I've been trying to publish my mission for the past few days and at first it was failing, but yesterday after the patch I published it again and it says the publish was successful but my project is not showing up on tribble under the community authored missions...I think the foundry is lying to me and it did not really publish, it just wanted me to stop hitting the publish button.... but seriously can you guys look into this. I would really like my missions to show up so people on tribble can play it.
-if you want to know my exact actions: I tried to publish first on saturday, I failed 3 or 4 times, then it said it was successful, but it was not showing up on tribble, so then I waited a day and tried to re-publish it on sunday, but it kept failing.
-on monday after the patch I withdrew it, and published it again, and it said it was successful, but it still has not shown up on tribble.
I have tried searching for my mission using custom and every other search option inluding typing in my name, mission name, etc. but doesn't seem to be there. also I am not getting any rating or comments on it, so it does not seem to be posting to tribble at all.
ok thanks, I tried that and it worked..kinda, now when I search for it in the Review section under its mission name " Flying Dutchman" it comes up, but it does not appear on the list as far as I can tell so noone can see it to review or even know its there unless they know the name of the mission
1. Stop reviewing and then start reviewing again.
2. Just do a search for your name in custom.
Again, stop reviewing and start reviewing again. This will most likely solve things for you.