-Will it be possible to share custom missions outside of the approval process? For instance, I end up making a replica of the shareware Doom's maps as a test. Could friends and fleet mates play it?
-How will you stop the "
Repercussions of Evil" effect. That is to say, the whole mission is one large joke that ends with the frustrated player being told "NO, [rank] [playername], You ARE the Borg!"
.......And then [playername] was a robot.
Damn it, you figured out my mission idea.
I think your question is better re-phrased as: "Will my friends be able to play-test my missions even if my missions aren't published yet?"
From what I understand, there's going to be a rating system and if you make a mission that frustrates players, the idea is that frustrated players can give your mission a low rating which in turn means other missions will be offered to players searching for Foundry-made missions before your offending one comes up on the list. I don't think Cryptic is going to be able to monitor our missions directly.