I'm probably going to feel like an idiot for asking this, but I clearly missed a dev post or a thread somewhere and am hoping I can get some info...
Are we still getting a Naussican ship? Do we know when? >.> Finally (though I doubt anyone can answer this one) - do we know anything about it? Last I heard the special ability was supposed to be particularly interesting, but we were only told that much, not precisely why or what.
Sorry if this has been covered many times >< my search-fu is terrible.
Ahh, thankies. >,< I don't have anyone able to fly it yet anyway hehe; but from appearance alone it is extremely high on my list of WANT! items. >.> And if it's ability is what I'm sort of kind of maybe hoping it is... >.>;
While at one time there was talk of the Nausicaan ship being one of the new LG ships (when I was skeptical about a BOP that could fire while cloaked), it was eventually replaced with the B'rel.
I believe this put the Nausicaan ship down to a Level 41 ship that is now coming out in December once they have time to finish all the crazy animations on that thing.
It was meant to be a 1 week delay from the other ships but it's been changed around again, now it's december.....kind of getting over the whole being told something is going out at X and it doesn't come out to Z thing.
Oh, thank you very much Varrangian, that's exactly what I was looking for.
<o_o> "Complex animations" eh... sounds like my guess could very well be right... I do hope so...