I just created my character got my crew and customized my ship. Now what? I talked to the chancellor and he said to visit the battle masters. Where are they? I want to serve but have no missions. How do I get started? I have been all over the base but can't find the equivalent of Fed Adm Quinn or Winters. Help!!! Some one have mercy and help this new warrior.
As soon as you load in after character creation you get a quest to talk to the battlemaster, there is a circle on your map of where she is. Press M and go talk to her to get started.
Sorry dude welcome to the KDF no scanner .. & sorry no real story mode take me by the hand to LG either
its kill or be killed pm me when / if you see me online i can give you a run around of where to go & what to do. @BBzMadDog
I just created my character got my crew and customized my ship. Now what? I talked to the chancellor and he said to visit the battle masters. Where are they? I want to serve but have no missions. How do I get started? I have been all over the base but can't find the equivalent of Fed Adm Quinn or Winters. Help!!! Some one have mercy and help this new warrior.
Cptmudd, don't take this the wrong way but delete your Klingon character and play Fed. Unless, your heart is truly Klingon, and youre willing to face the lack of content, bugs, limited options, poorly implemented gameplay, being caged in two sectors, and the list goes on but if I continue I may have to shoot myself.
I just created my character got my crew and customized my ship. Now what? I talked to the chancellor and he said to visit the battle masters. Where are they? I want to serve but have no missions. How do I get started? I have been all over the base but can't find the equivalent of Fed Adm Quinn or Winters. Help!!! Some one have mercy and help this new warrior.
The only missions you will get are Cluster Explore missions (they work about the same as the fed ones) PvP mission (Good luck with those) and about 4-8 total actual story missions, also just recenty if you get to level 10 you can go do "Cold Call" and the daily patrol mission in that sector. Other than that it is just grind grind grind grind.
Thats not to say that flying around and blowing things up isnt fun, though and if you have the mentality of some of the old school MMO players (Everquest pre any expansion) and like to grind go for it!
I just created my character got my crew and customized my ship. Now what? I talked to the chancellor and he said to visit the battle masters. Where are they? I want to serve but have no missions. How do I get started? I have been all over the base but can't find the equivalent of Fed Adm Quinn or Winters. Help!!! Some one have mercy and help this new warrior.
After that NPC gives you your bridge crew, you get another mission from her to talk to 3 other Klingons in the Great Hall. After you do that, any and all contacts (including battlemasters) should show up in your contact list.
Word of warning - be sure to follow up all dialog options with each contact. Some missions don't become available until you do so. After that, I recommend taking your Bird of Prey for a shakedown cruise in the Kahless Expanse, then knock yourself out with exploration missions and PvP.
If ye new klinks need someone to direct you around and show you the sights, let me know, pm me in-game. That's more than you will ever get from a developer...lol....Besides, we red-headed step-children need to stick together.
its kill or be killed pm me when / if you see me online i can give you a run around of where to go & what to do. @BBzMadDog
Cptmudd, don't take this the wrong way but delete your Klingon character and play Fed. Unless, your heart is truly Klingon, and youre willing to face the lack of content, bugs, limited options, poorly implemented gameplay, being caged in two sectors, and the list goes on but if I continue I may have to shoot myself.
The only missions you will get are Cluster Explore missions (they work about the same as the fed ones) PvP mission (Good luck with those) and about 4-8 total actual story missions, also just recenty if you get to level 10 you can go do "Cold Call" and the daily patrol mission in that sector. Other than that it is just grind grind grind grind.
Thats not to say that flying around and blowing things up isnt fun, though and if you have the mentality of some of the old school MMO players (Everquest pre any expansion) and like to grind go for it!
And Welcome to the KDF
So is the life of a Klink.
Nicely put!
Will add to the fact that cloak is not I win button in PvP. So turn back if that is what you are after.
Word of warning - be sure to follow up all dialog options with each contact. Some missions don't become available until you do so. After that, I recommend taking your Bird of Prey for a shakedown cruise in the Kahless Expanse, then knock yourself out with exploration missions and PvP.
So True, I laugh everytime when I see a Galaxy or Defiant decloak only to watch them burn. When will the Feds learn.