list of fail changes that is F2P. :mad:

    They pretty much killed any possibility of being able to fly any ship effectively.
    We have traded in being forced to specialize in a single ship type, for the ability to fly all ships gimped....
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Spectual wrote: »
    Skill cap has been raised by 50 points. Complete an assignment to resolve this issue.

    I'd already completed a stack of DOff missions as soon as I logged on so I was already at the new cap.

    It was playing up. The skills window refused to finalise when I hit accept, and attempting to reduce a point in a skill before then was telling me I can't reduce it below a minimum value as it was dependent upon itself.

    Relogging fixed it.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I run a bit of a hybrid, and this just killed that for me, just all sorts of bad.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I don’t like the new system at all..
    My scie toon loss turn rate, hull, energy and all the ground skill and my powers are less effective.

    And why we even bother to test a STF before if we got nerf now?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    If everyone would just calm down, I am sure all these issues will be resolved with consoles that can be bought off the c-store in two weeks time...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    They also messed around with the science consoles ... my tomographic console which use to buff spatial anomalies (and hence Gravity Well) under the old system is now a stealth console ... meaning I would have to purchase new consoles to buff GW again under the new system.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    tsabonayev wrote:
    If everyone would just calm down, I am sure all these issues will be resolved with consoles that can be bought off the c-store in two weeks time...

    Yeah^^ They will add prety soon skill point packages... 1000 CP for 1000 additional skillpoints. ^^
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Hey, maybe this global nerf is their way of making us team up for the rest of the game instead of just STFs and PVP. :p
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Honest question here, how can they seriously expect the skill system to be thoroughly tested if players cannot respec for free? They should have free and unlimited respecing on tribble for the time being, so that people can create many builds and test different variations of skill layouts. Obviously once things are more finalized they can roll it back to the paywall method but how can they really expect people to test the skill system if they only get one shot at it, before having to "pay" up?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Tier 1

    SS Weapons training: 9
    SS Batteries: 9
    SS Hull Repair: 9
    SS Flow Capacitor: 9
    SS Shield Emitters: 9
    Assualt Training: 0
    Close Combat training: 0
    Away Team Leader: Engineer: 0
    Away team Leader: Science: 0
    Away team Leader: Tactical: 2

    Tier 2

    SS Energy Weapons: 9
    SS Projectile Weapons: 9
    Structual Integrity: 9
    SS Subsystem Repair: 0
    SS Warp Core efficiency: 5
    SS Power Insulator: 0
    SS Shield systems: 9
    Security: 0
    Soldier: 0
    Special Forces: 0

    Tier 3

    SS Maneuavers: 9
    SS Target systems: 9
    SS Electro-Plasma systems: 5
    SS Impulse Thrusters: 9
    SS Warp Core Potential: 9
    SS Graviton Generators: 0
    SS Particle Generators: 0
    FireArms: 0
    Grenades: 0
    Martial Arts: 0

    Tier 4

    SS Attack Patterns: 9
    SS Stealth: 0
    SS Engine Performance: 0
    SS Hull Plating: 9
    SS Shield Performance: 9
    SS Intertial Dampeners: 5
    SS Sensors: 5
    Stealth: 0
    Tactics: 0
    Threat Control: 0

    Tier 5

    SS Energy Weapon Specialization: 4
    SS Projectile Weapon Specialization: 5
    SS Armor Reinforcments: 4
    SS Auxullary Performance: 0
    SS Weapons Performance: 4
    SS Counter Measure Systems: 0
    SS Subspace Decompiler: 0
    Advanced Warfare: 0
    Close combat Protection: 0
    Squad Command: 0

    This skill set got me excellent Healing capabilites (almost too easy) and decent Damage output ( though the Attack UI is borked and does not show real values of Acc/Crit%/CritS), 31k Hull, really tough shields and120% bonus defense.

    Its as close to a DPS build as I could make similiar to my old build.
    Weapons UI did not show proper stats iether so I do not know if the damage has dropped, though my use of it in Ker'rat seemed to be as I remembered.

    Its fine up until I learned that I need Subsystem repair, Anti-Confuse/Hold and other small but soon to be highly prized skills.

    I do not find the system terribly flawed for a tactical toon, but in the attempt to maximize damage a tactical will leave himself open to Sciences CC attacks very easily.

    TB, PSW, SS, CPB, etc just became very hard to spec but also very deadly if not speced to resist.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Stormnnorm wrote:
    Honest question here, how can they seriously expect the skill system to be thoroughly tested if players cannot respec for free? They should have free and unlimited respecing on tribble for the time being, so that people can create many builds and test different variations of skill layouts. Obviously once things are more finalized they can roll it back to the paywall method but how can they really expect people to test the skill system if they only get one shot at it, before having to "pay" up?

    Trust me I understand what you are saying, but at the same time, you shouldn't have to. A skill system that was claimed to be much easier to understand shouldn't require a re-spec to specialize what you need.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I'm *sure* that since this is the *very first revision* of the skills that there's *no way* they're going to, I don't know.. adjust things as feedback comes in on it..
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Roach wrote: »

    That's kind of the point. They've made basic DPS very easy to do, but the sci and engineering skills much harder to specialize into, unless you want shields and gravity well.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Roach wrote: »
    This skill set got me excellent Healing capabilites (almost too easy) and decent Damage output ( though the Attack UI is borked and does not show real values of Acc/Crit%/CritS), 31k Hull, really tough shields and120% bonus defense.

    Interesting stuff Roach - what kind of captain and ship are you running with that?

    I'm a Tac Captain in an Escort and I love the idea of tough shields and/or tougher hull, although I guess you could argue that an Escort + Tac are meant to be pure DPS and little else.

    If nothing else - the fact that you can now switch ships and weapon types is a big plus.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    rob.rocks wrote:
    Just re-done my VA's skills, I now have 100 skillpoints left over that can't be spent on anything at all. Grand.

    All of my rank-linked abilities have disappeared too.

    And you won't be getting your quantum slipstream ability untill you spend that 100 pts (respec)... :( (C-point CHaaa-Ching!)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Destinii wrote:
    I'm *sure* that since this is the *very first revision* of the skills that there's *no way* they're going to, I don't know.. adjust things as feedback comes in on it..

    Oh, you mean like they adjusted the dilithium for crafting, even with all the generally negative feedback pouring in?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Adamma. wrote: »
    And you won't be getting your quantum slipstream ability untill you spend that 100 pts (respec)... :( (C-point CHaaa-Ching!)

    No, they raised the skill point cap by 50. Get 50 more exp and spend the 150 points on a tier 1 skill, and you'll be fine.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Arkane78 wrote: »
    Interesting stuff Roach - what kind of captain and ship are you running with that?

    I'm a Tac Captain in an Escort and I love the idea of tough shields and/or tougher hull, although I guess you could argue that an Escort + Tac are meant to be pure DPS and little else.

    If nothing else - the fact that you can now switch ships and weapon types is a big plus.


    Tactical captain
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Cuffs wrote: »
    That's kind of the point. They've made basic DPS very easy to do, but the sci and engineering skills much harder to specialize into, unless you want shields and gravity well.

    basic DPS has always been easy to do.
    Science and Engineering have always been a little tougher to do.

    I actually found the damage aspects of the new tree to be close to the same and the Healing aspects much easier to build up.

    I will be testing my Sci toon next though so this is just a prelim appraisal
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Roach wrote: »
    Tactical captain

    I didnt test it with my Escort/Tact, but try to do a balance build witha scie/scie and I send you a dulce de leche cake.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I have to disagree for a first pass I think they did a fair job here, skills really really matter now, you can't be good at everything and you need to decide what you are going to boost.

    Before the skill system had much less of an impact on game play, now I think after we get more into it and it continues to evolve team play is going to be much more effective in the game.

    Just remember it's a first pass, it needs a bit more iteration and that can only come from feedback, saying it sucks and not making a good suggestion isn't going to help that process.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I've kept my mouth shut for 500+ days. I've worked 6 months on building my science ship to be a very good pvp player, and actually been using a lot of cryptic points and money to get the right parts together.
    In a nutshell, I'm wondering why that if a system is NOT broken, why would you fix it?

    I use Gravity Well 3, and my tomographic imagers have turned into Stealth detection? There is no more consoles to improve my grav well. The +7 power consoles are +3.5, and yet all the abilities are consoles now, with no new console slots to add.
    Personally, if this is what the game is coming to, I fail to see my point in continuing to enjoy this game I spend 40+ hours a week on. I mean seriously... 50% off of everything and the new skill tree is a farce.

    Put it back before the rest of the world finds out. I don't mind you charging double for the C-Store stuff, I don't mind the Dilithium exchange, but when it comes to my 6 months project starship, I am offended.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Roach wrote: »
    basic DPS has always been easy to do.
    Science and Engineering have always been a little tougher to do.

    I actually found the damage aspects of the new tree to be close to the same and the Healing aspects much easier to build up.

    I will be testing my Sci toon next though so this is just a prelim appraisal

    Well that's the thing. Why the hell should they redo the skill system and not fix this fundamental flaw? If I want to be anywhere decent with my sci skills, its already one top tier level 5 skill, Aux systems in Engineering. Anything outside of tractor beam and gravemetric well on Sci requires a tier 4 or 5. I want any kind of survivability, even more tier 4 and 5. DPS? Tier 2 and 5. Heck that's not even adding any survivability to it.

    Skip healing, like I said make a tank? Course you'll need the healing for the tank. And DPS to grab agro.
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