First off I have to say I love the foundry!! Cant get enough!! With that I figure there has to be other STO players as into this as I am. So my idea was born. "The Foundry" STO's first fleet (I think) that will be dedicated to putting out some of the best missions/episodes anyone has seen. Looking for some feedback and to see if anyone is interested.
"The Foundry" has formed!! The Foundry is STO's first fleet dedicated to making STO even better, from customs maps to missions. For more info please go to our web site at
My only caution I would make is, that some fleets are reeeeeal touchy about their fleet members being in other fleets and tend to not like it when player A has toons in multiple fleets even if those are the sort of meta fleets designed to work on game stuff rather then in-game playing.
My only caution I would make is, that some fleets are reeeeeal touchy about their fleet members being in other fleets and tend to not like it when player A has toons in multiple fleets even if those are the sort of meta fleets designed to work on game stuff rather then in-game playing.
I dont think I would want to be in a fleet like that in the first place. But thats just me.
I understand that some people joining may belong to another fleet. The Foundry was formed to get together like minded people who enjoy using the STO Foundry tools. You will not be required to actually join the in game fleet if you prefer not to, but you are required to join the "Foundry" global chat channel.
Neat idea. I could see some cooperation here between our sites. If there is an official foundry clan, I'd love to support it, especially if it's members contribute to our blog and wiki.
Neat idea. I could see some cooperation here between our sites. If there is an official foundry clan, I'd love to support it, especially if it's members contribute to our blog and wiki.
Any ideas?
(see sig)
My original idea was to form just a Foundry fleet, but after giving it some thought, I did not want to be limited to just fleet members. That's why, if you want to join the fleet great!! If not you can still join the site and share your missions and ideas.
I understand that some people joining may belong to another fleet. The Foundry was formed to get together like minded people who enjoy using the STO Foundry tools. You will not be required to actually join the in game fleet if you prefer not to, but you are required to join the "Foundry" global chat channel.
'The Foundry" is not only a fleet but it is a place for STO players to post there missions, talk about it, look for feedback and generally connect with other like minded people. We will be featuring weekly missions and episodes and maybe even a contest. If you want to join our fleet....great. If not, join the community!! Still looking for fleet and site feedback as always. Join The Foundry today!!
Good idea but right now foundry does not allow enough to be done. We'll need to be patient for a lot of updates otherwise it won't long before theres endless missions very similiar.
Good idea but right now foundry does not allow enough to be done. We'll need to be patient for a lot of updates otherwise it won't long before theres endless missions very similiar.
Thanks!! I am already liking what I see in STO's Foundry so it can only get better!!
Wanted to give a shout out and a thank you to the guys over at Priority One for the mention of our Foundry fleet and website in their recent podcast!! Didn't hear it?? Check it out here!!
I am giving this some serious thought..I have been looking for my STO "home" since launch and i am pretty drawn to you guys. I do howver have real life events that can often take me offline(from gaming) for a couple of weeks at a time, some people dont like this. But I genuinley cant forsee it when it happens...and I always come back as soon as i can. Would this be a problem for you guys? I thought i should ask and be honest before just signing up.
I am giving this some serious thought..I have been looking for my STO "home" since launch and i am pretty drawn to you guys. I do howver have real life events that can often take me offline(from gaming) for a couple of weeks at a time, some people dont like this. But I genuinley cant forsee it when it happens...and I always come back as soon as i can. Would this be a problem for you guys? I thought i should ask and be honest before just signing up.
But I love what you are trying to do here...
Hey....we all have real life stuff to deal with. If your going to be away from the game for a while just stop by the forums every so often and let us know your still alive!!
Thank you thats a really nice attitude, I can definatley come on and let you know when I cant be around
I already have checked out your site, if it is ok with you I will join up tonight. I will be offline for a few days after that but then I will be online for a few weeks (yay lol). Thanks for hitting me back!
Not yet anyway!!
I dont think I would want to be in a fleet like that in the first place. But thats just me.
Any ideas?
(see sig)
My original idea was to form just a Foundry fleet, but after giving it some thought, I did not want to be limited to just fleet members. That's why, if you want to join the fleet great!! If not you can still join the site and share your missions and ideas.
WOW.....thanks. It means alot coming from someone from Cryptic!!
I've got a channel already in use, "FoundryChat".
"La Forge"
Thanks and welcome to The Foundry!! Your site registration gives you access to the UGC forums!!
Thanks!! I am already liking what I see in STO's Foundry so it can only get better!!
Already done!! Welcome to The Foundry!!
But I love what you are trying to do here...
Hey....we all have real life stuff to deal with. If your going to be away from the game for a while just stop by the forums every so often and let us know your still alive!!
I already have checked out your site, if it is ok with you I will join up tonight. I will be offline for a few days after that but then I will be online for a few weeks (yay lol). Thanks for hitting me back!