I'm finding it extremely difficult to really create missions using the already created Systems. In the game itself you can go to almost any system and look around either in Space or on the Ground. In the Foundry, there are only, as far as I can tell, selected systems that you can choose from where the Whole gaming cummunity can be on at the same time wether doing the mission or not like, Starbase 1, Memory Alpha and so forth.
Can you really not utilize every system, every station, every planet like the DEVs have in the In-game content`
Another thing, on the already created Community areas like SB 1 and Memory Alpha or even Drozana station, can you not create your own NPC to stand some where? For the momment it seems that you need to create a new SB 1 with your own things there, so that when someone takes your mission and needs to goto SB 1, they beam in to an Empty station other then the things you've put there.
I like the Foundry and I love the idea of creating missions, but I'm finding it very, very limited.
OK... I thought about this a little bit more... I can understand why you can't create New NPCs to an exsisting Community map such as SB1 or Mem. Alpha... If we could, then there would be an overload of new NPCs on all maps... So I can understand that...
But I still would love to see ALL Systems, Planets, Stations and so forth open for use on the Foundry... I feel just to limited at the momment.
Yes, map choices are very limited at the moment, but this is beta testing. Tou must accept what is available and make the best of it. You might think of it as your chance to learn to use the tools before the release to the main server.
OK... I thought about this a little bit more... I can understand why you can't create New NPCs to an exsisting Community map such as SB1 or Mem. Alpha... If we could, then there would be an overload of new NPCs on all maps... So I can understand that...
But I still would love to see ALL Systems, Planets, Stations and so forth open for use on the Foundry... I feel just to limited at the momment.
You CAN use some existing NPC's that have been placed on bases for the sole purpose of the Foundry. However, these are usually just for the 'Mission Accept' dialogue. On your story board, when you place a 'Talk to Contact' objective, select the costume for that contact, and then you can then go to the Map View tab at the top, and select contacts from Andoria, Deep Space Nine, Drozana Station, Earth Spacedock, Memory Alpha, Risa, and Vulcan.
But I still would love to see ALL Systems, Planets, Stations and so forth open for use on the Foundry... I feel just to limited at the momment.
You CAN use some existing NPC's that have been placed on bases for the sole purpose of the Foundry. However, these are usually just for the 'Mission Accept' dialogue. On your story board, when you place a 'Talk to Contact' objective, select the costume for that contact, and then you can then go to the Map View tab at the top, and select contacts from Andoria, Deep Space Nine, Drozana Station, Earth Spacedock, Memory Alpha, Risa, and Vulcan.