On a related note, can I go back and edit the mission after it is published? Found a typo, etc...
You'll be doing this many times, most likely. Each element of user feedback may point out typos or suggest ideas that make you want to revise your published project.
From the feedback I received, I probably republished each one at least 4 times.
Yes, but you have to republish a mission.
So it's a fairly simple process? Fix the bug, hit publish. The system will overwrite the existing one?
You'll be doing this many times, most likely. Each element of user feedback may point out typos or suggest ideas that make you want to revise your published project.
From the feedback I received, I probably republished each one at least 4 times.
Yes. This is exactly how it works.
Also, you don't need to babysit a project. Once you hit publish, the process is automated and you can log-off or work on a new mission.
Fun Fact from Closed Beta:
Now, most publishing jobs take six minutes - unless there's a large amount of players trying to publish stuff.
When should we tell them about the bearded white andorian menace?
Nice. I'm going to pop open Visio on my laptop and start working on a story flow chart. :cool: