Did anyone else think Gowron looked completely disproportionate? Like he had tiny little eyes and all his facial features were all scrunched in too close together... yet he had an ENOURMOUS cranium. Ever time I saw him, I couldnt take him seriously because he was so goofy looking.
Now MARTOK was a Klingon. Whenever I think of a powerful, honorable, 'token' Klingon warrior... I think of General Martok.
Now MARTOK was a Klingon. Whenever I think of a powerful, honorable, 'token' Klingon warrior... I think of General Martok.
Except that his first appeance was as a founder infiltrator. The first time he was seen in the flesh was in a Dominion prison. Not a very honorable fate for a Samurai wannabe. (Japanese culture is what Next Generation era Klingons were modeled on.)
Did anyone else think Gowron looked completely disproportionate? Like he had tiny little eyes and all his facial features were all scrunched in too close together... yet he had an ENOURMOUS cranium.
Tiny eyes? They were so huge I thought they were gonna burst out of his face the moment someone calls him petaQ.
He still was Chancellor at one time, and people haven't forgotten him.
Well, the way Molly was talking, it was like he personally gave the order to attack the Breen in Deferi space.
Although, she may have been referring to the events of Deep Space Nine, when he was throwing KDF at the Breen nonstop.
Considering he wasn't doing that with honorable motives however (he was trying to tarnish Martok's reputation), I wouldn't have credited him with any great strategic knowledge or an honorable memory.
Y'know, Martok might still be alive. Sure, I know J'mpok challenged him to honorable combat and all that and 'Came out the victor, declaring Martok dead'.... but do we have a body to corroborate this tale? What if J'mPok is really an Udine Infiltrator disguised as the new Chancellor, and they have Martok in a prison somewhere >=-P
Could be a good plot line for ending the war if they ever come to that.
Y'know, Martok might still be alive. Sure, I know J'mpok challenged him to honorable combat and all that and 'Came out the victor, declaring Martok dead'.... but do we have a body to corroborate this tale? What if J'mPok is really an Udine Infiltrator disguised as the new Chancellor, and they have Martok in a prison somewhere >=-P
Could be a good plot line for ending the war if they ever come to that.
Didn't the Domionion do something like that to Martok already? :rolleyes:
Here's the comment in question by Molly, if you want to read it: Molly's commentary about Gowron
And what name is she calling the Breen? :rolleyes:
Yes, they did do that before.
Martok was replaced with a Changeling.
If anyone at Cryptic repeats that storyline, that wouldn't be very smart.
On the other hand, if he is still alive, I'd be curious to find out why Jmpok claimed otherwise.
My bet is Martok gave him a bat'leth whupping and Jmpok lost, but did something else, probably a ship battle in which he assumed Martok was killed.
Here's the comment in question by Molly, if you want to read it: Molly's commentary about Gowron
And what name is she calling the Breen? :rolleyes:
She's talking about how, in the closing days of the Dominion War, Gowron was sending ships far behind enemy lines to strike against the Breen. It was a massacre for the Klingons because they were outnumbered and outgunned. It was this perception that Gowron was basically sacrificing Klingon officers for political gain (because the brave assaults made him look good, basically), that led to Worf killing him and naming Martok the Chancellor. Molly is telling you that basically, maybe Gowron wasn't being a complete idiot after all.
Maybe that's one area where mission dialogues could use tweaking, why would Molly use an Klingon insult and not one from her native language?
When you're playing a KDF character, you will get Klingon dialogues - and Klingon storyline missions. I agree it would be fun to "tweak" BO talk to have a Gorn, Orion or Nausicaan twist, but this would require a lot of work I sadly do not see the developers to invest.
Now MARTOK was a Klingon. Whenever I think of a powerful, honorable, 'token' Klingon warrior... I think of General Martok.
Except that his first appeance was as a founder infiltrator. The first time he was seen in the flesh was in a Dominion prison. Not a very honorable fate for a Samurai wannabe. (Japanese culture is what Next Generation era Klingons were modeled on.)
But yeah, Martok ftw.
Well, the way Molly was talking, it was like he personally gave the order to attack the Breen in Deferi space.
Although, she may have been referring to the events of Deep Space Nine, when he was throwing KDF at the Breen nonstop.
Considering he wasn't doing that with honorable motives however (he was trying to tarnish Martok's reputation), I wouldn't have credited him with any great strategic knowledge or an honorable memory.
but yes, the actor that played him was awesome.
Yeah, the first time I saw him on TNG, I thought his eyes made him look a little mad. And it was him that became the new chancellor!
he is mad.....:D
Here's some more fun with Gowron, though it's all in German. Those clips quickly became a meme, as you can see in the related section.
For some reason, whenever I'm in space, she gives all the mission appropriate dialogue.
I'm assuming because I didn't put a tactical officer on duty, she's giving all the information that would normally be handled by that officer.
Could be a good plot line for ending the war if they ever come to that.
Didn't the Domionion do something like that to Martok already? :rolleyes:
Molly's commentary about Gowron
And what name is she calling the Breen? :rolleyes:
Yes, they did do that before.
Martok was replaced with a Changeling.
If anyone at Cryptic repeats that storyline, that wouldn't be very smart.
On the other hand, if he is still alive, I'd be curious to find out why Jmpok claimed otherwise.
My bet is Martok gave him a bat'leth whupping and Jmpok lost, but did something else, probably a ship battle in which he assumed Martok was killed.
She's talking about how, in the closing days of the Dominion War, Gowron was sending ships far behind enemy lines to strike against the Breen. It was a massacre for the Klingons because they were outnumbered and outgunned. It was this perception that Gowron was basically sacrificing Klingon officers for political gain (because the brave assaults made him look good, basically), that led to Worf killing him and naming Martok the Chancellor. Molly is telling you that basically, maybe Gowron wasn't being a complete idiot after all.
I still don't think it was a good idea, considering the lack of sound strategy and kamikaze intentions Gowron was employing to make Martok look bad.
Maybe that's one area where mission dialogues could use tweaking, why would Molly use an Klingon insult and not one from her native language?
That's right up there with her talking about disruptors and torpedos when the I.K.S. Krogan has neither of those weapons. :rolleyes:
When you're playing a KDF character, you will get Klingon dialogues - and Klingon storyline missions. I agree it would be fun to "tweak" BO talk to have a Gorn, Orion or Nausicaan twist, but this would require a lot of work I sadly do not see the developers to invest.
QI'yaH!!! Your are soldiers of the Empire and you shall speak thlIngan Hol! Do not question me! Do it NAUGGHHH!!!! XD