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Returning Klingon..

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
edited December 2010 in Klingon Discussion
OK, so I tried the game at launch, and well...yea. So I was goin through my DVD's yesterday and came across this game...decided to reinstall and give aneother shot.

When I left I had a BOP , char, but instead of picking up again, gonna start brand new. First off, I was looking over "builds" in some forums and saw this:


Fore: 2x DHC, 1 DC, 1 DBB
Aft: 1 Turret, 1 Tricobalt Mine


Cmdr: Science: PH1, TSSII, PSW 1, CPB3 or Scramble 3
Lt. Cmd: Tac: BO1, CRF1, Beta 2
LT: Eng 1, EPTS2
LT: Tractor Beam 1 Hazard II

or Maybe

Cmdr: TT1, CRF1, BO3(if I can get one) or BTssX III, Beta 3
Lt. Cmd: PH1, TSS II, PSW 1
LT: Eng 1, EPTS2
LT: Tractor Beam 1, Hazard II or EPTS 1 and Aux2SIF/Aux2Damp 1 or BO1, CRF1


So all those abbreviations mean ??

I am planning on going back to a BoP, do we still need to pvp almost all of ouor leveling (I dont mind pvp but sometimes wanna just mindless kill TRIBBLE pve....

Any other general advice ?
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  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    So all those abbreviations mean ??

    DHC = Dual Heavy Cannon
    DC = Dual Cannon
    DBB = Dual Beam Bank

    PH = Polarize Hull
    TSS = Transfer Shield Strength
    PSW = Photonic Shockwave
    CPB = Charged Particle Burst
    Scramble = Scramble Sensors
    BO = Beam Overload
    CRF = Cannon: Rapid Fire
    Beta = Attack Pattern Beta (usually APB)
    Eng = Engineering Team (usually ET)
    EPTS = Emergency Power to Shields
    Hazard = Hazard Emitters (usually HE)
    TT = Tactical Team
    BTssX = Beam Target X Subsystems, where X is aux, shields, weapons, or engines.
    Aux2SIF = Auxiliary Power to Structural Integrity Field
    Aux2Damp = Auxiliary Power to Dampening Field (think that's the name)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Axterix did the abbreviations, so I'll get the rest. (With the note that 'Aux2Damp = Auxiliary Power to Dampening Field (think that's the name) ', it's actually Auxiliary Power to Inertial Dampeners, but close enough)
    wwoods wrote: »
    I am planning on going back to a BoP, do we still need to pvp almost all of ouor leveling (I dont mind pvp but sometimes wanna just mindless kill TRIBBLE pve....

    Any other general advice ?

    There have been some missions added. There's like 3-4 quest chains that are in the game for KDF only that are made up of a like a half dozen missions each, maybe a little less. They start available at different tiers so you cannot do them all upon getting back. The first mission of the first quest chain is called "Bringing Down the House" if I remember right, and actually takes place on the surface of Qo'noS out in some farmland I think.

    There have also been the Breen/Deferi and Devidian episodes added which add some very cool PvE missions and some unique quest rewards.

    And you probably already know but the Nebula's and stuff in the Omega Leonis sector block, and around the edges, allow for some moderately varied (but still randomly generated so it is a little limited) PvE content. One of the complaints I've remembered being around ever since Beta was that in the KDF exploration missions sometimes the mission would put you on a planet and have you destroy X of something, like a crashed probe. Well on the Fed versions of the missions they had to interact with the object, we have to destroy. But pressing V which lets you scan shows you where the nearest intractable object is, so the Feds could find their mission objectives easily while KDF were pulling out their hair trying to find the destructibles to shoot. It's since been changed that the destructibles show up now when pressing V.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    There have been some missions added. There's like 3-4 quest chains that are in the game for KDF only that are made up of a like a half dozen missions each, maybe a little less. They start available at different tiers so you cannot do them all upon getting back. The first mission of the first quest chain is called "Bringing Down the House" if I remember right, and actually takes place on the surface of Qo'noS out in some farmland I think.

    Most of those are made up of 2-3 missions each, actually. Bringing Down the House, for example, is two missions., The farmland/chase the assassin/tournament part and the investigation/revenge. But most of them are nice and long missions, often taking place over multiple maps, so it feels like there are more, as shown by the /'s in the missions bit.

    These missions are also nice as they give Klingons access to the rare rewards that only the Feds used to have. Things like the Efficient mk IV engines, with their +5 to all power levels. And there's also a very nice purple scaling bat'leth.
    There have also been the Breen/Deferi and Devidian episodes added which add some very cool PvE missions and some unique quest rewards.

    To expand on this a bit more...

    The Breen/Deferi mission additional also added some dailies. There's 5 Breen/Deferi dailies, once you unlock them by getting far enough into the story, though one is dependent upon getting a particular map as part of one of the other ones. There's 3 dailies in the same zone as the devidian episodes, plus a fourth "daily" that you can do whenever you get 10 computer core fragments as drops from one of those dailies.

    And there's the Sortie Alpha and Beta now as well, plus a daily tied to them.

    Lastly, you can now visit your ready room (by going to your ship's bridge) and replay missions you've played before. So you can run the story missions more than once. For the ones that can be run at any level (like the Breen and Devidian story lines), this provides something else to run for xp as well as loot appropriate for your current level. The first mission in the devidian line, for example, rewards a Covariant shield with 2x cap. If you do the mission at level 15, it is a Mk IV. Do it at 21 through 30 and you get a Mk VI, and so on.

    The fact that you can get items multiple times, like multiple suits of armor, means you might want to rerun certain missions within the same level range so you can gear up your BOffs. And when you hit a new tier, run it again to upgrade your ship's shields...and all your BOffs again.

    Overall, there still isn't enough Klingon content yet, not nearly what Feds have. But there's considerably more possibilities for mindless pve...and the new stuff is more rewarding.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Welcome back to the KDF! I really have nothing else to add to what has already been said other than there are also more fleet actions you can partake in now on the KDF side as well.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Bear in mind, until the user generated content via Foundry starts popping up for Klinks, the KDF mission tree remains rather sparse, even though its got some nice quality pve missions compared to opening. Things are getting better, its a slow process, but its there.
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