I remember playing the tutorial and when I heard the Borg voice as the cube appeared it was like one of them gaming moments you always remember, it was awesome.
When I reached RA3 and finally entered the borg zone I was very underwhelmed at the lack of atmosphere in the missions. The lack of Borg vocal threats was very noticable, so does the foundry allow us to put these awesome voices back into the game?
Considering STO doesn't even have its very own VoIP support, I very much doubt we could add voice to missions. Definitely not in Open Beta and perhaps not ever.
it comes down to this, it is a family game and if they let us add voice files of our own,
in 1 or 2 days...it becomes an adult only game.
maybe hours
There are plenty of kids that would LOVE to add porno to the game
That is why we cannot add anything, we can only use what is already in game.