The b'rel nerf coz of some feds that can't be super OP in a cruser and so thay acutely have to actively hunt the BoPs...
This is a great way for the feds just coz some of em dont knowe hove to work to geather in pvp thay wine on the forums nerfing the klingon ship that might have balenced pvp out whats wrong whit this picture!
You wrote Fed wine that destroys a cloak at first I thought what da? A wine that destroys a cloak that's new But I know what you meant. It's "whine" not "wine"
No offence but whoever has tried to teach you English isn't doing a very good job. Least your sentence structure is pretty good for a non-native speaker. Still that's rather off topic and I'll leave it at that.
I'm pretty sure it's a safe bet to assume some of the problems with the B'rel cloak are a bug (specifically the whole 'de-cloak from ally heal' part) Fix that and players in the B'rel will just have to learn to use short duration abilities to heal with since they take you out of cloak for 5 seconds maximum.
u guys are sad insted of turnig this post into a constructiv post u trye to trash talking my spelling...
I'm pretty sure it's a safe bet to assume some of the problems with the B'rel cloak are a bug (specifically the whole 'de-cloak from ally heal' part) Fix that and players in the B'rel will just have to learn to use short duration abilities to heal with since they take you out of cloak for 5 seconds maximum.
thay did a panic changed coz some complaind about it like we wuddent be out powerd as it is atm...