I went ahead and published my first mission. It takes you from DS9 to Risa to Ortha 7.
I have to say that when it published after 7 tries tonight it lost the custom animation and chat I created for my Risa actors, so sorry your missing some stuff there, maybe it can show back up later.
I need to experiment on transitions, it works good from DS9 to Risa but once published the Risa to Ortha 7 is not right at all, again maybe the next go around. I noticed one of the BOs changed from test to publish, as well, minor bugs I expect.
I also saw map issues when I played it primarily on Ortha 7, minor bugs again.
Thinks I wish I could find ways to improve are, means to beam up after mission and still have travel option through sector space.
A spell checker, lol, so I do not need to proof multiple times.
Possibly a means to make 3 missions and then link them together, this may actually help with the space transitions.
Anyway it is a start, took me some time to get the time to really play so please take a look.
USS Hall