I'm trying to create a mission that starts on Risa, and I want a few of my NPC contacts to be in the cave. However, no matter what I set their y-location to, they always seem to end up on top of the cliff above the cave. I was hoping somebody had a solution to this. Thanks.
I'm trying to create a mission that starts on Risa, and I want a few of my NPC contacts to be in the cave. However, no matter what I set their y-location to, they always seem to end up on top of the cliff above the cave. I was hoping somebody had a solution to this. Thanks.
Play the map, go to the cave and type /loc into the chat bar and it tells you the coordinates you need to use. The height value might be wrong though, so you'll need to experiment. And to make a character go down underground you'll need a negative value.
Play the map, go to the cave and type /loc into the chat bar and it tells you the coordinates you need to use. The height value might be wrong though, so you'll need to experiment. And to make a character go down underground you'll need a negative value.