My fellow Klingon warriors,
Here is something I keep noticing when battling Starfleet in PvP, and the cause of many a defeat, even when our ships outnumber theirs.
"We immediately full thruster on entering any map in search of the enemy..."
There are a couple of problems with this strategy:
- The Federation are better prepared for us when we arrive. e.g. mines are neatly laid in anticipation.
- The Federation stay close to the re-spawen points, while we have to traverse the whole map to get back into a good fight. This leads to the watering down of our forces, one at a time, whereas Starfleet are equipped with a full contingent most of the time.
- The cloak is a powerful weapons indeed, but remember that once the BOPs begin to cloak, escorts and cruisers are left fending for themselves.
- I have witnessed many an inexperienced ships commander thinking to get into the fight before his weapons have fully recharged.
That been said, take sometime to chat with your fellow commanders. Get an idea of the overall stragegy and how your might play an important role. Any PvP team is only as strong as its weakest member.
Stay grouped and work together.
Alas [* coughs!] That would be me
I mean no offense as I am certain that TalShadaraq knows this, but Full Impulse Zerging is certain death. This is PvP 101 material here.
I have seen more of it as late. While it frustrates me it also gives me hope. To see mid and late level kings do this means one this of two things, either Klings have taken to eating heaping bowls of Tumies (Yes Tumies! The sugar frosted glazed goodness of Tumies provides three times the wholesome goodness of brain tumors than any other stupidity inducing cereal.) before they play, or we have new players in our faction and we must teach them the ways of the Empire!
Given that I get less and less team invites and no one call targets I think the latter is the case more than the former.