Merry Xmas everyone!
Thanks for the ton of support you guys and gals have given me to make "The Longing" constantly better.
Since tonight I had a bit of free time on my hands, I made a little "testimonial" trailer for the mission. I hope you like it:
Link to Vimeo HD VideoBackup link to YouTube
Thanks again for the kind reviews. The mission was just a sandbox for me to play with all the Foundry features. I'm really glad it turned out so likable.
Best regards,
P.S.: Has someone managed to get demorecord/demoplay to work with the Foundry? Didn't work for me. I had to to all camera moves free hand with the UI disabled. So please excuse the shaky cam.
I have tried fraps, but it kills my framerate on the ground, tried xfire, but it doesnt work at all on tribble, and was gonna try wegame, but ran out of time
would you post this to the blog? It's neat.
Edit: Now I see. Have used the blog's online form to become a contributor.
The video is AWESOME as well!
(Now I need to go replay the mission!)
You know, that Cryptic does not have a feature in production that would allow us to transfer Tribble missions to Holodeck. So I might never be able to accurately recreate the mission on Holodeck (but of course, I will try).
It's not too difficult but I actually recreated two of my missions from RedShirt on Tribble ("Drawing Proof" and "Bull-dog Days").
The key is that coordinate placement, contact/item names, map names, background names, and your story window need to be copied (I used Notepad on Windows).
i was under the impression they could simply be copied over. thanks for the heads up, i may just have to venture on to tribble.
Yes, I'll make it so that you can post, if you've signed up as a subscriber. You'll need to paste the embed code of the video in the html tab of the blog post.
edit: I see that you filled out the contact form, but I don't see a registered user with your name. Please let me know if you've signed up with a unique name.
You really dared, to ask, didn't you? Oh my...
DISCLAIMER: No, I won't do a mission trailer for your mission. Cruis.In got lucky, because he asked without meaning it, and I felt like having a bit more video-editing fun.
P.S.: I wasn't allowed to upload your trailer in HD (only one per week), but you can download the original video with the link on the right and resubmit it with your own account.
That would be awesome. I've never been able to follow the tutorials that are out there. The camera tools and what not are kind of intimidating. But, if there is an easier workaround by disabling the ui and using capture software, then lots of people would benefit from that.
Just want to say that this was a great mission...played it twice!