Hey all, I hope this is helpful to some of you. Please ask question, leave feedback, or make requests for other tutorials.
This tutorial covers how mission transitions work and some other basics. It involves both a space and a ground map, as well as enemies, a tree to scan, and a popup from an away team member. It's not how to make a quality mission.
I hope that it helps to show how the mechanics work. It's a horrible mission though, lol. This is how I would start though, gradually messing the bones of the mission before adding in any other details.
That was great!
I just find it much easier that way rather than getting confused swapping between the different parts, or going step by step with all the details. It makes more sense to me to:
A. Put in the legos that you'll need to use first
B. Use the Story editor to chart a path between the legos (Kill X, scan Y, Kill X, Scan Y)
C. Then, add in the dialogue, details, weather effects, scenerary and all that after the mission is set to work properly.
You'll get bogged down in the story details and characters later on, when the mechanics for the mission will be in place and working correctly.
Thanks Zorena!
This is the second time I've heard of this. It might be a bug. I suggest making a thread about it in the bug sub-forums. No, I did not publish this mission. It was a throwaway mission, so I didn't worry about it.
Thanks for watching. I hope that it was helpful.
just made my first basic mission, similar to what you've done, just to practice using the editor and get used to the idea of creating content.
this should be a sticky thread.