Well, while watching "The Search for Spock," I was wondering about allowing the KDF players the opportunity to use an execution ability on the Boffs that do something idiotic. I realize that I could just drop them from the roster but, I think it would be far more enjoyable to disintegrate that Tactical Officer that falls into a ravine and just can't seem to find the ramp leading upwards or the Engineer that has an addiction to medical/shield generator creation.
I'd be happy with just an animation that let's me get that visceral feeling of a summary execution out of my system for a BO disobeying orders.
HMM, I'm curious:
when was the last time you pushed "Emergency Power to Shields" and the BO in question said
"Nope, I'm on vacation." warranting an execution for disobeying orders?
when was the last time you pushed "Emergency Power to Shields" and the BO in question said
"Nope, I'm on vacation." warranting an execution for disobeying orders?
There have been a few bugs, that have caused things like this to happen. I think shortly after launch I wrote a post about "executing" my BO for his insubordinate behavior. Many a time they will fail to do what I ask them to on the ground. None of it has been "actual" insubordination, but it frustrates me enough to want to kill them on sight.
Yeah, KDF and Starfleet have really gone to the crapper over the last 30 years...I HATE it when they don't do what I ask them too. I want one of those devices that where used to torture people during the MU episode of TOS.
Might be something not okay with the current PG-rating. Torture and Execution might only be possible to be implied, not shown or actively done. [/wildguess]
Well, a mild form of torture (beating up that one Starfleet Captain for the Sol system entry codes) is already in the game, and when you can disintegrate enemies it should (in theory) be no problem to apply this to one's own crew as well.
Still, I don't really see how this could be implemented in a good way. During space combat you're not really on the bridge, during ground combat it would seem "weird" to do this after a respawn...
What would be funny - and likely easier to implement - would be more dialogue interaction with one's crew. A way of praising or reprimanding officers by way of a dropdown menu, accompanied by an appropriate response from the NPC in question. I very much loved the banter between the crew in the Tactical Assault game for the DS, for example.
Basically ... right-click your gunner's avatar, select "Rebuke" and one of those nifty new dialogue popups appears where the BO apologizes. "I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again!"
Ideally, the dialogue (2-3 random lines for positive / negative) could be tailored to some of the races (those with a notably different behavior), so that a Vulcan will respond different than a Nausicaan. Just a quick idea off the top of my ridges, of course.
For that matter, why are my klingon crew always so well-behaved? They should be beating the snot out of each other on the bridge, in the mess hall, in the engine room &tc &tc.
For that matter, why are my klingon crew always so well-behaved? They should be beating the snot out of each other on the bridge, in the mess hall, in the engine room &tc &tc.
It would be nice to be able to execute a Boff at the Captains discretion, if only to keep the others stepping proper.
For that matter, why are my klingon crew always so well-behaved? They should be beating the snot out of each other on the bridge, in the mess hall, in the engine room &tc &tc.
You mean, once you start to respawn the, say, 5th time, it is time for the First OFficer to challenge you to a duel over the command of the ship due to your gross incompetence? (Or if you warp out of a PvP arena before completion, due to cowardice?)
You mean, once you start to respawn the, say, 5th time, it is time for the First OFficer to challenge you to a duel over the command of the ship due to your gross incompetence? (Or if you warp out of a PvP arena before completion, due to cowardice?)
That would be fun.
This would be an interesting KDF faction game mechanic.
Actually, there is a strict system in place that allows "execution" aboard a Klingon ship and only under certain cicumstances. A subordinate may only challenge a superior under certain conditions,
cowardace , deriliction of duty, insubordination. It usually works the same way for for those above someone. In the TNG episode "A Matter Of Honor" Worf explains the Klingon system to Riker as he goes off to serve as an exchange officer. It is also discussed in the DS-9 episode "Soldiers Of The Empire".
If execution would be possible I would have executed my entire crew after the attack on Utopia Planitia for dishonorable behaviour and challenged my superior for a duel for the same reason.:D
Actually, I think an 'executio n' mechanic for the KDF side duty roster systen (when it's released in the Season 4 Update) MIGHT be a fun thing if done well, and there was some reason or advatage to doing it if certain circumstances arise in game.
I'd like to see a variety of execution methods offered... disintegration, throwing them to the Targs, out the air lock... I don't want to be known as the Captain that lacked creativity in his punishments
I'd like to see a variety of execution methods offered... disintegration, throwing them to the Targs, out the air lock... I don't want to be known as the Captain that lacked creativity in his punishments
HMM, I'm curious:
when was the last time you pushed "Emergency Power to Shields" and the BO in question said
"Nope, I'm on vacation." warranting an execution for disobeying orders?
There have been a few bugs, that have caused things like this to happen. I think shortly after launch I wrote a post about "executing" my BO for his insubordinate behavior. Many a time they will fail to do what I ask them to on the ground. None of it has been "actual" insubordination, but it frustrates me enough to want to kill them on sight.
*watches an Orion stroll by*
... what was I saying?
Still, I don't really see how this could be implemented in a good way. During space combat you're not really on the bridge, during ground combat it would seem "weird" to do this after a respawn...
What would be funny - and likely easier to implement - would be more dialogue interaction with one's crew. A way of praising or reprimanding officers by way of a dropdown menu, accompanied by an appropriate response from the NPC in question. I very much loved the banter between the crew in the Tactical Assault game for the DS, for example.
Basically ... right-click your gunner's avatar, select "Rebuke" and one of those nifty new dialogue popups appears where the BO apologizes. "I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again!"
Ideally, the dialogue (2-3 random lines for positive / negative) could be tailored to some of the races (those with a notably different behavior), so that a Vulcan will respond different than a Nausicaan. Just a quick idea off the top of my ridges, of course.
It would be nice to be able to execute a Boff at the Captains discretion, if only to keep the others stepping proper.
That would be fun.
This would be an interesting KDF faction game mechanic.
cowardace , deriliction of duty, insubordination. It usually works the same way for for those above someone. In the TNG episode "A Matter Of Honor" Worf explains the Klingon system to Riker as he goes off to serve as an exchange officer. It is also discussed in the DS-9 episode "Soldiers Of The Empire".
It would be an interesting aspect to add to KDF.
Qapla' Batlh Je! (Success And Honor)
Commanding IKS Khitomer
Also member of the fanclub Klingon Assault Group.
It would be canon as well, double win!