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Dev's please look at Capital Punishment Accolade

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User

For the last few weeks, practically everyone I know has been having a downright horrible time trying to get this accolade, which requires 3 Breen Capital Ships (Desna, Istapp, and Snosk) to be found within the Deferi Daily missions.

I don't think this Accolade is working as intended because the spawn rates for these ships are extraordinarily rare, It shouldn't take 2 months of doing Dailies to get a single sighting. Some people havn't seen them at all.

I think that it's possible the spawn criteria for these vessels may not be working as intended. The rarest of the 3 ships is Istapp, which spawns in the Kelvani Belt. I've seen Snosk once and Desna twice. However both times I saw Desna was in the non combat version of Outpost 3 that's always available.

Despite coming together as a community and offering shout outs via the Accolades channel so people can come running when there's a sighting many people still cannot complete the accolade.

So, I ask again, please double check the spawn criteria, and if they ARE working as you originally intended, please consider tweaking them so the ships are slightly more regular.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    So, I ask again, please double check the spawn criteria, and if they ARE working as you originally intended, please consider tweaking them so the ships are slightly more regular.

    There's nothing wrong with checking to see if something is working as intended. But you're basically asking them to go beyond that and make the accolade more trivial. Personally, I disagree with this, since I don't believe all the achievements have to be rewards that players virtually stumbles upon with little to no effort.

    Just tossing my two cents out there.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    i feel your pain, but to be honest, i am not upset i cant find them as of yet. i think rare accolades are a good thing. luck just seems to be on other peoples side and not mine...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    i think rare accolades are a good thing.

    Sorry I gotta disagree, and not just I've spent hours looking for them - the accolade says the Snosk/Desna/Istapp is "OFTEN" found etc....

    If the spawn algorithm is working as intended, then so be it. But as it is now I wouldn't call it often
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    P.Dale wrote:
    Sorry I gotta disagree, and not just I've spent hours looking for them - the accolade says the Snosk/Desna/Istapp is "OFTEN" found etc....

    If the spawn algorithm is working as intended, then so be it. But as it is now I wouldn't call it often

    ...what's the big deal with this accolade? What does it do for you/get you? Skills? Defense/Offense bonues? Money? Women? Property? 40 acres and a Mule? Whaaaaa....? :confused:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    ...what's the big deal with this accolade? What does it do for you/get you? Skills? Defense/Offense bonues? Money? Women? Property? 40 acres and a Mule? Whaaaaa....? :confused:

    Sorry, I didn't see your membership card.

    The first rule of Breen Capital Punishment accolade is you don't talk about Breen Capital Punishment....

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I've only got Istapp to go and am taking a bit of a break. The issue for me is that you can get accolaide faster, and more of them playing Dabbo for a nigth that hunting this ship. I think that there should be more points offerted for this Accolaide.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    ...what's the big deal with this accolade? What does it do for you/get you? Skills? Defense/Offense bonues? Money? Women? Property? 40 acres and a Mule? Whaaaaa....? :confused:

    You're not getting the point. For an accolade hunter it doesn't really have anything to do with the bonus. Bonuses and Trophies are great to get with Accolades, but it's really just about being a completionist and striving to get every possible accolade in the game.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I found these ships easier to find on elite than i did on normal and advanced. almost every day Ive seen at least one of them (still missing the one in the belt though)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Sometimes random is just random. Even a 5% chance (if that's what they mean by "very small chance") isn't a guarantee that you'll see one every twenty missions.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Be careful... Don't get reported...

    Don't turn around........ ugh - ogh .......!!

    The Commisar's in-Town... ugh - ough !!

    In the interest of productive posting I'd like to say that I've 2/3 for this accolade.... the last seems elusive but I am a patient person.

    Perhaps the percentage could be modified for "special" people.

    I'm ok with almost never.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Now now, no need for that ^_^.

    I'm still hoping dstahl or one of the other guys will spot this and say something.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010

    For the last few weeks, practically everyone I know has been having a downright horrible time trying to get this accolade, which requires 3 Breen Capital Ships (Desna, Istapp, and Snosk) to be found within the Deferi Daily missions.

    I don't think this Accolade is working as intended because the spawn rates for these ships are extraordinarily rare, It shouldn't take 2 months of doing Dailies to get a single sighting. Some people havn't seen them at all.

    I think that it's possible the spawn criteria for these vessels may not be working as intended. The rarest of the 3 ships is Istapp, which spawns in the Kelvani Belt. I've seen Snosk once and Desna twice. However both times I saw Desna was in the non combat version of Outpost 3 that's always available.

    Despite coming together as a community and offering shout outs via the Accolades channel so people can come running when there's a sighting many people still cannot complete the accolade.

    So, I ask again, please double check the spawn criteria, and if they ARE working as you originally intended, please consider tweaking them so the ships are slightly more regular.

    I have to confess. I did not know about this accolade until I read your post. I did all the Deferi missions many times when it was current, and I still do them once in a while, and I have yet to encounter any of these three ships. Not once has any of them spawned for me. I guess I should be used to bad random number generator luck as I have also never had a very rare (purple) drop randomly at any time, and I am a lifer playing since open beta. I do agree that perhaps Cryptic can examine the data of spawns to date as well as how many players have completed it to determine if the numbers need to be adjusted a bit.

    I guess I got to go camp these missions again because I do like to complete achievements. I have been grinding all the exploration and defend the sector block missions to get all those long term accolades done. Its better to still have goals than nothing left to do in game.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I haven't bothered with this accolade yet, but I have to say that there SHOULD be some of the harder to get ones. There's no fun or sense of accomplishment if it's practically handed to you. I worked for months to get the "Feat of Strength" for the Thunderfury sword in WoW and it felt good to see it flash on my screen. I'd like to see more of this type of accolade.

    I'm a completionist and I will try for all of the accolades that are out there, including...no, ESPECIALLY...the hard ones. I'm patient and I think those who want this as an easier to get one should learn some patience themselves.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    There should certainly be different levels of difficulty in earning accolades, the harder to get the higher the point value. But there is nothing difficult about doing the mission multiple times. It's a daily.

    It's just a bit unreasonable that after 2 months this ship still hasn't appeared.

    For the record, the two times I've seen Desna spawn inside Outpost 3 it was in the Non Combat Instance that's always available, immediatly after completing the Outpost 3 mission on Elite. Someone in Accolades replicated this once, sucessfully which led me to beleive there was some sort of trigger, but nobody else has been able to get a repeat performance.

    This only brings me to a reiteration of my point. This Accolade and the Ship Spawns need to be re-examined. I don't think the spawns are working as originally intended. If they ARE then they need to re-evaluate what exactly they are trying to accomplish with this accolade and consider changing the spawns, adding a trigger, anything.

    So Devs' can we get a reply please? I know you're busy n all but some recognition of the issue would be nice.

    Thanks again!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I've never seen a single one either, so no, I would say any of them are 'often' found anywhere. I also wondered if this was working as intended, because of said non-'often'ness.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Salexander wrote:
    I have to confess. I did not know about this accolade until I read your post. I did all the Deferi missions many times when it was current, and I still do them once in a while, and I have yet to encounter any of these three ships. Not once has any of them spawned for me. I guess I should be used to bad random number generator luck as I have also never had a very rare (purple) drop randomly at any time, and I am a lifer playing since open beta. I do agree that perhaps Cryptic can examine the data of spawns to date as well as how many players have completed it to determine if the numbers need to be adjusted a bit.

    I guess I got to go camp these missions again because I do like to complete achievements. I have been grinding all the exploration and defend the sector block missions to get all those long term accolades done. Its better to still have goals than nothing left to do in game.

    One of the reasons (likely THE reason) you've never encountered them is because they spawn off the beaten path, as it were, in these missions. You have to go hunting for them outside the regular mission area. And since you didn't know about them, chances are you never bothered to scour the map looking for extra trouble.

    So, maybe not so much a problem of being "too rare" in your case. It's quite possible all three of them have shown up, hidden away on your map at one point or the other without you realizing it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Combadge wrote:
    One of the reasons (likely THE reason) you've never encountered them is because they spawn off the beaten path, as it were, in these missions. You have to go hunting for them outside the regular mission area. And since you didn't know about them, chances are you never bothered to scour the map looking for extra trouble.

    So, maybe not so much a problem of being "too rare" in your case. It's quite possible all three of them have shown up, hidden away on your map at one point or the other without you realizing it.

    this. i have found several accolades in missions that are not posted on the net just by exploring.

    as it is, my exploring for these ships have netted me zero...but that fine. its not like we can wear them or showcase them anyway. ill wait it out.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    This definitely needs to be addressed, as I've been in over 50 Aiding the Defera dailies and never encountered Istapp on one of my own. I've seen Snosk and Desna only a very small handful of times. If it was spawning 5-10% of the time then that'd be significantly higher than what it is right now. I don't think it'd be too much to ask to want to see one capital ship a week if I am doing the daily every day.

    This accolade is not worth a lot of points (10), offers no trophies, no passive skills, and no player titles. However, it is one of the most difficult in the game to obtain -- and for no good reason, as far as I can see.

    The other accolades in the sector, Tipping the Scales (do Aiding the Deferi daily 5 times) and Deferi Satellite Repairman (repair 40 arrays -- completable in 10 trips to Outpost 3) are nowhere near as frustrating to obtain.

    If there was some information that could aid in obtaining it (e.g. if there was a chance of spawn at the top of the hour, for example), like with the cryo grenades restocking on Defera, then that would also go a long way towards making people happy that they can finally complete this accolade.
    Combadge wrote:
    One of the reasons (likely THE reason) you've never encountered them is because they spawn off the beaten path, as it were, in these missions.
    This is not true. The capital ships, when they appear, can be seen right away. Desna is between the South and East outposts, Snosk is West, and Istapp Northeast and above the objective bubble. I can guarantee that if Snosk or Desna are in the mission when you enter, you will see them almost immediately.

    EDIT: I just saw that Dan Stahl in the Ask Cryptic for this month: "Also, I'm looking at the Breen Capital ship spawn rates to see if there is an adjustment that needs to be made." I'm glad it's getting some attention!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I've seen Desna a couple of times, and Snosk once. But in over 40 attempts I've never seen Istapp, even at 5% spawn rate I should see it more often than never.

    Just to burst one bubble, Desna appeared for me replacing one of the spawned mobs, in a combat version of the mission, and it was easily visible from my spawn point.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010

    For the last few weeks, practically everyone I know has been having a downright horrible time trying to get this accolade, which requires 3 Breen Capital Ships (Desna, Istapp, and Snosk) to be found within the Deferi Daily missions.

    I don't think this Accolade is working as intended because the spawn rates for these ships are extraordinarily rare, It shouldn't take 2 months of doing Dailies to get a single sighting. Some people havn't seen them at all.

    I think that it's possible the spawn criteria for these vessels may not be working as intended. The rarest of the 3 ships is Istapp, which spawns in the Kelvani Belt. I've seen Snosk once and Desna twice. However both times I saw Desna was in the non combat version of Outpost 3 that's always available.

    Despite coming together as a community and offering shout outs via the Accolades channel so people can come running when there's a sighting many people still cannot complete the accolade.

    So, I ask again, please double check the spawn criteria, and if they ARE working as you originally intended, please consider tweaking them so the ships are slightly more regular.

    I have found Istapp twice and killed them both times. never have seen the other 2 anywhere. :o\

    Istapp #2 was just Saturday a few days ago.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Tribbler wrote: »
    I have found Istapp twice and killed them both times. never have seen the other 2 anywhere. :o\

    Istapp #2 was just Saturday a few days ago.

    Maybe you're a magnet, Join Accolades and let us know next time you see it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Yes, this must be broken. I've got 3 toons running the Deferi dailies
    I've seen:
    the Desna... 4-6 times
    the Snosk... 4-6 times
    the Istapp... never! :eek:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Yes, this must be broken. I've got 3 toons running the Deferi dailies
    I've seen:
    the Desna... 4-6 times
    the Snosk... 4-6 times
    the Istapp... never! :eek:

    I killed a boss in another game so many times I lost count, and despite him having a 20% chance to drop the item I wanted, I never saw it.

    The other group in my guild doing an alternate run was throwing said item out nearly every run because it had dropped for them so often that everyone had one, even the people who didn't want it.

    Random can stink.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    As far as I can tell, Istapp likely spawns just as often as the other two.

    What sets Istapp appart is her pathng. She spawns at 2oc in relation to the white circle on the map. But she spawns well to the NE (far out of mini-map range) and begins a rather quick patrol taking her counter-clockwise to the West. When she makes her Southern turn she is well outside of the normal contact range. She crosses back over the player spawn point almost ten minutes later.

    Most players enter the instance and begin combat. By the time they clear the NPCs, Istapp is far to the NW and just starting her Southern turn. Most players will not be in the zone long enough to encounter her as she paths back across the spawn point (ie: some ten minutes later).

    My fleet encountered all three named in a 48 hour period last week. When we cleared Istapp this time, I was shadowing her while the other team members were enroute to K-Belt. I flew straight to her spawn point (IMO, key if you want to track her) but lost visual as she headed West. Three of us flew a search grid for almost tem minutes before we re-acquired her near the player spawn point (and we knew her general route and direction of travel). She's actually quite difficult to find while she's on her Western path. So, I can see how most players could easily miss her even if she was just 60-100 klicks out (well out of visual and map range).

    If you *really* want Istapp, just get a couple friends (don't team). Pop into K-Belt seperately, one at a time and imediately fly to the NW outskirts of the circle. If she's not there, zone out and note the exact time. Sit for 15 minutes to allow the instance to reset. Re-enter. Rinse/repeat. One of you will eventually get her. Team up with the player who finds her and enter the instance.

    *I've only seen Istapp in the K-Belt instance where the facility is intact (not the version where the facility is destroyed). Same with the other two named. There is only one "version" of each daily that they seem to appear in.

    The good news is that it looks like the spawn rate will be addressed soon (according to the engineering reports).
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Combadge wrote:
    Random can stink.

    Yes it can, but honestly do you see a large numbers of people going "Yes I've killed Ishtap".

    No you don't, ask anyone in the Defra Sector and almost to a person they'll say that the one they're missing is Ishtap.

    Admitted people are more likely to report not having killed it. But even so, the sheer number of people reporting that they haven't even seen Ishtap, must indicate that something somewhere is slightly wrong, especially given that almost to a person, they've killed the other ships multiple times.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Yes it can, but honestly do you see a large numbers of people going "Yes I've killed Ishtap".

    No you don't, ask anyone in the Defra Sector and almost to a person they'll say that the one they're missing is Ishtap.

    Admitted people are more likely to report not having killed it. But even so, the sheer number of people reporting that they haven't even seen Ishtap, must indicate that something somewhere is slightly wrong, especially given that almost to a person, they've killed the other ships multiple times.

    Is that because that particular ship is too rare, or because too many people are looking in the wrong place? The post above yours gives some great details. If it's a case of the latter, why should it be "fixed"? And what would they be fixing exactly, beyond just placing the ship in a location where players are practically tripping over it?

    When you think about it, these are some of the only "rare spawns" this game has. I totally dig Wolf-Three-Five-Nine's rundown on the Istapp. I think "this spawn is rare, so let's pool our knowledge and figure this out" threads are interesting, and this game doesn't have them. I'd rather see more threads like that instead of complaints that make the developer remove the concept of rare spawns entirely.

    I just don't think everything needs to be handed to the player on a silver platter. There is more than enough stuff out there that is, and almost nothing that isn't.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    As far as I can tell, Istapp likely spawns just as often as the other two.

    What sets Istapp appart is her pathng. She spawns at 2oc in relation to the white circle on the map. But she spawns well to the NE (far out of mini-map range) and begins a rather quick patrol taking her counter-clockwise to the West. When she makes her Southern turn she is well outside of the normal contact range. She crosses back over the player spawn point almost ten minutes later.

    Yeah, I do a sweep around the perimeter after fighting the Breen, guess I should do that before I fight them.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Combadge wrote:
    Is that because that particular ship is too rare, or because too many people are looking in the wrong place?

    Well personally speaking, as I've often done complete circuits of the zone after 'liberating' the mine, I'd have to say it's far more likely to be the former than the latter.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I still haven't found Snosk, but I finally got Istapp yesterday.

    How I found it was by going to Kelvani Belt AFTER completing the daily and just flying to the north-east part of the map.

    I have been looking pretty hard for it all of this week, although I had casually been trying to find it since I stumbled across the Desna at Outpost 3 on my second run through the "Repair the Satellites" mission. I suppose it could have been out there someplace before and I didn't notice because I didn't look hard enough.

    I'm just mentioning this because someone said there aren't many people saying they had found it. I was getting a bit discouraged after flying a search every time I did the mission and failing to discover it. It IS possible to find it and - at least for this and the Desna at Outpost 3 - you don't have to be doing a daily.

    Just keep checking back.

    Now - I'm hoping to find Snosk today. Everyone says it shows up fairly often, but I still haven't hit it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I had a nightmare last night, that i was spawncamped by 3 Istapps......
This discussion has been closed.