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SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
edited February 2011 in Klingon Discussion
I joined this game at the very start, true...not as a lifetimer since I could not afford that, and at that point it was clear that Klingons where not done by any means. Ever since then I have heard time and time again that there will be great klingon patches etc thats going to "fix" klingons and bring them closer ot being a compeditive faction compared to the federation.

So after being so tired of the game due to lack of raids since no klingons where around to do it, I took a break...I come back about 8 months later only to find that the same discussions are still ongoing.

The devs still keeps saying "it will come".
The players still keeps nagging...
and the feds still keeps snickering that they get more

My question is...has anything really changed in 8 months? or is this some version of (insert your soap opera here) that you can miss for 2-3 years and not miss anything drastic...
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Nobody cares about Klingons.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    We got bugged exploration clusters and fleet actions as well as 8 story missions to do and a crafting system. The latter is the best improvement IMO. PVP is worse. Compared to the Feds we still miss much, but DStahl said that we, as well as any other future factions, won't be on par to the Federation in content.

    At least now I know where ST-O stands and I know how to treat the company and the game.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    *snicker* 10 char
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Nobody cares about Klingons.

    Unless its against the fed idea of balance. Then the KDF comes under severe scrutiny and is displayed as the cheating, Dev loved *******s they think we are.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    You mean the 5% of Fed players who actually bother to PvP?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Im a lifer and have been with the Klingons since the beginning

    Over the months there have been alot of new missions added to the Klingons to bulk it out - it used to be almost exclusively PvP. I think Cryptic are doing a decent job with slowly adding content.

    However none of us should be under any illusion. The Klingon Faction will never be on par with the federation faction, both in missions and content. One just has to look at the ratio of federation content release to klingon content release to see this. We Klingons may complain and grumble that the feds get tons more stuff but thats just the way it is. We are a sideshow.

    And i dont think it will ever change. The only thing that i will complain about is feds trying to steal Klingon specific content (i.e Carriers). Feds youve got enough. Leave us be
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Definitely TRIBBLE when people say that we lack content because so many more people are playing Fed. A big reason WHY people are playing Fed is because the KDF is a mere shadow of what the Feds have. It's real hard to attract more people to play a faction with 1/10th of the content and time spent on them compared to the other one. KDF might very well be intended to focus more on PvP but the Devs havnt done TRIBBLE to develop that aspect of the game further yet either. SOOooo.....yea .
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I wade into this reluctantly because it seems like every time I open my mouth about this topic I tick someone off.

    No we are not up to par with the Feds. Yes we are better off than we were at launch.

    Now here is the thing I try to remind everyone of - this is a two faction game with the potential for at least 2 more factions. If the game is going to be a success it has to make all factions enjoyable and sustainable for players from now until the shutting off of the servers. The work is never done on the factions, this goes for the Feds as much as it does the KDF.

    While content is needed across the board, what the KDF needs that the Federation has is an identity. The Federation has diplomacy (and yes that system needs expansion), but the KDF does not have a system like this. The weeklies will help to fill in the content gap, what cannot go unfilled is the lack of KDF identity. It is this lack of identity that keeps players out of the KDF. To make matters worse we were erroneously billed as the PvP faction, but any unique PvP experience we had was given to the Feds after the first month, so any slight sense of identity the KDF had at launch is now out the window. What we need is a House system and a Conquest system.

    I'm sure someone is going to come in here and tell me that the KDF was never meant to be a full faction, so I'm going to say right now, that I'm going to ignore anyone who uses that argument because it is simply incorrect and uninformed. The reality is, as Dstahl posted in one of the states of the game posts
    In fact, the Klingon faction has had an identity crisis in STO since the first days of the project

    The future of STO requires that all factions have a clearly defined identity. Both factions need some work in this regard, no doubt what so ever, but currently the KDF is in greater need.

    I continue to support the game, I continue to give the company money as I bought all of the KDF ships in the C-store (save the B'rel refit after the post tribble nerf). I do not criticize the game because of some sense of vengeance or hatred for the devs, I criticize because it needs to be said that things need work because with work this game (and even the KDF faction) can be absolutely phenomenal.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Varrangian wrote: »
    I wade into this reluctantly because it seems like every time I open my mouth about this topic I tick someone off.

    No we are not up to par with the Feds. Yes we are better off than we were at launch.

    Now here is the thing I try to remind everyone of - this is a two faction game with the potential for at least 2 more factions. If the game is going to be a success it has to make all factions enjoyable and sustainable for players from now until the shutting off of the servers. The work is never done on the factions, this goes for the Feds as much as it does the KDF.

    While content is needed across the board, what the KDF needs that the Federation has is an identity. The Federation has diplomacy (and yes that system needs expansion), but the KDF does not have a system like this. The weeklies will help to fill in the content gap, what cannot go unfilled is the lack of KDF identity. It is this lack of identity that keeps players out of the KDF. To make matters worse we were erroneously billed as the PvP faction, but any unique PvP experience we had was given to the Feds after the first month, so any slight sense of identity the KDF had at launch is now out the window. What we need is a House system and a Conquest system.

    I'm sure someone is going to come in here and tell me that the KDF was never meant to be a full faction, so I'm going to say right now, that I'm going to ignore anyone who uses that argument because it is simply incorrect and uninformed. The reality is, as Dstahl posted in one of the states of the game posts

    The future of STO requires that all factions have a clearly defined identity. Both factions need some work in this regard, no doubt what so ever, but currently the KDF is in greater need.

    I continue to support the game, I continue to give the company money as I bought all of the KDF ships in the C-store (save the B'rel refit after the post tribble nerf). I do not criticize the game because of some sense of vengeance or hatred for the devs, I criticize because it needs to be said that things need work because with work this game (and even the KDF faction) can be absolutely phenomenal.

    Well said.
    My only beef with the feds is the number of statements that claim we should accept our place as the minoirty without a fight, that we don't do "x", do do "x", have no scientist, that the Devs favor us over the feds, etc.

    If I truelly believed the fed fanbase to be the "ego-centric" mass of people I sometimes claim them to be, I would not have bought the game. Though I am oftern puzzled by some of their actions.

    The truth is the KDF is far better off than release and should not fear being left to die by the Devs any longer.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Roach wrote: »
    The truth is the KDF is far better off than release and should not fear being left to die by the Devs any longer.

    While I don't disagree with this nor do I fear being left to die. I think a road map for the KDF would be a great thing.

    We have a decent idea of where the game itself is going, and from what I've read I feel like the Fed side of development is going towards making professions more individualize and eventually make exploration feel like exploration.

    Where are we as the KDF going? Probably something similar with the professions, but what about our form of exploration i.e. conquest? I think that this is what we need more than KDF specific episodes at this point. I also think it sets the tone better for adding other factions like the Romulans and Cardassians, so that they too can have their own unique thing in STO.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Stupid klingons.

    Klingons were originally advertised as STOs version of Monster Play from LotRO. Cryptics mistake was releasing content that moved the klingons away from this role.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    My Empire to be able to search Zinc's old post... Ah when I specifically asked him if we were monster play and his response was - no the KDF will be a full faction with full character progression. Alas the youth these days who are simply uninformed and care not to be educated.

    Edit here is one pre-launch quote:
    Eurogamer: It sounds like Monster Play from Lord of the Rings Online, which unlocks at 10 and provides a 'nasty' faction for the good guys to fight in PvP - at the appropriate levels. Is that what you're doing?

    Craig Zinkievich: No, we'll be offering full-on character advancement: you will create a Klingon player, you will have his ship, he will level up. The content that they will be experiencing is a lot more focused on PvP - fighting the Federation, fighting House versus House within the Klingon empire. So it is a full-on character with advancement, with items, with bridge officers as well. So it's a lot more than the Monster Play.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    good post OP, & i agree with Roach, things are getting better.
    That said, If we are supposed to be the PVP faction,( which I'm fine with, there is plenty of PVE fedside for those that care to do that kind of thing), the Devs need to add something to PVP. give us an open pvp area, or at least more maps. As a klingon PVPer, i feel like I've been ignored twice.
    By the way Feds, the Klingon episodes we do have are AWESOME, you should roll a klink & try them out.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    For the last 6 months I took a Klingon from the starting point and am now LT. General.

    I started with a FED in May 2010, leveled him to the max, and started a Klingon, and I don't regret it at all.

    For me right now, the KDF have the coolest ships, leaving the FEDS way behind on the
    cool factor for ships.

    KDF carrier, Brel retrofit, Varanus support ship, Kar'Fi Battle Carrier,
    Marauder Patrol Cruiser, Garumba Siege Destroyer...

    For me that's a pretty impressive list of really cool ships.

    I know it takes more for some players, some need every uniform that's ever graced
    the screen from every ST series, some will be happy when they get to play poker or
    have Archer's dog on the bridge of their ship.

    When I started STO the thing that kept me motivated was just reaching CAPTAIN. Then it
    was seeing all the higher ranking players with higher tier ships, and that was what took me
    through the grinding to get to VA. I got every ship the FED's have to offer, now have all the ships
    the KDF has to offer, and for my monthly subscription price I keep coming back to my KDF character,
    and playing through all the content there is. The Gates of Grethor (probably spelled it wrong) is an amazing episode, and the only episode on the Fed side that comes close to it is The Devidian halloween-esque episode.

    Overall, having started with a FED, and now spending more time on the KDF side I'm happy and
    content with what I'm seeing on the KDF side.

    The way I see the state of STO is that it will always be a work in progress, to me that's the nature of MMO's.
    They are always improving and adding, fixing items. STO will never be 100% a finished work, because it's
    always going to have people working on it, always improving it.

    As a die-hard hard core ST fan I'm glad that there is a STO to spend chunks of my free-time on.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    JWS64 wrote: »
    For the last 6 months I took a Klingon from the starting point and am now LT. General.

    I can't help but wonder if they had released the KDF 6 months ago with the amount of content they have today, rather than at launch where we would be. I think fewer would have left in anger and there might have been less distrust, but alas hindsight is 20/20 so it is too easy to ask those questions now.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Fully have to agree with Varrangian.

    If there would have been the content we now have there wouldn't have so much Klingon players left, especially in anger. I'm also considering leaving the fleet I'm in since nobody is ingame anymore.

    And to be honest since Cryptics two debacles to follow up on their promises for us Klingons I have have lost much of the trust,too. Additional the bugged sortie missions make me angry.

    The debate that boils in the main forums again shows me that Cryptic produced a them vs us attitude, something that should have never happened :(.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Hawks wrote: »
    We got bugged exploration clusters and fleet actions as well as 8 story missions to do and a crafting system. The latter is the best improvement IMO. PVP is worse. Compared to the Feds we still miss much, but DStahl said that we, as well as any other future factions, won't be on par to the Federation in content.

    At least now I know where ST-O stands and I know how to treat the company and the game.

    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the [URL=" http://forums.startrekonline.com/announcement.php?f=70&a=2"]Cryptic Studios Forum Usage Guidelines[/URL] GMMeeko
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Interesting post. Thank you Serpieri :), i missed that entirely.
    This contradicts another post he made some months ago.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Serpieri wrote: »
    According to Dstahl, he is committed to bringing us up to par 100% . I call bull ***, actions speak louder then words.


    While I don't believe it is ********. I do believe that Dstahls desires for the game and what he has the manpower and logistics to get done are two different things. I don't think anyone can doubt my place as a champion for the KDF cause, but I don't believe Dstahl is lying when he says he wants to get the KDF completed. In fact his candor about the debacle that got us into this position is to be admired.
    Hawks wrote: »
    Interesting post. Thank you Serpieri :), i missed that entirely.
    This contradicts another post he made some months ago.

    I don't think it entirely contradicts things he has said in the past, in fact his state of the game that was mostly dedicated to Klingons said basically the same things. I do think unfortunately this whole situation is leaving a bad taste in his mouth. I can't blame him, but I also can't blame those who are irate and frustrated.

    I do think we need to remember that we've come a long way. This is not to say we don't have some ways to go too, but we are hardly the faction of no content (PvP or PvE) we have enough to get through things and we have the weeklies which certainly have been enjoyable. Ok they do get old the 11th time :p

    I'm going to make a post here in a few days that tries to distill the heart of what the KDF is lacking. While more content is always welcome, I think that if we get to the heart of the targ, and ask the Devs to try to focus their attention there, we might help everyone with a new KDF chapter.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Sounds good to me Varrangian :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I joined this game at the very start, true...not as a lifetimer since I could not afford that, and at that point it was clear that Klingons where not done by any means. Ever since then I have heard time and time again that there will be great klingon patches etc thats going to "fix" klingons and bring them closer ot being a compeditive faction compared to the federation.

    So after being so tired of the game due to lack of raids since no klingons where around to do it, I took a break...I come back about 8 months later only to find that the same discussions are still ongoing.

    The devs still keeps saying "it will come".
    The devs are not just saying "it will come". Things did come. But they are not still where people want it to be, thus
    The players still keeps nagging...
    My question is...has anything really changed in 8 months? or is this some version of (insert your soap opera here) that you can miss for 2-3 years and not miss anything drastic...
    • 4 new ships for the Klingon faction (Nausicaan Siege Raider, Orion Patrol Cruiser, Gorn Fleet Support Vessel, Kar'Fi Battlecarrier)
    • Vor'Cha Retrofit (A Tier 5 version of the Tier 4 Vor'cha.)
    • 8 storyline missions
    • 4 (or 5?) faction agnostic missions in Gamma Orionis and Pelia Sector Blocks.
    • Crafting for Klingons
    • Tricorders working in Klingon Exploration content. (The existence of Klingon exploration content is not news to you, is it?)
    • 6 PvE space combat maps as part of 3 Daily repeatable missions in Pi Canis
    • Access to 10 faction-agnostic "Featured Episodes" from the Deferi and the Devidian story arcs.
    • Access to 4 PvE space and 1 PvE ground combat maps in the Orrellius Sector Block as part of 3 daily repeatable missions. (Note that 3 of the space combat maps have about 2-3 variable specific missions.)
    • Access to 3 PvE space combat maps in the Eta Eridani Sector Block as part of 3 daily repeatable missions.
    • New customziation options for KDF characters (among them the sexy Orion outfits that the NPC Orions used to wear. Gorn customziation options are still in the works, unfortunately, and have been for months. Early screenshot suggest awesome is coming...)
    • Some C-Store content (new ship costume for the Vor'Cha, Bridges, the Nausicaan ship is currently C-Store only, hopefully dstahl gets it done that it will be in-game, too.)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Varrangian wrote: »
    Where are we as the KDF going? Probably something similar with the professions, but what about our form of exploration i.e. conquest?
    Several ideas of KDF exploration through conquest as our diplomatic means have been tossed around and they all seemed quite good to me and it would do wonders for a more KDF cultural experience in gameplay.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    The devs are not just saying "it will come". Things did come. But they are not still where people want it to be, thus

    • 4 new ships for the Klingon faction (Nausicaan Siege Raider, Orion Patrol Cruiser, Gorn Fleet Support Vessel, Kar'Fi Battlecarrier)
    • Vor'Cha Retrofit (A Tier 5 version of the Tier 4 Vor'cha.)
    • 8 storyline missions
    • 4 (or 5?) faction agnostic missions in Gamma Orionis and Pelia Sector Blocks.
    • Crafting for Klingons
    • Tricorders working in Klingon Exploration content. (The existence of Klingon exploration content is not news to you, is it?)
    • 6 PvE space combat maps as part of 3 Daily repeatable missions in Pi Canis
    • Access to 10 faction-agnostic "Featured Episodes" from the Deferi and the Devidian story arcs.
    • Access to 4 PvE space and 1 PvE ground combat maps in the Orrellius Sector Block as part of 3 daily repeatable missions. (Note that 3 of the space combat maps have about 2-3 variable specific missions.)
    • Access to 3 PvE space combat maps in the Eta Eridani Sector Block as part of 3 daily repeatable missions.
    • New customziation options for KDF characters (among them the sexy Orion outfits that the NPC Orions used to wear. Gorn customziation options are still in the works, unfortunately, and have been for months. Early screenshot suggest awesome is coming...)
    • Some C-Store content (new ship costume for the Vor'Cha, Bridges, the Nausicaan ship is currently C-Store only, hopefully dstahl gets it done that it will be in-game, too.)

    No one asked for the Kar’Fi – carriers at that time were deemed floating bricks and were used simply as bait. Which shows you how much Cryptic actually listens, and to add insult to injury the Feds received 3 new vessels at the time. So with the new ships we are almost up to par to the Federation but then again they have another two ships on the way and guaranteed more to come while Klingons will have to pull teeth again just to get caught up again.

    Crafting – when you have a two faction game – it makes sense that both sides have access to this.

    8 Story Line Missions – Compared to over 50 episodes that the Feds have

    Tricorders – we had to bombard Cryptic with this MULTIPLE times until they finally deemed it necessary to fix. Another example of Cryptic failing to listen when Stormshade proved that they were unaware of the issue when so many tickets were sent in on it. Oh and let’s not forget the majority of them are still broken maps with mobs spawning under buildings, under the world, mobs not spawning at all.

    Agnostic is accessible by both sides but I guess we should feel special since we were actually included this time.

    The sorties are nice, and we did finally get out of sector. It only took them about 10 months to get that done. Wow, I’m really impressed.

    Oh and we love the C-Store content for Klingons – every Federation ship has 3 skins except for a few and KLINGONS are expected to pay for additional skins when many of our ships have no variations.

    Now here's the kicker, its been a year and were still struggling for content and equal access to the game that Feds have.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Serpieri wrote: »
    The point is - the Devs aren't just promising stuff and nothing ever happened. A lot of stuff has happened. A lot still needs to happen.
    And that's what they are saying all the time. They are not lying to your face saying "yes yes, just pay your subscription, Klingon content is coming eventually, maybe not this week, maybe not nexth months, but certainly at some point in the far future, probably". They are continually adding to the game, including Klingon stuff.

    It it's not fast enough, get yourself a time machine to the summer of 2012 or so.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    The point is - the Devs aren't just promising stuff and nothing ever happened. A lot of stuff has happened. A lot still needs to happen.
    And that's what they are saying all the time. They are not lying to your face saying "yes yes, just pay your subscription, Klingon content is coming eventually, maybe not this week, maybe not nexth months, but certainly at some point in the far future, probably". They are continually adding to the game, including Klingon stuff.

    It it's not fast enough, get yourself a time machine to the summer of 2012 or so.

    The Point is that we are expecting to pay for things that the Federation gets for free, a year later we are still waiting for the basics , a year later we are still waiting for this so called unique PVP experience that the Klingon faction was supposed to be at launch. You know the hype that Cryptic tried to spin to make up for the disastrous state Klingons were in. And all this is just part of the problem.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Serpieri wrote: »
    The Point is that we are expecting to pay for things that the Federation gets for free, a year later we are still waiting for the basics , a year later we are still waiting for this so called unique PVP experience that the Klingon faction was supposed to be at launch. You know the hype that Cryptic tried to spin to make up for the disastrous state Klingons were in. And all this is just part of the problem.

    NO the point is nobody is "expecting" you to pay for squat, if you are not satisfied with the status of the game quit or just leave, its really that simple, even if you are a LT sub, just move on and chuck it up as a loss.

    Honestly, why play a game you are so obviously unhappy with is beyond me. Whinning like a red headed step-child is not going to win you any favor anywhere, especially here.

    I doubt Cryptic will ever make enough content to make you happy so just move on or out.

    Your continued rants are so.........childish.

    Grow up !
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Dakma wrote: »
    NO the point is nobody is "expecting" you to pay for squat, if you are not satisfied with the status of the game quit or just leave, its really that simple, even if you are a LT sub, just move on and chuck it up as a loss.

    Honestly, why play a game you are so obviously unhappy with is beyond me. Whinning like a red headed step-child is not going to win you any favor anywhere, especially here.

    I doubt Cryptic will ever make enough content to make you happy so just move on or out.

    Your continued rants are so.........childish.

    Grow up !

    Your ranting about what you deem to be a rant.

    Guess? Who needs to grow up here.
This discussion has been closed.