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New Game Play Dynamic Suggestion

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
edited August 2010 in Klingon Discussion
Okay so a few tiny things first before i get started:
A: Thanks for stopping by to read my suggestion, please feel free to leave any feedback positive or negative, flame or otherwise just say no you don't like it i don't mind but constructive feedback is always appreciated =]
B: I feel its important to point out now that i've only just started a Klingon Alt and prior to yesterday my sole interest was in the federation side so take that however you will =].
C I do not as of yet know exactly what Klingons can access in sector space as far as i'm aware they cannot get to Romulan/Cardassian or into any federation space apart from Eta Eridani area, but once again please tell me if i am incorrect here.
D This is an idea i've thought of just in the last few days so its quite rough and i'm not the best person to write a coherent document so i apologise in advance but thanks for sticking with me this far.

Okay so for anyone who didn't bother to read the bits above this is where the Idea bit Starts =D

Game Play:

The Klingon raiding force needs you to attack enemy supply lines and launch raids on
enemy locations as you level up with this new special "Raid Exp" which is given for
missions which involve you attack a federation target, you unlock new enemy sectors
and eventually would gain access to cardassian and romulan space aswell as gaining
further into federation territory.

How It works PVE:

Once per day/per sector you get a remote contact that tells you to attack 3
Federation Outposts/Planets or Freighters so similar to the explore 3 planets
in the clusters type contacts this way you could gain raid exp and normal exp and
have something to do on a daily/sector based line to keep you busy.

Now as a klingon you either come across a federation outpost, or a federation planet
or even come across a freighter you then get a pop up asking if you want to launch
a raiding mission when you do this one of several random mission types will launch
pulling you into that instance and you will be given an objective to complete.

Now we get to the interesting bit adding in a PVP element, which also helps to keep
the klingons with a slightly more pvp centric role in the game as originally intended
but also giving them PVE options.

Also as you get further into the heart of federation/romulan/cardassian space the
missions would become harder with more and tougher enemy npcs in each instance. This
Way you also get raiding missions in other races sectors aswell.

How it works PVP:

Now that you have launched your raiding mission and your are in your mission with the
pve objective in sector space a warning goes out to nearby federation ships or
in sector space a klingon ship would appear over the planet being raided so any fed
ships close enough to see can join the instance your in and try to kill you before
you complete your mission.

Now to keep things slightly more fair and add some incentive here both sides in these
raiding instance can only be killed once by a player, so you might destroy base 1 of 3
then a federation player joins, he tries to kill you but fails now he has a 10 minute
timer and cannot rejoin the instance allowing you to go on your way and destroy
the other 2 bases. Now if your the one who is killed then you fail the mission
the federation dogs cheer and your sent back to the klingon empire in disgrace
respawning in the nearest klingon territory sector to you.

(I hope at this point you all have an idea of how this works in your head please ask
if you are unsure of any point)

Continued in next post:::::::
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Mission Types:
    So you've decided to attack a planet, outpost or freighter you now get one of the
    following missions:

    Destroy Listening Posts (Space)
    Intro: Federation dogs have set up listening posts to spy on the klingon empire, we
    cannot allow this destroy the listening posts and show them the error of spying
    on the empire like cowardly dogs.
    PVE Objective: Destory 5 Listening Posts

    Set Up listening Posts (Space)
    Intro: To know your enemy is to defeat your enemy the honourable klingon empire
    needs you to set up 5 listening posts so we can detect any enemys of the empire
    attempting to use this space to pass into our territory.
    PVE Objective: Set up 5 Listening Posts

    Destroy Mining Base (Space Or Ground)
    Intro: If we cut off the supply lines of our enemys then glory will be to the empire!
    you need to attack these bases and cut off critical supply resources to the war effort.
    PVE Objective: Destory 3 mining bases (Space) Infiltrate the base and stop mining

    Destroy Federation COlony (Ground)
    Intro: (Sorry i can't think of one i'm not very good with storyline based things =])
    Beam Down and destroy federation colony
    PVE Objective: Place 5 Spatial Charges

    Destroy Federation Outpost (Space)
    Intro: (Again being lazy atm but you get the idea sorry its late!)
    PVE Objective: Cripple a federation outpost before reinforcements arrive (This mission
    has a 5 minute timer where by you must inflict X amount of damage ( Random integer
    between 50-90% of bases max hp) in X minutes before federation reinforcements arrive.
    ***For this one if a fed player enters and pvp engages the reinforcement timer will
    become suspended until either player is destroyed***

    Destroy Federation Outpost (Ground)
    PVE OBjective: Infiltrate federation outpost and place spatial charges (More enemys
    than Destory COlony)

    Steal Research Data (Ground)
    PVE OBjective: Infiltrate Faction outpost/ground base and access x consoles to gain
    data on latest federation shields/weapon/other type research
    Bonus: Similar to how you get an openable container with something in it in fed 'Aid
    the planet' missions succesful completion of this one will get you a bonus item either
    a green or blue item such as Shield Array MK Whatever level your at

    Reclaim Captured Klingon technology (Space and possiblY Ground)
    Intro: Federation worms have killed honourable klingon warriors and stolen our starship
    reclaim the starship if possible but do not let our technology fall into federation hands!
    PVE OBjective 1: Find Captured Klingon Vessels (Involves scanning several locations)#
    PVE Objective 2: Either board klingon vessel and set auto pilot home or Destory Vessel
    and warp out of system (Player has option to do one or the other)

    Destroy Fed Ship Yards (Space)
    Attack a federation ship yard and bring there ship building exploits to a halt
    PVE Objective 1: Destroy 5 ships before they become active and attack the player
    PVE OBjective 2: Destroy 3 Ship building facilities

    ***Now if you choose to attack a freighter in federation space rather than an outpost
    or planet then you'd get one of the following mission types:

    Stop Federation Convoy (Space)
    Intro: A federation convoy is taking supplies to 'System X' you must stop the convoy
    before it can escape the system (Destroy X amount of freighters) (Freighters protected
    by federation starships so a choice here either destroy fed warships first or go
    straight for the freighters)

    Stop Weapon Shipment Part 1(Space)
    PVE Objective 1: Scan and search Freighters for Weapon Shipment
    PVE OBjective 2: Disable Freighter before it escapes.
    Now if freighter escapes you (X% Chance of escape) you must track it down to its base
    which initiates next objective
    PVE OBjective 3: Destroy Base Defenses
    PVE Objective 4: Board Base to find and destroy weapon shipment.

    Raid Freighter Type 1: Simple Raid.(Space and Ground)
    PVE Objective 1: Chase Down and disable freighter
    PVE OBjective 2: Board Freighter, capture/kill crew steal cargo
    Bonus: Lower chance to get this mission, however like 'Aid the planet' you get a
    random item container, containing ITem whatever MK Whatever your level

    Raid Freighter Type 2: Its A Trap! (Space)
    Intro: Like the previous mission in this one your attemptin to capture a cargo vessel
    however starfleet is expecting you so this time you have slightly different objectives
    PVE OBjective 1: Survive for 2 minutes
    PVE Objective 2: After Surviving for 2 minutes reinforcements arrive and you fight back
    then escape, or you have the option to escape straight away player choice.

    Raid Freighter Type 2a: Its a Trap (Ground)
    Intro: Like the type 1 raid a freighter mission you disable the freighter then board it
    once you've boarded it however elite starfleet troops are waiting for you.
    PVE OBjective 1: Chase down and disable freighter
    PVE OBjective 2: Fight your way to freighter bridge and disable anti-beam out tech.
    PVE OBjective 3: Fight your way off the vessel.

    ****I'm sure all you lovely people can probably think of even more mission types than
    i can so suggestions are welcome and i will add them to this page and will of course
    include your name next to suggestion as a thank you for helping me to flesh out the ideas here.

    Ranks And Privileges
    For now i don't really have possible rank names so i'll be stickin with rank 1-7 if you
    think of some good names i'll add them so suggestions please =]
    Rank 1: Random Title 100 Raid Exp (10 Raid exp per mission mostly we'll work out this
    detail later)
    Bonus: Unlocks Regulus sector block( Ability to do Raid missin in regulus)
    New Fleet Action Attack Starbase 24 (You do a mission similar to the federations one except
    this time your at the head of a big fleet attacking SB24 (I don't know if theres already
    something like this i've only just started playing as a klingon)
    ***Feel Free to add suggest other possible bonuses like clothes/items/emblems etc
    like i said previously i'm not all that aware of what is available at higher level
    content wise on either side or what would be desirable****#

    Rank 2: Random Title (250 Raid Exp)
    Bonus: Unlocks Psi Velorum Sector Block (Ability to do raid missions in here against
    fed and romulan targets)

    Rank 3: Random Title (400 Raid Exp)
    Bonus: Unlocks Alpha Centauri sector block (Ability to blah blah you get the idea)
    Ability to transwarp to klingon attack staging area in Alpha Centauri

    Rank 4: Random Title (600 Raid Exp)
    Bonus: Iota Pavonis Sector Block (Ability to do missions here Against fed/romulan/hirogen)

    Rank 5: Random Title (800 Raid Exp)
    Bonus: Alpha Trianguli Sector Block Unlocked
    Exploration Missions in Betreka Nebula and Zenas Expanse unlocked
    Ability to transwarp directly to gamma orionis

    Rank 6: Random Title (1200 Raid Exp)
    Bonus: Beta Ursae Sector Block Unlocked
    Ability to join in the DS9 Fleet action against undine and against Jem'hadar forces
    **Justification for this is the klingons would know that both those enemies would
    pose a greater threat than the federation and thus would put a short ceasefire to work
    with starfleet to keep them out of the alpha quadrant***

    Rank 7: Random Title (1500 Raid Exp)
    Bonus: Ability to transwarp to klingon staging area in the new sector with the weekly episode
    people in it **Sorry can't remember the name of it atm deferi sector possibly?

    Also the different mission types listed above would be unlocked as you gain ranks
    thus giving you more types of missions as you rank up similar to how the diplomacy thing works
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    So this is my idea and i hope you all like it, and thank you to those that took the time to read it all i appreciate the effort you put in to read and post your feedback for those that bother at any rate =]

    And remember if your a federation player reading this you gain an extra gameplay element in the fact that you get to have more pvp options vs the klingons whenever they launch a raiding mission

    Also its important to keep in mind that this is a first draft i'm open to changes and amendments and any possibly improvements all ideas and critics are welcome here, and once again i don't know much about klingons atm so please keep that in mind when flaming =p

    I just thought of some more mission types like smuggling people/items undetected through federation space getting from point a to point b without being detected etc but its late and i'm too tired to write it up fully but i will add it in after work tomorrow scouts honour =]

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I like it. More pve for the klingons all the way. I want to roll my klingon chars sooner than later. Right now i´d rather spend a day in an agony booth than on the klingon side. :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I'm gonna have to mull this over before giving feedback, but on first impression, it seems like a cool idea! Nice counterpart to Federation diplomacy missions, and a good vehicle for opening up the galaxy a bit (your impression is right - we only get 2 sectors to fly around in right now).

    Edit: Oh, yeah, welcome red-side!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    That is pretty good stuff.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Yay Replies, Thanks guys i appreciate you all taking the time to read this, and thanks Kolikos i thought The klinks only got two sectors but wasn't too sure, thats one of the main reasons behind my whole proposal to open up the galaxy a bit more, just having somewhere to go might make the klingons a little more appealing,

    Also the other idea that popped into my head for more things to do in each sector as we open them up is the fact that most of the Enemy contact missions in random space would be easily playable as the klingons with some minor dialogue tweaking such as the Romulans, Klingon sees big romulan fleet, Klingon wants some glory, Klingon Gonna kill him some Rommies, and the same with the other things such as the True Way, Jem'hadar and Mirror Universe enemies,
    Okay so some might view it as just re-doing a bunch of missions you've already done as the Federation which could be boring but from what i've read/seen/experienced so far any alternative ways to get exp or in fact just having something to do would be a welcome addition to the klingon side. Though i'm sure this has been discussed many times between you all but i am late to the KDF party after all =p
    Anyway i should probably stop trying to discuss a thousand things at once otherwise i'm going to end up derailing my own thread here lol

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The base idea behind it is quite solid, I like it.
    Couple of the missions such as the freighter raids and destroy outpost ones sound pretty much perfect, Not sure about the pvp aspects for them but I suppose that would be a test it and see kinda deal.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    this could be the klingon equivelent to diplomatic missions cuz it doesnt involve making a new type of engine, more PVE for klingoon and like Ashur1 said a day in an agony booth is almost better than on klingon side. i can barely get through 5 waves of enemies w/o having to pput my head down or go take a nap.

    PVP is a little shaky and i'd dont think that it should be in there especially when it sounds like a slightly revamped CaH gametype
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Sounds interesting and I would appreciate if it would come true, regretably nothing of this will ever happen, as the Devs are Federation wishes only oriented.

    There were many great topics here with improvement ideas for the Klingon faction. None of the were implemented by the devs.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Glad you like the idea, like i said previously this is just a draft form so having discussions over the things like pvp is appreciated, though if i may ask whats or who is CaH? if its an idea from someone else on thsi forum or another game i wouldn't mind taking a look it could offer some ideas and areas for improvements.

    While i believe that the klingons have been rather ignored by the devs, they have stated recently that they are looking into expanding the klink faction, so with that in mind they are probably more likely to stop by here now and look at suggestions, in fact its probably an excellent time to revive any threads or ideas that could improve the faction at the very least its worth a shot =]

    Once again feedback is loved and appreciated over here in all forms so please lets get a nice discussion going any other ideas for things to implement possibly as bonus, extra missions, story line missions that could go with the new game type i'm suggesting would be awesome.

    I'm sure together we can create some fantastic ideas and hopefully with enough positive feedback the devs might actually take it into consideration in future especially since there now concentrating on klingons more.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Hmm well i'm quite dismayed at my inability to get a discussion going regarding my ideas perhaps they need sharpening up, or as a general question to my new fellow klingons is there that few klingons playing now or is it just a case of there being less forum users that play the klingon side?
    Or has every klingon just become completely disillusioned with the forums and don't consider it worth the time to post about the issues, fixes and possible additions to the game anymore?
    And if thats the case is there anything we can do to get more involvement in klingon ideas like posting in the general feedback section instead and hope to get support from a more general section of the STO Population or is it just as pointless at this point as flogging a dead donkey?


    (Also to stick with my original topic note i did think of a few more mission ideas if anyone wants to hear them =D, not that i like the sound of my own voice or anything ~whistles innocently~)

    (Also Also again! even if its unlikely that this game mechanic would ever see the light of day i still think some of the general models for game missions would make good additions to the game in general or to any particular game mode)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010

    In general, both of your statements are correct -- there are fewer Klingons, and not all Klingon Players go to these forums -- some because they feel that the interaction is just not there, and others because they are ambivalent towards the state of the Empire.

    I think that your ideas have merit, and if there are Devs still monitoring this thread/forum space, then I do hope that they see them...but I should tell you that a number of ideas have been floated here in the past, most of which have not had any acknowledgement from the Devs, although the Devs have told us that they do read these forums every day.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Hey, Z'Tempest
    I figured that was the case but i can still hope that the klingon section of the forums in general and not just my own posts can get a bit of life flowing to them but hey i'm an eternal optimist =p

    And as for the devs while i admit it would be nice to see them acknowledge or post on my ideas or the ideas in general on this board, but saying that for me specifically i'd rather have players stop to discuss, dissect and in general comment on my posts, i can always just assume the devs will catch it eventually, but its more important to me what the playing community think of the ideas and the merits and negatives of ideas, after all from my view point if i was a dev and didn't have time or any specific input on a topic but saw a well discussed and high viewed topic i'd be much more likely to read and take the views into account, but possibly i'm just a weirdo =p

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