This is my first attempt at using demorecord. I''m not very technically minded, and never done anything like this before. The camera angles need some work. I edited using win movie maker and it took about an hour to do. I'm going to spend a bit longer om future videos when I eventually get the hang of things.
its on both holodeck and tribble. if your search the forums there is information out there for you.
when in game type /demorecord name (name being the name of your file) this will start recording.
/demorecordstop will stop recording
then in the launcher type under options type -demoplay name (name being the name of your file). then engage.
This will lauch the in game editor to edit your movie.
i could never get the thing to work. i will try again on my laptop- once i get it patched up on the free wifi
type -demo_movie_save (then your video name). It saves them as screenshots in your sto folder.
DemoRecord is broken at the moment since the latest patch
Check out my other videos
Well, the camera path its not working (i knew, its the most important stuff) but the rest its working well.