I hope this is the right place to post this feedback. I just walked through the new Klingon ship interiors and I'm very impressed. The hallways are awesome compared to Fed hallways. And I especially like the addition of the brig, and the conference room on the engineering deck instead of a science lab.
With all the hype of Fed interiors it never occurred to me that you guys did such a great job on the Klingon interiors.
There's nothing in the messhall but then again there's rarely anybody on the fed side messhall too....It really frakking irks me that they yet again gave us the short end of the stick.
I like them too but as someone else recently posted they are too red. Other than that, I really like the Klingon interiors. Has anyone noticed the bridge officers trigger the Captain's Quarters door to open over and over? I bug reported it.