You know, even though I primarily play a Fed character, I belive that this is a mistake in the long run; and I hope once you guys rework the 1 -20 content; you will add a crafting tutorial (hell, just ome dialog on an NPC) for the KDF, as I thought one of the goals of redoing the 1-20 content was to make it so that a player wouldn't have to start and play a Fed character to Level 5 to unlock the KDF (or Romulans, Cardassians and whatever other playble factions your guys add as the game progresses - given that players receive limmited character slots.
Again, the thinking that "We don't need to do this as players can just log in their Fed and read it there..." is (imo) a bad way of thinking because a playable faction should be complete unto itself. I shouldn't have to log out to another character of a different faction to get info I may need to use a feature available to BOTH factions. That's just counter intuative to gameplay in general.
I think the thinking is more along the lines of: "The Memory Alpha crafting tutorial is a Lt 4 mission. You have to be Lt 5 to unlock a Klingon so you've probably already done the crafting tutorial before you ever started your Klink. There's no reason to have to do it twice."
Just wanted to take a min to give you an update on the Klingon stuff Ive been doing for Season 3.
First up, when the update goes live KDF members will now have the ability to craft Items. All recipes available to Federation players will also be available to the KDF. This will work exactly like it does for federation players. Raw resources will be available to the KDF via the Star Cluster maps (exploration sectors) and all of the shared mission areas such as the STFs, Borg Space, Breen, and Dividian maps used in the weekly series.
We wont be making a separate crafting tutorial for the KDF, however the Memory Alpha tutorial is available to new Federation characters very early so if you need a crafting tutorial youll need to log onto your Federation Character (or create a new one).
In addition to this the KDF has a new alternate way to gain the raw resources needed for crafting. We wanted to give KDF Players the ability to Take what they needed for crafting as well as the normal gather method already in place for the Federation Players.
With the Season 3 update I have opened up the Federation Pi Canis Sector to KDF Forces. Ive also converted 6 systems in the sector with new KDF repeatable missions. These missions will be grouped in wrapper missions (meta-missions) called Sorties. For example the 6 new missions created in Pi Canis are divided into two sorties Alpha and Bravo. The sorties can be repeated every thirty minutes.
All six missions also have an optional objective in each one. You do not have to complete the optional objectives in order to complete the missions, however there is a third wrapper mission you can take that monitors completion of the optional objectives on each map. This mission is called Path of the Warrior and can be repeated once a day.
The optional objectives will be challenging, however the more people you team up with the easier they will be. They range from a simple timer on a kill mission, to disabling and looting a number of Freighters before they can warp out to safety.
All of these missions have either loaded down Federation Freighters or special stockpiles of crafting resources that can be looted by KDF players while playing the missions. The Freighters will of course have to be hunted down, disabled, and pillaged to get the resources.
The sorties and path missions are available to KDF players of any level, with special versions available to LT. Gen and Brigadier Gen that reward Marks of Valor and Emblems as well as the regular skill point rewards.
So to quickly recap, when Season 3 goes live KDF Players will be able to craft, as well as enter the Pi Canis Sector. There will also be 3 new missions available for them to complete in the sector.
Pi Canis - Sortie Alpha
Pi Canis - Sortie Bravo
Pi Canis - Path of the Warrior
When we update Tribble with the Season 3 build, Ill start a thread for feedback on the missions. Hopefully youll enjoy the new stuff
Very impressive. I'm looking forward to the new missions and how the crafting will affect the game. Do the Klingons still go to Memory Alpha for crafting or is there an alternate location?
Very impressive. I'm looking forward to the new missions and how the crafting will affect the game. Do the Klingons still go to Memory Alpha for crafting or is there an alternate location?
There will be crafting stations in the Great Hall on Qo'noS.
I don't know... KDF still has a VERY, VERY small space compared to the Federation. I've been thinking about the planned Romulan faction towards this effect also, when (if) it hits Holodeck, will the Romulans be restricted to their tiny bit of the universe also? Just doesn't seem like a logical thing to me.
I do get that you can't just flip open space sectors without putting some purpose in there for the faction that can visit them but it's just a bit weird seeing as how the Klingon "empire" barely has enough sector space to TRIBBLE in.
But out of curiosity, will there be new hub areas for KDF players in a social sense? And how about Rura Pente? Will there ever be something there that we can actually do? How about the big Klingon ship around Qo'Nos that doesn't seem to do anything? Can't blame me for being curious now can you
Just wanted to take a min to give you an update on the Klingon stuff Ive been doing for Season 3.
First up, when the update goes live KDF members will now have the ability to craft Items. All recipes available to Federation players will also be available to the KDF. This will work exactly like it does for federation players. Raw resources will be available to the KDF via the Star Cluster maps (exploration sectors) and all of the shared mission areas such as the STFs, Borg Space, Breen, and Dividian maps used in the weekly series.
We wont be making a separate crafting tutorial for the KDF, however the Memory Alpha tutorial is available to new Federation characters very early so if you need a crafting tutorial youll need to log onto your Federation Character (or create a new one).
In addition to this the KDF has a new alternate way to gain the raw resources needed for crafting. We wanted to give KDF Players the ability to Take what they needed for crafting as well as the normal gather method already in place for the Federation Players.
With the Season 3 update I have opened up the Federation Pi Canis Sector to KDF Forces. Ive also converted 6 systems in the sector with new KDF repeatable missions. These missions will be grouped in wrapper missions (meta-missions) called Sorties. For example the 6 new missions created in Pi Canis are divided into two sorties Alpha and Bravo. The sorties can be repeated every thirty minutes.
All six missions also have an optional objective in each one. You do not have to complete the optional objectives in order to complete the missions, however there is a third wrapper mission you can take that monitors completion of the optional objectives on each map. This mission is called Path of the Warrior and can be repeated once a day.
The optional objectives will be challenging, however the more people you team up with the easier they will be. They range from a simple timer on a kill mission, to disabling and looting a number of Freighters before they can warp out to safety.
All of these missions have either loaded down Federation Freighters or special stockpiles of crafting resources that can be looted by KDF players while playing the missions. The Freighters will of course have to be hunted down, disabled, and pillaged to get the resources.
The sorties and path missions are available to KDF players of any level, with special versions available to LT. Gen and Brigadier Gen that reward Marks of Valor and Emblems as well as the regular skill point rewards.
So to quickly recap, when Season 3 goes live KDF Players will be able to craft, as well as enter the Pi Canis Sector. There will also be 3 new missions available for them to complete in the sector.
Pi Canis - Sortie Alpha
Pi Canis - Sortie Bravo
Pi Canis - Path of the Warrior
When we update Tribble with the Season 3 build, Ill start a thread for feedback on the missions. Hopefully youll enjoy the new stuff
I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!
Thank you so much, Gozer! I bow to your creamy goodness.
Thank you very much, that is one awesome update and I'm very happy to hear all of this news, as are many others I am sure, but I'm curious if you could please possibly tell us how helpful the feedback in the "Klingon PVE Missions" thread was and if their is any specific feedback you would like to comment on that was used to help you create the new missions?
There will be crafting stations in the Great Hall on Qo'noS.
I think this one's a mistake. Instead of crafting stations there should be crafting NPCs who stand near crafting stations, accept your loot, and upgrade your equipment for you. NPCs who aren't in KDF warrior uniform, at that. Warriors seize resources; mere scientists just assemble them for the warriors.
I think this one's a mistake. Instead of crafting stations there should be crafting NPCs who stand near crafting stations, accept your loot, and upgrade your equipment for you. NPCs who aren't in KDF warrior uniform, at that. Warriors seize resources; mere scientists just assemble them for the warriors.
And what happens with a science or engineer character?
Besides a true warrior knows how to support, fix and make his stuff better.
That makes the difference between a legendary hero and a cannon fodder warrior.
i just hope that by 'challenging' you really MEAN challenging! (not the 'Ooops i got one-shotted' kind of challenging, but 'awsome Kithomer Accord kind of challenging'!
I want something that makes me grind my teeth!
I want something that makes me call in fleetmates to help!
I want something that makes me go back to Qo'nos to retrain my boffs and respec!
And I want a reward that reflects the difficulty of succeding!
Hmmmm, there's a thought, it would be nice if on Elite it would be rather challenging but yielded more rewards. So normal would be easily soloable but Elite would almost require a group, or a true master
And what happens with a science or engineer character?
Besides a true warrior knows how to support, fix and make his stuff better.
That makes the difference between a legendary hero and a cannon fodder warrior.
Although I cannot agree on the last sentence, you do have a point. A warrior who does not feel like crafting himself should simply not do it and let other players craft for him. Even more realistic than allowing "workarounds" through NPCs.
The missions are all set up to scale with team size and difficulty setting just like normal missions, the optional challenges are more of a planning/stratigic factor.
I'll need feedback on this aspect once the missions go to Tribble, but overall I want the optional objectives to be something you "can" possibly do solo, but it souldn't be a walk in the park.
For instance, there are a couple of missions that are pretty standard warp in destroy the fed ships kind of missions, however I have added a mission timer as the optional objective. Meaning you have to have come up with a stratigic plan and execute the plan perfectly in order to complete the mission before the timer runs out.
awsome! anything to make gameplay more challenging! Hope the reward will reflect the effort of getting a team together, as well as the effort put into building a good ship/captain and planning a strategy!
atm, you get the same payoff from soloing Deferi daylies on normal setting, as you get from completing Kithomer Accord... Never have so many worked so hard for such low pay!
This all sounds great. I really like the idea of having timers in missions. I feel that more missions need them.
Suggestion: Why not put the crafting stations somewhere else? Maybe Rhura Penta. I think it would not be bad to have somewhere else to go to craft like the Feds do. Also will we get some enterprising Feringi brothers on site? Maybe more approate for the orion Syndicate to be involved.
I don't believe that the Ferengi would ever be welcome in Klingon territory, they simply have no honor, and also, why would you want to do "crafting" at Rura Penthe?
Please read the description of Rura Penthe at the Memory Alpha site and hopefully you will realise that it is not a very good idea to do any kind of "crafting" at that location.
Back in another thread, it was suggested that "crafting" could possibly be accomplished at the home worlds of the Gorn, Orion and Nausicaan allies of the Klingons, but Qonos will do fine for the moment.
Just remember, futures updates could improve upon the presently proposed updates.
Seems the Klingolaus is early this year.
great work!!
Thanks for the preview!
I love you man!!!:D This sounds awesome!!!!!!
There will be crafting stations in the Great Hall on Qo'noS.
and pillaging!!:D
Burning and looting and pillaging!
I do get that you can't just flip open space sectors without putting some purpose in there for the faction that can visit them but it's just a bit weird seeing as how the Klingon "empire" barely has enough sector space to TRIBBLE in.
But out of curiosity, will there be new hub areas for KDF players in a social sense? And how about Rura Pente? Will there ever be something there that we can actually do? How about the big Klingon ship around Qo'Nos that doesn't seem to do anything? Can't blame me for being curious now can you
The first rule of being a successful Raider.
1) Loot & Pillage, then Burn.
I can't wait!
So, uh, when exactly is Season 3 supposed to go live?
They're penciled in for 2 Dec
I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!
Thank you so much, Gozer! I bow to your creamy goodness.
Tentatively scheduled for Dec 2nd.
Thank you very much, that is one awesome update and I'm very happy to hear all of this news, as are many others I am sure, but I'm curious if you could please possibly tell us how helpful the feedback in the "Klingon PVE Missions" thread was and if their is any specific feedback you would like to comment on that was used to help you create the new missions?
I think this one's a mistake. Instead of crafting stations there should be crafting NPCs who stand near crafting stations, accept your loot, and upgrade your equipment for you. NPCs who aren't in KDF warrior uniform, at that. Warriors seize resources; mere scientists just assemble them for the warriors.
And what happens with a science or engineer character?
Besides a true warrior knows how to support, fix and make his stuff better.
That makes the difference between a legendary hero and a cannon fodder warrior.
Hmmmm, there's a thought, it would be nice if on Elite it would be rather challenging but yielded more rewards. So normal would be easily soloable but Elite would almost require a group, or a true master
I'll need feedback on this aspect once the missions go to Tribble, but overall I want the optional objectives to be something you "can" possibly do solo, but it souldn't be a walk in the park.
For instance, there are a couple of missions that are pretty standard warp in destroy the fed ships kind of missions, however I have added a mission timer as the optional objective. Meaning you have to have come up with a stratigic plan and execute the plan perfectly in order to complete the mission before the timer runs out.
atm, you get the same payoff from soloing Deferi daylies on normal setting, as you get from completing Kithomer Accord... Never have so many worked so hard for such low pay!
This all sounds great. I really like the idea of having timers in missions. I feel that more missions need them.
Suggestion: Why not put the crafting stations somewhere else? Maybe Rhura Penta. I think it would not be bad to have somewhere else to go to craft like the Feds do. Also will we get some enterprising Feringi brothers on site? Maybe more approate for the orion Syndicate to be involved.
Please read the description of Rura Penthe at the Memory Alpha site and hopefully you will realise that it is not a very good idea to do any kind of "crafting" at that location.
Back in another thread, it was suggested that "crafting" could possibly be accomplished at the home worlds of the Gorn, Orion and Nausicaan allies of the Klingons, but Qonos will do fine for the moment.
Just remember, futures updates could improve upon the presently proposed updates.