Hi folks,
not sure if everyone caught this over in the discussion forum.. but a few of us players are starting to try and get some things together to help ensure a spotlight stays on the KDF faction.
all the info so far is here
please feel free to come join in there, and in the channel too
if we can get them on, and help them, and they enjoy themselves, they're more likely to want to play that alt more.. a nice social chatty fleet running events, a whole channel dedicated to answering questions and queries etc.. trying to bring up the population of Qo'nos and help it stay up.
strength in numbers and all that
I also doubt the newly announced ships will be in the KDF Lt ranges too, so if we can get people interested and leveling KDF alts (or mains) they're more likely to be able to grab these new ships as they arrive..
of course, once they're playing KDF, they're free to shoot the federation as much as they want *obviously where the game allows it* and in fact yes, thats quite encouraged
I promise I won't shoot any converted Fed players, I may stab them a few though.
LOL-medics will be standing by.
A bath'leth competition would be cool.
thats the spirit!
I've stated in the other thread i'll be about most of friday evening GMT and a good 12 hours GMT on the saturday, letting people know about the channel and doing what i can to help get people started on the KDF side.
I also have something in mind for next weekend too.
i'm calling it "A Cold day in Gre'Thor"
hoping that by giving something for the (hopefully plenty of) new KDF recruits this weekend may bring to look forward to for the following week will encourage them to spend a little more time, and a little more effort, in playing their KDF alt. and earn some ok loot in the process!
(all five rewards back to back, plus the end of series 1 special reward too.. )
might even grab a few of the dailies if we can get through these quickly enough!
might need to draft a US player who can carry on the event once it gets too late in the GMT for me as well, if anyone's interested?
I'll be organising teams based on having a vet to lead, with at least one character who can share the whole weekly mission chain, so may require a new character or one who's not done the weeklies yet.
sign up for this event and information is in this thread so i can keep an easy tab on it please..
i'll be organising it as follows.
each team will be asked to assemble in the Orelius Sector by no later than 10:45am PDT (6:45pm GMT) for a prompt start at 11am PDT (7pm GMT) if you're not in the sector by then teams may need to be re-organised and shuffled to allow those who are there to play the missions.
- charactername@handle
- request for new team if vet (and enough people available)
- if all weekly missions can be shared or will require them to be shared
- preferred difficulty setting
looking forward to seeing people on the day
iv'e got a leader for a third team if needed, i'm hoping it will be!
Please do check out the sign up thread and let me know if your interested, giving your character@hamdle, if you can share or need the missions and your preferred difficulty setting so teams can be assigned!
i've even got a handy link to that thread in my sig!
i'm running this one on the sunday to allow people time to do the final weekly of this series/arc on their "mains" after its launch on the saturday.. you're welcome to join us if you're still free on the sunday!
Mark me down for the 26th's event. I'm all for it, depending on the time.
What spotlight? We've been nerfed and ignored
The "Justification" event and the following actions taken by players such as yourself (setting up the KDFassistance channel for example), have definitely made me want to play my Klingon alt a lot more often (not to mention the fact that Star Cluster anomaly farming on the Fed side is still broken).
I'm curious to know if you have noticed an increase in KDF activity?
I certainly did, i saw at least 15-20 instances open during this event! Ive also contacted other fleets that know of as well, iam still working on more in contacting them to participate as they i know are looking for events such as this.
Right now, as I am typing this, I have assisted 4 people into becoming BG5 or higher in my fleet, and many many more are rising through the ranks of captain. I just hope they don't lose interest because Cryptic has nothing to add, or nothing for us to do.....But then again, the people we have been adding are crazy mad about STF's...lol.
Count me in. I might not play much outside of the weeklies right now, but I'll help when I can.
Awesome, we will need team leaders including that of what they will do in runs. Ill put up an calendar at our website that way everyone has and can see the set times and dates and contacts in an uniformed way.
All I usually do is play some dailies, new episodes...but those are generally done really quickly..I would help some as well too....just pm my handle if you need me
Well, nobody has told me time or location on Qo'Nos...who knows.....perhaps I have been forgotten...lol...D'oh
Sadly today i was told it was.. so as a lifer i've now got plenty of time to level up KDF characters and organise things for this!
Will look into getting something organised for a KDF weekend again soon!