So to show appreciation for the player community's continued financial support of STO with its limited cookie cutter pvp. Cryptic gives us what for Christmas ? A big 20% discount at the C-Store ? Am I the only one who noticed this. I have played MMOs since before Ultima Online was split into Feluccia and Trammel. Never before have I ever played a game where there was such a lack of appreciation from the game staff toward the players while trying to bleed every penny they can from subscribers. Cryptic must be where all the SOE game staff went after SWG tanked.
Want, want, want. Oh i feel so hard done by. I ate loads of food, had my family and friends over for Christmas, got lots of presents and money, yet Cyptic ruined everything because they are so mean. Oh my dear God...
So you didn't get something for Christmas from a company you pay to play their said products. I didn't get anything from Microsoft either other than discount deals of the day running over a period of 12 days. My Bank didn't even give me any warning that i was so nearly over drawn, despite being a student and my next terms loan is incoming. Even the shop i use regularly didn't even give me a present either. Not even a piece of gum. What is this world coming to? Wait, let me guess, you are going to quit over this because of it...
Green I dont care what goes on in your personel life. Noone said Christmas was ruined except you hero. I have an idea for you. Read my post again then try to comprehend the meaning through the pot smoke and come up with an intellegent reply next time. This will help you to NOT come off as an idiot
Green I dont care what goes on in your personel life. Noone said Christmas was ruined except you hero. I have an idea for you. Read my post again then try to comprehend the meaning through the pot smoke and come up with an intellegent reply next time. This will help you to NOT come off as an idiot
The idiot is in the eye of the beholder i feel. The fact you assume far too much about what a company should and shouldn't do for you, especially during a certain time of year speaks volumes. Like i said...want, want, want. I think the lack of appreciation is from someone who expects something, and opposed to someone that is pleasantly surprised when something happens. Now i don't remember anything from my first year of Wow back in 2005, yet nowadays we have plenty of bonus TRIBBLE under the Azeroth trees. Give Cyptic time to develop and in a few years, if we don't get anything more than a lump of coal, i may readdress my post. But for now, i'll leave you wanting and expecting so much more.
As a business owner I tend to give my clients a small gift of gratitude during the holidays. Perhaps thats why my business is expanding even in this economy.
Leave me wanting and expecting more from you? You must have me confused with your spouse.
As a business owner I tend to give my clients a small gift of gratitude during the holidays. Perhaps thats why my business is expanding even in this economy. I will make another assuption though. I bet you know absolutly nothing about running a business or keeping clients happy. That is why you will always be a surf.
Wow, you keep such a lovely mentality of getting in those little jibs don't you. Get over yourself and have a little common decency. I'm a student and the only running of a business or keeping clients happy is being a bar supervisor. Yet with how you seem to love picking a people, you do remind me of a few previous bosses.
Green I dont care what goes on in your personel life. Noone said Christmas was ruined except you hero. I have an idea for you. Read my post again then try to comprehend the meaning through the pot smoke and come up with an intellegent reply next time. This will help you to NOT come off as an idiot
I agree with Green, its not Cryptic's obligation to give you a christmas present.
I agree with Green, its not Cryptic's obligation to give you a christmas present.
And I agree with gmacd, who in turn agrees with Green... Not only are you out of line with your little baby 'rant', but if you are indeed old enough to own your own business... I would hate to work for you. You seem to have the maturity level of an 11 year old... maybe 12.
So to show appreciation for the player community's continued financial support of STO with its limited cookie cutter pvp. Cryptic gives us what for Christmas ? A big 20% discount at the C-Store ? Am I the only one who noticed this. I have played MMOs since before Ultima Online was split into Feluccia and Trammel. Never before have I ever played a game where there was such a lack of appreciation from the game staff toward the players while trying to bleed every penny they can from subscribers. Cryptic must be where all the SOE game staff went after SWG tanked.
I must assume you were spoiled as a child, as to calling someone a idiot or that all they will amount to is a surf (latter posts), you sir are the only one coming off as a IDIOT in this thread and a bit needy as well.......
Presents should not be expected, lest they lose their special value and - instead of being appreciated - become perceived as some sort of inofficial contractual obligation. I think that's the core issue here, and (imho) with the commercialized Christmas in general.
It would have been nice to get something special from Cryptic (there actually is a cool event over at CO right now) - but the fact that we didn't just makes me feel "neutral" instead of "excited". As I did not expect to get anything my emotional state did not drop into negatives. I would suggest a similar approach.
So to show appreciation for the player community's continued financial support of STO with its limited cookie cutter pvp. Cryptic gives us what for Christmas ? A big 20% discount at the C-Store ? Am I the only one who noticed this. I have played MMOs since before Ultima Online was split into Feluccia and Trammel. Never before have I ever played a game where there was such a lack of appreciation from the game staff toward the players while trying to bleed every penny they can from subscribers. Cryptic must be where all the SOE game staff went after SWG tanked.
What exactly did you want from Cryptic? A sale where everything was free? Of course, that won't happen. Did you want some in-game Christmas event? Sure, we'd all love some sort of holiday thing. However, as has been stated, the game is more secular than others and there most likely wouldn't be a specific Christmas event.
We were told that there would be some special cool thing coming, but unless it was just the sale, it hasn't happened yet. And if it is just the sale...sure, I'll be disappointed but not raging on the forums...especially one in a section where it really doesn't belong. There has been nothing specifically pertaining to Klingon content in this thread at all. I thought maybe it was another Guramba rant (which would make some sense), but all it ended up being is some spoiled kid wanting something beyond a sale (which everyone knew was going to happen).
Oh, and your attacks...not earning any points with anyone. If most of the mods weren't out of the office I'm sure you'd be getting several infractions just based on your writing in this thread.
Whats wrong with smoke?
I've had plenty over the years and I can still see the OP as a Hater who craves more for nothing.
I agree with Treagsama, who agreed with Gmacd, Who agreed with Green - that you are expecting too much from a game where they already said NO holiday events that are not apart of the Genre.
Cryptic does not owe you anymore than a fun game experience.
Though for the record I've would've enjoyed chasing Santa through the Pi Canis Sector in my BoP, I've never forgiven him for the coal fiasco of 78.
I want them to develop the game more and that is what they are doing so they are giving me this for Christmas.
I cannot find the post I am not a guru of successful search.
I believe one of the devs posted why spend the resources on an event that will be used for a short period of time when they can keep those resources focused on further enhancing and developing the game. When the game has come farther along, then they can spend the resources on special events that will only be used for a short time.
I agree with Roach, who agreed Treagsama, who agreed with Gmacd, Who agreed with Green.
What about all the people who play that don't celebrate christmas should it be forced upon them, and what of all the alien races in star trek i think some of them might find christmas distasteful at best.
What about all the people who play that don't celebrate christmas should it be forced upon them, and what of all the alien races in star trek i think some of them might find christmas distasteful at best.
That's another issue, too.
I'd have appreciated a small token like a special item or something*, but I too would be sceptical about an event in the game itself. Whilst an x-mas event does not need to be ruled out per se (as it was indeed celebrated in Trek), I think that it has to be "balanced" by non-humanocentric events.
*: you could argue that the recent Toron shuttle pet distribution fulfilled this function, but as it was only given to Tribble testers it does not quite fit
I agree with Roach, who agreed Treagsama, who agreed with Gmacd, Who agreed with Green.
What about all the people who play that don't celebrate christmas should it be forced upon them, and what of all the alien races in star trek i think some of them might find christmas distasteful at best.
I agree with convoy, who agreed with Roach, who agreed with treagsama, who agreed with Gmacd, who agreed with Green.
grow up, OP. The only thing STO, Cryptic, or Atari owes you is whatever you have paid for.
I agree with convoy, who agreed with Roach, who agreed with treagsama, who agreed with Gmacd, who agreed with Green.
grow up, OP. The only thing STO, Cryptic, or Atari owes you is whatever you have paid for.
and maybe a few tasty golden delicious apples.
I just revisited this thread and this made me lol, it just gets longer. Its like a forum version of a birthday present. And yes, today is indeed my birthday 30th December, depending on your Time Zone
I just revisited this thread and this made me lol, it just gets longer. Its like a forum version of a birthday present. And yes, today is indeed my birthday 30th December, depending on your Time Zone
So to show appreciation for the player community's continued financial support of STO with its limited cookie cutter pvp. Cryptic gives us what for Christmas ? A big 20% discount at the C-Store ? Am I the only one who noticed this. I have played MMOs since before Ultima Online was split into Feluccia and Trammel. Never before have I ever played a game where there was such a lack of appreciation from the game staff toward the players while trying to bleed every penny they can from subscribers. Cryptic must be where all the SOE game staff went after SWG tanked.
and if you noticed when you go to the tailor the motion picture and the counselor uniforms are there without the necessity of buying them or least I didn't and I have them so in a way they did give you something ......
ha ha ha ha ha ha sorry im still laughing....ha ha ha ha
So you didn't get something for Christmas from a company you pay to play their said products. I didn't get anything from Microsoft either other than discount deals of the day running over a period of 12 days. My Bank didn't even give me any warning that i was so nearly over drawn, despite being a student and my next terms loan is incoming. Even the shop i use regularly didn't even give me a present either. Not even a piece of gum. What is this world coming to? Wait, let me guess, you are going to quit over this because of it...
The idiot is in the eye of the beholder i feel. The fact you assume far too much about what a company should and shouldn't do for you, especially during a certain time of year speaks volumes. Like i said...want, want, want. I think the lack of appreciation is from someone who expects something, and opposed to someone that is pleasantly surprised when something happens. Now i don't remember anything from my first year of Wow back in 2005, yet nowadays we have plenty of bonus TRIBBLE under the Azeroth trees. Give Cyptic time to develop and in a few years, if we don't get anything more than a lump of coal, i may readdress my post. But for now, i'll leave you wanting and expecting so much more.
This post has been edited to remove content which violates the [URL=""]Cryptic Studios Forum Usage Guidelines[/URL] ~InfoNinja
Wow, you keep such a lovely mentality of getting in those little jibs don't you. Get over yourself and have a little common decency. I'm a student and the only running of a business or keeping clients happy is being a bar supervisor. Yet with how you seem to love picking a people, you do remind me of a few previous bosses.
I agree with Green, its not Cryptic's obligation to give you a christmas present.
And I agree with gmacd, who in turn agrees with Green... Not only are you out of line with your little baby 'rant', but if you are indeed old enough to own your own business... I would hate to work for you. You seem to have the maturity level of an 11 year old... maybe 12.
I must assume you were spoiled as a child, as to calling someone a idiot or that all they will amount to is a surf (latter posts), you sir are the only one coming off as a IDIOT in this thread and a bit needy as well.......
It would have been nice to get something special from Cryptic (there actually is a cool event over at CO right now) - but the fact that we didn't just makes me feel "neutral" instead of "excited". As I did not expect to get anything my emotional state did not drop into negatives. I would suggest a similar approach.
... Gods, that sounded almost Vulcan.
What exactly did you want from Cryptic? A sale where everything was free? Of course, that won't happen. Did you want some in-game Christmas event? Sure, we'd all love some sort of holiday thing. However, as has been stated, the game is more secular than others and there most likely wouldn't be a specific Christmas event.
We were told that there would be some special cool thing coming, but unless it was just the sale, it hasn't happened yet. And if it is just the sale...sure, I'll be disappointed but not raging on the forums...especially one in a section where it really doesn't belong. There has been nothing specifically pertaining to Klingon content in this thread at all. I thought maybe it was another Guramba rant (which would make some sense), but all it ended up being is some spoiled kid wanting something beyond a sale (which everyone knew was going to happen).
Oh, and your attacks...not earning any points with anyone. If most of the mods weren't out of the office I'm sure you'd be getting several infractions just based on your writing in this thread.
I've had plenty over the years and I can still see the OP as a Hater who craves more for nothing.
I agree with Treagsama, who agreed with Gmacd, Who agreed with Green - that you are expecting too much from a game where they already said NO holiday events that are not apart of the Genre.
Cryptic does not owe you anymore than a fun game experience.
Though for the record I've would've enjoyed chasing Santa through the Pi Canis Sector in my BoP, I've never forgiven him for the coal fiasco of 78.
I cannot find the post I am not a guru of successful search.
I believe one of the devs posted why spend the resources on an event that will be used for a short period of time when they can keep those resources focused on further enhancing and developing the game. When the game has come farther along, then they can spend the resources on special events that will only be used for a short time.
What about all the people who play that don't celebrate christmas should it be forced upon them, and what of all the alien races in star trek i think some of them might find christmas distasteful at best.
I'd have appreciated a small token like a special item or something*, but I too would be sceptical about an event in the game itself. Whilst an x-mas event does not need to be ruled out per se (as it was indeed celebrated in Trek), I think that it has to be "balanced" by non-humanocentric events.
*: you could argue that the recent Toron shuttle pet distribution fulfilled this function, but as it was only given to Tribble testers it does not quite fit
Lets keep religion out please. One fallout has already happened due to it in the forums.
I agree with convoy, who agreed with Roach, who agreed with treagsama, who agreed with Gmacd, who agreed with Green.
grow up, OP. The only thing STO, Cryptic, or Atari owes you is whatever you have paid for.
and maybe a few tasty golden delicious apples.
I just revisited this thread and this made me lol, it just gets longer. Its like a forum version of a birthday present. And yes, today is indeed my birthday
Are you saying you were not BAD in 78 therefore his gift of coal was not warranted ?
I hunted you a tribble. But my targ ate it.
I agree with Valias. Congratulations.
I got ya an apple, but I ate it. My bad.
Thank you and Valias too. Now how did i know there was an apple involved :rolleyes:
and if you noticed when you go to the tailor the motion picture and the counselor uniforms are there without the necessity of buying them or least I didn't and I have them so in a way they did give you something ......
My Ferengi lawyers say that I should no longer speak of such things in an open forum.