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An idea to increase KDF player base

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
edited February 2011 in Klingon Discussion
I have an idea, which may have been proposed before at some point.

Don't make KDF unlockable at Lieutenant 6 on a Federation character.

Make KDF creatable immediately, the first time a player signs into the game. It would be nice if they did a KDF tutorial, obviously, for brand new players, as well. I do believe one is in the works or has been proposed.

What I think happens is, people sign into STO for the first time, and can't create a KDF, so they obviously make a Federation character. They do the tutorial, start playing and leveling, and so on. As far as I remember, nothing popped up on the screen telling me I could not create a KDF character or that it had been unlocked. If correct, that's a mistake. There should be a pop-up notification, as many simply don't know, especially those who don't use the forums or join a fleet (believe it or not, I see a lot of people including high levels, not in fleets).

Secondly, once they start investing in a Federation character and go through 5+ levels of leveling them up, and start doing the missions and all that, many never go back and create a KDF character later, as they are already invested in their original Federation character.

I think any player should be able to login for the first time and create a KDF character right away, just like they can on Federation, and that more players than now do, would opt to make a KDF toon first. This would have the effect of helping to balance out the Fed/KDF population over time.

This is just an idea, but I think it would be a positive one.
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  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I dunno...you can nearly get those five levels before you make it to and leave ESD, so it' s not like you have a ton invested in a Fed before Klingons unlock. I'd be all for allowing people to make Klingons right off, but I wouldn't recommend it until we get more content.

    People don't play Klingons because we who do come here and complain about the lack of content, the content we have that doesn't work and the general worthlessness that being a Klingon in this game is.

    Then everytime you see a new Engineering report you read little to nothing about Klingon updates, changes or additions.

    What really baffles me is how any of the Dev team can talk about adding new playable factions when they have one that isn't even half done yet.

    I personally planned to finally get a lifetime account. I have been paying month to month since launch, but seeing how the Klingons are still an after-thought I can't bring myself to do it. I am really so frustarted with it that I am considering not renewing next time around. I really like what I find in the game overall, but I think it's time that Klingons got some recognition or something.

    Surely a duo of developers could be assigned to Klingon content and features exclusively and start to bring Klingons up to par with the Feds. It would only take a few months if you had someone dedicated to working on it, but as it is Klingons might as well not be in game as fasr as Cryptic is concerned. Sure, maybe they say otherwise but those of us who play the Klingons every day sure don't feel they care.

    Maybe it's just me. Hard to stay interested in a game that is so one sided all the time. I'd rather have no Klingons at all than the broken teaser we have now.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    staalker wrote: »
    What really baffles me is how any of the Dev team can talk about adding new playable factions when they have one that isn't even half done yet.

    Actually, the latest post I saw on that subject said exactly the opposite. That they don't want to focus on adding another faction yet because the existing ones need work still.

    For your convenience:
    Stormshade wrote:
    More Klingon content is being released all the time. However, we're not going to stop development for the Federation side while we bring the Klingon side up to speed. Doing so would not be smart, and would do neither you, the Klingon Player, the Federation Player, or us at Cryptic, any favors.

    We want to do a Romulan Faction at some point down the line. However, as it stands currently, we at Cryptic believe that before we begin work on adding new factions to the game, we need to make certain the the current factions have enough content.

    I hope those two answers help you understand where we're at on those issues.

    Beyond that though, there won't be a huge increase in Klingon content until the Foundry comes out. Then you should see some additional Klingon content that is worth playing.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I must admit I still dislike the fact that we players with the Foundry will have to do what the developers don't , create decent Klingon content. The gap between Fed content and Klingon content is still deeping.

    There is no sign of more Klingon content to come, no screeni or spoiler. I can't see that more Klingon content is released all time. I see no new missions or PvP Maps.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I remember the "last post" where they said Romulans weren't coming for a while...but the new engineering report (Jan 12) has this:

    •Additional Playable Factions (Romulan, Cardassian...)

    The fact that it is even being thought of right now, with Klingons still suffering from "grinding" to lvl and a major lack of content....it concerns me. What can we expect from the Rom or Cadassian factions? Hald-assed content? Looking at how the Klingons are treated, I have concerns that they will be completely forgotten if more playable factions are added.

    Maybe they have something great for Klingons planned that we just don't know about yet. I have a little faith in that...but looking over that same Engineering report I see next to nothing coming for Klingons. Sure, the new ships we just got are great, but it doesn't matter what you are flying if you have no where to go and nothing to do in that ship.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    If it means getting the same quality of new players as the Feds, then no thanks. Let them cut their teeth on the feddy bear side. When they are ready to step their game up, the KDF will be ready.

    It has been a long time since my first char hit level 6, but I do believe there is a notification that the Klingon faction is unlocked.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I lost my faith after Season 2. After two 2 failed promises to deliver much more Klingonm content I'm not surprised that other playable factions have come into discussion at Cryptic. As they have droven away so many Klingon players with the Fed first behaviour they can't make much money with Klingon C-Store Items or subs. So they will add Cardassians / Romulans to get those players who like to play that factions to start a sub or buy stuff on C-Store. IMO the factions will be even more lackluster in content then Klingons, if this is even possible :(
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    That doesn't sound like a bad idea but a more effective method might be to move the OP button directly to the center of the main console. Some bright colors and flashy lights to help them find it sooner couldn't hurt either.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I actually have mine sewn into my crotch of my uniform so every time I use the OP button, I can scratch my moQ and watch another DIvI die. Its quite therapuetic but sometimes I just have an itch and end up killing them by accident.

    I like the advances that have been made for the KDF and look forward to more, besides the jubbe' toy'taHghach puqloDpu' vo' targhs will not drive me from the game.

    Honestly trhough not all of them are so self-absobed in the genre that though don't recognize its and MMO with the limits that come with being so, but some just get my tuq with the "kirkyness".

    I have no idea why I shared that.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I don't think this would ever happen because it'd mean making a new tutorial for klingons.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    staalker wrote: »
    I remember the "last post" where they said Romulans weren't coming for a while...but the new engineering report (Jan 12) has this:

    •Additional Playable Factions (Romulan, Cardassian...)

    The fact that it is even being thought of right now, with Klingons still suffering from "grinding" to lvl and a major lack of content....it concerns me. What can we expect from the Rom or Cadassian factions? Hald-assed content? Looking at how the Klingons are treated, I have concerns that they will be completely forgotten if more playable factions are added.
    I think that has been on the Engineering Reports for quite some while, and doesn't mean it will be any immediate concern.
    They are still going to flesh out the KDF more.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I've got 2 Fed toons at Ad. level and a Klingon w/mid Capt grade. Tbo, while there is less Klingon content, I don't feel it's so much so that devs need to spend anymore on mid level content for Klingons. Better to spend time on new weeklies for all, new STFs for all, and other content like Foundry.

    There's enough variety in ways to gain XP as things are currently. Tbo, I think it's faster to level up a Klingon character as there are oddball addon ways to get XP (like killing X number of turrets, NPC captains/ships, player ships etc) which the Fed side doesn't have.

    That being said, if I could add more Klingon content it would be PvP oriented:

    1. PvP Bat'leth tournaments w/NPC Refs like the 1s in the mission.

    2. Open up a slot or 2 on the ruling councel which players in different Houses PvP to occupy.

    3. A open PvP sans any weapons/skills bar brawl style for lols. The victor gets listen to losers sing a song to honor his glorious victory while drinking blood wine.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    The idea itself doesn't sound half bad if done properly.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Eh just grind it out.

    I had to PVP it out for the longest time, usually 1-2 hours a day until I finally got bored and spent about 2 days proper to max out the last 10 ranks to MG, then they pushed the cap but there were the missions and such to do by this time so those went rather fast.

    I think the minor changes might make it a bit more interesting but the main problem is that people have some sort of expectation that the KDF and FED sides are equal they either weren't around or refuse to remember that cryptic clearly stated multiple times during Open Beta and launch week that KDF was designed as the PVP faction, however now it has become apparent that there isnt that much PVP going on anymore under the MG/RA - LG/VA levels, but now you guys have the repearable missions, exploration clusters, deferi dailies, and even the eta edrani missions to repeat ad infinitum on a daily basis to max out.

    I think you could do it easy within 4 days if someone grinded it lineage style.

    be thankful for what you have now as its 500% more content then was around for the first 7 months of the game.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Sorry to say, but Cryptic clearly astated that both factions would be fully fleshed out.

    Only when then realized in Beta that they wouldn't have the time to finish the Klingons they stated they would made them PvP heavy and add more content later in the first large patch. The patch didn't add on par content and 2 Season failed, too. It have us just added 8 missions.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    They could keep the same tutorial, It would be set when the Klingons and Feds were still allies. And at the end of the tutorial they could add a small cut scene of how and why the alliance ended (perhaps just use the Klingon Trailer http://www.startrekonline.com/videos?page=3) with the option to remain fed or join the real Klingon's.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2011
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Looks like we get a tutorial, let's just hope we can skip it if we want.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Maybe with the tutorial, we will get more mid-level and higher level episodes, as well.
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