I wonder why the Klingons dont have missions involving the undine until the last character level, when the whole reason behind the game was them starting a undine witch-hunt. Anyone else notice that................. anyone at all?
in fairness the feds only have about 3 unique missions that have the undine involved and thats usually just discovering one or fighting their ships. the undine are meant to be admiral level enemies so thats why they appear mainly at the end of the game.
although that may change and i suspect they will be an enemy in one of the new weekly series though, maybe even the next one?
The KDF needs more missions, especially to flesh out the KDF point of view on things like the Undine, the Romulan Empire, the True way, etc. Hopefully someday we will get some more KDF missions that explain those things.
The Klingons have a total of eight missions that are dedicated to our faction, that would be why...
2 of those have bugs.
4 of those are some dodgy plot about fighting mythical beasts from hell. If I wanted to play a fantasy game I'd go get my copy of "Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of the undrentide" installed and play that! I was so hopping that right at the end it would all be revealed that the whole thing was some massive Udine plot to wind up the Klingon Empire.
We can swim. We just have a hard time doing so in our armor.
if klinks can swim, why didnt kahless dive in and get his sword back, insted of making the first bat'leth. klingons can not swim, thats why there is even a boat to the under world other wise they wouldnt be able to get there
2 of those have bugs.
4 of those are some dodgy plot about fighting mythical beasts from hell. If I wanted to play a fantasy game I'd go get my copy of "Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of the undrentide" installed and play that! I was so hopping that right at the end it would all be revealed that the whole thing was some massive Udine plot to wind up the Klingon Empire.
I loved the Gre'thor missions personally. I thought they fit really well.
I loved the Gre'thor missions personally. I thought they fit really well.
**shrug** Each to their own. Personally I hate Religious and fantasy plots in Sci-fi. Especially if its not logically explained (Galatica, I'm looking at you!).
Of course bugs and bad level design which the Devs should have known about are a different matter. For example, Areas that are instant kill and you want us to fight next to. Please erect a safety barrier! As you know full well the players bridge officers are going to go over the edge at some point. Either by enthusiastic rolling or knock backs.
This has been an issue since the launch, and possibly the Beta stages, with the Fire caves mission, so its not like it'll come as a surprise to any one.
Don't get me wrong the missions where nice visually, and had an interesting dynamic, but they'd have worked far far far better in a Fantasy game.
Myself, while I'm no fan of fantasy sci-fi, I've never minded and often enjoyed sci-fi with religious themes, plus I rather liked Galactica.
However, I'm not a fan of the Gre'thor missions simply because it's not "Trek".
Every sci-fi setting has its own set of "rules" for what's allowed in that universe. It's these rules that make Star Trek distinct from Star Wars, Galactica ... etc. Now, Star Trek's "rule" about gods & demons is not that different from Conan's. In Conan you never get actual spirits, you either get total fakes or else exceptionally powerful creatures that use their extensive knowledge and abilities to impress their will onto the gullible or defenseless.
The Gre'thor missions just don't feel like they really fit well under the "rules" of the Star Trek universe.
Perhaps we should have the next series a KDF-centric series involving the 8472 species....We have already had a travel back in time Fed mission sequence...why not something that's KDF-centric?
One would think that all of the infiltrators in/on the High Council were all exposed. That being said, why not have an intro/tutorial mission where the player exposes a few Undine. It would give the player an opportunity to fight Klingon facton sprites(they were dupes, weaking the Empire, culling them makes us stronger), and activate the Undine Kill accolade(Tripod Terrorist), wheting the player's appetite for more.
However, to be fair though, we do have access to the lastest missions in Gamma Orionis/Pelia that the Federation does.
although that may change and i suspect they will be an enemy in one of the new weekly series though, maybe even the next one?
2 of those have bugs.
4 of those are some dodgy plot about fighting mythical beasts from hell. If I wanted to play a fantasy game I'd go get my copy of "Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of the undrentide" installed and play that! I was so hopping that right at the end it would all be revealed that the whole thing was some massive Udine plot to wind up the Klingon Empire.
We can swim. We just have a hard time doing so in our armor.
if klinks can swim, why didnt kahless dive in and get his sword back, insted of making the first bat'leth. klingons can not swim, thats why there is even a boat to the under world other wise they wouldnt be able to get there
I loved the Gre'thor missions personally. I thought they fit really well.
**shrug** Each to their own. Personally I hate Religious and fantasy plots in Sci-fi. Especially if its not logically explained (Galatica, I'm looking at you!).
Of course bugs and bad level design which the Devs should have known about are a different matter. For example, Areas that are instant kill and you want us to fight next to. Please erect a safety barrier! As you know full well the players bridge officers are going to go over the edge at some point. Either by enthusiastic rolling or knock backs.
This has been an issue since the launch, and possibly the Beta stages, with the Fire caves mission, so its not like it'll come as a surprise to any one.
Don't get me wrong the missions where nice visually, and had an interesting dynamic, but they'd have worked far far far better in a Fantasy game.
However, I'm not a fan of the Gre'thor missions simply because it's not "Trek".
Every sci-fi setting has its own set of "rules" for what's allowed in that universe. It's these rules that make Star Trek distinct from Star Wars, Galactica ... etc. Now, Star Trek's "rule" about gods & demons is not that different from Conan's. In Conan you never get actual spirits, you either get total fakes or else exceptionally powerful creatures that use their extensive knowledge and abilities to impress their will onto the gullible or defenseless.
The Gre'thor missions just don't feel like they really fit well under the "rules" of the Star Trek universe.
One would think that all of the infiltrators in/on the High Council were all exposed. That being said, why not have an intro/tutorial mission where the player exposes a few Undine. It would give the player an opportunity to fight Klingon facton sprites(they were dupes, weaking the Empire, culling them makes us stronger), and activate the Undine Kill accolade(Tripod Terrorist), wheting the player's appetite for more.
No he is just not a very good Chancellor. It shouldn't be long before he ends up deposed.