Thanks for notifying us here in the foundry section Cryptic (not).
Perhaps.. just perhaps you might take into consideration that some people might not read the tribble patch notes if all they are interested in is the Foundry. You might also consider posting Foundry related news where? Right! HERE.
Ya'll are probably VERY intelligent people, but seriously... You need to understand that people are weird animals and if they are interested in something (such as me with the foundry) they will look for news on that subject only in the section designed for it.
I would hate to have to rebuild THAT mission from scratch, it had already taken me all day just to do the first section of it.
Yeah, I am starting to realize that the Dev's here don't think in a normal human manner.
Personally, I couldn't give a rip about anything on Tribble EXCEPT the Foundry, and so.. I don't look for any information on the foundry anywhere else but... here... in the section DESIGNED to provide us with information on what? YES you guessed it.. The Foundry.
Seems to me to be Common Sense that if you have a section that is designed to provide information on a subject... that that is where you would post information on that subject. And where people would go to GET information on that subject. Correct? I thought so.
check developer tracter first.
If I log into the forum, it is my first stop
yeah I know. I am gonna haffa start doing that. Still think they should post Foundry related information to the foundry section but... meh.
Guess I'll go play EVE. At least I will be entertained by my targets emorages.
Your either new to MMOs, MMO forums, or both. Thats not an insult, just an observation. Whenever changes are made to a sever, the Devs post the "release notes" that detail all the changes. If you have actually read the latest notes, you'll see that they cover several different topics, not just the Foundry. By your logic, they belong in every forum that has anything to do with each individual topic covered in the notes.
I 'Expect' things related to a subject to be posted where that specific subject is being talked about, sadly.. my expectations don't always meet reality lol.
In the future however I will be more careful about checking Dev Tracker so I won't be left totally clueless.