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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Anders118 wrote: »
    I liked the episode. I do think that the Klingons were slightly overpowered at the end, considering they had about 10 D7 Battle cruisers attacking me at once, and taking me out before 1 minute had passed. I just found it best to ignore them. Lure them far away from the fragments, and then full impulse it over to the fragments and destroy as many as possible. Rinse and repeat.

    You will have to respawn a few times though in the end. I just thought it was all worth it when I got that TOS Phaser. And the phaser rifle!

    I have done it on eight toons now and not died once. You just need to use sound tactics (and the one you suggest is entirely viable, as it killing each spawn other than B'vat before trashing rocks and the next ones appear).
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    The fermented vegetable drink bit was fun, kind of out of place but fun, you guys remember fun right? it's "The employment of time in a fruitless and non meaningful way". ;)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I think the "nerve tonic" took too long for what it was.

    On the other hand, I'm a bit skeptical about the nobility of any response that isn't compassionate towards the poor woman and don't think there should be player characters who are so cruel as to use violence in that scenario, even if you are a Klingon or a Reman mercenary or something.

    It seems to me that the alternative should be to somehow encourage her with a story of a great Klingon hunt rather than buy her a drink or something.

    Then again, I'm disappointed in the STO guys for karate chopping the woman on the previous mission.

    I think it is only you who felt you "had" to karate chop her. It was one option of 2...you just took the easy route.

    This one should be similar. I know if the fate of a Sector was on the line, I would have tried a hypo, then if that didn't work....get all section 31 about it if you know what I mean.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    CedricO wrote:
    sure, stating a fact is drivel. anyway, i dont care for TOS, its old and garbage in my eyes, only reason why i accept it is because its part of the star trek universe. add to that how lame time travel episodes are in general. and how maybe ..... just maybe ... the comet had some positive effects on the universe that we just erased and "all is well" .... thank god the series is over. TOS phaser = got sold for credits .. but the cane is nice.

    im sure your one of those guys who think that the TOS connie refit should be in this game and that its absolutely normal that some1 could in fact beat some1 else in a sovereign which is a far more state of the art ship then that hidious flying piece of garbage.

    Im sorry for having an opinion sir, so sorry, but uneducated drivel? says a bit more about you then it does about me ... im sure :)

    OK now I was offended by this how can you say that TOS was Garbage and you just accept it cause its part of the Star trek universe!!! TOS was the birth of Star trek, without it we wouldnt be having this talk about how you hate TOS
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    OK now I was offended by this how can you say that TOS was Garbage and you just accept it cause its part of the Star trek universe!!! TOS was the birth of Star trek, without it we wouldnt be having this talk about how you hate TOS

    Well, I guess we found out Rick Berman's account name.

    (On what I presume was a bad day, he said that TOS was garbage that never should have been made.)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    OK now I was offended by this how can you say that TOS was Garbage and you just accept it cause its part of the Star trek universe!!! TOS was the birth of Star trek, without it we wouldnt be having this talk about how you hate TOS

    hehe, because it was the birth of the wonderfull world of star trek i can stand it. but what i cant stand (eventhough my standard are lax to begin with cuz star trek is mainly by the story and less about the pew pew graphix) is the looks of it all ..... i rly dont wanna feel like im back in the 80's :P and the design of it all is just horrid.

    *grabs your leg* FORGIVE MEEEEEEE !!! QQ !!!! :P
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    While I won't say it was my favorite episode, I didn't thing Night of the Comet was BAD either.

    I did take issue with the whole drink mixing thing... it felt like padding, especially when there was a better place to have put that particular puzzle* within this series (or saving it for a later one)...

    But the slingshot bit was fun imo, and easy - I'm completely baffled so many people had trouble with that bit. Did no one play Mario Kart growing up? >.< Or F-Zero? Or any other game with speed-boost ramps? Fighting the Devidians on the station made sense, and while it may have been a bit over-done, the bit with the comet was decent as well. (I admit, I'd sort of hoped for Devidian ships or something similar; but then again we don't really know if they even have ships, so it may have made no sense to do it that way.)

    On the whole though it was a great series, Episode 1 was solid, Episode 2 a little weak, but not bad, Episode 3 was magnificent, and Episode 4 was excellent as well. So episode 5 being merely "decent" does not strike me as being a particularly bad record honestly, given the preceding content.

    *About that drink...

    I really, really think this would have made infinitely more sense in Episode 2 of the series. I mean c'mon... you're dealing with a spy, undercover, who's obviously nervous... wouldn't getting her a drink make infinitely more sense? It'd even give you a shot at a couple James Bond references if you felt like taking them. Or heck, save such a puzzle for a later series more firmly focused on spying... surely we haven't seen the last of Franklin Drake or Section 31, right?

    I really think that, working with Scotty, we should have been doing some kind of engineering puzzle. I mean it makes sense - you do a medical puzzle with McCoy, and an engineering puzzle with Scotty, right? <.<


    But yeah, overall I liked it, even if it had some flaws.


    ... and may I also say how baffled I am at the TOS hate some people have?

    I mean, I'm not really all that big a TOS fan, it's cheesy, it's got a lot of areas where I felt like I needed to facepalm extra-hard... but even if it's not my cup of tea I don't see any reason to bash it. It's a part of Star Trek, and some people's favorite part. I'd much rather people have their fun and I have mine than only one of us getting what we want.

    Besides, it's kind of hilarious running around with the old TOS weapons, the beams even have a bit of a 'hand drawn' quality to them, which is perfect.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    CedricO wrote:
    hehe, because it was the birth of the wonderfull world of star trek i can stand it. but what i cant stand (eventhough my standard are lax to begin with cuz star trek is mainly by the story and less about the pew pew graphix) is the looks of it all ..... i rly dont wanna feel like im back in the 80's :P and the design of it all is just horrid.

    *grabs your leg* FORGIVE MEEEEEEE !!! QQ !!!! :P

    Heh, I see your from Belgium, "Helloooo" from across the "Big Blue". :D

    You are right as a whole but you need to remember that the Star Trek we see on the series and movies are at peacetime. Currently in this time frame the STO story is about War. With War you have "Diplomacy" and "Pew Pew".

    STO has both those elements and in the right combination to make it realisic with what we are facing. I remember a TNG episode that had Miles O'Brien hating the Cardassians whom he fought during the Fedration/Cardassian Wars. We did not see the episodes in the shows but the war existed and was bloody.

    We are in the "Bloody Times" of the STO Universe.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I really think that, working with Scotty, we should have been doing some kind of engineering puzzle. I mean it makes sense - you do a medical puzzle with McCoy, and an engineering puzzle with Scotty, right? <.<

    It makes perfect sense and even though it may not have been perfect, it was nice to see my old TOS buddies once again. Now if they would just let us re-visit James Tiberius Kirk and join him in one of his missions to destroy "something" or kiss "something" THAT would be GRAND!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Tribbler wrote: »
    It makes perfect sense and even though it may not have been perfect, it was nice to see my old TOS buddies once again. Now if they would just let us re-visit James Tiberius Kirk and join him in one of his missions to destroy "something" or kiss "something" THAT would be GRAND!

    Get ready for the James T. Kirk kissing puzzle where we have to interview every living contemporary of his to determine exactly the woman it will take to seduce him out of the Nexus again.

    "He liked women with pouty lips, who wore their hair down."

    "I think, for all the talk about the dancers, he's into scientists. The mother of his child was a scientist."

    "He had a thing for Orion women, but then, who didn't? I think he had a thing for Vulcans though..."

    "I only knew the so-called mirror universe Kirk, a bloodthirsty and savage warrior and general by trade. He shared his bedchamber with Marlena Moreau, a scientist under his command."

    "Some folks say he was a womanizer but I never knew him to chase women. His kind of woman was the kind of woman who knew exactly what she was getting into with Kirk. Which wasn't exactly long term."

    And then you scout the galaxy for a half-Orion, half-Vulcan scientist who likes one night stands, who wear her hair down.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010

    And then you scout the galaxy for a half-Orion, half-Vulcan scientist who likes one night stands, who wear her hair down.

    Epic :D;)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    That's funny about the Kirk minigame. Bravo.

    With regard to the mission, I'd have to say I didn't mind the business of the bar brawl. While TOS has a corny feel to it, that's part of the fun. Even the wild music from the era. The fact that the game interjects the old school sounds, and a bar brawl was great. Here you are trying to save the whole sector from being gobbled up by nefarious forces outside your space and time continuum, and regular joes are just duking it out like they do. So you've got to deal with raging klingons, Space Ghosts (devidians) and star trek officers, because frankly they're punching anything that doesn't look normal to them... and that includes you. I like that part.

    You're at the climax of the story and a big boss and mob battle was in order. The next step though, when you meet Scotty did feel like it should have had a Engineering minigame. While I appreciated the TOS style humor of the girl needing a drink, you do kind of want to shake her, because the quadrant is about to get blendered and turn into a big Devidian Soul-Shake if she doesn't. The puzzle itself wasn't so bad, just the situation in which its presented. As a klingon I can definitely see knocking her out and just taking the part, or ignoring her altogether and taking the part.

    Setting that aside, once you do get back in space... I like the mission. The first time I did it, I was in a low level escort and I got pummeled because I wasn't expecting all the ships to attack me. After that though, I resolved a strategy that worked rather well... and it would appear others have done the same. I could now fly a BoP in that mission, and stay decloaked and not die. So resolving how to beat that subplot was fun, and well worth it.

    As for the space-ring race? I loved it! That was actually a really cool puzzle, and I wouldn't mind having some kind of ground-based vehicle race, air race, or space race type stuff in the future. In fact, speaking of vehicles, wouldn't it be awesome to get the Rover like they have in Nemesis? Or some kind of hoverbike or hovercraft? How about anti-gravity boots like Spock had? There's lots of cool tech out there. I'm really hoping they release a myriad of craftables in that line some day.

    Speaking to the mission rewards, I love them. Although I'm curious what people think about the disruptor. I got it on some klingons... but to me the Phaser pistol seems a lot more useful. I like its knockback though. Seems it might actually be useful in the Cure or such vs. those pesky borgs trying to shut down my transformer!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Why don't you go and do some research before coming here and polluting my forum with your uneducated drivel? Watch one episode of TOS and you will see why that puzzle made perfect sense to those of us who actually have some acculturation with TOS.

    Your forum? Really? :rolleyes: Please tell me you were joking.

    I fail to see why watching one episode of TOS will enlighten someone as to why when the fate of the timeline is at stake, it is important to mix the perfect drink to calm a girl's nerves.

    I have to agree that the whole drink thing was out of place, and the perosn that said it should've been used during the spy mission is 100% correct in my opinion. I thought it was fun...just didn't fit in with what was going on.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010

    And then you scout the galaxy for a half-Orion, half-Vulcan scientist who likes one night stands, who wear her hair down.

    LOL hmmm guess I won't make that character then. :p
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Have to say I disagree. I think 'Night of the Comet' was not the best mission in series 2, but it was still good. The slingshot was absolutely freaking wonderful, and the combat was only slightly more challenging that I expected.

    I thought some of the dialogue was a bit corny and I was a little disappointed in the tone of certain characters (see the Mysogyny thread), and I think the bit 'nerve tonic' section was a rehash of an overused game mechanic (yeah it was cool the first few times, but I dont really want to see it in EVERY mission in the series).

    Overall though, very good! Still x1,000,000 better than the pre-dstahl content. :D
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    The sling shot maneuver was great it was fun.

    The drink a part was very lame and uninteresting and not fun. I have to destroy this comet to save people from it in a different time. Then to stop and read about this womans drinking habits and make her a drink to get an item Scotty should have had was stupid. Sometimes I wonder if this is reading rainbow online.

    Then it bugged out when I was fighting the Kllingons. My ship stopped firing two times I couldn't attack at all.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    CedricO wrote:
    hehe, because it was the birth of the wonderfull world of star trek i can stand it. but what i cant stand (eventhough my standard are lax to begin with cuz star trek is mainly by the story and less about the pew pew graphix) is the looks of it all ..... i rly dont wanna feel like im back in the 80's :P and the design of it all is just horrid.

    *grabs your leg* FORGIVE MEEEEEEE !!! QQ !!!! :P

    maybe you should do some research prior to jumping all over the original series...

    first: look at the time it aired...do you see such tech back then as you do nowadays?
    second: look into what the production staff used to make things as props and such. they cleverly used a salt shacker as a medical device. clever really, given the era this was produced.
    third: dont bash something you know little the history of. the original ST has paved the way for many current inventions. (communicator - cell phone)

    some people...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I liked the mission, though is wasn't as good as the previous 2. Though i didn't mind the mixed drink puzzle, i think it would have been tre funny to slap the wench and tell her to get ahold of herself and give me a god%#@ Whutzit so i can save the sector.
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